Saturday, January 25, 2020


The particular mp3 I refer to is what caught my attention and it might have been luck that I received results in the most interesting ways. It still took me around 8 weeks before things began to manifest...

Now that I purchased the majority of my equipment, it's time for me to buckle down using the devices already in my possession. I started first to listen to the mp3 that started it all for the both of us and that's Speedzen "Lucid Dream" subliminal program. 

Granted it is being spoken and weave throughout the first thirty minutes of the program and the second thirty minutes is for "reinforcement". That being said, it's one hour in length, yet it seems to go by fast. At least for me at this point and time.

This one mp3 started the chains of event, that began a quasi-chain of events leading up to telepathically control visitations in the early morning hours. Most of everything that has been going in a new and uncharted direction, it took on the average 7-8 weeks on one hour an evening to listen to the Subliminal Lucid Dreaming mp3. 

I asked the developer some pointed question and concerns with his programs. He was upright and forthwith, because I did enough research in this field for many years and this is the first time I had results using subliminal hypnosis.

Personally I am not a big fan of subliminal's, there is good evidence that it works (Anecdotal) and their is good evidence it doesn't work! It was a bit disconcerting not being able to distinguish what side to take on this matter. I have lot's of subliminal programs as of lately from Speedzen. 

It wasn't my intentions to do such a thing, but the companies first cd I purchased seemed to actually develop results while I was listening attentively each hour of the late evenings. I thought to myself, "a lot of different things were happening during this seven weeks of training, then possibly the other cd titles maybe just as interesting!

I purchased "ESP", "Easy Astral Projection", etc. in total I spent around $100 or so dollars. The question that would come up is, why so much so soon? Fair question even for me to answer on my own! The titles of the cd's or the mp3's relate to the subliminal direction the author is trying to take you to and in my case right now, is the  "Lucid Dreaming" mp3. 

Since the experience with one of their mp3's I purchased several others from the same company for later experiments and each one has to be used for 8 weeks, one hour per day. It's a bit boring to listen too before going to sleep...

I am anxious to start the other mp3's I assure you. I am just not ready to try something new until I get back that seven to eight weeks of "listen" type of training, where I left off a few months ago. The problem for a lot of folks out in the net landscape, they become obsessed with wanting to do OBE's and Astral Traveling etc. so jumping from one mp3 to another is shackled on them because the results weren't manifested fast enough.

Once I milk it for all I have and I am pleased with the results, I would only have to listen to that mp3 down the future road around once a week or so and this will allow me to start another of Speedzen's mp3 waiting patiently in the background. My titles were selected to promote OBE and Astral Projection subliminal's. Via "ESP", "Photographic Memory" etc. 

I try to keep an underlying "theme" intact, so my brain is not being confused when I throw something like "increase your metabolism"  out of the blue mp3, which has nothing to do with my underlying motive, which is OBE's and Astral Projection. This will help the brain to keep pace of your current training habits. Our brains can't do too many things all at once, proven fact. 

Hypnosis has been proven, NLP programming has been proven! Yet, I find weak and sporadic reviews on subliminal training all by itself. The claims are bold indeed but they are not backed by rigorous scientific scrutiny. 

We have to accommodate the scientific finding of the stated facts by literally spoon feeding our brains that possibly house the very thoughts we are trying to correct with certain behavioral commands from the subliminal listening. We have to start small and work our ways up to see the results I and my wife tend to receive unexpectedly. One has to take into consideration the developers of subliminal's and there are millions out there to be scrutinized at least for me.

I tried "Inner-Talk" for seven or so weeks and had one small time OBE, I was bouncing off the skyline of the planet, I could see below me the earth slowly rotating. This was a no there, there, moment in my life. I 'm sure it could work better for others and probably already has, it just didn't do much for me in terms of "results". Then I typed in the browser; to give me the top 10 subliminal programs on the web and it returned with "SpeedZen" was at the top.

There were others to be sure below ranking from 9th place to the lowest number #1. It was showing me the top 10...You all could do this yourselves. Personally I wouldn't use "Youtube" for free content, it poses a realtime risk for some listeners. No one really knows for sure who the people are who created these. For all we know it could be an ISIS operative working for CIA putting free programs on youtube hoping eventually dumbing down sheep.

Not all things work for all people, every time! That is why "hypnosis" became popular because people experience their own world treasures of the mind after being hypnotized by professionals.

I know the above statement is a conspiracy theory at best, but what I am trying to convey, do as much research humanly possible on the company or person who are making up these so called, "Subliminal's". Again it could be a 12 year old using a software program like "mind zoom" that comes to mind and it maybe set up in away that would harm people, who are already over the cliff holding on mentally by their tippy toes. Not necessarily trying to hurt a person by the lack of psychological training, it could very well happen.

At the end you have all that is left, your next best guess when deciding which company is being forthright and who isn't. I taken that chance with "Inner-Talk" and "SpeedZen" and the one I like and respond to the best is "SpeedZen". The next best guess on my part was satisfied with the results. It may not work for you and you may have found a company you really like and you like their product and that's fantastic!

Making your own "Subliminal's can now be done with software like "MindZoom". I have no specific comment on this program since I don't own it. I will not make any recommendation to do so. Just so it's out there for a starting point on your quest of making yourself better than, you think you are at the moment. Even with the experiences I had and still having with SpeedZen, I still have reservations about "Subliminal's".

First thing website's must do is; use the correct referring video that even hints of what he is selling! The video he shows is a pictorial illusion. It doesn't flash thousands of words a minute!

MindZoom shows on their website an example video of a guy showing you a subliminal "picture" on advertisements. If you look close enough and concentrate, you can see such as, on a Wendy's picture, look at her collar and if you take a mental step back you will see it spells "MOM"! Can these printed advertisers actually work, they must, because advertisers are putting many millions and hundreds of millions into this sort of advertising.

This is what MindZoom uses to direct you to creating your own "Subliminals" to flash thousands of times across your screen! Question: The above example he uses on his site has nothing in common with what he is selling!

Here is the scuff I have with "MindZoom", they use this youtube video talking about "Wendy's" as an youtube intro into purchasing "MindZoom" program, that creates messages on your computer screen and is ran many thousands of times a day flashing at you! Then explain to this blogger, why he would display a video that has nothing to do with what he is selling to you! When we saw the advertisement with a hidden message, it was in print!

The point I am talking about is, this advertising print isn't being flashed a thousand times a day! So, once more how does the youtube example have anything to do with flashing one word or affirmations on your computer screen? I am skeptical of flashing subliminal's. It took me a month to warm up to Speedzen, who uses hypnosis and then the last thirty minutes you are receiving NLP language and since this is at the "Theta" level, they call it "Subliminal" mp3.

I tried all these fake programs over the years and when you get burned more than once, you learn to not touch it later on in life.  I learned to pick out what is proven to work and still works unto this day! This saves a lot of headaches in the future.

I yet to have a serious talk with these "users" that claim this flashing of affirmations across the computer screen, will take anchor in the subconscious minds of the people. When the most well known Psychiatrist/Psychologist's state, "In order to plant a "subliminal" word or words deep into the minds of people, the person's mind must be free of distractions and by placing the person in a "hypnotic" state (Most Relaxed State of Mind). 

Then placing the "affirmation" after this state is produced, it will still take at least 8-10 weeks of NLP programming for the subconscious under these rigid conditions to produce some positive results and this still takes time and patiences. Are you still convinced that a thousand words flashing on the screen will change your super conscious minds! Your subconscious mind is like "soil" words that can seem to be miraculous at times can be planted into this mind state but it has to have TLC and the right kind of program.

Again the "Subliminal's" has its place in our lives and big businesses train there advertiser how to use these techniques to capture a small percentage of people who don't go shopping all the time but do stay home watching television or iPhone. They will send printed advertisements through email with an encoded picture within a picture; like you saw with "MindZoom's" (YouTube) example. I can see this effecting the fence sitter to give he or she a final push to purchase their products.

The companies who spend multi-millions in advertising only less than a tenth ever goes into such ads with words hidden within the printed ad itself. I am not saying they don't use it, in fact, they do! But they know not to throw their eggs in one basket because some will get broken.

This is old technology the printed ad online...they are not flashing this on your computer screen a million times a second. A person who has a minute interested may scan the actual digital ad and their subconscious will pickup the encoded pictorial, even then the companies are aware this technique doesn't always work, it's only a small part of their advertising budget. The mp3 I use, I am still conscious about it and critically looking for signs to happen naturally, once the subconscious accepts the NLP programming.

The "subconscious" is not under your control and never will be! If you could mentally control this powerful mind state, you would be one of those superheroes you use watch on Saturday morning cartoons. We can "plant" suggestions not "commands", I mean "suggestions" and the subconscious mind will determine, if it wants to accept the "suggestion" planted by a skilled "hypnotist" who is educated in the field of "Psychology" or "Psychiatry".

Strike me odd, knowing that the only proven method is "hypnosis" and it has helped many thousands of people with unusual and usual issues. It seems the businesses on the web targeting these type people and trying to convince them by flashing words on a screen will override the conscious mind and be planted into the subconscious minds. A theory not yet proven as hypnosis is. Self Hypnosis is sketchy at best.

Self-Hypnosis can work if you done your studies and you learned about how the subconscious mind is effected. Just these steps will give you a 50% chance of getting the job done.

With self-hypnosis there is no trained individual to lead you appropriately down through the mind states. It's like giving a child a loaded weapon and he or she finds it and plays with it until something happens! We are dealing with our minds here, the cheese in your heads that make who and what you are as a person. Do you research with a healthy skepticism, question the "seller" on what he knows about Self-Hypnosis or Subliminal hypnosis etc. 

If done the correct way and using the right kind of program, it can work miracles in your life but if done incorrectly it can only bring more confusion, more pain, and more additional mental issues. There are too many self proclaimed medical/psychologists doctors on the web, who had to take a GED because they couldn't hack real schools of learning. Not all are like this but there are quite the few and you don't have to look all that far to find them. Just read their ads!

I suppose I scalded the subliminal messaging hard enough! If what I wrote makes any sense, I am hoping, your studious minds will be able to weed out snake oil salesmen online and get serious with some life changing results that you can see and feel and show the internal change within to without yourselves. Keeping in mind, if you think you have a solid program for life changing, it takes 7-8 weeks at least one hour each day to dedicate yourselves for this change.

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