Tuesday, October 25, 2022




I read a lot of great input from Spooky 2 Scalar, going to their multiple sites and on Facebook. I do understand the power of scalar and I am familiar with those, who sell to you their subliminal’s by pulling the strings of your emotions by telling you they are the answer to their prayers! 

Everything from the body to the spiritual body can be balanced by a good radionics instrument and proper “Word” tunings some places that offer inadequate scalar items such as; size of a pager of years gone by, they have testimonies that were four years old. Hmm! Nothing recent in this year.

Most people using Spooky2 Scalar are familiar with the equipment being used…It seems around the world people think that scalar will do miraculous things and in some cases it would seem so.

Looking into the area of finances, some if not all of them, tried once or twice to manifest money for a variety of reasons from a variety of software and one such one are Ultrasonic Subliminal’s. Let’s say you want to purchase the Spooky2 Scalar, but you don’t have the funding. 

I given the story below some deep considerations. I was never what you called, “lucky” a few rare times my subconscious mind came up and delivered while others told me, you were just lucky. But was I? I learned over the years to use the right tools for the right training. I chose “Ultrasonic-Subliminal’s.

And, when things happen and money comes in, we are caught by surprise that the subliminal’s work. It looks like it’s luck to people around you or a randomized event or a miracle or witchcraft take your picks! The nature of our subconscious is labeled “Mysterious”!

This happens on the subconscious level working in the background and setting things up. There are still a lot unknowns, when it comes to the subconscious minds of people. This subconscious mind is like a child and will believe anything you tell it!

Who wouldn’t like money or that dream job you have been hoping for! But quite a few out of the group failed miserably using cheap subliminals that were using the wrong kind of scripting. Scripting is the key once we are in that state of mind.

I found a lot of people out there I ran into online, researched every kind of information out there before sizing it up on what they need and what they can only afford. Here it is, research is good but too much is “bad”, this will hamper everything you could have done much earlier in life, but you chose to find that right thing and questioned the hell out of it. 

The quest for knowledge never stops 24/7. At the end is just based on your own opinion should I or shouldn’t I purchase these mP3’s. There is got to be blind faith in this case, no other options!

The only thing we can do is our research! Don’t wait to ask questions that are simple to answer before any type of purchase. If one done their research before investing in this type of equipment, you will systematically save many thousands of dollars in a stretch of 4-5 years!

A person could be saving themselves many thousands of dollars in the process. It took months before I purchased an item for my work in the esoteric field. A couple hundred here or there really ads up! Beside what we do here needs special equipment, that few make around the world!

Still, I know many of them are trying the same things, that failed way too often! I am no expert in manifestation and I don’t think none exist in our current reality! 

Our subconscious minds though still a mystery, doesn’t share what goes on in it to our conscious beta levels. We only see the results later on if we are persistent. “Magic” only exists in folklore! We are dealing with “Fringe Science” that shows promise by anecdotal analysis.

I have to remind myself that the subliminal testimonies are individual results and manifestations are highly personal for each student. But the end results are all different because we are all different. I am open to whatever the subconscious mind wants me to know.

The manifestation is the produce because of your planning and implementing the correct NLP access along with your patience. This is but a small piece of your realities.

Everyone is different and everyone is programmed differently. It is our subconscious software, ingrained in us since from the cradle to the grave and this big feat taken most peoples lifetime to move the information into the subconscious mind.

Luck and Synchronicities happen because you subconscious minds work below the conscious level! The subconscious minds helps you find the right people and make the right decisions. 

It’s not magical, and I know it seems that way a lot of times! The training subconscious mind will allow some of its programming sharing with the conscious minds.

Honestly, it’s a made up dream name to bring it into the waking world. This is not a rationale approach! I know many will disagree and many have other theories including my own. I like to make my approach as close to science as possible. These puffy, stuffy names makes one feel good! 

Does the Law of Attraction really exist?  Your conscious minds don’t understand what is happening, so it had to be luck most people say! I know for certain, we actually make our own “luck”! By making our Individual realities as close to science as possible.

There are natural protocols that the subconscious minds bear in its world. We have to know where to look! The number one thing I look for is; how long they had been in there business. I like to see around eight to ten years!

They have software out there, that is supposed to bring in money to you and great riches! Your brain or conscious minds, acts just like a gatekeeper”! Every gate is different as with keys to lock and unlock different aspects of the human mind.

The gate will not open until a “key” is produced! No “key” no entry! Very simple! We need to program our subconscious minds, while we are awake or asleep. Some like to sleep learn while still others like to awake and relaxed while the Ultrasonic mP3 is silently playing.

Did you ever considered for one moment that your beta wave mind state, has no idea who and what the “Theta and Delta” are! It’s my opinion. 

Beta only knows the physical reality we live in at that moment. When the Subconscious puts your beta mind asleep with hypnogogic images, beta passes out! Neither state of mind knows the other exists!

It, the beta mind will not allow anyone naturally to re-program the subconscious internal software. The conscious mind holds back the brainwave Alpha and Deep Alpha and Theta and Deep Theta, last but not least our Delta brainwaves puts us into an unconscious sleep mode. 

Your conscious mind are also not aware of each others own operating frequencies. While awake  “Beta” keeps the mind and physical brain focused in the real working world.

In fact, the conscious mind doesn’t know the subconscious mind exists! Why do you think, when going to sleep the subconscious mind begins the hypnotic show behind your closed eyelids to lull the conscious mind to sleep? 

We as a generation of researchers and naysayers are always looking for medical proof or spiritual proof when deciding to purchase any of these Ultrasonic mp3’s. Naysayers, are the ones who sent on their lazy boys and because they have nothing better to do, they mock!

If this subconscious mind at the time lulls the consciousness to sleep with hypnogogic images, then how would our waking beta thoughts know the subconscious or the Delta mind even exist? 

The best we can surmise individuality is through anecdotal reactions such as; having dreams that seem so real or lucidity dreaming a part that embeds the memory into the conscious mind if the dream was strong enough!

It’s kind of like a “Paradox”! You go back in time and you kill your other self, would you still be alive when coming back into your timeline and body? 

Paradox explanation is; a weak tool for lazy minds   The scientific world has a hard time knowing a bipedal animal that walks upright! Proof has been given but no one takes heed. Because  of “Paradox” who would not deem time traveling as real, paradox protects them from criticism. 

I noticed a trend since the “Secret” came online 2006 both America/Australia worked together to create this awe inspiring video. That which is taught doesn’t even scratch the surface with you and I. This generation are more knowledgeable due to being on the web.

Our creator designed us this way and there is no way around it but to go through it. This builds strength and character! It keeps you working toward your goals. Nothing in this reality is rarely for free! One either pays cash for something they wanted. 

To manifest something into this reality, it will cost the person their time and patients and the hunt for the knowledge to do the correct procedures. But what amazes me is; the younger generation wants only to push a button on some machine and get instant manifestation! 

Manifesting is not magical it is in and of itself a phenomena, it takes a bit of work and time to manifest the sum of your work. This reality gives you time to carefully consider the outcomes you are requesting! Built-in safety valve so to speak.

There is only a few, very few “devices” that can actually produce monies or anything else for that matter but we are talking in the neighborhood of $6000.00+!  It took me a few years of saving just for that along with his newest product that reads/programs/broadcasts “Holograms”.

The important thing you need to know and look for in any specialty devices that Walmart doesn’t sell, will be expensive! When I heard about my SE-5 about 20 years ago! 

It seemed like a miracle working device! Well I purchased this machine when we hit our ten year anniversary. Now we are celebrating our 20th year anniversary in 2022! 

All these cheaper devices don’t have the sequential keys to complete manifestation if it were so, everyone would have it! There are lesser priced devices on the market and you do get what you paid for it. Adding the high interest and inflation, the prices will only go up on these specialty devices.

My friend purchased 4 radionics boxes. He setup all of them with the witness material on each plate. Ran 30 days, nothing! They were $200.00 a piece. They were cheap! He got what he paid for!

I’ve used my device SE-51000 to protect a nectarine on a sauce for 30 days! I manifested monies on more than one occasion. Also, bi-located being in two places at the same time! I don’t do this everyday. 

The tests only prove one thing, that you as the operator knows what they did or created is for real! You don’t need anyones permission to speak or know the truths. 

Everyone resides in this matrix their own little universe! Sometimes, a rogue asteroid will come our way, you know those people that have to feed off someone weaker then themselves. 

I have other things more important, then when finished I will start up my “probability analyzer” (SE-5) to program into it my own “Word” Tunings. I certainly don’t live by the machines that work  so well for us. I  only use them when I exhausted all the possibilities.

Getting back to the nectarines, one nectarine was placed beside the one that was programmed by the SE-51000 using the “Agricultural” Program, both located in a 70 degree temp in our home office. 

At the end of thirty days the untreated fruit, not protected by the SE-5, already liquifying and had fruit bugs all through it! It can’t be any harder then this! I know 30 days is a stretch, somethings you just have to wait and see!

Even with all my experiences, using different types of machines over the years the two that worked for me was Steven Gibbs (Hyper-Dimensional Resonator a time travel radionics box and large electromagnets producing 60 cps. Last but not least is the SE-51000 from Don Paris.

Long to short, the nectarine not being balanced with an Agricultural program got black and bugs all through it in about 4 weeks time. The one, which had the program was still shiny and had a sweet smell. I was amazed but not surprised! How can a “word” used for tuning become so powerful!

Hey, I know what you are thinking, how can I afford to get a device that I can’t afford? All good questions to be sure! The answer is you don’t! I found over the years, if you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it!

That question is rock solid in the frame work of logic and reasoning in these cases. Yes, you have to start somewhere, all journeys begin with the first step. Get what you can afford and use that time learning how to use a radionics machine, it may take you several months to work out all the bugs!

My goals back then was not being rich, even though that could have been a good thing, nonetheless, but I was more interested in achieving something that money just couldn’t buy. 

Being able to time travel, which I succeeded over the years and doing things like “Astral Time Traveling” and OBE’s (Out of Body Experiments), Remote Viewing and RI (learning how to manifest)

Another good question! Going back in my lifetime, I did anything I could to make money out of nothing, you know the “Get Rich scams” watching late night television! Sometimes I was just plain lucky and most of the time. 

NOT! I was very interested in time traveling both physically and astrally. Money wasn’t my goal, stuff that money can’t buy is the experience when your machine succeeds!

I started out with a Hieronymus Radionic Device and was lucky to manifest a few dollars to get the more expensive device called the “SE-51000. Can I get rich? Yes, you can! But there is much more that needs to be done from the subconscious to our beta working world!

Everything I write here is what I am using currently, if you really want to make a simple test for your own machine, buy the nectarine (Easiest fruit), setup one on each plate about 5 inches apart or so. Run your machine with whatever or however you do. Wait for 30 days and you will know what works and what doesn’t.

Back in the early 70’s, we didn’t have access to technologies growing up in that era, we had to actually write letters and go to the mailbox to mail someone. Sometimes I kind of missed the old days when mail really use to be fun to receive.

There were not many people, who could afford $2500.00 for a SE-5 PLUS machine back in the 70’s. “synchronicities” of being in the right place at the right time began to happen frequently. 

Back then I didn’t understand “synchronicities” as it related to radionics machines and other dowsing instruments. The school education I was exposed to in the early 70’s never made mention of such wording as this! Sooner or later it will become real and have meaning!

I was in junior high in the early 70’s! We didn’t have the advantages like today’s youths. Everything came by hard work! There was no choices for us but what was only available at the time. Honestly, in my conscious mind, I questioned how can these words and numerics change anything!

The SE-5 Plus was on the market at the time and Don’s friend and mentor, who was a geologist created this machine for engineers to know if there was enough metals to continue the dig. That was big news at the time!

But unless you knew about Don Paris in the early 80’s, there was no way to know about the SE-5 Plus before 1994 because the Internet became available around 1995! There was no way I could afford something like this, even if I knew about it. 

Another thing, we didn’t have the Internet nor access to a computers raw power! Remembering in the late 80’s a laptop would cost your $10,000.00! A couple of years later, the fastest computer was 25K Packard Bell desktop and at the time I owned it!

I had to wait for technology to catch up to me and for finding a better job to afford such technologies over time. All my devices are very expensive and each one are for different purposes and it took me 20 years to narrow my purchases to two things. The first is the Spooky2 Scalar generators and the Bio-Well. $3,600.00 in total. 

Unless you are rich, there are few of them, the greatest percentage are mid to lower income! We are not promised tomorrow, or what we can expect to happen in our lives. Yet, I still with a singular purchase in mind waited patiently for the time and money to be able to procure the latest and best machines for manifestation of healing, monies, spiritual journey’s.

When the wife and I got married we were able throughout the years to purchase for high end equipment. So, don’t feel bad if you can’t afford things right now, I am in the same boat with you! Inflation is kicking my toot! But I am still going to get the Spooky2 Scalar generators! 

It’s taken me over a year to save for getting a Spooky2! I know what this device can do, I know the theory behind it way before I found John White’s sites. The issue with scalar is finding the right machine and this was a ongoing battle. 

You have to have money to spare so; you are not hurting your budget. Which is why, I mentioned using either the “IDL-22 GateKeeper” meditation cube it uses CHI energies from your own field. 

This IDL-22 takes 30-40 hours in a month to produce fantastic results but there is a word of caution, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it! 

It truly manifests money from the mysterious scalar field! Helps me with astral projection and astral time traveling etc. When my wife first seen my IDL-12 (12 layers) witch is laced with human DNA and semi-precious and precious metals in every layer.

Money, money, money, everywhere you go and everything you own all cost money! They say, “The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil”! It never said, money is evil!  Then for money manifestations it will happen to you as it did for us if you are complicit on every tuning before broadcasting!

I want to quit purchasing high dollar devices or at least slow down for the next two or more years or unless we get a cash windfall! So, we answerd your question above, how can we afford to get expensive devices, when we hardly can put food on our table for our children!!!

This is the “Heart” of this commentary! You can manifest your moneys, but you live in a world that nothing is free and it costs money for anything outside your door, or on the web. Before my wife and I leave to grocery shop, we already spent a hundred dollars online for needed items!

Going out shopping and everytime you get on your computer, it will eventually cost you as with cable and Internet allowing you access. We pretty much know this is commonsense!

But there is a way, I can share my finds for this inflation that is constricting us of our last breath of air! Actually two things! Let’s walk over to the otherside of the room. 

Ultrasonic Subliminal’s are gaining in popularity but I like to stick with companies who has been selling these Ultrasonic Subliminal’s for the past ten or fifteen years being online. 

I made thousands of dollars using my made up scripting using my SE-51000! But I want to be open to a pre-programmed ultrasonic subliminal’s, to see if it holds water for the listener!

I want to share something with you and show you what it is my wife and I are doing. Over here, we have a Ultrasonic delivery system program called, 

Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 4.2 (5.75.3g) - Type A/B/C/D)

Below is the site address:


The above Ultrasonic Subliminal program, I will use for a few months, while waiting for the scalar generators. But why such the extreme; when it comes to “Ultrasonic Subliminal’s? You sometimes do get what you pay for! 

This guy has been at it, since 2010 and he has but only a few titles, such as the one program above! I am not promoting it at this time until, I use it. I am just letting you know that I am! If it works, I will share it with you and if doesn’t I will tell you also.

When using instruments like the ones I use or those, who own similar devices. Of all the tests I’ve done thus far, I yet to do one more! This is simple one. Taking a cup of water placing in on top of the SE-5’s sensor pad and run a worded program into it. It may take a few days to do so! 

To see if there were any changes going on in that 4 weeks using the manifesting of monies and  luck separating us from our natural worlds. Again luck has nothing to do with it! The only missing ingredient listening to a subliminal like this, is “You”! Luck is basically a word to use that can’t be explained otherwise.

Scalar is a powerful background but it’s up to you to do for your mind! There are no shortcuts in life. Very few talk about what happens, when using the scalar from Spooky and I agree, some things are private and I don’t blame them. You don’t have to share or advertise your experiments, I do!

Example: your medical records and tax records or SSD or SSI to name a few for instant. But after their healing, they don’t know what to do with their generators! In the closet it goes! 

When purchasing the Spooky2 Scalar generators, they never did their research before purchasing such devices. There are far too many anxious and desperate individuals to lay their hands on anything that might promise them a cure! After the purchase that intoxicated them, they realize, they are better and the excitement ends here!

Once in awhile, one needs to take a break from trying to prove to people what you have really works! It doesn’t matter if they believe you or not! Once people makeup their minds, there is no way to change it, even if it is done right in front of them. They will just be left behind!

But I like to put out a barb across the road to slow down fast pace speeders, wanting to manifest monies!  Every now and then to gain traction in showing people, this is not Magic or the Secret. There are other things that need to be considered. 

Scalar helps pulling back the silk curtain! Health and Healing #1 priority. If you’re sick all the time, what difference does it make, whether or not the machine works! Deal with your health using Spooky2 Scalar and GEN-X PRO.

Now that you got that under your control, thanks to help of  John White and his excellent customer care. Spooky2 Scalar and their other variety of flavors that you can purchase as accessories etc. Began to be another rising star and it comes down to main street, us!

There’s a lot to choose from! GEN-X PRO frequency generator is this new updated model. You can use this without the computer, by placing patch on different areas etc. They to have a “Money” program in the generator to try!

I need for you all to know when playing with frequencies on the body and the brain and the central nervous system, tow entities can’t occupy the same state of being. Either you have bad frequencies that keep you sick in one way or another. 

Or, planting new frequencies within the subconscious mind and thus forces out the negative programming with a small cost of giving up your comfort levels.

The other ways are; to hook it up to the Scalar Generators and after setup; you can either lie down and run the RIFE Frequencies or sleep through the night! Keep in mind, any HERX reactions that could and more than likely happen!

We have also the Molecular Scalar Mode! This is the fun one to experiment with! Use pain killers without ever opening the bottle! Let it grow in your imagination and sometimes just give yourself a few weeks which includes writing down the “Word” tunings

Same goes for just about anything under this mode of operation! But it still didn’t answer our question about training the subconscious mind to accept manifestation of money. How can the scalar help? 

It can literally charge your Chakra’s, especially the Pineal Gland or third eye chakra. It will and exclude example, it would be super-charge all your cells in your body. 

We try to guess how to charge your cells with +90 mV, and I am talking of trillions+ that would have to be charged! Too bad we just can’t plug oneself into a wall socket to do the job. 

Essentially, we can do just that! Plugging ourselves with an open scalar field and the cells will be bathed in that hard to get +90mv range!

This device corrects your chakra alinement, until your cells reach +70mV to +90mV. when charged. Cancer can’t survive this non-toxic environment. 

We need a different kind of supernatural approach, when it comes to things like the subconscious minds. We need something different and it can only double what you can achieve using Spooky2 Scalar and instruments on the same level of the SE-51000. 

You always hear about our cells must be radiating at 92 mV anything below it would be signal of cancer and other maladies. And everyone had their own opinion about how to do this charging, anywhere from radionics, to potions, to natural plants and Rife machines or MWO Multi-Wave-Oscillator etc.

Spooky will charge you up and light up those neurons like a Christmas Tree! Scalar only enhance what you are capable of doing at this time. In traumatic events, one needs to re-program ones subconscious mind.

If you can’t get your subconscious minds to manifest money on your own, it defeats the notions you had, to attract more funding! It the spooky 2, only helps with the health of the body/soul/mind/spirit. 

Keep in mind that the scalar field you’re working in or sitting down or why your sleeping, It’s a “cell” enhancement like that of a battery charger for the entire body. 

Keep in mind, anytime you purchase things like the Ultrasonic Subliminal’s or Spooky2 Scalar and other stuff, you are in fact, investing your time and money when doing so! So, how sure are you that you desire to see your manifestation come to pass!

But when it comes to the subconscious mind, this will be up to you! Thus, why I want to try out the companies newest upgrades with the above ultrasonic subliminal Mp3 program. I decided to get the SUB-Club Black Ultrasonic Subliminal.

I won’t go into deep intel because space doesn’t permit it here! What we want and need is to attract monies outside the influences of our body and our minds, using your subconscious trained mind. 

This could happen if the right subliminal were to be reprogram to work on a higher scale of thought and reasoning. All this takes time and research and experimenting making sure what you are allowing to come into your deepest part of you is good for you!

I can’t vouch for any of the products, in the above links, until I try it first for 30 days! There are others out there, who charge cheaply for subliminal recordings using the bulk rate formula. What if you get your manifestation? Is it possible another kind of  

Why do you think we need two hundred subliminal titles? We don’t! These for the most part are old technlogies nothing in 2022 from these companies! They keep selling the same old types subliminal covered by music or nature sounds.

I prefer to get my “spiritual” on a much more in-depth way of doing things and it seems for the moment that what he offers will benefit me in several areas other than finances! Money gives us more headaches than when we were presently broke or just getting by.

The other cookie cutter approach, recordings are makeshift, hurry up and sell about 200 different titles! Hmm! To do it correctly, one would have to construct these EXO Skeleton subliminal scripts and this can slowdown sales sometimes for months. 

Those companies updating those 200 titles to recent discoveries would be down for some time to come. So, they keep it simple, using the same old 60 years old technology software that make makeshift

A lot of these sellers, don’t do that, they will be cheap, which can be mass produced. They sacrifice quality for volume! I know and you probably are aware of this also. I am picky, if you want great information about Ultrasonic Subliminal’s his would be the first place I would go! 

When the “Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer is applied, he takes great care in his new programmed MP3’s.  He only made a few titles using up to date, the technologies and new facts coming from the science communities into subliminal’s. I will try this one from Indigo where he sells it.

Cheap is not for everyone! I went through a few duds in my research and had to learn from non-biased opinions and read their found abstract with few people to test some newer titles based on such abstracts. Abstracts are not scientific, they are no different than what I am doing!

I had a cheap subliminal from SpeedZen for nearly a year and it produced once or twice a month. It was for “Out of Body” projections! It’s my hopes that the financial subliminal will make me attracted to open fund sources in the near future, more than I am already for better returns.

His other titles are impressive at the Sub Club Black! I am a esoteric researcher home grown for about 20 years! So you find many sellers who cover many titles but those titles are the worn out copies of titles of 20 years ago. Don’t get sucked up in the wording advertising, know what you are looking for ahead of time.

Sub-Club Black would be the first place you need to go for “psychic” enhancements. His subliminal’s are high tech and geared mostly to the spiritual side of the house! Consider the IDL-22 GateKeeper. One hour a day is all that is needed!

I will write more about the above information. When you trained your subconscious mind by listening to the subliminal’s, the subconscious mind will be accelerated to polarize the monies you are wanting to get!

Why do we go through all this trouble trying to change our inner minds because of so much bad programming in our earlier years growing up and then from the adult peer pressure etc. 

Add the IDL-22 Gate Keeper and when you finish near the 30-one hour meditation with the cube, miracles and synchronicity will be common place! It can also, be somewhat dangerous if you're not careful. 

This is not even mentioning how others see this as possible evil. I agree anything you do if done with wrong intentions have consequences.

The subliminal-shop.com told me, he actually recieved several peoples experiences, when they listened to the subliminal title below! A couple won the $250,000 Florida Jackpot. 

Others, gotten funds from unlikely sources and the more they listened to it, the more everyone was bringing in cash! These listeners literally became money magnets!

I heard of a few in other places elsewhere, who listened to something like this and they swear by it! So, what exactly is happening? Well, the proper scripting is 99% of subliminal’s successes. 

The only thing left to mankind today is the privacy of their subconscious minds. Soon that too will be hacked into! You can be arrested just thinking about, let’s say our government who is out of control today!

I am not there watching these companies create these products.No one less than maybe a family member would see how he is programming such subliminal’s and who he confides in! At the very end it always comes down to your belief and taking the chance of investing into some of these hi-tech Mp3’s.

Then there is the question as to why it works better than others. You will hopefully find better prices in the months to come in this inflation period. Too much competition against each other on the web. I tell you this, Sub Club Black is far from being cheap! (custom) made for you.

Otherwise all the research he shows to you, even after you did your research, will require a little faith in the building and patience area of one’s life. We are not promised tomorrow sad to say, it’s a miracle we live at all and yes there are a thousand ways to die!

Like the IDL-22 GATE KEY, I heard all the information from James Rink and KOSOL at the end I still had to invest money’s otherwise how does one know, “Good  or Bad” if it works or not. I had my losers and this is part of the game we play! My winners far exceeded than the value of my losers by a long shot over the years.

To manifest money is probably the easiest to accomplish! I have done other subliminal’s in the past for money and made 50X what my product that works!

Trust and rapport is the first step with the “Seller and the Buyer”! We know also, everyone is different and have different expectations. By doing the scripting and we don’t know what was exactly used because it is proprietary knowledge.

With the latest information from around the world, one can reasonably surmise different outcomes but all receiving some kind of unexpected wealth and health in different ways! Some may win the lotto jackpot and others may win $50-$100 and so on.

Keep all this in mind, no what each device or devices can do and does it fit your personal goals and are your expectations too high or too low! I, when listening to subliminal’s go in with next to zero expectations and when it works, it will seem like a miracle has occurred. 

Open your minds and hearts and use your gifted expectations/talents. It takes more than a subliminal and more than the Scalar Generators, to have a well rounded control over the subconscious mind. But they do have power when combined together! 

There are other subliminal’s that makes you adhere to a listening schedule, such as; Sub Black Club, they are so powerful you actually have listening like on Monday and off all through week.

If the subliminal you are listening too, is carefully crafted, you can listen for how long the instructions tell you to, with little of no effort either sitting back or bathing at the same time running the scalar waves the Spooky2 Scalar is creating a phenomena effect!

https://subliminal-shop.com/ this link will send you to Indigo site for the Ultra-luck Ultrasonic Subliminal to manifest monies and wealth. “Liquid” Gold is another program…

I’ve read in various places that people who use this everyday for 30+ days have received monies from lotto’s and unexpected funding! All this from Indigo Mind Labs. Below is that link if you are interested!

Ultra Success/Luck Maximizer 4.2 (5.75.3g - Type A/B/C/D) The above shop sells this. It had some interesting results with this one in particular!

https://www.realsubliminal.com/make-your-own-subliminal-messages these to are very affordable and $50.00 for a custom made Ultra-Sonic Subliminal. Over a hundred mp3’s started in 2010 up and until now. Life time guarantee! This is a first in my book!


Sub-Black Club

I've given you the best links available around the world. So, you know which would work better than you. If I find more reasonably priced but with adherence in the creation of such audios, they will be listed here!



  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...