Saturday, October 17, 2020



PHD Paul Scheele who built and designed the Paraliminals to access whole brain approach making Self Hypnosis easier with only 20 on most 30 minute inductions.

In the next few months, a lot of us are going to have to make tough calculated decisions. Liberals on the streets of America want to take down the cities, if Joe Biden loses. Can they! Absolutely! They are doing it already in my city, Minneapolis. There not going anywhere, they are awaiting their final orders!

There is really so much happening these days, it's hard to keep a straight line of focus, when creating these articles on a week by week basis. There is so much to do everyday, even though I am retired. 

Yet sometimes one has to dig deep to find the open source outlet, to let these negative energies that seem to surround us, flow up and out of our nervous systems. If not, there will be a build up and then the break.

Here's the thing, each of us have to make a living and take care of our families etc., yet there are other things we need to pay attention too, that could either make us or break us in the short and long term race!

To answer some of the silent readers as to the "Why" of my instruments and to the "why's" I do write these articles. Self satisfaction is my number one cause and open satisfaction that some people, who visit here would understand what does exist beyond their treadmill lives, which includes myself. 

Right now there seems no way out for quite a few people, who pray to find a job, so their families are fed, roof over their heads and clothes on their backs and a vehicle to take one to work! Lot's of crap happening everyday and every little bit of enjoyment comes from our experiments and research.

Some of you longtime readers know, I have been around a block or two with esoteric equipment such as, Radionics, Psionic's, Remote Viewing, Remote Influencing and the list goes on! 

Why dabble into all these things? My question to the questioner is, why not? I always believed deep down over the years there is more to us then we can perceive on a day to day basis. Are we humans or are we drones?

If you ever wanted to know if we live in some sort of matrix, today I would almost say, it maybe so! Things are happening so fast around the world. It's like a program that was injected into the people in all the cities, like a virus gone wild throughout this matrix. I am not talking the COVID#19. 3 Nov. 2020, no more lockdowns, no more COVID#19.

Why do such things? Because to me, it's a fulfillment of seeking discoveries for myself and to see, what I am truly capable of accomplishing. Otherwise, I would be sitting and doing nothing all day long. I love reading about other people's experiences in the very fields that interest me.

Retirement for the past nine years is not like I ever imagined it to be. Now with all this craziness happening, one can hardly walk out the door without being accosted by someone or some thing. Let's not rule out "ROAD RAGE"! Everyday, I see people on the road act like they pulled out a lethal weapon on someone!

Some of us have not worked for months and those working have to work ten times harder to make up for the laid off people. Pointing the blame is like pinning jello against the wall! This happened in the Air Force. It got so bad under Clinton, we had airmen transferred and I was stuck working 6 jobs because lack of affordable manpower!

There are those people who are "naturals" when it comes to "lucid dreaming" or "time traveling" or Remote Viewing, etc. The rest of the population will have to "work" for the same gifts!

We all just have to deal with this apocalypse, one day at a time! Which leads me to firmly believe, the only place safe, is in our heads at the moment, if we are trained to do so! Why train? Because to go beyond our "waking consciousness", one must let go mentally to be re-trained from "Drone" thinking! We have to go below to get above! To lower brainwaves!

Why is that people are acting like drones? Because the governments can control the people's every move and every thought that goes astray, their body language. Keeping them dumb down through personal technologies and apps!

China is close to detecting its citizens thoughts! Watch the "minority report" movie, it's not far from what is happening and going to happen in the near future. Every country has similar technologies. If you think about it how does a small handful of elected officials control 280,000,000 people nation wide?

In order to control hundreds of millions of people to see and do things their way would be, by technologies (Dependency). Instituting new laws chipping aways and individual rights etc.

A lot of us fall into this drone matrix system, they include China and the US Utopia ways (AOC) of doing things! We are X-pendable! No matter how important your jobs and family are to you, in the states and federal governments eyes, you are replaceable! 

Cold scenario but a truthful one. When you die, the special investigative programs tell us how well loved he or she was in the public and in our nation. The media doesn't care, the government doesn't care, who are they to me, I never heard of them in my lifetime. (Narratives) are important. The underlying realities to pass certain gun laws or some other type of social programs.

We get up and go to work and come home to the same routine and hurry to go back to sleep, to start back over again! There is no fulfillment in our lives and quite frankly, nothing to look forward too! Can't afford to go on vacation etc. Groceries are skyrocketing faster than the price of oil on the commodities exchange!

Family and singles, who have pets, count yourselves lucky as I do! When you put your heart into training your pet and treating them to do things to make it easier for family integration, you have a loyal companion for life! This is just one more stress release channel to keep this delicate balance in the real world!

I am here to tell you, I for one am not going to sit around all day just to do it again tomorrow at the same time and same place! Yeah, I can go outside and to the stores with my wife or take my pet for a walk. 

My little guy is always with me and when I get upset, he would jump on my lap and look at me with those brown marble colored eyes with his ears perked up with his tail twisted upwards. Shih-Tzu breed.

Within a minute or so, I forget my upset and I find myself petting my second best friend! Afterwards, I got up to do something and I felt pretty good! It wasn't anything I said or done. 

The key to implanting both good and logical statements into the subconscious minds is using "Mis-Direction"! Talking to both sides of your brain with different stories at the same time. Not given the conscious mind a chance to argue with the incoming subconscious message in the other ear.

So, what caused the change? "Mis-direction" was part of it, the puppy tapped into my emotions, which were running rampart for awhile. Animals can sense with their noses and your body languages and your feelings and both respond appropriately.

My little buddy didn't bark or moan, he just looked at me, with a pure natural honesty and inquisitiveness that of a child, as he tilted his head as to say, hey I am here, pet me, what's wrong with you. So you see; it doesn't take much to change from a hopeless attitude to a life of gratitude in less than a few minutes! 

When this changes in you, the people and the environment will change as well over the course of time. Self-Hypnosis can help bring about this change as well. It too can grab hour undivided attention and sooth your raw energies going all over the place.

I have the Remote Viewing Cd's and Remote Influencing. I purchased from Gerald O'Donnell and I have small part of Holo-Synch, along with my Paraliminals! They all work differently. Some of these courses, take longer than other. The "Dream Play" from Learning Strategies in Minneapolis my home city; works miracles for what I want to happen to me.

Do you see where this maybe going? I will help you out! Lot's of you like myself, have done meditation and hypnosis in the past, sometimes it really works and sometimes no change whatsoever. I have tons of cd's to prove what I've used for many years. Some really worked and others questionable at best.

Today we actually need something to re-direct our attentions to proven technologies, that will rebuild deep within our non-conscious minds and once this happens, the world around us, around our personal space, will subtly change. Do you remember on the matrix, Neo as he was going to go upstairs and he noticed a black cat stop inside the doorway  on the first floor and then walked away!

Within seconds the same cat did the same thing! What Neo was looking at was, the system matrix had a non-conscious external program being injected! Most people like myself, would have not caught such a subtle act such as this, yet these happen everyday with us and around us, whether we are conscious of it or not. "Deja Vu!

Compare the movie the Matrix and the job Neo had at a software company, when he was consciously asleep. Deep inside within himself, something was telling him there has got to be more to this life of his. His strong instincts help single him out! 

Did you notice all the events around us and how the world changed seemingly overnight! Like an injection of a "virus" into our matrix! One second things are normal and then the Pelosi virus hits the airstreams! Little humor for the sad folk out there. 

All in fun and good humor! Whatever the virus, it was injected in this case literally that changed the whole world both Morally, Mentally and Physically and Spiritually! Physically some of us are in our small prison cubicles at home and I might add not on our own volitions.

Don't be coy, everyone either seen or knows about the movie called the "Matrix"! What was fascinating about this Hollywood production is that it is old news today! Look all around the only difference is, you don't see the computers watching every move you make, but they are! If you do something wrong, they got you!

We have technologies that dwarf such ideas today! You and I will probably be not privy to it, only the rich and famous and the need to know basis based on national security interest! If your consciousness ceases to exist, your universal matrix will also cease to exist along with it, as far as what effects you!

Consciousness is a gift, without it you don't exist, this world won't exist as far as concerning yourself! The subconscious maybe working fully, we really don't know! Maybe Neo and the other humans in those computer liquid pods are experiencing an artificial life and it was their subconscious minds being tapped into by the matrix computer!

We live in what we believe to be the real and living world but there is something personal that lives inside you and I, that deep down believes otherwise! If you were to go into a prolong coma, would you know anything about the awakened world above? Would you know you existed?

Our consciousness is our "Stargate", to both this physical world and to the spiritual one! Without it we are fertilizer! Or we are taking a prolong dirt nap! No disrespect to anyone who passes away intended here. But I guarantee those who passed before us, know nothing above them! How can they, their once functioning brains cease to function!

Without the Stargate "consciousness" along with the Pineal Gland, your reality will cease to exist,  and you would be that of a dead man! Time has placed you in an oblivion type (non-existence) matrix and there you will be trapped just like Neo was in the movie! Only no one would be able to help or assist you back to consciousness.

If and when you wake up from the coma, the world (Matrix) you once knew and loved has vanished forever! Other programs have taken its place, leaving a big hole within you and your minds! Take four weeks off from work before COVID and then, when you return everything seems to have changed! Smaller programs being installed on a daily basis!

Finding a good meditation program is like pulling hens teeth in todays world! Punch in "meditation" programs and let me know how many web pages we have to surf to find the one program that stands out over all the rest! About a million or so!

How can we discover such depths, when we can hardly keep up with everything that is going on all around us! We as in You and I, have to go within to enter into the this matrix! If we don't get our head wiring in order, we will never see the light of day! Each day we wake up something drastic has happened out of nowhere, seemingly!

There are meditation programs all over the place! Sometimes, just sometimes, what is needed has been around for nearly forty years right under our noses! "Paraliminals" are one such program to be sure! There maybe others and I hope either you or I can find them. There are only one hundred million out there to chose from within our return browsers after a search!

I used what were supposed to be the best of the best cd's for self- hypnosis and these weren't cheap! Most of them got on my last nerve and others cassettes and Cd's were one hour long and after thirty minutes or so, the mind begins to lose interest along with the passive listener. 

Treat your meditation retreat as an "Urgent" calling! My wife connected to the real matrix and was considered by co-workers as a "Psychic" after 30 days of using her favorite RI (Remote Influencing) course! These of course are one hour in length and all you do is listen and do what Gerald O'Donnell tells too!

Here is a lesson it's simple but works, if whatever meditation you are using is working for you, keep with it! The only time to consider something else is, when you spent a whole month using the recording, yet it does no good, no results! Lucid Dreaming is a big order and it seems Paraliminals are up to the challenge!

We have to listen to something that is well constructed that speaks to each half of our brain, in the format each half understands in its own language. This is a pretty tall order with other types of meditation programs out there! Other developers are finally catching on about NLP and it was hip about twenty or so years ago!

But here is jig, we have a true contender in our opposite corner, he barely needs introduction and loses only once in awhile, against the opponent, who is able to not only gain size but mentally gain "smarts" to keep our reprogramming efforts out from our subconscious minds! We have tons of insightful information stored, we just need to know how to access it, without interference of the Conscious mind. 

It truly is a wrestling match extravaganza! Small verse big, David verses the Goliath! Such as, in these cases, those who prepare for what they want in this lifetime actually set in motion, the working parts of both halves of the brain! Even if they are unconsciously aware of doing so! Yet they do become successful!

There was a time, I had a job that paid ok! Yet, those around me seem to find the best paying jobs, while I was stuck where I was at! I couldn't see nowhere out! I was really depressed! I had to change that defective attitude, so I used what I had at the time the "SuperMemory Charger"!

We were never taught this in school. Heck, we thought English was the way to communicate to the brain in my days! Sleep Learning was the thing in my days growing up! Popped in a cassette and place on a sound loop and put on headphones while you sleep! It still has some lonely value to it.

Our belief systems and our early years of programming have stuck us here in the conscious mud! The "MM" (Muddy Matrix). You can mantra till the cows come home and it will not change a thing! In order to fight the enemy (Conscious Mind), (Bouncer) you have to be smarter in one's approach to keep it busy while educating it as well. 

One has to understand how to communicate with it to pre-occupy the conscious mind, while we go in through the back door, which will allow you to encode a new program into the subconscious mind! Sounds pretty easy!!

After going through the back door, a specific job came to my mind and I applied for it and got it! Working for the States Corrections! Which paid tons more money with great benefits! In fact, I am retired because of it! Be careful what you wish for you just might get it!

The story below never has a good ending! We meditate and we speak affirmations, until our tongues fall to the floor and we visualize to the moon with our heads still spinning, yet the next day, week, month or year from now, we still see no discernible changes in our lives! Warning Sign!

The harder we try to pull ourselves up and out of this conscious mud (Mental Bog), the further we sink! Even if we get out, you and I are going to see mud and dirt all over us figuratively speaking and we drag this all throughout our lives, carrying depression, doubt, fears, emotional baggage etc. (Mud Bog).

The only time of the year we make ourselves a promise to change is "New Years Day"! We think this is our bathing moment to clean up the muddy pants and shirts in our lives! The craziness about the whole thing is, we really want to change, but we don't know how! Lord knows that we tried!

It's a stain really (human fraility)! We can't enter the proverbial fancy dining places or go to a friends wedding because of the mud and dirt stains on our clothing (Our limited Minds). Every time we listen to an inferior meditation cd it's like kicking the mud up into one's own face! The tires are spinning and we are going nowhere fast!

Our limitations are encoded in the conscious mind! The only way we can escape it, is too remove the old coding and insert the new! Self Hypnosis must find a way to send the updated encoded messages to the subconscious mind without running into the bouncer at the gates, which is the (Consciousness) filter mechanism, that protects its own internal programs. 

("Beta Z") is "Mind Awake/Body Asleep"; when trying to change our course hard-drive that contains millions if not billions of bits of information somewhere outside our heads! The Brain is the essential colander that will sift out outside programming that doesn't conform with the internal programming of the subconscious minds.

Let's go deeper down the rabbit hole shall we! How many of us out there has tried to listen to programs that are suppose to reprogram our minds and bodies, to do with them as we please? It's not an easy thing to do. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! I loss count on programs that promise and don't deliver on such promises.

In fact, far too many cd's to count over the years. Are you any better off today than yesterday or this past month and year? Why are these meditation cd's not working the way the company has envisioned for us? We couldn't come up with a self-aware answer because we didn't know at the time when listening to our meditation cd's, that it was an inferior product.

My hands are raised! Yet, to no avail, the success either doesn't take or when it does, it quickly after a short time, goes back to its old programming (Default Mode). The non-conscious mind is unaccessible to us, who lack the training because of the inferior products or lack of knowledge as to the "Hows of it"! We only figure it out after we seen there was no evidence of success.

Today's generation and a bit further back, want the successes of others who worked hard for! When working on the mind, no one else can claim your success! It is solely your harvest of patience and diligence to win over the subconscious mind.

Think of a bodybuilder, he or she works out for a year and gains size and strength and he or she gets hurt and doesn't train for a year and a half, what do you think is going to happen to them? They are going to loose their muscle size and strength they worked so hard for. (Atrophy).

"Training" what an ugly word in todays society! A lot of the last ten generations of kids have been programmed to get what they want from someone else, who worked hard all their natural lives to reap what they sown. We need to keep our focus on something that can't be taken away from us all that easily.

"You didn't build that"! "You don't own this"! "It's ours! Take a look at the riots in Democratic Controlled Cities! How many businesses were totally destroyed forever! Small businesses lost everything! It was easy, just take it from them by whatever means! One thing they can't take from you is your "minds"!

Once we plant a seed an (Idea) directly into the subconscious mind, one has to wait for growth time! This will be assisted with meditation practicing (being consisted) and the gains will be forthcoming. Stop the practice for a certain length of time, your mind and physical brain will atrophy!

This too can be overcome! I consider another "word" for the above I call it, "Beta Z" approach! The reason I made this article choice term is because, it will stick in peoples mind a lot easier. You never heard of it before. Small twists of words describing the very basic of accessing our subconscious minds through a lite sleep. Beta (awakened state) Z (Body Asleep). 

We must first have the awareness that we do indeed sleep consciously while awake and our super consciousness is deactivated during these waking moments and there are only few that uses ten percent of their brains, for example: This percent access, could allow a person to tap into having a "photographic memory" and maybe some psychic experiences!

The "Beta Z" puts to sleep the "bouncer" (Consciousness) The "Beta" mind state must be subdued, essentially being put into a light sleep state in "Alpha-Theta" mode by the use of self-hypnosis! Some people react to hypnosis very quickly and others internalize issues that block outside influence into their brains, becoming their own walls against such intrusions.

I want to be upfront, I am not a psychologist or medical doctor, I just use commonsense and knowledge that everyone else can find, if they are looking for the answers to correct their dilemmas! I like to externalize these ideas in my own way of thinking, hoping it will be of some help to myself and to new people, who had not taken such a route before.

Anyone, who tries to change their internal programming while functioning in direct "Beta", you have no chance of change!  How can we activate our thoughts too subdue such a big guy that is our Consciousness? Well unless you're trained and disciplined, you have no chance on your own! It's not impossible but can take a length of time.

We need to slow down the beta brainwaves not stop them, by going in a Light Alpha/Theta state of mind, yet keeping your awareness. This leaves the door to the subconscious mind to open just a crack or so, for us to slip an outside or new program into the subconscious mind. That is only one half of this equation, the other half is to keep and train the conscious mind to accept the new programming.

This could change our lives and of course the body needs to be perceptually asleep during the hypnosis induction. This too is not overnight. We went through much training just to plant the idea but like anything else, it has to grow and it does take some time! You can't make a flower seed grow before its germination, you just have to be patient.

The subconscious mind is like potted soil! Ideas are the "seeds"! Why do you think hypnotists tell their patients to come back at least ten times before your results will anchor! Because those "seeds" that are planted through hypnosis must follow natures rule and grow at a set pace nature intended!

If it were easy to control our subconscious minds, everyone would be supernatural! Thus manipulating objects with our minds etc. Nature has intelligence, she makes us work for either mind or body and lets us appreciate the fruit of those works by allowing you certain successes at any attempt, to whatever you want to accomplish. Do nothing, have nothing!

What about the "Z"? "Z" is essentially (sleep)! A light induced state of mind allows the conscious door bouncer to temporarily fall asleep at his post (deep alpha-low theta brainwaves)! It is then, we bring our new programming to the work place (subconscious mind). There is a small part of this consciousness, we keep our self awareness to have the illusion of control!

We have two tools, the first a well written "program to plant the idea" that speaks more than just English, this is downloaded to the right and left side of our brains through self-hypnosis! And on our parts, we remain consistence with our practice and keeping patient for the results.

Our subconscious minds are that of a child, inquisitive and very accepting of any information that is able to get to it! The "Bouncer" our conscious minds only job is by protecting the subconscious minds  life's programming growing up. This is the only first line of defense to block out any new programming written to overwrite the old material internalized deep within our subconscious minds.

We opened the door to go in and plant the idea, while still keeping the conscious mind pre-occupied with carefully instructed type OK messages! This comes with being able to do a simple tuneup by sporadic listening to your meditation music a day or two a week; this will keep a small window open, just incase of the older programming takes root from some outside idea it recognizes. (Weeds)!

What we are looking for is, the state of reception! We must have our bodies under a light sleep as with the conscious mind, while awakening the subconscious mind for the new programming. Yet it is preferable to have a bit of conscious control during the process like, when one is Lucid Dreaming or having an OBE!

I guess the million dollar question to be asked is, what can I use that's not too long to bore my brain/mind into going somewhere else instead of working to get into the subconscious minds and to be able to speak the language of both halves of the brain, so each one could understand the instructions! 

The right side of the brain is imaginative so, we have to speak in metaphors in such a way that it (the right side of the brain half), understands its own language and what it is suppose to do. Imagery and spatial training is the only ways I know of and NLP has those taught techniques.

Just merely talking to it, it makes no sense or nonsensical to both sides of the brain spectrums. It, the subconscious, (right side of brain) only knows (feelings, spatial communications, metaphors)! It doesn't understand simple words like that of the conscious mind, it doesn't communicate consciously to anyone of us. We can speak English all day long to it and it will not respond.

You know that a teenager and parent have a communication barrier, when both talk and don't hear each other (puberty). Such as with trying to communicate with the Left side of the brain with your imagination and with dreaming! It just doesn't understand! It only understands the facts and figures addressed to it.

The left side of the brain is more linear and requires logical statements. It too must be spoken too in a structured language (NLP) setting that makes sense of the true/false statements! The subconscious doesn't know what all this means, it is a foreign language/communication to it. It may just sound like garble or incoherency!

With the "conscious part of the mind", it's like trying to change the professor's mind, while maintaining a high school education without self-hypnosis. The only thing we can hope for is, to come at him with dozens of ideas to confuse him or she a bit using a good program that will do that just that!

I am for the simple approach, "Paraliminals" would immensely help one go into a light hypnotic state of mind and it brings the body into a super relaxed state in about 2-3 minutes of a 15 minute program. I suggest don't drink coffee prior to this type of training.

My nephews both had natural "Photographic" memories! They told me, when they look at a book with math problems or things like Geography etc. They can see the "words" like that of a photograph of each page. Having a photographic memory doesn't mean they know everything because they still got to learn to know.

Some companies say they cracked the code language barrier of the brain and some were quite successful, while others not so. Paul Scheele broke that code some 30 years ago by introducing "Photo-Reading"! I personally plus 30 years ago, was accepted in the next photo-reading course, but I couldn't afford $500.00!

Many thousands took the three week course from around the world and each one that graduated would be able to take a pocket dictionary (book) and photographically know everything that's in it. Remembering it was only a very small % out of the larger population.

The more books one photo-reads after learning through self-hypnosis the better their own skills in this approach becomes. Photo-Reading is a made up term by Dr. Scheele and Pete B. When they discovered that the mind can be taught to have a photographic memory! What better definition to come up with!

Even though you and I know the English language, when we speak to one another there is always a good chance someone will take the meaning the wrong way! The same goes with both halves of our brains, we can program them one way but these halves are not taking the commands the way that was intended!

Professionals/Researchers are self funded and are using live animals/humans to test their brain responses with external inputs such as "NLP" wordings for humans. It's not just saying the "words" but how it is said, the tone and manner in which it is delivered to the subconscious and conscious minds.

The way to talk to both conscious mind or subconscious minds is commonly known as NLP! Many psychologists worldwide adopted this programming structure and embedded these program commands through hypnosis! They even have software to make you own scripts, if you understand what it is you're doing.

It is not 100% accepted in the scientific communities, like lie detectors, it can't be held up in a court law, but we still use them! It gives us a measure of surety to keep on investigating the case with some assurance of it working out! The brain/mind is no different in these cases.

Hypnosis is not 100% and not everyone is gifted to do this type of procedure. But most everyone can be to a certain degree hypnotize, they can't be made to do what they consciously wouldn't do if they were awake! "Road Hypnosis", is an excellent example!

Hypnosis is just one of few vehicles that uses NLP techniques to communicate with both halves of the brain, only if the practitioner is trained in such communication/programming! I am not sure there are schools to teach such techniques, I know Richard Bandler and John Grinder worked to create/discovered a well structured language the brain could understand and respond too.

Neuron-Linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s. Only in California!

Here is the key, "Pseudoscientific" example "BigFoots" and "UFO's" not quite proven to be 100% true, there is some evidence to back their claims. No Neural scientist or psychiatrist will back such a proposition in today's political correctness environment.  NLP teaches a structural way of speaking to the mind and body such as; developing mental maps that show how things happen and how to change course when they do. 

Language and non verbal communication (NVC) is a very functional communicative tool for both mind and body. We just have to figure out what our minds truly are capable of. Until then, like as for myself, I will continue to learn and make mistakes.

Linguistic: Meaning; the study of language structure, are revealed in our spoken language and understood and non-verbal communication by our physical bodies reacts from our subconscious minds. It's a theory best put with lot's of anecdotal evidence from experiments and experience's from people of every walk of life. 

The brain is susceptible to stress thus it short circuits our inner-contact with the subconscious mind (with Cortisol). We would use other programs to clear up the stress, paraliminals are just such a tool to do the job more efficiently and effectively and in less time in my opinion. 

NeuroLinguistic Programming allows you the abilities to manage your own internal ‘state’, how you self-regulate because you are now instructing the right and left side of the brain by programming using both halve. It’s great for helping you to stay resourceful during normally stressful times, be it personal or professional contexts, and it gives you a high degree of behavioral flexibility in difficult situations.

The first part of the equation is to open the door to our own Stargate; to be able to understand what is beyond it! The second phase is to understand what our subconscious is telling us by learning its language. If two people speak two different languages no one would be able to communicate with one another unless each one learns their languages.

NLP can really dramatically increase the speed with, which you learn. Imagine if you knew how to learn in the most efficient way! Imagine if your internal neurological/biological software was that efficient that you can just pick up new knowledge (that you are interested in) in a third of the time. Well, you can have that! Just like on the Matrix. The writer went to great lengths to learn about such things before producing the movie.

It also helps you become a more influential member of your team such as at work or school. Your team could be your family, it could be your friends, it could be your neighborhood, it could be your networking group, it could be your professional circle, it could be other colleagues that you interact with or the department you head, or the company you are running and lastly your family.

NLP is possibly the only language the whole brain has that we know of, once you learn the mechanics to use it in one's conversation like the hypnotists uses on stage hypnosis. The clinical psychologist, who is trained in NLP technique's, can use it to bring out deep issues from within the patients psyche. The patient can change their course in life, once they are able to task their subconscious for that change.

Once the brains stressors is drawn up and outwards, the patients conscious thoughts become a bit overwhelmed and in turn, they will be able to come to terms with his or her's only tailored psychological profile, to change it around for the better. Of course as with anything else, there are those who have a strong internal apprehension, which blocks such intrusions as mind programs!

Those of you old timers like myself has heard of and used these paraliminals before binaural beats were the fad. We knew how effective these cassettes at the time were. The cd's were picking up steam but not quite accepted to those companies, who had all their monies into cassettes.

I just wanted you to know generally, what the NLP was designed for, now we need to know, how do we apply this technology? Erickson Hypnosis I believe, used such a structured language in some of their self-hypnosis products. I am trying for the first time to use a cd I purchased from Learning Strategies from years ago! Just click below the link!

Hey I get no kickbacks and did you ever see a bunch of ads floating around here lately! I wanted to share this product I purchased several years ago. I can't believe the packaging is still intact! I finally opened it up and read its inserted booklet (instructions).

I purchased the "Dream Play" and placed it in my dresser drawer that is full of cd's, I forgot I even had it! Sometimes the old is where the treasure resides! Another man's junk, is another man's treasure! I am not saying this is the bridge to Shangrila, but it's a great start for those never exposed to anything like this.

Anyways, I went back to the drawing board to find something one did not have to work at, just too listen to, for no more than 20-30 minutes at the most! This was a tough order to find, really! Some hypnotherapist think one needs thirty minute priming and another thirty minutes of self-hypnosis!

I have to shake my head that so many years have gone by and here I am talking about cassettes and the beginning of CD's! I am getting old! Yet, those days are like yesterday to me! Permanently stuck in my psyche, until I give up the ghost!

I found the cd and it's called, "Dream Play". The reason behind this is, Paul Scheele believed we could get answers from our psyche, if we knew how to speak and understand its language (subconscious)! Understanding what your subconscious says, is what we want to pay attention too!

He, Dr. Paul, knew about binaural beats, which is why he incorporated them in the basic programs he authored a few years back. He and Bill Harris got together and worked out a deal with the way the binaural were designed in Bill Harris cd course and to apply it to the Paraliminals. 

His (Bill Harris) course costs around $2500.00 for all of them, which suppose to take one to the lowest frequencies possible by the end of the course! They agreed on a price and now all Doctor Paul's CD's have been woven in the landscape and almost imperceptible in all his Paraliminals the binaural settings.

Pretty soon one morning, I will awaken to new ways of listening to such programs on a hologram chip! Pete Bissonette was the Vice President of the company "Learning Strategies" in the early 80's, he was very instrumental in bringing the art of Photo-Reading to the public. Not sure when technology advances and where these programs are going to go!

No worries, the Paraliminals on a cost average are $30.00 for both CD's and Mp3's. I personally purchased the CD's because I have the time with losing my downloads and I am not in a habit to place an external stick drive in the computer, call me old fashion! I have hundred of CD's over the last twenty or so years.

Did someone say what are "Paraliminals"? They had to come up with a name that represented what the product was all about. "Para" means "beyond" and "Liminal" means "Threshold of Conscious" awareness". "Beyond the threshold of consciousness"! 

Dr. Paul refers to sum of all things as Whole Brain Thinking! Nothing new here, I have seen these words in ads for the past twenty plus years. Yet, the way this cd is, I can't argue about its title because Dr. Paul speaks to both sides of the brain, just a little out of sequence to give the binaural landscape and to instruct the mind! It seems this is what the program does as per the title.

I heard only a handful of voices from hypnotists on both cassettes and cd's but this guy, Dr. Paul can lull a raging bull to go to sleep! His introductory on the cd before the program starts, it gets a person to relax and let go. This goes on for around five minutes. Part "A" is around 15 minutes as with Part "B" called, "Lucid Dreaming" another 15 minutes!

Paraliminals are used by people and businesses alike, who are into personal development and are self awareness or want to make positive changes both at the job and in their personal lives. This means that Dr. Paul Scheele uses whole mind learning, which includes NLP to bring about change for us to understand or to grasp.

You put the tape, CD, MP3 player at the ready, you put your headphones on (it needs headphones and a quiet location) and then relax and press the play button. I am almost enveloped in when the background music comes on, it's the best music I heard in awhile. Just the landscape music itself was worth it!

Then the MAGIC Starts….

The Paraliminals recording starts with Dr. Paul Scheele bringing you into a very relaxed state of being before he starts to work his genius. The brains hemispheres and what each half does (yes, it is over simplistic), it gives the special effects and has working both sides of your brain!

But it makes a point; it shows that if you can use mental programming to be both creative and logical portions of your brain, you get a ‘whole’ brain experience.  So what does this mean for the Paraliminals recordings? If you like the binaural you're going to love the "Paraliminals"!

There are two story lines, one for each side of the brain, one is constructed to gear towards your logic/linear side of the brain for acceptance (It's Ok) statements (Left Side). The other side (Right Side) of the brain speaks a story "metaphorically" gearing towards the spatial language of the subconscious mind which includes the instructions.

To demonstrate exactly how it works, I am going to use one of the most popular titles in the series of recordings, the Super Memory Charger. Not much to say for the titles, but these crazy things work! Super Memory Charger can and does bring to light long term historical memories and current ones.

Go online and read what others say about the "Paraliminals" it is the personal choice amongst self-hypnosis techniques. I enjoy reading many of the personal accounts not associate with the company or by re-sellers. Basically, going right into the lions lair where people are not shy when they get ripped off, to tell you if it does or doesn't work.

This title above is designed to help you to recall your memories of both past and present and it is also an "activator" for Photo-Reading. Dr. Paul combines unique 3D sound recordings on some of them, thus incorporating the Holo-Synch (binaural beats) and embedding them below the landscape music approved by Bill Harris himself. You know that Holo-Synch programs Bill Harris sells.

Again it is nothing new about speaking in opposite sides of the ears to communicate with two different hemisphere's. The conscious mind gets easily overwhelmed after two minutes of trying to keep up with two different NLP story lines.

NLP principles or whole mind learning is too help you developed within, the “profound confidence” in ones own natural abilities. Holo-Synch is nothing new its been around for over 30 years or so. Some people swear by it, I'm not one of them unfortunately. Way too much money to get to the lower frequencies.

I bought only one of their CD's from Holo-Synch and all I heard was ringing chimes and rainfall, it doesn't instruct you as to what to do, if and when reaching into whatever state of mind you maybe in. There are simply no goals, some say one would set their own goals! Bull!

After Dr. Paul gets you into a relaxed state, he then starts on the stories that effect each side of ones brain halves this allows the particular brain halves to do naturally what you are hoping for. Dr. Paul doesn't tell your brain what to do, he encourages each side with special language and spatial communication for change to come from within yourself.

He does this by splitting the messages that come out of your headphone (thus creating a natural binaural effect) overall. There were times I did fall asleep using the cassettes years ago! The binaural is not the important step here, it is the messaging interpreted by both halves of your brain to accept instructions to bring about change that you are seeking. (Holographic Effect) is a better word for it!

I have hypnosis cd's and they are all pretty much the same thing! Telling you, you will be rich, yet I don't feel rich, you will be healthy and yet I don't feel all that healthy! This program can tell you or promise you the moon and yet no changes! Why? The both halves don't understand just words!

Still no commands are given, just two different stories one in each ear sometimes overlapping (on purpose). Your mind will know exactly what to do with the messages! The NLP structure may have hints of whatever title your using and Dr. Paul then plants this information using the correct languages of delivery to each side of the brain.

In the left ear you will start to hear positive affirmations, logical and straight messaging. it is carefully designed to be positives and not negative positives. Pretty soon you have to let go, not being able to keep up with both story lines and the posi-logical statements at the same time being spoken into each ear. 

Once you let go completely allowing the stories to be implanted, it will eventually grow, some overnight others over days and still others over weeks or so! This depends entirely on your genetics of your central nervous system and how your brain process information given directly or indirectly to it!

What is great about the paraliminals is, you have the opportunity in your future to learn how to use your own photographic memory+ I realized over the years it can be done, even by me! I took their Geology test, the booklet was thirty pages long. I photo-read them all in about two minutes all 35 pages.

Dr. Paul starts by letting you hear the left ear message clearly and then, breaking off, starts on the right ear message, so you can start to hear both the logical and the spacial information, the creative story, back to the positive message and then back again messaging the brain to react according to it's design and natural programming. 

After Photo-Reading the Geology 35 page booklet, mind you, I didn't even see the wording, I had to de-focus my eyes and stare in the middle of the binder while I flip through a page a second. 

Where the binder of both pages meet your doing it right when you see an illusion of a cylinder shape between the binders on each page! Still wondering, as I flipped each page how in the world am I going to learn anything by de-focusing!

This image that appears between the pages is like a cylinder shape  because of your defocus eyes (Illusion). In this de-focus state, I just flip page after page using a de-focus approach with my eyes! When I was done I wasn't sure if there would be any type of success doing this basic exercise. 

I think everyone should give this a try, I am not sure if they will send you a start kit, vetting those who have the potential and those who simply don't! This prevents those who don't have such potential from spending money they don't have!

My subconscious mind was suppose to be taking a snapshot of both pages. It came with a test booklet of questions about Geology that came from the booklet. After finishing in about 20 minutes my first time, I went immediately to the questions. I looked over some of the questions and thought no way! I never took Geology in High School.

I looked at the questions and I had no idea of any of the answers! But Paul and Pete told me, just look at the questions and use your intuition and feelings to pick the correct one. Because you already have the answers from the book you Photo Read, that is stored in your subconscious minds! 

I went back to question #1 and there were thirty five of them. I got 90% correct just using my gut instincts on a multiple choice questions! I am not sure of the "How's" of getting that many answers right just by guessing! Pete the Vice President told me that, this was just the beginning of your journey. 

Using the cd's for personal development anyone can use and succeed but for specialty programs such as Photo-Reading, a pre-test is given to see if you have an innate talent for such a program. My cousins and second cousins all had photographic memories! Believe it or not, my cousin is a gold geologist for a mining company in North Dakota.

Pete told me, this is how we vet out those who don't have this type of access on natural basis. Both the company and the student would lose in this situation of the potential isn't there. This is not about the cd's, they work for about everyone but when it comes to Photo-Reading one must have the natural talent even though it maybe undeveloped.

Just like college, you have to take SAT's testing to be placed or to be accepted to the college or not! If one is not qualified in reading, writing or math, history etc. they wouldn't be able to learn the advance college work given to them, it would be a waste of time and money for both the college and the student! 

Those who have this Photographic Memory tendency and it does run in my family, the school would accept them in Minneapolis. Same goes for being an artist, the school of art will send you a picture for you to draw and this drawing you drew will be examined by the professor to see if you have an innate talent.

I don't think I would call paraliminals self-hypnosis, which logically would require the individual to approach ones subconscious mind on their own without being hypnotize. But this is just me! When I listen to Paul, I am being hypnotized and I have nothing to do with any effort on my part of (Self)!

The power and genius of the Paraliminals recording really gets to work  the conscious mind, it is no longer able to filter the messages it is hearing, it no longer tries to understand what is being said. The subconscious mind just accepts the messages being delivered to it and then the right half of your brains that are being bathed with the "OK" statements and factual statements will eventually allow the program to be encoded.

Tonight I will listen to the cd for about 30 minutes, which includes "A and "B" side and then go to sleep. Dr. Paul Scheele and Pete Bissonet (who, no longer works with the company) both back in the early 80's, when I heard about them, they were working on PhotoReading and after much testing by photo reading hundreds of books, they were able to teach others how to tap into their photographic abilities of the subconscious mind. 

At the time, you could only go to Minneapolis to take the course and by the end of two or so weeks, you will have memorized with hardly any efforts on your parts; an entire encyclopedia (paperback)! Now for $500.00 PHD Paul Scheele offers this Photo-Reading course to us as a home study course and that took around ten years for that to happen! I couldn't afford to do this in the early 90's at their workshops.

During the early 90's the only Paraliminals I listened too was the SuperMemory Charger! It was the best cassette I ever listened too. I am saying I have used this and know it works! That following month, I found things I thought were lost forever! I just purchased two months ago the Super Memory Charger as an Mp3.

Beyond the $30.00 individual programs; are the larger home study courses that Learning Strategies offers. There are prices everyone can afford to do! Not just the well to do money makers! One year around 1996, I kept forgetting my head, when I would walk out the door or I misplaced my keys or other small items in the house.

I was getting concerned about it, wondering if I was declining at 35, that is, my ability to remember. I did my research and back in the 90's, the Internet was just getting started. So this was a monumental task to be sure. There were only a few sites out there who advertised products like the Paraliminals.

I came across PHD Paul Scheele's sight and what caught my attention was, he had a cassette called, "Super Memory Charger"! I bought it by the way! I think around $15.00 in the early 90's. I was anxious to get started listening to it! It was great! I kept falling asleep every time! I thought this may not work if I am sleeping! I was wrong!

I listened to it and this was the first time I was ever exposed to an NLP programming used by an hypnotherapist. Within about ten minutes I am guessing I fell asleep. Within a few days, thirty year old memories were coming back to my conscious mind! How could this be! I kept falling asleep every time I listened to it.

This happen more than a dozen times even if I listened to the cassette once a week! But when off, for over thirty days not listening to it, the volume of my intuition went back to "0" pretty much the way it was before experiencing the program.

All the sudden I awakened as Paul said, you are now fully rested to go about your day or something in that nature. I listened to it for about three or four days and I quit on the fifth day. I just needed a break and let my mind process the compiled information! There is not much you need to do but listen to the Mp3 or Cd.

Two days later, I was driving on a back road not thinking of anything in particular, when in a weird way, I heard like a fizz sound or when using a underwater breathing regulator when air bubbles rise to the top and I discerned in my head a memory that had happened way back about 25 years ago, entering my mind! It was the weirdest experience I had in my life! I barely remember such an historic thought.

Never experienced anything like it afterwards! I was laughing at myself but thrilled just the same! Then in that same evening, I was watching TV and my intuition (small feeling) deep down inside gave me an imagery type of mental picture of behind the chair in the living room, it was surreal and it was only a small vision of a flash. 

Our minds are like our bodies, if we stop training for a certain length of time, you lose those unique wakeup calls to the subconscious mind! Same goes with physical training, lay off it for a time and you lose the muscle mass, guaranteed!

I got up immediately and walked over to it and looked behind it and there it was, hidden near the wood frame. Dr. Paul said, your intuition volume will be turn up because it too is activated. This maybe true in a sense but what got me to move to the chair is beyond my comprehension. In fact, I never sat on this chair because I couldn't see my T.V. from that angle.

I searched high and low for many months prior to that! Then it happened, I got caught up in other situations over that time period and in went the Paraliminal cassette in my closet, in a box. Because I was busy with many things in my life at that time and it was forgotten.

The irony over time I forgotten about it altogether! I know they work for me! One will have to try it themselves to see if it works for them. It has a 30 days money back. Never occurred to me to ask for my money back because it worked!

With the "Dream Play", it seems to lull one into a deep "alpha" sleep, not too deep as to be totally unconscious; while Dr. Paul is speaking to both sides of your ears with two different story structures of instructions, you have to have some type of conscious awareness to receive the instructions! No Subliminal here! Just "overwhelm" to separate one from the other.

I found over the years of trying so many new types of meditation cd's and honestly, some work but most didn't. I finally got around of throwing out some of those old cassettes and cd's that didn't work for me, even the ones that did work for short periods of time. The one's that worked for me I have kept. 

Update: On the morning of the 6th of October 2020, I had profound dreaming occurred which seemed like the whole night to me! I woke up 12 hours later! The best sleep I had up to the current time when I used this Dream cd...

I listened to the first part of the "Dreaming Play" CD; it hypnotizes you to have many dreams and trains you to "Remember" them! Then Mr. Scheele woke me up! I will listen to part "A" again and this time going into part "B" for "Lucid Dreaming"!

Part "A" was only fifteen minutes in length and so is part "B"! A total of 30 minutes! Mr. Scheele wholeheartedly believes in keeping things short, so that the mind doesn't get board. I think some of his home study courses maybe around 45 minutes or so, these are the advance courses of study (listening only)!

With this type of training, we are only allowing the brain to do what it was genetically designed todo for survival. Most of this has been dormant because of our ease of life, so the switch to survival has been shut down!

I could never stay awake when Paul Scheele speaks, soft and mellow voice alone drives a person under in less than five minutes. Of course, the listener must do their part and let go, it's a team effort in any event. There are those individuals, who build a walled fortress around themselves due to trauma's etc. who have a hard time being hypnotize. I figure in time this could also be overcome!

If I casually force myself, I too can stay awake! The reason these paraliminals set well with me, is because I let go and trust the system, you need to be aware I am tough person to hypnotize, even participating in stage hypnosis, I couldn't go under and I really wanted too! I guess it was a subconscious issue I had to work out over time.

These cd's can seem to do magic on a person as far as I am concerned. Everyone are different, if you can be hypnotized easily or with time practiced on your parts, this program will be super special bringing you into the whole brain synchronization! Both halves of the brain will be instructed to dig in its own psyche for development and growth.

Today is another day come and gone! It will fly by if you don't stop for a moment and do those things you count dear to yourselves, they may disappear forever! It's the small things that seem to disappear first, these small things used to be the bedrock of your past ideas and the energies you put behind them. Are they now the faded memories of time gone by?

Dr. Paul doesn't fill your head with nonsense but encourage your both halves of the brain to work together to bring to, what is important to you; not what is important to the hypnotist. He or she doesn't know your inner most being, only you do! So, Dr. Paul emphasizes and instructs your own brain and mind to come up with the answers you are seeking.

I will keep you updated on the "Dream Play" which teaches you to dream heavily and to remember these dreams and it encourages the mind to interpret your dream images the way you will understand not the way someone else understands. Next, the program will bring you to understand Lucid Dreaming to get all your answers to your questions about life etc.

I got 20 more cd's I would like to purchase over time, for other things I would like to experience along the way! I own five of them since last year that were used in-house as "activators" for the Photo Reading class! The "activators" were essential to retrieve in micro-seconds the information that your subconscious minds taken a picture of.

This may sound weird to those who were not introduce to the Jurassic era of hypnosis approach like myself and a few others out there! I wish I had this knowledge when I was taking those long final tests in high school. Especially testing for rank in the Air-Force!

Doing Photo-Reading, once you scan the book one needs to "Activate" the material that was briefly taken a picture of by the subconscious mind, these "activators", are the key to accessing the information deep inside the subconscious minds. The Paraliminals techniques are employed within the "Activators" itself.

The students after Photo-Reading their books and after "activating" the material under hypnosis, (the other titled cd's) using other titled mp3's, one was able to pick out chapters and paragraphs of material in any part of that book! Pete the vice president at the time of working in Learning Strategies, he had acquired the ability to read 25,000 words per minute, just by flipping one page a second.

In essence, photo-reading teaches ones brain to enable to photograph pages of the book with less than one second per page. Dr. Paul believes the stimulus you apply from his paraliminals will allow your minds and brains to come up with a solution of what works, tailored for you!

GVII Update: Golden Vortex...

Looking forward to using the GVII also...My friend has purchased one about 3 1/2 weeks ago! He is as solid today as the first day of placing on a make shift neck loop and wearing it all is waking time. I asked him if he could take it off for a week or so, I wanted to learn how his mind and body reacts to the vortex that surrounds him!

He said to me politely of course, you get yours and wear it for a week and then take it off for a week! "I am not taking this off, the energy is fantastic (Physical and Mental)! This is coming from the most conservative person I ever met besides my late father.

My friend works 8-10 hours at his job and goes and helps his father run the farm with the cattle and hay bailing etc. I wondered every so often how he did this every week! Makes me ill to think about bailing hay on a hot July or August cut and bailed. Got to experience this when I was around 13 years old!

We both chuckled a bit and I told him, I would probably feel the same way I suppose. I have to wait to hear more about his experiences down the road, when winter finally arrives, he will spend less time on the family farm. He also purchased something I mentioned to him about EJGold's two new products for the SuperBeacon. The first the "Pineal Pinger" and the second, the "Thruster"!


Saturday, October 3, 2020



Confusion has been given a bad rep, what is the first thing that comes to one's mind, when you hear or talk about someone who is confused! But it does have its good side and confusion can place us on the right track; when it comes to meditation training. Anytime one does physical or mental training, if done too often the same way, the body and mind will create shortcuts causing your results to suffer.

I had listened to my "Lucid Dream" CD on 30 September 2020, the late morning hours, I found myself near a field and noticed an old school associate walking a junior size upright bipedal creature back to the tree line. I yelled out to him, you don't know what you are doing, let it go and come back!

It was enough urgency that I was yelling in my sleep and woke myself up. I wasn't frighten per se' but very cautious. I did my last report for 30 days of priming my subconscious mind with SpeedZen's "Lucid Dreaming" program. I was responding in my dreams about 40% of the time. Those are great odds!

Now I want to step up with a 2003 technology called the "Yellow  Disc"and bring its awareness to the year 2020! Steven Gibbs constantly along with Carl Novella discusses about the open vortex is where the Hyper-Dimensional-Resonator by (Steven Gibbs) works best with. Except finding these vortices, we came up on the short list.

I research this device and found very little information about what not to do with this white disc (GVI) and it's predecessor called GVII. The only information is what was written back in 2003-2006. My friend who has the GVII, swears by this tiny device. No matter what part of the body that comes in contact with the coin sized object.

With the 2003 technology mimicking nature itself, using the spacial distancing with earth rare magnets, Nick Nelson was able to discover by sheer accident that his prototype opened some kind of vortex that not only can be seen with the naked eye but also can be captured during video recordings. Lastly, it can place oneself inside this vortex if worn around the neck or carried in your pocket.

The old show called the "History Channel" back in 2003 showed the power from this simple medallion, which is the size of a quarter! Not only was it effective opening up a vortex, it also caused undo havoc with the cameras and computers that were recording it! Dan Shaw, who promoted Nicks work stated; "The white Disc, can shape and mimic such natural vortexes.

Even Dan Shaw is not 100% sure as to the "why's" and the "How's" about Nicks devices. Imagine this recording of the Golden Vortex showed the living proof of what it can do. Later around 2006 period of time, Nick created a dual disc device that has two gated openings instead of one with the white disc.

When or if you decide to purchase this device, you will have to write down the "who, what, where, when, why's and the How's to get an accurate feedback of what this device is truly capable of. This company doesn't aggressively advertise this device, since there are millions worldwide of different pendants to compete against.

Dan Shaw said, this newer model is much more powerful than it predecessor. Not to say, the golden vortex lost its ability to bend time and space, it still does today. I have not seen updated material on the second series of the Golden Vortex. It is called "

But my research indicates that computers not vortexes are and is the wave of our present and our future. Its hidden abilities are being unveiled by only a few of us who are left to do so, who are not taken up with new technologies and covering the old to let die.

Our world as we known it to be and I am talking from experience, I am 62 years young and I don't recognize this home! Our way of life is slowly slipping away by politics and their choices made by the politicians themselves. 

If your looking for 100% functional tools to magically send yourself into another timeline, you will be waiting for a long time to come! Pieces here and there make up the sum of the whole! The Matrix of Life is like cut puzzles in specific shapes, its up to us to place these pieces into the right place!

This is the fuel that keeps me going on with discoveries of the old technological ways and means, to bring it into an uncertain world that we will all soon face together. We can't divide and conquer anymore, there are no new worlds here to discover. It's our hope within this world we will reach another and another deep within ourselves!

It's ironic the same technologies that advanced us is now being used against us in spades no less. Many time travel hopefuls have asked me over the years, how can we escape this world and begin again! My answer is "Take the first step"! Train yourselves!

What if Gibbs is one hundred percent correct? That we need a vortex in order to time travel with his unit (HDR)! Wouldn't this be worth the time and effort the HDR operators to watch the past History Channel concerning the vortex device? I seen the proof, the only way not to see it would be covering your eyes or placing one's head in the sand so to speak. 

There is no certainty that it will be 100%, we don't know in our scientific world much of the key lines and the node points and how to use them for how they were created. 

If we do, more than likely it is Highly classified for national security reasons! Yet, from my talks with other HDR users, a few mind you, have experienced time travel using crude techniques to open up physical vortexes.

This information is good to get someones attention that these disappearance are real and are happening today! If you look at the preponderates of the evidence put forth from their surviving loved ones and the backpedaling of both the state and national parks around the USA, by their political appointees it all seems pretty fishy. 

Think about the "411's" calls that people simply vanish into the wilderness at state and national parks no less! The records of those, who disappeared off the face of the earth are sealed from the public. Dave Paulides's was told it would cost him one million dollars to have access to the missing persons file under the freedom of information act! Say What!

Granted there have been findings after a few years of hikers coming through the parks, every so often accidentally finding remains of the lost loved ones from many years ago. Yet the ones we mention are never found! Their equipments and sometimes shoes are at some of the  locations of that missing soul. They are nowhere to be found.

Yet, there are things no one can explain or come up with an excuse why the person who is missing, would drop all their gear such as, knives, bows, weapons and walk into oblivion. But it happens and still happens today. Dave written two books on these matters and he doesn't rule out alien abductions or BigFoot intervention. They are territorial!

It's possible, that the natural vortexes around the node points of the connecting Key Ley Lines can only receive biological entity and their equipment sheds off from them, not in all cases! The possibilities are still there.

You maybe wondering why I am bringing this up, it was said or hypothesized that it is possible people are disappearing through a vortex of sorts. How do we know for sure? We don't until we disappear through the same ones and be able to come back to talk about it! Yet, no one to my knowledge has ever came back, once the vortex was entered into.

Which would explain, why equipment was left behind before walking off into oblivion. Good example: A spouse and her husband were just a hundred yards from their cabin in plain view, the wife said, I don't feel good I am going back to the cabin. 

The husband turned his back and began walking, he looked back to make sure his wife was ok. She was gone! She simply vanished in an open area void of trees with the cabin in sight. This was about twenty or so years ago! 

Why do rescuers of those who disappeared in square mile areas, always find these mysterious steps built long ago, mostly made of rock and has no handrails? They start with the first step but ends at the top and it does in a lot of cases have a railing. Some of these stairs reach up around twenty plus feet. 

There are many more such mysteries, like for example, one of the rescue crew members, while looking for a missing person in a state or national park, found a set of stairs which went to nowhere! Many more of those rescuers have come across stairs some carved out of stone to twist upwards and ends.

You have to ask yourselves this question, how come? They were finding different stairwells deep inside the woods! The one rescuer asked his boss as they were walking, what is this doing here! How did it get delivered? The only way would be by helicopter winch and that can be expensive!

His boss said, don't go near it or even walk up the stairs! He gave no good reason as the "Why" of it. The rescuer shook his head and continued in the search for this missing hikers they were assigned too. They did find missing remains tennis shoes and knapsacks etc. foot prints that stopped near the wood lines.

Their were several hikers, that find these stairwells in the middle of a National and State Parks! Just to drop off something like this out hundreds or thousands of miles in the middle of the woods and these stairwells could very much weigh in the tonnage! There would be no logical reason for such things!

One hiker was asked about stairs and he said, "I seen those stairs, as I looked up where they were leading, there was a bright opening. I began to climb it and the light got brighter, I could feel it! Then coming to my senses I backed off and the light went dim until it faded away! I knew no one would believe what I saw and experienced! I was freaked out and ran as fast as I could.

We can't go by one or two of these phenomenas and peg every lost person has gone through a vortex. Such is not the case, there could have been a thousand reasons why, they, the (hikers) disappeared leaving no trace whatsoever.  Just this one witness could explain a hundred missing hikers fate!

Yet just a little over a dozen eye witnesses tend to see it for what they saw and personally experienced. Experience is the best teacher in these cases. You can write about this all day long but at the end unless someone can experience these phenomenas for what they are, will never truly understand the powers of nature.

411 is used to file for missing persons case and in these particular cases we are talking about those, who simply disappear in both State and National Parks all over the USA. 

There are YouTube shows called, "411", you should watch it, very interesting! The HDR user could expand their imaginations with this kind of information. The writer of the books called, "411" applied for freedom of information act to see a list of all the missing people from just one of the state parks. He was told, it will cost you a million dollars!

Say what! The people who told him this, were from the FBI! Now why do you suppose the FBI would be involved in a State park, maybe a National Park but the "State"? Where does one start with information like this and to those who can't afford an HDR? We can start by looking for alternatives. 

I honestly think, a good start is with the golden vortex, its cost is only $55.00 and the more advance pendant is $150.00! It actually was meant to be used on the ground to create an open vortex or carried inside the pocket. 

With the first GVI prototype, he sent it to his friends and family members. Within a few days, he was getting emails and calls from them telling Nick, old wounds and pains were clearing up!

The so called "health" miracles were just a side effect, the vortex generator was designed to place oneself in the center of a vortex, when samples were given to family and friends, they wrote back telling him their illnesses were either 80% feeling better etc.

Nick didn't design this device for health miracles, only for vortices. But people being as they are, will try anything once! This turned out to be another phenomena Nick wasn't quite ready for. These prototypes, were just that, it didn't have the finishing touches like they look today.

My friend told me the other day that his energy levels are off the chart! He feels like twenty years old again. Now I am anxious to acquire (4) each golden vortex and one each GVII. Update: 10 Oct. 2020, my friend had his GVII for about one month and he told me the results are even better than the first time wearing it.

Being my friend is wearing two of these devices, his chakra's are on fire! I have read remotely somewhere those near vortexes like in Utah or PA and many other places, people experience a little dizziness and then euphoria! Most would agree once exposed to these vortices they seemingly feel better both mentally and physically.

Every state or city somewhere have these vortex phenomena's there are no special places, they show up catchers catch can! Once they are there, that is where it's going to stay. Steven Gibbs had a lot to say about these phenomena's and entering into it was moderately hard to accomplish.

The one vortex I was at in the Minneapolis area, off of RR 61 route, was an old Native American burial mound that was fenced off, it had one spot that people were allowed to step on too! People huddled around it. Curious as I was I waited my turn, I stepped on to the area of the plate and in the middle of the mound field it echoed but no one else heard it!

I stood on this round metal plate in the middle of the mound and when I talked with my wife, my voice echoed right back at me as if I was in a hollow cave, imagine that! I stepped off the 4 foot plate and began to say something and it was normal once more. My voice was being "echoed" back to me, yet there was nothing to bounce off with my sound waves.

I talked with the regulars and they told me, this is a phenomena and the city didn't want this destroyed, so it preserved this phenomena and gated around it from anything that maybe built on or around this one spot! They added another metal fencing to the Native American Burial Mound. Yes, these phenomenas are everywhere!

The "mind" within the human brain must be developed either by Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis etc. Devices can work but are never a guarantee. I have one of my favorite paraliminals, called Super Memory Charger and the ten minute one also. Dr. Paul Scheele is the brain child of these programs.

What all this fluff of knowledge worldwide, it pretty much boils down to our infinite "Minds", no matter how hard we try to eliminate this factor, we always seem to comeback around to it. The body follows the mind, this is a "moot" point to be sure. Technology will help convince our minds that we can astral project, remote view, time travel, etc. Instead of fighting the inevitable we or I, should embrace it!

You know the argument of a technique that has a people believe the mechanical approach to all the above is necessity and it is the works of our hands and control over the body that allows such things to exist in that matrix both you and I take part of. Controlling the body is the first step to achieve what seems "impossible" but to control the body we need to control our minds!

Our minds are housed in the physical brains, which is limited but it has access beyond our physical realities! Tap the mind and you tap into the "universe! The subconscious is the gears to enter into this matrix. The tools such as golden vortex or others like it, helps us experience beyond the physical realities of this matrix. The subconscious helps our souls bring into this reality, the universal tap that goes beyond atoms and molecules that make up hard dense realities.

Almost 40+ years ago, a body building coach in LA trainer, trained the Mr. Olympias such as Arnold etc. One of his training secrets was Called, "Weider's muscle confusion principle". Most bodybuilders were working out seven days a week and when Joe told his trainees to stagger their training by missing one to three days a week! Within two weeks all of them gained new muscle size!

So, work on your subconscious minds, here is the most difficult for me to do because I love listening to them 7 days a week! I found more times than naught, that if you stagger your listening training such as "subliminal" or "paraliminals", the physical brain will not be able to adapt, as long as the dynamics are constantly being re-arranged! Good example: 

The late Joe Wider of bodybuilding back in the 70's told his students such as, Arnold, the many times universal champion, to stagger their sets and reps because the body will become use to day after, week after month after years of a certain way, you may experiences losses! This equals = No growth! Growth comes by force and by the unexpected approaches no matter the training. (variety)!

I put myself to the test and tried it last month, it was hard for me at first because I thought listening to the subliminal everyday would re-enforce my efforts and bring quicker results! It was an off and on result. So, I taken what I learned in weight lifting and staggered my listening times such as these days of the week:







You see the "Confusion Principle" will keep your minds guessing about your next stimuli! If you don't change up a routine, expect  less than stellar results and no growth or stimuli, that would enable otherwise, our abilities to supersede our desires or goals.

The above is simplistic approach, there are many ways you can do this, this is just one of them! My results were to experience more entities and knowing I am dream more than 10x's in one month! On my days off, I would squirm knowing I want to listen to the cd tonight but I couldn't. I have to keep training every two days or every other day or for the entire week. But this too will have to be changed!

I want to keep my physical brain stimulated and not go stale with the drudgery of 7-days a week listening to the same old CD, night after night and anyways the brain will create new shortcuts if used enough at certain lengths of time. Once the shortcut is created by your newly formed neurons that are firing off at particular sequences, your desired results will also be cut off.

It's ok for GPS routes but not for the brain, the car doesn't have intelligence other than what was pre-programmed into it from the factory, it can't distinguish the longer or shorter routes and it can't create shortcuts like the brain is able to do on its own! It's a good thing and can be a nuisance!

The above link is for general help if you never did self-hypnosis or maybe your other self hypnosis cd's were ineffective. These are performed by speaking into each ear, stories stringed with NLP programming and the conscious mind can't keep up with the stories, thus allowing the suggestions to enter into the subconscious minds!

Guilty or not Guilty

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Not all mp3's are created equal! What may work for your friend or spouse or children may not work for you! It is a hit and run technique, hoping out of all the mp3's you vested into, that one of those your mind and central nervous system will like and respond in time favorably.

It’s been several months that I used my “Lucid Dreaming” subliminal CD from SpeedZen and I purchased six months ago and still need to listen to it NDE from iAWAKE. I had not given the program its due attention, I listened once to it and it sounded like I was in a mother ship of sorts with all the high technique instruments sounding off at random timings.

It suppose to takes one’s mind to “Lambda” or some sort of mind state that has been being experimented with by iWAKE. I probably spelled this wrong! I will try this month to work on such a brain wave state. Both CD’s are one hour in length which is what I planned for using the IDL-32 GateKeeper! 

I’ve been listening on and off for months to the “SpeedZen” , Lucid Dreaming CD. Off and on, great psyche things would happen and then “nothing”! Not sure if there is a cycle for humans as with animals that go up and down and this effect would be dominated by the human “bio-rhythm? 

Update: I listened to iAWAKE LAMBA frequencies and my nervous system could not handled this. I felt sick and drained. So, as it goes with myself, this one will be put into the closet. Went back to my SpeedZen (Lucid Dreaming) liked its a whole lot better. 

Bio-Rhythm charting, one will have to take with a pinch of salt, not all issues that come up are the direct or indirect directions of your personal bio-rhythm. Yet, is kind of fun and to be watchful on your physical and emotional or spiritual when these conditions are below the Zero line. 

I have a link for a free bio-chart to punch my birthdate and year, I can work with following, there is about 5 different bio-rhythms. “Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual”, that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. My wife and I have the same head to head sine wave going both the same direction each day no matter the direction both physical and emotional. 

We differ with the other three waves. When things go wrong or we are having a very bad day, 90% of the time it is because of our “emotional” and "physical" sine waves were either going down or into negative territory. Personally, I don’t look where it is at every single day, like I did in the past, before playing the lotto. 

I wait until both my emotional and physical sine waves are in positive territory before entering the lotto playing. I won small prizes consistently once or twice each month, when the both sine waves were above “0” percent line. 

Think of this tool as a GPS for the bio and spiritual guidance  superhighway mapped out ahead of you! It probably isn't 100% for everyone. Being two people both born the same date having the same bio-lines. Should be something more definitive, other than one's birthdate.

When both bio-sine waves are within 2-3 days getting close to the 100% at the top of the chart, I force myself to play a random ticket of my own numbers. At times, I would get a #3 number win! But it could have easily been five or six of the winning numbers. 

I think I will set my alarm for the dates, when both emotional and physical percentages are 90-100% and then making sure I am listening to my subliminal to see if there is possible connections like that of a full moon. On this chart it will give you future date when one or another or both will go above the "0" line up to 100%

Anyways, it is 28th of September 2020, I am starting to use the SpeedZen, “Lucid Dream” CD. It’s my hopes I will convince Semjase and Winona and her son, to visit me in the early morning hours and visit my wife like they did before. Telepathic speaking along with full waking consciousness always perused.

Sometimes one doesn't have to call in spirits or dimensional travelers. Just practicing with subliminal's can be all that is required when opening new neuron pathways. They can conveniently begin to talk with you, if they wish too!

Most people would think this insane, that’s ok, my wife and I had physical contact with “Semjase” who the late Dr. Bell was in contact with in person for many years. During our time with Semjase and Winona,  at first Semjase would be always playful, tapping my ears or my thigh, when I was sleeping in a fetal position. Yes, I do miss her antics and giggles in the early morning hours. 

How do I know she was female, easy her laugh and talking with with strong telepathy in a naturing way! I never asked her to appear or talk with us under any circumstances that I am aware of. It just seemed to happen one early morning. A bright light was shining from my walking closet and she stepped out went to my dresser to examine the Late Dr. Fred Bell's "Nuclear Receptor"!

She would telepathically chirp in saying, “It’s time to wake up dear”! I told her “no”, I want to sleep in late. She would once again, giggle and tap me on my scalp, until I finally woke completely up. The way she communicated with us, was eerily similar to what Dr. Bell described of her. I had replaced the Zirconia diamond at the time with a grade "H" solitaire diamond of one ct. weight.

Sometimes, when dealing with various static and non-static questionable instruments or unique methods, one needs to sit back to absorb what the heck is going on! Things happen that most people wouldn't or couldn't say aloud in the public for fear of ridicule and isolation.

This truly went on for 30 days straight! Not of our doing! Except listening to Lucid dream subliminal and only I, myself was doing that not my wife. I even felt the bed go down, when she sat on it to get me up and out of bed. I hurried to open my eyes to catch a glimpse of her and nothing but she was still right where she sat.

Winona her friend, would visit me through direct vision/telepathically talking to me and her little boy was very excited, telling his mother, can he hear us! She was the only of the two I could actually see! Exhausting for a month what has been occurring to us was, my brainwaves were trapped between both upper theta and alpha range. More than likely some PK involved.

The he, the child of Winona, turned around and began to telepathically speak to me and it was so powerful and overwhelming I had to tell him to stop, my brain is not designed like yours! Both were enumerated with my doctor Fred Bell's Nuclear Receptor. I yet to use the Andromeda technology what the late Dr. Fred Bell calls the "Holographic Projector" necklace.

For sure not all meditation CD's are alike! Some make one feels translucent, while others just rub a person the wrong way and that could be for a million reasons both consciously and unconsciously. This just happened to be one of them, that had effected me the wrong way.

I had to go to Walmart of all places to purchase a battery powered CD player. I have to ensure it is mobile in case I decide to use the bean bag chair to go to sleep on in the living room. 

I find myself getting up in the middle of the night and wondering how I ended up at the bean bag by morning! The CD portable player works fine! I have the old BOSE with a cd changer but too big to drag around to different rooms.

iWake CD's are expensive and so is the Digital downloads. I purchased it, but hadn't got around to using it since early last year. The delay was when our city was coming under attack. (I couldn't stand it) iWakes frequencies, something about it that irritated me. I listened to this CD on 29 August 2020, I don't recommend it!

Golden Vortex Update: My friend in Kansas purchased his GVII vortex magnetic piece for going on two weeks. He sent me an update and his experience with this medallion as been remarkable! He tells me, there have not been a personal change that he is aware of, it just seems that around him is where the changes happen.

His health took a spike upwards and his energy levels are skyrocketing. Here is a copy of his email to me.

Below is a brief email sent to me from a friend, he purchased two of the GVII models. He tried one for a couple of days and then used two at once and my friend told me, he was getting light headed but after that, his energy levels skyrocket! He is trying to comprehend what is happening around and to him.

Dear Scarecrow,

As the Project Vortex goes, I wonder how many people are sick of my new postive attitude?

My introspection suggests I am more positve thinking than before.  So, I have noticed easier manifestation and luck.  Side effects from being in higher vibriation.  Noticed clearer thinking too, as increased my fast time doing Suduku puzzles at work during break.

Weird changes, but I don't feel any different.

Maybe will order some first gen. vortex medallion and see if they heal or help chakra areas by taping to body.

My friend is conservative in his approach both in life and in spiritual development. So I take what he says, seriously. He hasn't used the device for the spiritual side and he has not conducted the "Shrink and Grow" phenomena, which one experiences at natural vortices around the US and the world in general. 

This is just as new to me as it would be to any of you, who may be reading this. We read all kinds of stories about some pendants claiming there is power from their devices and they show you reflexology to prove the claims. But fall short of real solidified proof, without anyone's help!

You don't need to do reflexology to prove to yourselves such a unit can affect our space around us, using magnets properly positioned from each other, all one has to do is having two people stand across from each other, with the pendant in the middle, on the ground. Then have them change sides, Viola!

Let's go on fast forward a bit. There is one other unit on eBay called, "Mantra Transducer"! This one may have some promises! It is hand built from the ground up! It was designed with many meditators in mind, very versatile.

Golden Ratio is included in this design, powered by a centra quartz which regulates the frequency in to low bio-magnetic healing. it comes with headphone jack so you can induce magnetically frequencies for meditation, harmonizing, consciousness, wholeness, programming anything you like (frequencies are sold separately). 

The size is 12 inches diameter, great power binaural frequencies, which allows us to access deeper states of consciousness, facilitating meditation, improving biological processes to restore harmony in the body / mind. Again there are many devices out there claiming the same things. This huge on foot diameter plating with resin, magnetic wiring and the host of other things.
Its operation is based on two different tones, one in each ear, the difference between each tone binaural produces a rhythm, the rhythm produced by the dissonance of tones is to be corrected by the brain and is where the brain synchronization happens, allowing the brain within one of the five programmed frequencies. 

What I already like about it is, using your iPhone to program this 12 inch diameter circular plating made of resin and electro-magnetic wiring along with using PHI designs such as nature would use! You can program any brainwave program that you have in your library. Or run your favorite meditation music through it.

Beta waves: Between 14 and 40 Hz.

Brain frequencies are divided into five ranges, depending on the intensity of the electromagnetic vibration to the working brain.
I guess this is all ran from your cell phones and most programs are these days. I found it unique tho, sorry I just seem to be like a magnet to high prices.

Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousness, and greater alertness, logic and critical thinking, to perform daily activities, are in beta, although important for effectively functioning in everyday life, levels higher beta produced in stress, anxiety and restlessness, with most adults mainly in beta activity during waking hours, it's no wonder that stress is a problem most common health today.

Alpha waves: Between 7.5 and 14 Hz

Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and with closed eyes and usually while daydreaming, relaxed individual consciousness is achieved through meditation on the light, it is optimal alpha feature and to program your mind for success alpha increases imagination, display memory, learning and concentration, is at the base of conscious awareness and is the gateway to the subconscious mind.

Below you are all quite familiar with these states of minds. It's pretty much short footnotes for someone, who read about them but forgot how each one comes and goes!

Theta: Between 4 and 7.5 Hz brain waves Theta, 

Are present during deep meditation and light sleep, including the state of REM sleep, theta is the realm of the subconscious mind, also known as the twilight state as it normally is only momentarily experienced while you he falls asleep and emerges sleep, a feeling of deep spiritual connection and oneness with the universe can be experienced in Theta, vivid displays, large deep inspiration, creativity, exceptional insight and deeper programs of the mind.

Alpha and Theta border between 7 and 8 Hz

This is the optimum range for viewing mental and use the creative power of mind programming is the mental state that consciously create our reality, in this frequency mind control, one He is aware of his surroundings but your body is in deep relaxation, to know how to access this level of mind will first must learn to relax or use binaural frequencies.

Delta: between 0.5 and 4 Hz.

The Delta frequency is the slowest and is present in deep dreamless sleep and in a very deep transcendental meditation where awareness is completely separate, delta is the realm of the unconscious mind, is the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where the information received is available or otherwise than in the conscious level, Delta is associated with deep healing and regeneration, underlining the importance of sleep.

There are so many twists and turns with frequencies

Healing process frequency range: above 40 Hz.

It is one of the recently discovered and still under debate, as has been observed bursts of insight and high information processing in subjects that have been discussed in this frequency spectrum. Remember that using binaural frequencies, we learn to control the mind and the deeper states of consciousness, so we can create reality with exact precision. 

Each frequency is measured in cycles per second or Hz, and has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and therefore a unique state of consciousness. MetaYantra frequencies
is a universal Project, which purpose goes beyond what we can imagine and understand through human reason. 

The basis of the project are binaural frequencies created with certain scientific criteria in the field of neuroscience and the geometric study of sound propagation. That was a mouthful, binaural's have been placed on just about everything that can be a CD or mp3.

The frequencies help create specific brain states to generate effects to personal and collective level. Reproduction of frequencies causes changes in brain processes of people who experience, as well as certain effects on the environment. The sound is a three-dimensional field of energy, propagation is spherical and radiates all around. 

Here is the thing, people have great visions for places like Shangrila and it doesn't exist, maybe in about 200 years in our future! Right now we are in a de facto state of war in our cities. Meditation works for those who apply themselves but there are many who rather resort to death and destruction!

We know that the consciousness of the planet has been demonstrated through complex scientific studies and understand that the vibrations emitted by human thoughts and emotions affect personal and collective way we perceive reality every day. I agree with this statement, for hatred is an emotion as it has been shown in the greatest supposed cities in the USA, especially in 2020.

While more people cultivate peace meditative states: lighter, understanding, love and harmony will experience on the planet. Through a network of people connected globally we can change the destiny and history. Can we say that about today's world? Hate is everywhere! Be prepared for anything!

Can you imagine a world where all we vibrate in peace and harmony? That is the main goal of our project and we want you to be part of this new world, we want together generate the seeds of intention and the vibrational causes to turn the earth into a paradise for all sentient beings. Great vision but short on fuel! Most peoples tolerances have been taxed this year!

This device has its promises, but as far as their world view, it's an advertising ploy not to be taken seriously. I copied this vision down to wake up those, who haven't joined the rest of humanity lately. Don't be taken in by huff and fluff, we need to also approach such tools with commonsense!


What are they?

They are energetic devices created with: quartz, resin and metal coils. The Metayantra Pranic Devices, are unique on the world, they are a creation result of a huge and long investigation in the molecular geometry field, including studies in electromagnetic fields, orgonic energy, sacred geometry, gemmotherapy and torsion fields (Einstein-Cartan theory). As the anions or negative ions effects on alive organisms.

METAL: Is used because its conductivity and capacity to modify the electromagnetic morphology. 

• RESIN: Used because his dielectric and electrostatic properties, and its ability to compress.

•QUARTZ/CRYSTAL: Used because its ondulatory, electric, dimensional, vibrational and cosmic properties, besides its capacity to store high energy particles.

• ANTENNA/COIL: Used because its ability to modify, receive, and transmit frequencies, its design is based on the vacuum geometry. 

I have given to you all a ton of information! Because some will not take the extra step to follow through and at the very least looking it over! I have future plans for this device. What I am trying to accomplish is time travel without the HDR! I already have, when I visited Area 51 with the SE-51000. But not everyone can afford an SE-51000 with the holographic device, which is $800 extra! ($5600.00)!

This above unit is $1500.00 listed on E-bay! There is a whole lot more to this units capabilities if the serious researcher applies themselves. Just ignore fantasy ads and get down in the ditch where real researchers get the real results in the real world inspire of the current crisis within 10 or more major US cities and one of those cities happens to be mine, where it all started. 

I will keep this short and to the point until next time!

Monday, September 21, 2020



The Mysterious Phenomena’s called the “Vortex”! They have different shape and sizes. Steven Gibbs was and probably still is along with Carl Novella alias (HdrKid) know a lot of about these time traveling gems!

The subject I would like to talk about is the all famous, hardly seen, hardly experienced called the Vortex. I know what I felt while driving through one many years ago on a back country road. With the help of the Hyper-dimensional-resonator. I won’t be discussing too much about the HDR, what I want to talk to you all about is, something maybe a few heard about back in 2003.

There was a show on the “History Channel” called, the “Alaska Triangle”. It was known of losing aircraft just like the Bermuda Triangle, off the coast of Florida and Bahamas. Two congressman in or around 1974 flew into Alaska Triangle and never to return again! The son of one of the congressman is still trying to locate the plane his father flew in.

In this paperback book it was written by Nick Nelson, who created the first of its kind called the “Golden Vortex”! Honestly, I wasn’t looking for such a device because, there are so many thousands if not tens of thousands of these type pendants! When I seen it in operation, I had to wipe my eyes and watch the video of two people standing near this portable vortex apparatus.

There are two “golden” vortex pendants to date of this material the first that was shown on the History Channel above, GV1 model...six years after the first showing, Nick the creator of this device built another one that he labeled the GV2. He claims this one is much more effective and powerful. But both accomplish the basics pretty much the same.

When on another related website about the “Golden Vortex”, it had lettering on the outside of the first one called at the time, “GV-I” model. This pendant that can either be worn or carried in ones pockets or placed on the ground, produces a unique approach what Nick called the, “Shrink and Grow” affect. We will get into that a bit later on in this article.

What Nick pretty much accidentally discovered, (Chance favors the prepared mind), bringing closer the odds of discovering something in the field of magnetics! He found through his years of research and a bit of  “luck” have you, that when spacing the magnets in specific locations of close to each other. The “Pull Strength” of the magnets are less important to consider.

What is this “considering” part? Nick found out in 2002 the “vortex effects” at famous places known to have them around the USA and abroad. There is one particular one, where a building seems slanted at a 45 degree angles and yet when measured with a leveler and string, they are perfectly “Level”! How can this be? Is it an illusion or something else.

One maybe tempted after watching the above video, that what they were seeing was an illusion! No it wasn’t! The camera proved that to be wrong! Your eyes can be tricked but the camera can’t be. You may think the place where the two were at was already that way and if you seriously watched the video you would have to drop such a notion.

Nick said, it is no illusion, it is reality that is produced by an active vortex! The only reason I continued to watch this History Channel program was, two of the team members doing the investigation of the triangle area in Alaska, were taken up in a Piper type aircraft. They flew over the area near the mountains and the compass started to go crazy.

The plane started shaking, the pilot was an experience “bush” pilot of about 30+ years! He was having a difficult time controlling the plane the more they flew into a fog bank, before it was clear weather and within minutes fog was encompassing them. The two investigators asked to be taken back to home base! Dan Shaw was introduced, this gentleman also goest to different vortexes around the world.

It just happened Dan was invited on the History Channel to explain some basics of a vortex (alive)! At the time of this particular broadcast, Dan had a Gold Disc Pendant he took out of his pocket. The two investigators asked him what it was. Dan Shaw said, what I have in my hand is an invention from Nick Nelson what he calls the “Golden Vortex”!

There is at the moment no right or wrong way of using these two types of devices offered by Nick. Experiment! Research, this will never end! Especially, if you see the naked proof right before your eyes! If you still are not sure, place your favorite pendant or any type of magnets on the same spot and do the brief exercise, it would be my guess it doesn’t work!

Dan instructed the two investigators to place themselves 4 feet or so apart from each other, facing each other. Now Dan told them to look at each of their eye levels where the other person was standing. The woman was 5 foot seven inches tall and the man husky but 5’9 inches. Once they finished this step, Dan placed the golden vortex disc on the ground between them.

He asked both of them to change positions with the other, keeping in mind to remain at eye level with each other. The cameras were recording this event and the equipment crew filming, couldn’t believe what just happen in front of their eyes! 

The man at five foot nine inches, now towered over the woman facing him! The woman who was shorter, was now taller when she changed positions with him. This is called, the “Shrink and Grow” test!

The pendant the size of a quarter is capable of bending time and space! Imagine for a single moment, what you could use this for? I know Radionic operators will salivate over this device! It’s not a Radionic device this has been proven! It is static/magnetics. The spatial distance of three magnets are creating an active tear in the time/space continuum. 

One will shrink and the other will grow! Dan Shaw stated the disc produces this active vortex from the “open” side of the disc. It was later stated, everyone seen the proof but the definitive was watching a recording of the events that had happened right in front of them and those of us who were watching this same program above.

Cameras were shutting off and coming on very quickly when the disc was placed on to the ground between the two, who were both four feet apart from each other. The only reason my friend purchased his two before me was, I was still writing about it as I looked up additional information concerning this crazy pendant.

They didn’t feel no physical effects whatsoever around the disc but were completely astonished, what each of them saw about each other’s heights. It was plain right in your face mode! I will be purchasing my own with extra (4) GV-1’s for each corner of my bed and the GV-2 under my pillow! I guess looking for that GV fairy to happen to appear! LOL.

Unless you buy Nicks book or know how to contact him at facebook, I personally couldn’t tell you what is his current agenda  Is for even a more powerful and bigger unit! 

I had to watch this program several times on “YouTube” channel to see if anything was at work in the background besides the disc that was placed on the ground in the center of the two people. I could not see anything that had changed before or after the exercise preformed. If you remember for some of these other type discs, everyone use “Reflexology” to prove their pendant is the real thing.

I have never seen the likes of this device, the way it was used and even the recording cameras were picking up on it and ultimately being screwed with! Certainly no “reflexology” needed to test this device! Just stand across from one another and change positions within the effecting vortex. These three built-in magnets inside this pendant are spaced from each other in a very particular way and that is all I know about it.

There was one other thing, when Nick first made his prototype, he gave it to friends and families to either place it in their pockets or wear it with a string or necklace chain of some sort. About a week or so went by and his friends and family members were elated telling him of their lifetime injuries were gone, as long as they wore/carried on them this disc.

Leave it to my good friend, once I told him about this device, I found by chance. He watched the same History Channel program you just did at the beginning of this article, he emailed me right away and told me, he purchased two GV2’s. Once he knows they work, he will give one to each of his parents.

I am not sure how effective this magnetic device will be. My good friend purchased two of them, the the GV-2’s. He will let me know how it works for him and he is good at scrutinizing tools such as these. I have not gotten around to purchasing one as of yet. When I do, I will get both of them starting with the first GV built and was shown originally on the History channel and their newly built GV2.

What I like to accomplish is to purchase four of the GV1’s and one of the GV2’s. I want to setup HDR time travel experiments inside these vortexes! Exciting to think about such things, once in awhile. I seen the preliminary results on the “History Channel” of the Alaskan Triangle research, not the GV2 but of the GV1! Nick said, the GV2 is double the power and shows the Shrink and Grow clearly and strongly!

Steven Gibbs always told us to find the vortexes to use your HDR. I seen the effects of one of the two models offered and seen the “Shrink and Grow” tests! One can only imagine, when placing four GV-1’s at each Corner of the bed on the floor or on top of all four bed posts using the HDR in the middle of the bed, while wearing the more powerful GV2 model at the same time!

The golden vortex pendant is $55.00 and the advanced model GV2 is $150.00. Not too bad, since I seldom find these inexpensive devices online for this kind of price. Usually it’s a thousand plus dollars that usually gets shared with you. The Golden Vortex pendant (GV-1) has to be used on its open side only, even though you have a whole straight through the device itself.

There are probably a hundred and one ways to go about experimenting with these devices. It’s up to you to decide, according to the designer and builder of such a quarter size pendant! You can see the differences between the two models. But it is the experience Nick acclaims that you will feel and see in a very strong way with the GV2.

One is gold colored and has emboss lettering on one side. The black one has a jewel type polymer, with not just one open face that causes this phenomena, but two open faces! I don’t know what the two open faces can do, I will have to contact the other guy, not Nick, as to the reason for the two open sides.

Just using plain everyday store bought magnets used any old way, you will come to realize it will not work like the GV’s, they will not cause these unusual “shrink and grow” results or quite frankly do anything else spectacular! If any of you decide to purchase one or the other, let me know what you think and I will post it here to let others know.

The below paragraph gets me to think how I used my SE-51000 to time travel to Area 51! Don Paris never guaranteed such a thing and the only other person who would, would be Steven Gibbs and his HDR time travel device.

He, Nick, doesn’t make nonsense claims in the use of these devices. He leaves it up to the customer how and when they want to use theirs. From what I read just recently, people who own these devices are charging customers a $1.00 to experience the shrink and grow phenomena! They take some pictures as proof from their own cameras!

Quite frankly, Nick never dreamed of trying to copy, such a phenomenal pattern that only happens near a natural active vortex’s. It is the “spacial” distance of the three magnets and a good bit of luck, which caused this particular phenomena to have happened. Like trying to catch a cab in queens on a Saturday night! It could happen!

Of course, he doesn’t divulge this information readily! Why should he! It was his work that got him there! “You didn’t build that”! Famous Obama quote! I beg to differ, he did build it! If I did, I would have done the same thing he did, offer it to the public for a small price. People walk and money talks!

I guess it will always be human nature to want to experience “healing” of ones physical bodies, especially if there is an active vortex operating in real-time around a person. Will it help one astral project or time travel astrally? Anything right now is possible! Anything “probable” has higher odds it will more than likely happen for sure, given the right circumstances.

Many claim, they had healings of various issues wearing these pendants or just carrying them in their pockets. These issues would clear up and some healed completely. So, it’s not a stretch to believe it can do something to our “chakra’s” the bodies energy centre’s. 

Nick never suggested to them, that this device can heal! I suppose he tried it on himself and found significant changes occurring both physically and mentally. But by law, he has to keep his mouth shut about such claims.

These same people, who stop wearing the device for a week or so, their symptoms would return! We at this time anecdotally have no idea why the “return” after taking off the pendant or from the pocket for a week or so! But in no uncertain terms again there is no claim of such healing!

As I was writing below, I wrote, “magnets spacial distancing“! Yikes, here we go again! Ironic tho, but none the less true! No COVID #19 here to see! I haven’t had too much time to spare with all the little intro pictures you would see on my usual blog articles. I just rarely have the time to write these nowadays!

Nick said, “I didn’t develop this device for healing purposes but for vortex interaction, so I consider it an unexpected side effect/benefit, none the less, still focusing on walking through a natural vortex and this could indeed be the very key to do so”! Maybe one day someone will build upon what he created and take us to the next step!

I will examine these GV series, with my SE-51000 and measure the power output of the Golden Vortex Medallion. One will have to be careful to observe, this is an magnetic device, which is capable of screwing with delicate equipment up to ten feet or so away. 

It is not the magnets by themselves randomly placed or its “pull force” causing this, but the vortex field it is creating itself right before your eyes, the theory Nick imposes, is somehow linked to the spacial distance of each three magnets! He is still trying to figure it out as well. (Chance favors a prepared Mind)!

The T.V. Crew on the “Alaska Triangle” program, after Dan had placed the GV1 on the ground between the two people standing apart from one another approximately 3-4 feet, not only did it record the amazing phenomena of Shrink and Grow, it was affecting the recording equipment during the show itself. 

I am using my iPad with the new computer board magnetically attached, my MacBook Pro lost some keys and makes it impossible for me to type anything! Now I got to go from a 15 inch screen down to this 10 inch or so iPad screen!

I bet some of you are wandering, why you never heard of such a device! Well, coming to your aide, there are billions of web sites out there to discover! Just like, when you look into the heavens there are billions and trillions of star bodies and planets all over the place! Or trying to count the number of molecules in a cup of water! You get the point!

So, finding life on one of the above mentioned stars and planets, would be like finding a needle in a haystack, in fact, it would be easier to find the needle in a hay stack, then to find a earth like planet to inhabit out of the eternal space! I didn’t say impossible! We always have odds to plan and play against no matter the research involved. We can expect to lose every so often, that’s a given!

I know my posts have been lacking content in my ongoing research because of this crazy liberal COVID 19 emergency. It’s real, I caught it a month before it was discovered and it caused me three months of bronchitis. I was one of the luckier ones who didn’t die at the age of 62. My wife took good care of me!

It’s no fun having COVID...It affected by bronchial tubes as I have a history of having bronchitis once every two to four years! It hit me at my weakness and inflamed the situation both figuratively speaking and in reality. Kind of wish I heard of this Golden Vortex to been able to see for myself if healing is just a side effect!

But thankfully, I used a steroid inhaler (Flovent) and I had to take steroid type pills for a few days to clear my bronchial tubes inflammation! It was the worse I ever experienced in my lifetime! I had no idea what I had was COVID! No thanks to our Liberal friends around the world! It wasn’t at the time identified.

It all cleared up within a week or so! Imagine how I felt after being healed, and being told later, this COVID 19 has been around in USA for several months before the information about it, was allowed to see the light of day! So I have the immunity from it, from that day forward. 

Getting back to our regularly scheduled article here! I hope you found this article somewhat amusing and a bit interesting! Below I will give you a few links to catch up on what I know and probably some of you also.


  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...