Monday, September 21, 2020



The Mysterious Phenomena’s called the “Vortex”! They have different shape and sizes. Steven Gibbs was and probably still is along with Carl Novella alias (HdrKid) know a lot of about these time traveling gems!

The subject I would like to talk about is the all famous, hardly seen, hardly experienced called the Vortex. I know what I felt while driving through one many years ago on a back country road. With the help of the Hyper-dimensional-resonator. I won’t be discussing too much about the HDR, what I want to talk to you all about is, something maybe a few heard about back in 2003.

There was a show on the “History Channel” called, the “Alaska Triangle”. It was known of losing aircraft just like the Bermuda Triangle, off the coast of Florida and Bahamas. Two congressman in or around 1974 flew into Alaska Triangle and never to return again! The son of one of the congressman is still trying to locate the plane his father flew in.

In this paperback book it was written by Nick Nelson, who created the first of its kind called the “Golden Vortex”! Honestly, I wasn’t looking for such a device because, there are so many thousands if not tens of thousands of these type pendants! When I seen it in operation, I had to wipe my eyes and watch the video of two people standing near this portable vortex apparatus.

There are two “golden” vortex pendants to date of this material the first that was shown on the History Channel above, GV1 model...six years after the first showing, Nick the creator of this device built another one that he labeled the GV2. He claims this one is much more effective and powerful. But both accomplish the basics pretty much the same.

When on another related website about the “Golden Vortex”, it had lettering on the outside of the first one called at the time, “GV-I” model. This pendant that can either be worn or carried in ones pockets or placed on the ground, produces a unique approach what Nick called the, “Shrink and Grow” affect. We will get into that a bit later on in this article.

What Nick pretty much accidentally discovered, (Chance favors the prepared mind), bringing closer the odds of discovering something in the field of magnetics! He found through his years of research and a bit of  “luck” have you, that when spacing the magnets in specific locations of close to each other. The “Pull Strength” of the magnets are less important to consider.

What is this “considering” part? Nick found out in 2002 the “vortex effects” at famous places known to have them around the USA and abroad. There is one particular one, where a building seems slanted at a 45 degree angles and yet when measured with a leveler and string, they are perfectly “Level”! How can this be? Is it an illusion or something else.

One maybe tempted after watching the above video, that what they were seeing was an illusion! No it wasn’t! The camera proved that to be wrong! Your eyes can be tricked but the camera can’t be. You may think the place where the two were at was already that way and if you seriously watched the video you would have to drop such a notion.

Nick said, it is no illusion, it is reality that is produced by an active vortex! The only reason I continued to watch this History Channel program was, two of the team members doing the investigation of the triangle area in Alaska, were taken up in a Piper type aircraft. They flew over the area near the mountains and the compass started to go crazy.

The plane started shaking, the pilot was an experience “bush” pilot of about 30+ years! He was having a difficult time controlling the plane the more they flew into a fog bank, before it was clear weather and within minutes fog was encompassing them. The two investigators asked to be taken back to home base! Dan Shaw was introduced, this gentleman also goest to different vortexes around the world.

It just happened Dan was invited on the History Channel to explain some basics of a vortex (alive)! At the time of this particular broadcast, Dan had a Gold Disc Pendant he took out of his pocket. The two investigators asked him what it was. Dan Shaw said, what I have in my hand is an invention from Nick Nelson what he calls the “Golden Vortex”!

There is at the moment no right or wrong way of using these two types of devices offered by Nick. Experiment! Research, this will never end! Especially, if you see the naked proof right before your eyes! If you still are not sure, place your favorite pendant or any type of magnets on the same spot and do the brief exercise, it would be my guess it doesn’t work!

Dan instructed the two investigators to place themselves 4 feet or so apart from each other, facing each other. Now Dan told them to look at each of their eye levels where the other person was standing. The woman was 5 foot seven inches tall and the man husky but 5’9 inches. Once they finished this step, Dan placed the golden vortex disc on the ground between them.

He asked both of them to change positions with the other, keeping in mind to remain at eye level with each other. The cameras were recording this event and the equipment crew filming, couldn’t believe what just happen in front of their eyes! 

The man at five foot nine inches, now towered over the woman facing him! The woman who was shorter, was now taller when she changed positions with him. This is called, the “Shrink and Grow” test!

The pendant the size of a quarter is capable of bending time and space! Imagine for a single moment, what you could use this for? I know Radionic operators will salivate over this device! It’s not a Radionic device this has been proven! It is static/magnetics. The spatial distance of three magnets are creating an active tear in the time/space continuum. 

One will shrink and the other will grow! Dan Shaw stated the disc produces this active vortex from the “open” side of the disc. It was later stated, everyone seen the proof but the definitive was watching a recording of the events that had happened right in front of them and those of us who were watching this same program above.

Cameras were shutting off and coming on very quickly when the disc was placed on to the ground between the two, who were both four feet apart from each other. The only reason my friend purchased his two before me was, I was still writing about it as I looked up additional information concerning this crazy pendant.

They didn’t feel no physical effects whatsoever around the disc but were completely astonished, what each of them saw about each other’s heights. It was plain right in your face mode! I will be purchasing my own with extra (4) GV-1’s for each corner of my bed and the GV-2 under my pillow! I guess looking for that GV fairy to happen to appear! LOL.

Unless you buy Nicks book or know how to contact him at facebook, I personally couldn’t tell you what is his current agenda  Is for even a more powerful and bigger unit! 

I had to watch this program several times on “YouTube” channel to see if anything was at work in the background besides the disc that was placed on the ground in the center of the two people. I could not see anything that had changed before or after the exercise preformed. If you remember for some of these other type discs, everyone use “Reflexology” to prove their pendant is the real thing.

I have never seen the likes of this device, the way it was used and even the recording cameras were picking up on it and ultimately being screwed with! Certainly no “reflexology” needed to test this device! Just stand across from one another and change positions within the effecting vortex. These three built-in magnets inside this pendant are spaced from each other in a very particular way and that is all I know about it.

There was one other thing, when Nick first made his prototype, he gave it to friends and families to either place it in their pockets or wear it with a string or necklace chain of some sort. About a week or so went by and his friends and family members were elated telling him of their lifetime injuries were gone, as long as they wore/carried on them this disc.

Leave it to my good friend, once I told him about this device, I found by chance. He watched the same History Channel program you just did at the beginning of this article, he emailed me right away and told me, he purchased two GV2’s. Once he knows they work, he will give one to each of his parents.

I am not sure how effective this magnetic device will be. My good friend purchased two of them, the the GV-2’s. He will let me know how it works for him and he is good at scrutinizing tools such as these. I have not gotten around to purchasing one as of yet. When I do, I will get both of them starting with the first GV built and was shown originally on the History channel and their newly built GV2.

What I like to accomplish is to purchase four of the GV1’s and one of the GV2’s. I want to setup HDR time travel experiments inside these vortexes! Exciting to think about such things, once in awhile. I seen the preliminary results on the “History Channel” of the Alaskan Triangle research, not the GV2 but of the GV1! Nick said, the GV2 is double the power and shows the Shrink and Grow clearly and strongly!

Steven Gibbs always told us to find the vortexes to use your HDR. I seen the effects of one of the two models offered and seen the “Shrink and Grow” tests! One can only imagine, when placing four GV-1’s at each Corner of the bed on the floor or on top of all four bed posts using the HDR in the middle of the bed, while wearing the more powerful GV2 model at the same time!

The golden vortex pendant is $55.00 and the advanced model GV2 is $150.00. Not too bad, since I seldom find these inexpensive devices online for this kind of price. Usually it’s a thousand plus dollars that usually gets shared with you. The Golden Vortex pendant (GV-1) has to be used on its open side only, even though you have a whole straight through the device itself.

There are probably a hundred and one ways to go about experimenting with these devices. It’s up to you to decide, according to the designer and builder of such a quarter size pendant! You can see the differences between the two models. But it is the experience Nick acclaims that you will feel and see in a very strong way with the GV2.

One is gold colored and has emboss lettering on one side. The black one has a jewel type polymer, with not just one open face that causes this phenomena, but two open faces! I don’t know what the two open faces can do, I will have to contact the other guy, not Nick, as to the reason for the two open sides.

Just using plain everyday store bought magnets used any old way, you will come to realize it will not work like the GV’s, they will not cause these unusual “shrink and grow” results or quite frankly do anything else spectacular! If any of you decide to purchase one or the other, let me know what you think and I will post it here to let others know.

The below paragraph gets me to think how I used my SE-51000 to time travel to Area 51! Don Paris never guaranteed such a thing and the only other person who would, would be Steven Gibbs and his HDR time travel device.

He, Nick, doesn’t make nonsense claims in the use of these devices. He leaves it up to the customer how and when they want to use theirs. From what I read just recently, people who own these devices are charging customers a $1.00 to experience the shrink and grow phenomena! They take some pictures as proof from their own cameras!

Quite frankly, Nick never dreamed of trying to copy, such a phenomenal pattern that only happens near a natural active vortex’s. It is the “spacial” distance of the three magnets and a good bit of luck, which caused this particular phenomena to have happened. Like trying to catch a cab in queens on a Saturday night! It could happen!

Of course, he doesn’t divulge this information readily! Why should he! It was his work that got him there! “You didn’t build that”! Famous Obama quote! I beg to differ, he did build it! If I did, I would have done the same thing he did, offer it to the public for a small price. People walk and money talks!

I guess it will always be human nature to want to experience “healing” of ones physical bodies, especially if there is an active vortex operating in real-time around a person. Will it help one astral project or time travel astrally? Anything right now is possible! Anything “probable” has higher odds it will more than likely happen for sure, given the right circumstances.

Many claim, they had healings of various issues wearing these pendants or just carrying them in their pockets. These issues would clear up and some healed completely. So, it’s not a stretch to believe it can do something to our “chakra’s” the bodies energy centre’s. 

Nick never suggested to them, that this device can heal! I suppose he tried it on himself and found significant changes occurring both physically and mentally. But by law, he has to keep his mouth shut about such claims.

These same people, who stop wearing the device for a week or so, their symptoms would return! We at this time anecdotally have no idea why the “return” after taking off the pendant or from the pocket for a week or so! But in no uncertain terms again there is no claim of such healing!

As I was writing below, I wrote, “magnets spacial distancing“! Yikes, here we go again! Ironic tho, but none the less true! No COVID #19 here to see! I haven’t had too much time to spare with all the little intro pictures you would see on my usual blog articles. I just rarely have the time to write these nowadays!

Nick said, “I didn’t develop this device for healing purposes but for vortex interaction, so I consider it an unexpected side effect/benefit, none the less, still focusing on walking through a natural vortex and this could indeed be the very key to do so”! Maybe one day someone will build upon what he created and take us to the next step!

I will examine these GV series, with my SE-51000 and measure the power output of the Golden Vortex Medallion. One will have to be careful to observe, this is an magnetic device, which is capable of screwing with delicate equipment up to ten feet or so away. 

It is not the magnets by themselves randomly placed or its “pull force” causing this, but the vortex field it is creating itself right before your eyes, the theory Nick imposes, is somehow linked to the spacial distance of each three magnets! He is still trying to figure it out as well. (Chance favors a prepared Mind)!

The T.V. Crew on the “Alaska Triangle” program, after Dan had placed the GV1 on the ground between the two people standing apart from one another approximately 3-4 feet, not only did it record the amazing phenomena of Shrink and Grow, it was affecting the recording equipment during the show itself. 

I am using my iPad with the new computer board magnetically attached, my MacBook Pro lost some keys and makes it impossible for me to type anything! Now I got to go from a 15 inch screen down to this 10 inch or so iPad screen!

I bet some of you are wandering, why you never heard of such a device! Well, coming to your aide, there are billions of web sites out there to discover! Just like, when you look into the heavens there are billions and trillions of star bodies and planets all over the place! Or trying to count the number of molecules in a cup of water! You get the point!

So, finding life on one of the above mentioned stars and planets, would be like finding a needle in a haystack, in fact, it would be easier to find the needle in a hay stack, then to find a earth like planet to inhabit out of the eternal space! I didn’t say impossible! We always have odds to plan and play against no matter the research involved. We can expect to lose every so often, that’s a given!

I know my posts have been lacking content in my ongoing research because of this crazy liberal COVID 19 emergency. It’s real, I caught it a month before it was discovered and it caused me three months of bronchitis. I was one of the luckier ones who didn’t die at the age of 62. My wife took good care of me!

It’s no fun having COVID...It affected by bronchial tubes as I have a history of having bronchitis once every two to four years! It hit me at my weakness and inflamed the situation both figuratively speaking and in reality. Kind of wish I heard of this Golden Vortex to been able to see for myself if healing is just a side effect!

But thankfully, I used a steroid inhaler (Flovent) and I had to take steroid type pills for a few days to clear my bronchial tubes inflammation! It was the worse I ever experienced in my lifetime! I had no idea what I had was COVID! No thanks to our Liberal friends around the world! It wasn’t at the time identified.

It all cleared up within a week or so! Imagine how I felt after being healed, and being told later, this COVID 19 has been around in USA for several months before the information about it, was allowed to see the light of day! So I have the immunity from it, from that day forward. 

Getting back to our regularly scheduled article here! I hope you found this article somewhat amusing and a bit interesting! Below I will give you a few links to catch up on what I know and probably some of you also.

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  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...