Monday, September 2, 2019


You know the hardest part of convincing your spouses of allowing you to purchase a machine that works miracles! If I approach her with this idea, I wouldn't have been able to purchase the SE-5 and the Remote Broadcasting Unit. 

For many of years the best "trend" to use was a piece of another person/place or thing! It's still legit, and I do use pictures from time to time. But there comes a time to expand your thinking, to look beyond the same old requirements using Radionics and still the operator is unable to show any solid proof what you programed and broadcast to the subject. I don't know all about you, I was getting sick of sending out broadcasts and trying to legitimize why I was doing it.t

I couldn't even prove to my wife these instruments worked! She just took it by faith in my hard work. But those days are over! I had come to a crossroad with all this and I made a decision if I can't have some kind of physical proof using these radionic devices then I quit and I will no longer waste your time and mine, in something that exist in the story book of Alice of Wonderland. This year changed my whole thinking.

Why do you think that is? Technologies updated for one and learning to think outside the standard Radionic ways of doing things. I think both apply to me here. One has to be willing to be open to other ideas and not to be stuck for the past twenty years doing the same ole ways with different devices. Other than owning a limited Hieronymus Medical Analyzer and I mean very limited it kept me from further exploration into the aether.

There is so much to take in when considering investing many thousands upon thousands 515of dollars in a machine that you don't know for sure if it even works! I talked with the creator of the machine for many years, watch his youtube experiments and learning all I could in what to look for in such a device.

It took several more years to decide to catch up with technologies even if it was a thing such as a Radionic Device. Or was it the other way around, hmm! I finally went for broke but not with a thousand screaming trucks like the song "convoy", yet the price of this new machine could have bought me a used truck! It was hard to get pass the sticker price of nearly five thousand dollars. 

This is my SE-51000 Gold Model

Yet, to my utter amazement this spectral analyzer sometimes worked miracles. Willard Frank in the early 1980's created prior to the SE-5000 several earlier type machines. When Willard Frank created the SE-5 Plus, he stopped producing the most current of his model called the "Digitron". It was one of the first electronic spectral analyzers that used push button key codes, to allow the operator to punch in the rates on the markets!

Another type archetype of computerized radionics I found called  the ASRYA device, with the sticker price of $12000.00. This was part Radionic Machine and part body analyzer and it comes with a hefty price of $12,000.00! Ok! So I purchased the SE-51000. This ASRYA device is illegal to import to the USA. A company in G-Tech in the state of Florida now sells a bluetooth device that does the same type work like the old ASRYA. It's called, "Quest4".

When you are deciding on the cost of such devices, wouldn't it be nice to see some before and after anecdotal proof at best? Don Paris isn't shy about what his devices can accomplish and I accomplish a little over a third of what he did, by following Don's experiments very closely.

I felt I was getting a great deal in comparison and plus I owned the SE-5 once before, many years ago! I just didn't have the DarkField Microscope or the CHIO Remote Broadcaster device nor a programable pen laser system. I purchased seeds, potted soil, pots etc. for my experimentation with the holographic approach. I had customized holograms done and purchased hundreds of blank plastic cards the size of a credit card.

It wasn't the only reason I purchased this unique device, it was the proof I had seen from Don Paris and others on youtube, proof you never see on youtube with other so called devices. Looking at the proof on video or reading about it for months is not that useful either. There comes a time, where a man or woman has to now make the ultimate decision. If you are truly serious and have the confidence that it will accomplish what you expect and much more. Then by all means pull the trigger and there's no going back!

I talked it over with my wife and explained, this is my last go of it, it's either now or never, I've been practicing Radionics for twenty years! So, she gave me the go ahead and boom, I purchased the long awaited and never debated SE-51000! The day it came was a breath holder for sure. When I took it out of the box and laid everything out and within the hour pretty much understood how to use it. The software was a little intimidating, nothing that would take much more than an hour to get it down.

One thing you don't want to get caught up in is "Radionic" software and with a push of a button you are affecting the scalar realm to bring manifesting right to you! It doesn't work that way! Think of it like this, I give you a picture of my car and I am in my car and we are going to race to the finish line, who will get there first?

Now I had an internal issue about the SE-5 software, I knew a lot of the software that claim its a radionic software and the computer running it becomes a Radionic Machine. I know many that were taken with such silliness. But here I am in the same boat with a $5000 piece of software no less! I emailed Don Paris and we agreed to meet on Skype to talk about some of the preconceived ideas about software of the SE-51000. 

My first question was, why did you steer from the design of the SE-5 plus that was so popular amongst the farming communities? Don said, that's it, I never change the circuitry they are one of the same, I only changed the housing, so I could install the latest technologies from the 1980 models. But the main schematic that made the SE-5 Plus popular is still in the chassis development. That sounded good and he interrupted and said to me, I understand you are concern with the software that was develop for the SE-51000.

I told him yes and explained my concerned about the computers out there and everyone touting the computer is a radionics machine and software works! But I talk to many who were taken in by such sales  ship...Don said, what if I tell you the software isn't the tool that broadcasts whatsoever! I got silent and asked what he meant. He told me that the software was not the agent for broadcasting in fact, it couldn't be!

Don told me, the SE-5 software doesn't do the radionic broadcasting, it organizes the program and then sends it directly into the SE-5's CPU and it's the SE-5 that does the literal broadcast not the software where you do all your inputs.

Because Don stated, he tried just so called Radionic Software and like he said, it doesn't work! I looked at him and said, now I am confused. Then what is the software for with the SE-5? He said, I had my programmer created this software to have the operator full access to the CPU of the SE-5's brain so to speak. Once the information in placed into the software it is turned into binary numbers of zero's and one's and is processed by the SE-5 ; and then broadcasts the commands.

I currently have the CHIO Remote Broadcaster on the left with the picture and plate shown

He asked me, does that settle your issues with the software and how it was incorporated with the SE-5? I told him, yes it does! Don told me now you have to just apply yourself with consistency by overcoming all the negative experiences you had with ordinary Radionic Machines or the softwares on the markets. And everything you read in my introductory book you should be able to accomplish the same things and much more.

One year after our SKYPE conversations he was right! I did accomplish everything he did and set out to do and even much more than I would have ever guess in a million years! But I was still too far away from proving what the SE-5 was showing me and has performed many times. I was so tired of doing the work and things would happen but I was frustrated not being able to prove physical evidence with the SE-51000. I knew I couldn't go back to Don because he told me once you can duplicate what I did, the rest will be up to you!

Having the SE-51000 of and by itself may satisfy a few, especially spending all that money already. Myself because I spend all that money, I want to know if my programs actually do work or not! Thus need to invest a little more to truly know something is happening.

Don Paris wanted $700.00 for this CHIO Remote, plus my state  wanted its share by taxing the CHIO. Listen, you only live once and I know everything Don creates works, so I purchased this CHIO Remote from him and invested into Microscopy using a DarkField Microscope to see if anything is happening in the microscopic level. This is $1070.00 in Amazon.

The cost of this unit is $12,000.00

The last thing, I read one other company who sells the ASYRA/Quest4, the company designed a pen laser with a designer cap to show a fanning pattern and when pointed at the body it scans the whole body in one up and down motion. But that was only part of it, the best part is Don has not done this experiment as of yet. He mostly teaches at workshops all over Europe about the workings of the SE-5. Lucky for me the SE-5 has proven miracles for us and the programmable laser can work with the SE-5.

I have the Live Blood DarkField Microscope and the CHIO Remote Balancer, along with the programmable photo laser and of course the SE-51000. I've done many experiments but I needed to document it as well, so I purchased a camera set, to do time/lapse video photography of growing plants under the influence of the SE-5 Agricultural programming. This is only the beginning! I work on both my wife and I using the Holographic programmed card that I developed using the SE-5.

To test if you are a good Radionic Operator and to prove to yourselves your machine can do what Don and mine can accomplish, then follow the experiments and see for yourselves is it the machine that's not working if you get no results or is it your abilities still need to be honed into.

The most simplest of experiments is placing one of my programmed holographic sticker under the plate of a single Nectarine or on the fruit itself! This will be there for 14 days! It won't be alone! There will be beside the Nectarine, another one from the same store and the same batch. 

I will place it on its own saucer with no programmed hologram. I will take time/lapse picture; taking one picture every 4 hours, for two weeks! Then put the video of the results on my blog as a .wav file for all to see how powerful this SE-5 programmed hologram really is.

This is a copy of my newly custom holographic chip in the above picture. Every pixel will be filled with IDF information to what depth, we yet to discover with some future experiments.

Holographic stickers were around for some time but no one had the equipment like the CHIO Remote Broadcasting Unit or something compared to the likes of the SE-5. In the early 70's operators of the SE-5 Plus use to connect a long black cable and stick that cable in the gas tank of their cars and then run a gas savings protocol. 
One gentleman increased his mileage by up to 30%! Would you really want to do something like this just to save 30% in fuel costs!

Don thought this idea was too risky due to possible explosion occurring. Once he incorporated the holographic sticker and programmed it for fuel savings, he just placed it near the engine where it would not get hot and he nearly reached 45% more gallons per mile. 

There are many holographic sticker companies who will not sell you any holographic paper if they find out what you are going to use it for. Since when do companies dictate what you do with such paper after you already purchased it! 

Programmed Holograms are being sold all over the markets! Not all of them actually work as advertised. Think for a minute, how difficult would it be for me to say, here is my hologram I programmed it, trust me! Personally I would like a bit more look behind the Great Oz's Curtain.

It took me awhile to find the company that will make you customized two inch by two inch holographic stickers. I had 200 each customized for me. Don't get the "security" stickers, you don't want to use these for your holographic experiences and experiments. 

I am not going to pretend I know what exactly is taking place with programming the holograms. Science is now writing programs on holographic hard drives! Thinking about what we are trying to accomplish here, doesn't seem so far fetched in todays world. What we are trying to do is small potatoes next to the computer scientist's experiments. In the above video one of Don's experiments using CHIO remote shows some amazing things! I too have his technology!

The "Holographic" chips that are programmed either onto or in the chip itself are being advertised to people, who don't have such a technology to make on their own. The process seems easy enough, but the expense in getting the right equipment isn't! If you think you have an inexpensive equipment to do such a thing, here is a test for you to do: Program your hologram chip and place it under a fresh Nectarine and place another nectarine on its own saucer and wait for 20 days!

If the Nectarine is still bright and shiny verses the one you have not placed a programmed chip on or under the fruit then your equipment is the right equipment to produce these wonderful entities that can be used for almost anything. If it doesn't work, you only have one other choice, purchase what you need from those who do own such equipment or invest around $7000.00 to do it on your own!

Think about it, how hard would it be for me to program the holographic chip to last only four weeks? Do you see what other companies are doing! Once I emboss into the hologram with; let's say a "Agricultural" program, it will last that person 3-4 years minimum not just every four weeks or so. Caution: You have to protect the chip from being magnetized or exposing it to sunlight or this will wipe out the program! 

This type of work is easy to fool people into believing they are donating or purchasing something! A lot of people are being ripped off getting holograms that may not be programmed! But you are paying the program price! Sellers should be more than willing to show video proof of their work!

In the above subtitle it would be best to know, who is selling such a product and to see his or her setup and how they program it using video proof of the person or persons work and they are not afraid to show it to anyone who asks. If I accept donations for the programmed holograms in the future, they will be able to see on my personal blog videos of me doing the work and showing the results! If I'm the customer I wouldn't want anything less!

Then I take a holographic chip with a program (randomly picked) and place this on the Life Meter's sensor plate. Now the chip comes alive! It shows 40-45% inorganic new life! I also ran the program for two hours and placed it onto the plate and that same card we measured earlier with 45% gain, is now at 89% inorganic new life form. There is something happening here! Are we creating a new life form in its most basic primordial form?

To make sure this wasn't a fluke, I took a holographic chip and placed it onto a wallet size blank plastic card with no program and placed it onto the sensor plate and it reads 0%! No artificial life existing! At the date of this writing on the 16th of April, 2019, I will plant flower seeds. I will use to flower pots (plastic) with organic topsoil. I will put the seeds (10) each into one flower pot. The seeds of pot "A" will be balanced by the holographic sticker. The other ten seeds will just be planted like normal and watered daily.

For the plant experiments I will be doing a time/lapse still video of the plants for 14 days and up to thirty days, to show the power of the SE-5! I know what this machine can accomplish it's not for the faint of heart. 

I will be doing a time/lapse picture once an hour everyday for only 4 hours for the next four the time you read this, I would have already placed the experiment of the video proof on this site in a separate area known as "SE-5 Holographic Experiments"! I want to place here the FAQ's incase you have any questions about the experiments:


. The Holographic Chips were programmed by me to last up to 4 years!

. You can ask for just the "embedded" holographic chip and place it where you want to. It's totally up to you!

. Can any Radionic Machine accomplish this? No! Not just any cheap device can do this!

. Do I need a Remote Broadcaster to use these cards? No! You can use the SE-5 not only to program the hologram but you can broadcast the IDF program as well. Don Paris will not sell his CHIO Remote Broadcaster to anyone, unless they had already purchase his SE-51000. If he did, no one would purchase the SE-5 1000.

. How long would I have to program such a hologram? This answer can be retrieved with the SE-5. Inside the software it has blank spaces of such as, how many minutes, hours, weeks, months and years and you would dowse for those answers using the SE-5's sensor plate.

When I first purchase the SE-5 I was reluctant to use their software because I know many people who purchased software Radionic programs that don't do squat. So what makes the SE-5 software that much different?

. The software doesn't send the out the broadcast, it sends the information directly through and to the CPU of the machine. When entering the SE-5 from the software, all those "word" tunings and IDF numerical rates in to "0"s and "1"'s. Typical binary numbers which are sent into his special box located on the circuit board that has one wire made into a helix shape causing the 9 volts to cancel each others out!

. SE-5 was constructed according to the old Maxwell's Theory. If the electrons cancel each other out, the gravity surrounding this small area becomes heavier and a mini-black hole is created and the SE-5 binary interpretation of the request is sent to this very small opening in time and space and directly and instantaneously effects the target anywhere in the world. 

. Can I use the holographic sticker on my iPhone? Absolutely!

. Can I use the sticker on myself? Yes you can, if it's attached to the plastic card, you can wear it with a dog tag chain, those metal beaded ones. Because it resides now in your auric field. If you put it on a table next to you it won't work!

You can place your hologram sticker on the plastic card you get or place it on the problem areas of your body. Every hologram will be custom programmed for that person. My motto is, let the customer decide for themselves, after they watch the proof of the machines in action.

. If the chip is on a plastic card and is for EMF issues, you can place it on a table, the program will take care of the EMF's in your home.

I hope some of these answer your questions!

PS: If these Wishing Machines work so well, why don't they show video proof with a simple plant from start to finish! You won't find this on youtube.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


How many of you all has once or twice entertained the idea of being able to Remote View into other dimension let lone this one! How many of you thought if you could only use the RI to gamble in the casino and you can! Gerald O'Donnell teaches you how by entering your own Theta room even if your widely awake!

There are many Remote Viewing courses along with Remote Influencing courses all over the map. If we can just tag one on the wall that actually teaches you how to Remote View and Influence all in a single course and teaches a person doing it from their subconscious mind awake/body asleep stage. There are a dime a dozen shod sites who teach technical remote viewing using your mind in "Alpha" state! This has been proven not to be accurate because in your "Alpha" state of mind there is just too much noise.

The "noise" I'm referring to is, your conscious noise interfering with the light "Alpha" trances, there is just too much bleed over in this mental state. But I found out years ago the best state of mind to be in is the "Theta" brainwave mode. You physical body is put into a theta trance state where you have no interference from the alpha and beta mindset. In this "theta" realm you will be able to become totally aware, totally lucid and body sound asleep.

Many stock brokers and traders and housewives and husbands who took to this route of RV and RI became successful in about 8 weeks! There prognostications have materialized just exactly what they saw and heard in their personal "Theta" rooms. This room was created by each person. So this room is sacred to the individual who builds on to it through sheer will! Once the room is created the way you like, you can visit it each and every time you go to sleep and go to your Theta room for guidance or meditation.

The beauty of the cd course he use to offer that I still have, you can loan copy samples out and the people who listened to just fraction of such a coarse, they were able to OBE in the future and Remote Influence gambling devices.

I gave a cd to a friend that teaches you how to go to their own "Theta" rooms and once there, they are taught how to see the "future" and the "past" and the "present" all from that room. They can supernaturally create some of the greatest scholars whoever lived on this planet. If you want to know the secrets of Nicoli Tesla, then have him appear and talk with him! Or if you want to see how the atom got split, call in Albert Einstein. 

It's a matter of sheer "will" and "imagination" that paves the way to greatness! If you want to learn how to swim, you can do so having Mark Sptiz teach you how to do laps! The list can never be exhausted when it comes to Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing for yourselves. It's not as simple as I am making this but if you can follow verbal instructions the orator will teach you step by step to get you from "beta" down to "theta", while still keeping your consciousness awake, while the body entranced.

Honestly I had this course for over ten years and I only arrived in my deep theta room, (where all the work is accomplish). Over the years I somewhat built up a resistance to being talked down into my personal "Theta" room. Now my wife is a different tune altogether. She will listen to the cd, when they had them offered) and you can clock her within two minutes listening she would pass right out. After two weeks of this, her ESP abilities were off the charts! She could "sense" literally if someone of importance would show up at her workplace.

These cd's are like magic in a sense, it works on people on their own levels of achievement. It's not like you have to be a certain level to use such a program or you have to wait to level 20 to experience such wonders. Not so with the RV and RI, if you can hear, listen and do a little practicing you will be a Remote Viewer.

My OBE's and visions and lucid dreaming to only name a few came about by listening to the CD's. The reason you are led verbally for your first couple of times to this enriched part of your mind, is so you can do it yourself. He would expect you to do the techniques he has been training you with at the beginning on RV#2 
Not to worry, even if you fall asleep it didn't stop my spouse from experience future events and OBE's.

This she didn't do, because it would put her to sleep each and every time. This is how she got extremely psychic when listening to the Remote Influencing. This teaches you how to go from your "Theta" state to your "Deep Delta" state of mind. Being she was out like a light it just fed her unconscious mental level to the brim. I was a bit jealous of her abilities and I tried very hard to do it the way Gerald said to do. She didn't fell asleep within two weeks operated in RI piercing through the future corridors of time and space.

I listened RI#9 and it was more powerful than the Remote Viewing. The author stated to me on the phone about ten years back, he told me had he known he could do this, we would have no need for the RV...Everything would be accomplish with pure energy from the universal one, to which we are all connected. The author and a handful of his top students played the commodities market and made a fortune in silver in the 1990's I believe if memory serves me.

This age old course is 8 weeks long and if you do an additional eight weeks the power of your abilities grows exponentially! In reality you maybe on a program for a couple of weeks before trying a new one. I spent about 30 days doing his foundation path to "Theta" what was called "RV#2" and there was eight of those disks and the RI has thirteen disks also. Many of his students went on to make their fortunes using their new found abilities that were essentially asleep for the most part. 

Your Theta room will be unique only to you! What I experienced or my wife, we both had unique situations and it effected the both us on each of our own levels of understanding. My wife never did anything like this before.

I will briefly tell you what happened to me when I got my first conscious view of my deep "Theta" room. After following the sound of his voice and doing step by step to get deep down, I somewhere became ultra conscious and no longer felt my physical body. I looked around and the room was a white blank slate! Because I had not created anything as of yet! I turned around and in front of me, where it wasn't before, was a marble type box with a stone lid covering it.

The marble box in the center of the floor in my Theta room looked like the above only with a marble flared lid design.

I gazed at this marble stone device and I also notice what looked like a pure white fog laying over the floor it was about ankle deep. I stooped down to run my hands through it and I felt like my whole body or the vehicle I possessed in that Theta room begin to feel like I was being vacuumed in and everything started to turn black and I pulled my hands out of it quickly. 

Later on the I learned that the white fog was my borderline between being awakened in Theta (room) or being vacuumed into a deep "Delta" which is why I felt everything was going black, I was becoming unconscious. It wasn't cold and it wasn't hot just quiet and mysterious environment. What get's to me is, I couldn't reproduce the same situation like before. Something else would happen that I was not planning for.

None of those things I mentioned below were of my making! It was like I came to this room and what was there was already there before getting there. Gerald told me once you go there several times you create a paradise like Hawaii if that is what you like. But for now you must learn your surroundings and how you fit in.

Had I reach down deep I would have fell into unconsciousness! My mind was not trained to keep awake in such deep primordial state of mind. Very suddenly by surprise, my wife came floating by her arms were outstretched and her body floated in mid-air and continue to do so until it was about 50 or so feet away. I looked at my hands and said within myself now what am I suppose to do?  I notice on her body she had red spots in different areas glowing. 

There was a sudden appearance of a white ball of light glowing in my hands and instinctively is the best way to describe the feeling, I threw this ball of light at my wife and it exploded with huge and all those red glowing areas disappeared. Something caught my eye's I looked over and saw people floating from left to right into some kind of oblivion. But one asian lady took notice of me, she was wearing a red scarf and winter hat to match.

I  eventually woke up the following morning and went to work at the bank about 20 years ago as I was looking at the people something caught my eye, it was an Asian who was wearing the exact same neck scarf and hat both red going the turn style. To top it off she looked at me with a big smile on her face. Was I seeing the future that evening, using Remote Viewing techniques inside my trance like state of mind.

It looks that way for sure! But I needed much more practice because everything I was taught during those listening sessions, I forgot about because I was so enthralled with all these things taking up my attention. I was using the RV#2 cassette version and my wife came out of body listening to the same tape. Ever since he placed the RV on cd's there was something missing but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Now he only does an online program, no more cd's no more cassettes. If you want to visit and read four years worth of testimonies about the RV and RI....Lastly, Gerald will show you how to ARV or Associate of Remote Viewing, learning to use imagined symbols representing our physical understanding using the subconscious language to get answers you are trying to find.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


When I read the small article about monkeys having human attributes because of genetic modification using human brain cells, all I could think was "Planet of the Apes"! They are believers in trans-humanism and they are building robots that look and think like a human does but with much greater efficiency.

There is something strange with China and they are opening a can of worms or better yet Pandora's box, welcome to the new planet of the apes! Starring China! This movie is rated "XXX". How does a person comprehend such atrocities! One day soon enough these gene editing scientist are going to bite off more than he or she can chew! Imagine this monkey looking at you and studying you not only with animal instinct but also with human instinct added to the mix of things.

Making monkeys more smart and human-like, scientists have used gene-editing to insert human brain gene in a monkey.
For the first time, a team of Chinese scientists made use of gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more human-like. By the end, the monkeys, rhesus macaques, got smarter and had superior memories as compared to the unaltered monkeys.
Researchers edited the human version of a gene known as ‘MCPH1’ into the macaques. The gene made the monkeys’ brain develop along a more human-like timelineThe gene-hacked monkeys showed better reaction times and improved short-term memories in comparison to their unaltered peers, as per China Daily.
The team successfully created 11 transgenic rhesus monkeys carrying human copies of MCPH1. They said that a transgenic monkey model is practical and to a large extent can imitate the human-specific status.

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

However, few scientists also raised concerns regarding the technique, some even calling it ‘reckless’. Geneticist James Sikela told the MIT Technology Review, “The use of transgenic monkeys to study human genes linked to brain evolution is a very risky road to take. 
It is a classic slippery slope issue and one that we can expect to recur as this type of research is pursued.” I would imagine the USA under the strictest security probably has already experimented and are moving on to the next phase. When you go on youtube to find what the hunters camera's have been picking up lately, all these strange cryptid's showing up on the recordings!
The Notorious Plum Island! A highly classified government facility off shore of the United States, where the law can't touch them and become the law unto themselves. Creating and re-creating hideous types of creatures that may one day walk among us!
There is a governmental island off the shores NY that do top secret work with animals and other species of man may also exist in these locked up facilities. The notorious Plum Island! They say it is for animal disease research. This facility has been in operation for many years but you never heard it mention when budget proposals on the floor of the house. The same goes with Area 51, its source of funding is CIA through the Pentagon budget.

Plum Island which holds animal experiments

The Agricultural Dept. runs this facility...this facility has been funded since four years before I was born in 1954...They use biological weapons to see how it would effect the animals but nothing is made public but every so often strange carcasses show up on the Jersey shores from the direction of Plum Island. In 2003, a whistleblower who voiced concerns about safety at the facility was fired by the contractor he worked for. 
He had discussed his concerns with aides to Senator Hillary Clinton.[4] A National Labor Relations Board judge found that the contractor, North Fork Services, had discriminated against the whistleblower. This whistle blower had to go behind closed door session. It never made the MSM front pages. Hillary Clinton, this in itself sounds fishy. 
It all started in Kandahar in Afghanistan! About six or so thousand years ago, history tells us giants roamed the earth! Nobody in todays society has definitive proof they don't exist anymore! Maybe they do! 
Believe it or not, there are 70 unique facilities on that Island. There had been rumors of the Yeti, Bigfoot's and gigantic body of the Nephillim being studied. It was killed in Afghanistan. What happened this story was leaked by several military soldiers who participated in searching for terrorists in hollowed out caves by nature. A handful of these specialist around 6 men, have given their last positions and they were never heard of again.

Giants of Afghanistan!

8-10 more troops were sent to this specific location where they lost contact with the specialists. They all ended up in front of a cavern entrance. They saw human remains scatter all over, it was like they were eaten by some kind of wild animal or animals. These soldiers awaken a very nasty person! It stood twelve feet in height and it was around around 1100 pounds, all muscle. It had a beard and a long spear.
Here is the write up word for word: 

U.S. Special Forces Killed a Giant in Kandahar

Several conspiracy theory-oriented web sites are claiming a Biblical giant with flaming red hair was killed by U.S. soldiers in 



There are some simulation videos of what took place...Youtube

You see, it only takes one whistle blower to upset the apple cart! Marzulli study about these creatures most of his adult life and found skeletal remains of such a giant that once roamed the lands of Kandahar!

It may or may not be true but the story was fascinating, they killed this giant by shooting it in the head. First they unloaded a barrage of bullets into its body but he was still fighting and speared one of the soldiers to death. After they killed this monolith creature, they loaded the thing on a pallet and transported it to Plum Island. 

The soldiers went back to looking in caves for the enemy but they were radioed with instructions, if you enter the cave make sure you point your weapons about 12 feet high and shoot to kill anything that is a threat but keep your aim at the footage.  

Current interest in the story appears to have been generated from a video created by L.A. Marzulli, an author, blogger and filmmaker determined to link modern times with biblical creatures and prophecies. On 13 August 2016, he posted an episode on YouTube of his series, Watchers, in which he claims to interview a military contractor or soldier who witnessed the blade-wielding “Giant of Kandahar”. 

This world is relatively young in geological sense, there are still species yet to be discovered by man. Man may think he or she is the dominate species, yet in reality man has not yet begun to scratch the surface what exists out in the open ahead of us.

He witnessed the slaughter of an another soldier before being downed by troops, whisked away by a transport aircraft and hidden away from public view. It sounds like what could have happened that day. Marzulli, who researches the Nephilim grave sites give his report from a soldier testimony.


Marzulli makes the case that the giant was a Nephilimwhich were described in the Book of Genesis as offspring of gods and human women who inhabited Canaan at the time of Israelite conquest. But when it comes down to details, he’s vague, saying he interviewed the unnamed man at an “undisclosed location” on an unknown date. 
The interviewee who he claims shot and killed the giant, doesn’t give any details on the location of the alleged incident, other than to say it was a “remote” location in Afghanistan in 2002. I guess when all the desert looks alike the only thing one could go by is the GPS coordinates.
He claims he and others were sent in to look for a missing patrol when they saw a scarlet-haired giant emerge from a cave and skewer his friend, who he called “Dan,” with a large blade. Were these that same giants in biblical history?

These troops had a mission, to detonate  or dispose of enemy ammunitions and explosives hidden throughout the cavern networks. Of course, the government isn't going to volunteer any information on such a mission.

If the Army’s statement isn’t sufficient, the only service member with the first name Dan or Daniel who died in Kandahar in 2002 was killed — along with three others — in an accident involving the clearing and disposal of explosives. 
There are no incidents on the Department of Defense press release page, in which all military casualties were listed, involving a giant. Likewise, there are no reports of an entire patrol disappearing in Afghanistan.
This makes sense, "top secrets" are not published by our military intelligence and civilian authorities over them. Chain of command. Do these Cryptids exist, more than likely. Can they if given a chance escape, you betcha! 

It's know secret that mankind always wanted to be like their creator! It's in our genetics to create. But something went wrong, very wrong. Our commonsense hood has been weaned from thinking men and women. All man or woman think about is to create animals or crypto's just like themselves.

Of course, I have my own suspicions, unidentified men and women probably are ordered to release these creatures into our Nations Forest and rivers, to test their survival skills with there new, and I used the term lightly, "Life"!

I want to make mention to those individuals if they remembered their Sunday school classes. That in the last days of the last generation would become like in the days of Noah! We got figure out what happened during that time. The whole earth was evil from the children to the adults! Genetic tampering was in progress, this where the Nephilim came from. It was stated there were giants on the earth!

I won't go into great detail, you can look it up yourselves. But just reading this article, jolted my memory when I learned about these giants on the earth and about the military in a shootout with one of these creatures. They were part man and part animal! The reason history tells us there was great flood upon the earth and wipe out everything that had a breath to breathe.

I remember back in my school days in geography and biology, our teachers back then were educators not politicians! They told us about all the odd things mankind has found under water and above the waters. But they never made it in our history books!

It's easily proven, look they found sea shells sometimes near the tops of huge mountains and no one can tell me these creatures decide for themselves to take a stroll up 45000 ft above sea level. In the deserts both here and abroad, archeologists found fossils of sea life everywhere! So it shouldn't be a stretch to believe something thousands of years ago happen.

All kinds of strange things are happening all around the world! This planet is being tested by something or someone. In any case, it's old news from one day to the next. Nothing really surprises me all that much in the last fifty years of my life. A lot of us, won't see a Bigfoot or a flying disc or run into Vampires in the night. 

Or werewolves on the prowl in Wisconsin Bray Road. I think you and I have enough to worry about in life than added scare to stir your imaginations on the wild side of life.

It's my hopes with exotic equipment, I will come in contact or it will contact me in time. It already had for over a week six months ago using the SE-51000 along with the IDL-22. I still get a bit nervous every now and then when using the IDL-22. 

I can't program it like my SE-5 can be. I can write a protective formula and broadcast it using the CHIO Remote Broadcasting Unit. My mom and dad use to tell us kids, be careful what you wish for it just might come true!


Saturday, August 17, 2019


Using a Super EMF Pump with the HDR in my opinion can't hurt that bad. I wouldn't want to sleep with it on all night long. I will began to use it for the first 10 minutes using the SuperHDR, then I will shut the HDR down and let the pump run for an additional forty minutes!

Today, I received my SuperEMF Pump on Ebay, works as described. Little bigger box compared to the SuperHDR by Gibbs. I have to remind myself when running the device to keep all computers and phones or electrical away from the pump area. 

Tonight I am going to use the HDR along with the SuperEMF connected to my tripod. I am not sure if anything will happen in the next few days using it. Update: I astral projected while I was dreaming. It seemed easier this time because of the EMP Pump.

I now have my SE-5 set up for experimentation and my Remote Broadcaster, I am using this with pre-programmed cards, such as, "Cold and Flu", "Negative Energies", "Lucid Dreaming", "Eliminating Pain", "DNA" Activator" etc. My wife has done so well both physically and spiritually when I place her picture on the Bio-Holographic Broadcaster.


Each of these cards with a hologram attached to it were carefully programmed using the SE-51000. He charged me $20.00 per programmed card and I purchased 20 each plus two included with the Remote Balancer. Personally I would have never purchase something like this.

I have my own SE-51000 and I will be programing my person logo the face of the ScareCrow and it will be fixed on a wallet size plastic blank card. So, why did I purchase twenty pre-program cards? Because, I am just learning about programming holograms with the SE-5. Since I know Don Paris products work! 

It should, he, Don spent 30 years perfecting the device. I am working with the Super HDR from Gibbs and running the SuperEMF Pump at the same time. The only drawback of the pump to date is it can drain two 9 volt batteries in about an hour of being in the "on" position.

This life Meter I mention below was created by a company in Canada...They use to make it in a wooden container but they went all tech on us old guff's and came out with a handheld sensitive "Life Meter". 

I will incorporate the "Life Meter" and measuring items before broadcasting to them and then run on the Life Meter to see the increase. Yet, it happens and no one knows what kind of life energy is showing on the Life Meter as an increase prior to balancing. The only thing I am lacking is a DarkField Live Blood Microscope, I need this to create my elixirs. 

Before using the SE-5 Agricultural program


And some pictures after working with the SE-5 1000. (Quantum Space Equalizer or Q.S.E. 3000 is the name in China)

This programming from the SE-5 1000 is creating crystalline structures from the aether to inside the mineral water and it can only be proven with 2000x Live Blood DarkField Microscope. All my work will be documented and a friend of mine will use whatever cards I create to give an honest feed back. 

I have yet another experiment that proved earlier successful and that was being transported to the famous Area 51. This will require the use of my Remote Broadcaster by playing a pre-programmed hologram with my time travel protocol. Update: I still have to do this a puppy wasn't in the equation at the time. He's taken both our times and patience in training him.

This is great for me, because I had didn't have the Remote Broadcaster years ago and I would always tie up my device for hours and even weeks at a time, running specialized programs. Now I can place the hologram inside the Remote Balancer. Free up my machine for other studies. 


The SE-5 also allowed me to astral time travel by running the program for two weeks 24/7, there was a time I had forgotten I was running it. When my travel happened it was so "Real" I can't think of a replacement "word" that could describe where I was and what I seen and smelled and felt.

I would considered going to Area 51 would probably be "luck" on a grand scale, but here's the thing, not only did I get to go to Area 51 everything that was written on my command protocol all came to pass! I mean everything! 

I accessed the SE-5 software program and looked at my time travel list. I was in shock! Everything I didn't want to come into contact was fulfilled and everything I wanted to experience it, did it by the letter! Now that was a bit spooky! I also run a program to sell on E-bay and after running the program for a few hours either by the next day or so. 

I would have it sold in about two days. Don Paris told me, the SE-5 is uncanny when it comes to increasing one's profitable business. I did it twice using my program and twice sold many thousands of dollars on E-Bay. Selling on E-bay. I did the same for going to on vacation this year and had some leftover.


I want to change tracks a bit, I visited the Welz Radionic Machines after eight or so hours of going through that awful site, what you are essentially buying is a "Frequency" generator with knobs! The more generators the more expensive the machine. I watched on youtube of Welz operators showing the JU1000 and how it puts out orgone energy. 

This guy put a cantaloupe on the "Life Meter" extension plate; which it hooks up to the Life Meter by a cord.The cantaloupe registered at 50% organic life. He aimed the JU1000 upon one hour completion you can see the needle rising all the way to 100%

I was impressed! But that is where it seems to end! No one will show anyone online how well their HD2400 models are doing or have done. One guy left a post and said, "I set this program up for what I was wanting and it's been running for the entire year and still nothing"!  

Images of Karl Welz devices

Welz's was the top of the line frequency generator. Frequency generators were never met to be Radionic broadcasters. Camels are not bred to win horse races! You get a frequency counter with the Welz machine up to 12 energetic frequency generators. My personal opinion on these device I would have to back off because I never own his larger machines, only the JU1000.

You have to ask yourselves this, what is it I am actually looking for within my budget and within my skill as a radionic operator? Expensive car or cheap car, both can get you to work on time. The differences in cosmetics distinguish one from the other. 

Welz's most expensive RAD HD is $11,000.00! For a frequency generator. Yikes! I just wanted to make mention of what other companies do and have been doing all these years. I thought paying $4600.00 plus another $700.00 was expensive! Again, I can't dismiss the Welz machine because I don't own these expensive devices.

But I know personally they work! I even used it for the lotto, I place the ticket inside a wax envelope provided by Don Paris, then I constructed a wining protocol and I waited until my bio-rhythm was above "0" line going up. I won a few bucks here there. I had to purchase new tickets because the SE-5 used the energy of this individual ticket and now its drained.


If you want to program your dreams, then the SE-5 is the way to go if you can afford to do so! To me, it works uncanny, when doing any psychological work with it. I can give any of you a programmed hologram card with some psychological enhancing features, it will begin it's full effect within 12-24 hours, only if you have the card on your person. 

I purchased a military dog tag chain, there cheap and I punch a hole in the back of the card without damaging the hologram. She places it on the chain and then tucks it in of her inner blouse. Right now as of 9 August 2019, I have a "brain" system balance and using "psychological" triggers to keep me calm. It is scheduled to run for 7/24 for the next seven days! There will be additional time the SE-5 will probably have me run it.

The cards are light! With the SE-5, the program(s) will effect the aura body/energetic body and I am going to prove this once I get the microscope! I will take a drop of my blood before and record it and after wearing the card for 24 hours I will retest the blood for any anomalies. Reagent in several weeks near the body those witnesses use will run out of energy!

Sticky Blood because of the bad things we eat and share to eat. The SE-5 within ten minutes will clear this up!

It's possible I have what is called, "Sticky" blood where all the cells clump together due to high EMF's coming from computes and cell phones. There was a lady, who took her own blood sample and it was sticky blood cells creating land mass  designs, looking like solid islands in her blood.

Don't let the simple things be the hardest to understand! A simple blood drop shows under the microscope what a cell phone causes to happen with the blood in ten minutes. Running the Remote Broadcaster with a pre-programmed card to extinguish negative energies for ten minutes shows a small miracle in the microscopic world!

She, the lady with the sticky blood was told to talk on the cell phone for ten minutes and after the call, she drew her own blood and it was worse under the microscope then the first time; all the cells massively protecting her all sticking together. 

She ran the CHIO Remote Broadcaster for five minutes and took a sample of blood and now the blood is no longer clotting together all the cells were free flowing. The program that was used was the "Negative" Energy program. Imagine if someone who understood a lot about the body with this instrument in their hands it would be lethal to the issues.

To find physical proof, one needs to see the deeper issues and the blood is the tell tell sign of something that maybe wrong, there is life in the blood. There are miasm's to consider as well. This happens when your doing a scan over a persons system you might identify certain disorders or diseases, yet they have no such physical proof. 

Do you remember the first Krilian picture you saw? It was a pattern of a leaf that had sparkle energy all around it. When the leave was destroyed, the emanations of the entire leaf remained for several hours.

When scanning with the SE-5 or other radionic devices that you are good at using, if you find inheritance issues that was past down from generation to generation and your discoveries show no signs that such a physical malady exists, then we send a program to the energetic body and alter the miasm question. 

Your not healing anyone (Physically), you are sending information only to the energetic body, the energetic body will know what to do with it. It is believed by many older radionic operators that the miasm was in the aether that had not manifested into the physical realm. This is the best we can accomplish not being doctors.

Making Elixirs are not as difficult like they use to be, when a person had to do them by hand to make a copy of the real thing and then dilute it until there was no trace of the real substance only the IDF pattern would remain in effect. You know longer need to do that, the machine will do it for you more efficiently.

I am working to see how the SE-5 make duplicate elixirs, such as, placing a bottle of vitamins on the input plate and having a glass of water on the receiving plate and now we push the duplication button and it will shut down once the IDF's are inside the energetic frame work of the living water. 

Don Paris did this exact same thing and when the water was tested by a friend, his face scrunched a bit and said, this is bitter and taste like a strong vitamin! Any of these experiments that Don Paris talks about, where never planned ahead of time. When an opportunity arose, then Don would say, "Hey let's do this and see what happens".

Imagine if you take prescription medicine and it keeps running out, In some overseas studies, they claim by placing a single tablet on the input well and transfer the IDF's of the tablet, that you keep running out of and then it was drank to see if it works the same as a controlled substance. I have not got that far yet, I can't personally recommend doing such a thing and if you were prescribed medications continue to use them as directed! 

But you may still want to experiment like doing it with a vitamin. I would want to use 2000x etc. I am new to this as far as elixirs are concerned. Don Paris made an astral projection elixir and an old friend purchased it a couple of years back and that night for several he became lucid in his dreams.

I tried to talk to Don about the program and he told me it's buried somewhere in my garage. I will then ask him, how do I start such a program. My machine is a "probability" analyzer, the more probable the future situation the more likely it will come to pass. 

The first use of the SE-5 and their past models, was designed to determine the amount of silver or gold from analyzing the top soil and pieces of the mountain. This spectral analyzer created by Willard Frank in the early 1970's was limited. But customers started experimenting using the SE-5 on other things and it worked!

A thankless generation is now apparent in 2019, everything must be free for the taking, medical, dental and hospital insurance, should all be free for everyone! 

99% of people, who purchase radionic equipment to get monies or riches or better ones health and you have to remember this generation and the one before it, think everything is owed to them. We didn't build that, they did, so it's technically their's. No matter how much work you put into creating something good and excluding the amount of money it took to get the device, you don't get to own it. 

When I was learning to be a technical trader and learned myself how to spot "divergences", the people on the stock forums wanted me to give them the winning stock for nothing!

I asked the stock trader online, "Are you going to pay me for my time" and stock and commodity picks, they were all winners. They laughed LOL hell no! These are what I call "leeches" they suck the last drop of blood from you and then when they win they leave the carcass behind. 

This happened to me twice in my twenty years of trading stocks. I never again went to trading forums. I don't mind helping someone once in awhile or so, one just has to decide if the person your helping, does he or she appreciate it and what happens after they make money off of you, you never hear from them.

Even now, I get good bit of emails about what devices I am using and how they work so far. I don't blame them due to the fact I am making myself visible on these pseudo-science forums and others. I give out hints every now and then when warranted. 


I love my work and I am sure you would agree my time and your time are valuable and our accumulated knowledge in a particular field is valuable. In my days if we didn't have money we would barter online, I don't see that anymore!

Don't ask for the moon when your using these devices, it's only as good as you are! You see the machine amplifies what you know, your innate qualifications through practice and experiments. As you mature using the machines your confidence is the key to bringing in some "possibilities", but this takes time and patience.

There is no one locally where you live or on the net, that would take their time to teach you how to use a Radionic machine. For all intense and purpose you can't be taught with a "stick" reaction, everyone is different and each one uses their own divination abilities to find rates or IDF's or for times of a run. 

Which includes seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Let your imagination only run within your probability zones! Probability means, it could happen, it just needs a bit of a push and it falls into the physical realm as a manifestation.


When your analyzing for very serious issues, one must understand to get precision, you need to practice using your honed in skills with the rub plate. First you should be working on smaller probabilities and as your confidence grows, you can work on medium projects and so forth until you can pull one or two possibilities off with your machine. 

I can use anything and still I'm able get a stick reaction quite easily. The stick plate even when not connected to the machine I can still turn the dials on the machine and rub the table it sets on and I can get the exact harmonics.

On the SE-51000, it has a stick plate, I didn't like the feel so I rub on the side of the machine. The hard plastic has a gruff finish and I get my best stick doing this. 

There is no wrong or right way according to Don Paris, he told me if it works for you than it is the way you need to do it! Everyone always ask, what if my "stick" reaction is off? Easy, the SE-5 will compensate during the balancing by itself. 

Every so often you will find small quirks when using your devices. Something it does from the norm in your operations. As what happened to me and a few other SE-5 operators. I simply called the "STICK" Correction! If your "stick" is inaccurate the SE-5 will compensate and run the program either shorter than expected or longer than what you thought.

For example: If your "stick" reaction says 2 hour run time, you set it and let it run its course and when the two hours is up, you look and the machine and it continues to run, it quits let's assume on the third hour, that was true "Stick" time! 

The SE-5 compensates the difference in time, I asked Don about it and he said, he had nothing to do with this phenomena, it accomplishes this by it itself, there is nothing in the design that would cause a machine that would correct the operator, but this one does!

If you have an Heironymus Medical Analyzer or just a plain Jane unit, you can use this information and apply to your machine. On your machine you have an intensity dial from 0 to 100. All you have to do is let the one hundred be as 1000%, it can be anything you need it to be. So, if you need the time counted in hours, mentally or say out loud "Let each number = One hour or let each number = to one percentage point. (1-100%).

It is the operator that sets the pace, imagination from this point on is justified. Whatever you want your machine to measure, just mentally attach the numerical value you need like 1=1% or 1= 1hour etc. I was fortunate Don's machines measures up to 10,000% he stated you need this percentage when balance anything spiritual. So on your Heironymus, let 1= 1000% or whatever helps you get what your looking for. Don't be held back because you only have 1-100 intensity dial!


  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...