Monday, September 2, 2019


You know the hardest part of convincing your spouses of allowing you to purchase a machine that works miracles! If I approach her with this idea, I wouldn't have been able to purchase the SE-5 and the Remote Broadcasting Unit. 

For many of years the best "trend" to use was a piece of another person/place or thing! It's still legit, and I do use pictures from time to time. But there comes a time to expand your thinking, to look beyond the same old requirements using Radionics and still the operator is unable to show any solid proof what you programed and broadcast to the subject. I don't know all about you, I was getting sick of sending out broadcasts and trying to legitimize why I was doing it.t

I couldn't even prove to my wife these instruments worked! She just took it by faith in my hard work. But those days are over! I had come to a crossroad with all this and I made a decision if I can't have some kind of physical proof using these radionic devices then I quit and I will no longer waste your time and mine, in something that exist in the story book of Alice of Wonderland. This year changed my whole thinking.

Why do you think that is? Technologies updated for one and learning to think outside the standard Radionic ways of doing things. I think both apply to me here. One has to be willing to be open to other ideas and not to be stuck for the past twenty years doing the same ole ways with different devices. Other than owning a limited Hieronymus Medical Analyzer and I mean very limited it kept me from further exploration into the aether.

There is so much to take in when considering investing many thousands upon thousands 515of dollars in a machine that you don't know for sure if it even works! I talked with the creator of the machine for many years, watch his youtube experiments and learning all I could in what to look for in such a device.

It took several more years to decide to catch up with technologies even if it was a thing such as a Radionic Device. Or was it the other way around, hmm! I finally went for broke but not with a thousand screaming trucks like the song "convoy", yet the price of this new machine could have bought me a used truck! It was hard to get pass the sticker price of nearly five thousand dollars. 

This is my SE-51000 Gold Model

Yet, to my utter amazement this spectral analyzer sometimes worked miracles. Willard Frank in the early 1980's created prior to the SE-5000 several earlier type machines. When Willard Frank created the SE-5 Plus, he stopped producing the most current of his model called the "Digitron". It was one of the first electronic spectral analyzers that used push button key codes, to allow the operator to punch in the rates on the markets!

Another type archetype of computerized radionics I found called  the ASRYA device, with the sticker price of $12000.00. This was part Radionic Machine and part body analyzer and it comes with a hefty price of $12,000.00! Ok! So I purchased the SE-51000. This ASRYA device is illegal to import to the USA. A company in G-Tech in the state of Florida now sells a bluetooth device that does the same type work like the old ASRYA. It's called, "Quest4".

When you are deciding on the cost of such devices, wouldn't it be nice to see some before and after anecdotal proof at best? Don Paris isn't shy about what his devices can accomplish and I accomplish a little over a third of what he did, by following Don's experiments very closely.

I felt I was getting a great deal in comparison and plus I owned the SE-5 once before, many years ago! I just didn't have the DarkField Microscope or the CHIO Remote Broadcaster device nor a programable pen laser system. I purchased seeds, potted soil, pots etc. for my experimentation with the holographic approach. I had customized holograms done and purchased hundreds of blank plastic cards the size of a credit card.

It wasn't the only reason I purchased this unique device, it was the proof I had seen from Don Paris and others on youtube, proof you never see on youtube with other so called devices. Looking at the proof on video or reading about it for months is not that useful either. There comes a time, where a man or woman has to now make the ultimate decision. If you are truly serious and have the confidence that it will accomplish what you expect and much more. Then by all means pull the trigger and there's no going back!

I talked it over with my wife and explained, this is my last go of it, it's either now or never, I've been practicing Radionics for twenty years! So, she gave me the go ahead and boom, I purchased the long awaited and never debated SE-51000! The day it came was a breath holder for sure. When I took it out of the box and laid everything out and within the hour pretty much understood how to use it. The software was a little intimidating, nothing that would take much more than an hour to get it down.

One thing you don't want to get caught up in is "Radionic" software and with a push of a button you are affecting the scalar realm to bring manifesting right to you! It doesn't work that way! Think of it like this, I give you a picture of my car and I am in my car and we are going to race to the finish line, who will get there first?

Now I had an internal issue about the SE-5 software, I knew a lot of the software that claim its a radionic software and the computer running it becomes a Radionic Machine. I know many that were taken with such silliness. But here I am in the same boat with a $5000 piece of software no less! I emailed Don Paris and we agreed to meet on Skype to talk about some of the preconceived ideas about software of the SE-51000. 

My first question was, why did you steer from the design of the SE-5 plus that was so popular amongst the farming communities? Don said, that's it, I never change the circuitry they are one of the same, I only changed the housing, so I could install the latest technologies from the 1980 models. But the main schematic that made the SE-5 Plus popular is still in the chassis development. That sounded good and he interrupted and said to me, I understand you are concern with the software that was develop for the SE-51000.

I told him yes and explained my concerned about the computers out there and everyone touting the computer is a radionics machine and software works! But I talk to many who were taken in by such sales  ship...Don said, what if I tell you the software isn't the tool that broadcasts whatsoever! I got silent and asked what he meant. He told me that the software was not the agent for broadcasting in fact, it couldn't be!

Don told me, the SE-5 software doesn't do the radionic broadcasting, it organizes the program and then sends it directly into the SE-5's CPU and it's the SE-5 that does the literal broadcast not the software where you do all your inputs.

Because Don stated, he tried just so called Radionic Software and like he said, it doesn't work! I looked at him and said, now I am confused. Then what is the software for with the SE-5? He said, I had my programmer created this software to have the operator full access to the CPU of the SE-5's brain so to speak. Once the information in placed into the software it is turned into binary numbers of zero's and one's and is processed by the SE-5 ; and then broadcasts the commands.

I currently have the CHIO Remote Broadcaster on the left with the picture and plate shown

He asked me, does that settle your issues with the software and how it was incorporated with the SE-5? I told him, yes it does! Don told me now you have to just apply yourself with consistency by overcoming all the negative experiences you had with ordinary Radionic Machines or the softwares on the markets. And everything you read in my introductory book you should be able to accomplish the same things and much more.

One year after our SKYPE conversations he was right! I did accomplish everything he did and set out to do and even much more than I would have ever guess in a million years! But I was still too far away from proving what the SE-5 was showing me and has performed many times. I was so tired of doing the work and things would happen but I was frustrated not being able to prove physical evidence with the SE-51000. I knew I couldn't go back to Don because he told me once you can duplicate what I did, the rest will be up to you!

Having the SE-51000 of and by itself may satisfy a few, especially spending all that money already. Myself because I spend all that money, I want to know if my programs actually do work or not! Thus need to invest a little more to truly know something is happening.

Don Paris wanted $700.00 for this CHIO Remote, plus my state  wanted its share by taxing the CHIO. Listen, you only live once and I know everything Don creates works, so I purchased this CHIO Remote from him and invested into Microscopy using a DarkField Microscope to see if anything is happening in the microscopic level. This is $1070.00 in Amazon.

The cost of this unit is $12,000.00

The last thing, I read one other company who sells the ASYRA/Quest4, the company designed a pen laser with a designer cap to show a fanning pattern and when pointed at the body it scans the whole body in one up and down motion. But that was only part of it, the best part is Don has not done this experiment as of yet. He mostly teaches at workshops all over Europe about the workings of the SE-5. Lucky for me the SE-5 has proven miracles for us and the programmable laser can work with the SE-5.

I have the Live Blood DarkField Microscope and the CHIO Remote Balancer, along with the programmable photo laser and of course the SE-51000. I've done many experiments but I needed to document it as well, so I purchased a camera set, to do time/lapse video photography of growing plants under the influence of the SE-5 Agricultural programming. This is only the beginning! I work on both my wife and I using the Holographic programmed card that I developed using the SE-5.

To test if you are a good Radionic Operator and to prove to yourselves your machine can do what Don and mine can accomplish, then follow the experiments and see for yourselves is it the machine that's not working if you get no results or is it your abilities still need to be honed into.

The most simplest of experiments is placing one of my programmed holographic sticker under the plate of a single Nectarine or on the fruit itself! This will be there for 14 days! It won't be alone! There will be beside the Nectarine, another one from the same store and the same batch. 

I will place it on its own saucer with no programmed hologram. I will take time/lapse picture; taking one picture every 4 hours, for two weeks! Then put the video of the results on my blog as a .wav file for all to see how powerful this SE-5 programmed hologram really is.

This is a copy of my newly custom holographic chip in the above picture. Every pixel will be filled with IDF information to what depth, we yet to discover with some future experiments.

Holographic stickers were around for some time but no one had the equipment like the CHIO Remote Broadcasting Unit or something compared to the likes of the SE-5. In the early 70's operators of the SE-5 Plus use to connect a long black cable and stick that cable in the gas tank of their cars and then run a gas savings protocol. 
One gentleman increased his mileage by up to 30%! Would you really want to do something like this just to save 30% in fuel costs!

Don thought this idea was too risky due to possible explosion occurring. Once he incorporated the holographic sticker and programmed it for fuel savings, he just placed it near the engine where it would not get hot and he nearly reached 45% more gallons per mile. 

There are many holographic sticker companies who will not sell you any holographic paper if they find out what you are going to use it for. Since when do companies dictate what you do with such paper after you already purchased it! 

Programmed Holograms are being sold all over the markets! Not all of them actually work as advertised. Think for a minute, how difficult would it be for me to say, here is my hologram I programmed it, trust me! Personally I would like a bit more look behind the Great Oz's Curtain.

It took me awhile to find the company that will make you customized two inch by two inch holographic stickers. I had 200 each customized for me. Don't get the "security" stickers, you don't want to use these for your holographic experiences and experiments. 

I am not going to pretend I know what exactly is taking place with programming the holograms. Science is now writing programs on holographic hard drives! Thinking about what we are trying to accomplish here, doesn't seem so far fetched in todays world. What we are trying to do is small potatoes next to the computer scientist's experiments. In the above video one of Don's experiments using CHIO remote shows some amazing things! I too have his technology!

The "Holographic" chips that are programmed either onto or in the chip itself are being advertised to people, who don't have such a technology to make on their own. The process seems easy enough, but the expense in getting the right equipment isn't! If you think you have an inexpensive equipment to do such a thing, here is a test for you to do: Program your hologram chip and place it under a fresh Nectarine and place another nectarine on its own saucer and wait for 20 days!

If the Nectarine is still bright and shiny verses the one you have not placed a programmed chip on or under the fruit then your equipment is the right equipment to produce these wonderful entities that can be used for almost anything. If it doesn't work, you only have one other choice, purchase what you need from those who do own such equipment or invest around $7000.00 to do it on your own!

Think about it, how hard would it be for me to program the holographic chip to last only four weeks? Do you see what other companies are doing! Once I emboss into the hologram with; let's say a "Agricultural" program, it will last that person 3-4 years minimum not just every four weeks or so. Caution: You have to protect the chip from being magnetized or exposing it to sunlight or this will wipe out the program! 

This type of work is easy to fool people into believing they are donating or purchasing something! A lot of people are being ripped off getting holograms that may not be programmed! But you are paying the program price! Sellers should be more than willing to show video proof of their work!

In the above subtitle it would be best to know, who is selling such a product and to see his or her setup and how they program it using video proof of the person or persons work and they are not afraid to show it to anyone who asks. If I accept donations for the programmed holograms in the future, they will be able to see on my personal blog videos of me doing the work and showing the results! If I'm the customer I wouldn't want anything less!

Then I take a holographic chip with a program (randomly picked) and place this on the Life Meter's sensor plate. Now the chip comes alive! It shows 40-45% inorganic new life! I also ran the program for two hours and placed it onto the plate and that same card we measured earlier with 45% gain, is now at 89% inorganic new life form. There is something happening here! Are we creating a new life form in its most basic primordial form?

To make sure this wasn't a fluke, I took a holographic chip and placed it onto a wallet size blank plastic card with no program and placed it onto the sensor plate and it reads 0%! No artificial life existing! At the date of this writing on the 16th of April, 2019, I will plant flower seeds. I will use to flower pots (plastic) with organic topsoil. I will put the seeds (10) each into one flower pot. The seeds of pot "A" will be balanced by the holographic sticker. The other ten seeds will just be planted like normal and watered daily.

For the plant experiments I will be doing a time/lapse still video of the plants for 14 days and up to thirty days, to show the power of the SE-5! I know what this machine can accomplish it's not for the faint of heart. 

I will be doing a time/lapse picture once an hour everyday for only 4 hours for the next four the time you read this, I would have already placed the experiment of the video proof on this site in a separate area known as "SE-5 Holographic Experiments"! I want to place here the FAQ's incase you have any questions about the experiments:


. The Holographic Chips were programmed by me to last up to 4 years!

. You can ask for just the "embedded" holographic chip and place it where you want to. It's totally up to you!

. Can any Radionic Machine accomplish this? No! Not just any cheap device can do this!

. Do I need a Remote Broadcaster to use these cards? No! You can use the SE-5 not only to program the hologram but you can broadcast the IDF program as well. Don Paris will not sell his CHIO Remote Broadcaster to anyone, unless they had already purchase his SE-51000. If he did, no one would purchase the SE-5 1000.

. How long would I have to program such a hologram? This answer can be retrieved with the SE-5. Inside the software it has blank spaces of such as, how many minutes, hours, weeks, months and years and you would dowse for those answers using the SE-5's sensor plate.

When I first purchase the SE-5 I was reluctant to use their software because I know many people who purchased software Radionic programs that don't do squat. So what makes the SE-5 software that much different?

. The software doesn't send the out the broadcast, it sends the information directly through and to the CPU of the machine. When entering the SE-5 from the software, all those "word" tunings and IDF numerical rates in to "0"s and "1"'s. Typical binary numbers which are sent into his special box located on the circuit board that has one wire made into a helix shape causing the 9 volts to cancel each others out!

. SE-5 was constructed according to the old Maxwell's Theory. If the electrons cancel each other out, the gravity surrounding this small area becomes heavier and a mini-black hole is created and the SE-5 binary interpretation of the request is sent to this very small opening in time and space and directly and instantaneously effects the target anywhere in the world. 

. Can I use the holographic sticker on my iPhone? Absolutely!

. Can I use the sticker on myself? Yes you can, if it's attached to the plastic card, you can wear it with a dog tag chain, those metal beaded ones. Because it resides now in your auric field. If you put it on a table next to you it won't work!

You can place your hologram sticker on the plastic card you get or place it on the problem areas of your body. Every hologram will be custom programmed for that person. My motto is, let the customer decide for themselves, after they watch the proof of the machines in action.

. If the chip is on a plastic card and is for EMF issues, you can place it on a table, the program will take care of the EMF's in your home.

I hope some of these answer your questions!

PS: If these Wishing Machines work so well, why don't they show video proof with a simple plant from start to finish! You won't find this on youtube.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Have you considered about offering Holographic chips as a service to help with an illness? If you do, I would be interested in paying for one, to help with a relative's condition. I've spoken to one other user of SE-5 1000, and while he's seen some good results, I don't think he's down this path yet. Either way, please let me know, if this is something you would consider. Thanks!



My first test was lying down to ready to sleep! Saying to myself, "I hope I can get some sleep had insomnia the last week because it is...