Saturday, July 13, 2019


BW2000 built by Steven Gibbs

Ever since we purchased the CHIO Remote our lives energetic and physical and mental has changed for the better. That was the best money I ever spent. It saved me hundreds not going to the doctors for all our ailments.

I hope all is well with everyone today! Finally got caught up with my radionic and time machine research. I re-started the Welz JU1000...I can't seem to dream a lot when having it ran from my end-table in the master bedroom. I point it at myself and run it at 6.0 Hertz. Pretty close to borderline "Delta" sleep state when there are not so many dreams. This same hertz (60) takes me into complexed dreaming just this morning! 13 July 2019.

Wow! My wife and I are feeling great these days ever since I purchased the CHIO Remote Broadcaster...In fact, today I am not even running it on either of us! This is a plus! Worth every penny. I am using the CHIO to broadcast my Area 51 request, to visit its hangars and underground facilities. With the Broadcaster I didn't ask the SE-5 how long I should run it to be effective in the short amount of time. I just ran it 24/7 mostly using the SE-5...

So, I let it run 24/7 until the results are manifested. Some things just have to be let alone and run in its sweet time! Because we as human have a tendency of getting stuff wrong. I call it the "True or False" test issues. What do we generally experience when we erase one answer in a "true and false" statements and circle the other? With myself in high school, I hated these questions! Every time I would say it's true and erase my first answer, I usually got bit on the butt! 

While working on your meditation techniques keep grounded on the earth and watch things around the world and how it will eventually effect all of us. I tried not to be too political, I don't like any of them, both Dems and Republicans. This keeps me neutral.

The above example is just telling us or myself in specific terms, that my guessing abilities are not worth much these days. I have to depend on my devices and my dowsing abilities to get it right along with good research (Studying). I don't know if anyone is paying attention on the outside world outside our homes and apartments, Seven feet of ice dropped in Mexico and the temperature was in the 90's during the storm! What's going on here?

Washington DC...Under a flood. California had its most current earthquake with 3000 tremors sounding off. They are waiting for the big one! I can hardly read a page on news from all over the world without something taking the headlines such as, incurable diseases or unnatural and natural disasters! The earth is beginning to shake like a drunken man on his feet. The earth's axis has become wobbly a "Shaken Shack"!

Not forgetting about California's fire and what was recently recorded; you can see the blue laser light coming from the sky hitting down on particular homes! Fires don't do this so perfectly, something else is going on here! Yet most if not all the people on main street just shrug it off! I am my wife are in a pretty safe place for now, here in the Northern region. 

The unusual News in our country and other world situations that are occurring. We need to be informed ahead of time, when we walk out our door. We must be aware of our surroundings. The sky is not falling yet and when it does it will probably be nuclear winter!

If that were not enough, if Iran gets nuclear capable they will engage in WW3! It's their religious belief if they, cause the end of the world there MADA or their version of the Messiah, will return to set up his kingdom and the Iranian people will be getting their coming rewards! Things are getting extremely volatile in the Middle East. Why should this worry us over here? Because of our current weakened boarder, there are many bad people coming into our country.

It's been rumored that the Mexican Federales placed 15,000 troops at the Northern Boarder of their country claiming to hold back asylum seekers. But this doesn't interest me all that much. What does interest me is, they were trained by the UN. This concerns me more than anything else that is happening. Can you say Mexican Police maybe positioning their militia to invade the boarder region?

Something else has been happening as of lately, earlier this year one of the drivers on the road had to stop for a train passing. Something strange he thought. While sitting there waiting for the last train car to pass by. While at the same time, our boarders have become overrun. So, what was catching the drivers attention beside watching and waiting for the train to go by?

I was watching a phone video of a man recording a train passing by. It had hundreds of Army and Marine Ground Tanks heading to the southern border. Why? Where's the coverage and where and why, did they place these tanks?

Every train car that was zooming by had camouflage Army and Marine Tanks be transported to the boarder! It seems to me, nobody else reported such a thing happening! Yet it was happening! I was watching a cell phone recording. My question is, where are those tanks right now? In my opinion, they are strategically placed in the desert waiting for the Mexican Feds to invade our boarders to possibly take down the USA from within? Another question: Why do we not see over 3000 US Troops on our borders? All I see on the news is border patrol agents!

Look up the tanks on the moving train on youtube it make you wonder! "Red Dawn" or "Brown Dawn"? It really doesn't matter nationalities of the people. I am writing this because I have been following minor and major world events and the things I find you will not see on MSM. I feel obligated to stimulate your minds to be grounded where you are! We get so "spiritually" minded, then we become no earthly good to anyone!

When using my HDR, I was transported to another timeline on our planet and ended up in a huge city that I didn't recognize, nor did I ask anyone where I was at. I did ask what year it was and the people around me looked into my eyes like I was asleep all my life. I arrived somewhere is 2030 in or around that year. There were many African American who were painting symbols on their bodies and they were getting ready for a massive "something" to happen! 

Another HDR Time travel trip to a major metropolis somewhere in the USA. This was no vision or dream or lucid dreaming...Was this showing me the destruction of our homeland? Was it natural? Was it a coincidence or pure bad luck?

I bumped into one of the guys who just painted himself with symbols and they all were using a light blue color. I wiped it off my  arms. Another person told me, "Don't allow yourself to be touched by that paint on their bodies", yet he didn't give me any reasons as to the "why's". 

During the moment when I was transported by the HDR, I heard them singing some kind of "National Anthem"! I notice they were all looking toward a single direction facing North.
I wanted to get a better look so, I walked about five or six blocks to the North and within a single moment...

Something crashed into the earth with such a powerful force and it wasn't nuclear tho, its impact is just as great! When it hit the part of this major city it sent out major shockwaves. It was destroying everything in its path in a 360 degree fashion. I thought my goose was certainly cooked! It was so surreal, school buses and tractor trailers being crushed under these shockwaves.

The strange thing about all this, there were no white people in this crowd of about 40 or so! They were all African American but they were patriots! They raised their arms in defiance of the natural disaster that was occurring.

I said, aloud, "I guess it's my time to die"! A man's voice that carried a huge amount of authority told me, you are not going to die at this time. You must record what you hear and now see! Well I didn't have anything to actually "record" such a situation so I thought to myself, he wanted me to "remember" everything I was experiencing, instead of lying on the ground to die!

He continued...I want you to see what is going to happen to your country in the very near future. When the shockwave was about to hit me I was transferred to another part of the cities suburb area. It was beginning to snow (Debris falling from the atmosphere caused by the impact). And there was darkness everywhere after the impact of what I suspected to be a meteor hit! There were military type SUV's with the red and blue lights flashing telling people to go into their homes.

The children were having fun trying to catch the snow flakes from the air and there was ash about a half a foot deep all over the place. It seemed the children had no idea what had just happened. I walked into one of the many small units called "housing" outside the city. I was looking for my wife at the time of this transport. I went into the front door and saw a sauce pan cooking something on an electric stove. 

I was led after the shockwave and traveled through the suburb of that metro-city, then dropped by small houses. These houses were very small, 3-D printing of houses! This happened to me about 10 years ago. Now they have created this year, 3-D housing!

I yelled, "Hello! Anyone here"! I looked around and seen they had a small basement and several of the family members were huddling on the floor. I asked if they saw my wife and he shouted get our of here, this is our home and we no nothing about your wife. I hurried out of this one room building. The building was made of concrete no wood whatsoever! I looked around at the current situation, which has not changed coming out of the house.

I seen young children screaming and running for their lives because a pack of "wolves" were running them down. I ran and shouted, "Hey come over here into this vacant home". They turned running towards me and got safely into the house. When I entered into the same home, there was two military personnel, one female and one male with their weapons over their shoulders. The man was lying on his stomach (dead) and the woman military was on top of him and both were dead.

I couldn't figure out what killed the both of them. Things were going at a rapid pace! I left the children in the one room concrete home and then a white wolf, which seemed to be an "Alpha Male" and one other wolf running by his side, were coming straight towards me at full speed. 

There were two wolves that were instructed for some reason to herd me up the hill. The all white male was the Alpha and a lower ranking male who followed him. Was this a prophecy or nothing to be concerned about?

I turned to run up the hill in front of me but I knew they would have taken big chunks of me if they wanted to, but I realized when I was half way up the field, the alpha male wolf and the other wolf stopped chasing me. They would not allow me to go back to where I came from.

When I decided to go back down, the alpha white male wolf came running at me and when I was starting to run up hill he again he stopped; as if to tell me you need to see over the hill. As I began to walk up the hill the alpha wolf and the other one were gone! I finally reached the hillside which looked over the vast city, I saw a mushroom cloud but reversed! Take a Nuclear blast and turn it upside down with the mushroom head bashing into the earth causing the shockwaves at ground level.

When this probable meteor impacted ground level, the shockwaves were sent surface/underground instead of like nuclear hit that would naturally form a mushroom cloud with the shockwaves above the ground. I call it a "Reverse Mushroom" effect. After I tried to make sense of everything, I was lifted up and everything was blacked out. 

Where I was taken after using the HDR that evening before bedtime, it seems to have an innate intelligence as to The Who, What, Where and Why's not so much the How's or the When's of it...there was a purpose for my trip. I wanted to go somewhere else but the HDR didn't allow me and this is not unusual using this device.

I opened my eyes and remembered everything I experienced both sight, sound and physically. Something or someone wanted me to see this super-natural event. This event could be an "Extinction" event, but this was never told to me one way or the other. This experience are the ones people have, that end with putting their HDR's in their closets; never to use the again or they sell it! "Ignorance and Fear" is the number #1 experience when a beginner experiences their first travel with the HDR.

I didn't ask for something like this, the HDR is the catalyst that open vortexes within the home or outside. Once it is formed, you will be absorbed and there is nothing you or I can do about it. It will be up to the hand of the Almighty to bring you back! The HDR isn't capable of bringing you back on its own. Steven Gibbs understands this and he told me, "I am not like HDRKID/Novella, I don't like to go out more than one year to three in any jump with the HDR! Gibbs doesn't even trust his own device to bring him back!

HDRKID, told me on the phone many years back that, he ended up in space and he probably would have died if this ship wouldn't have picked him up! I shook my head, how did you survive being in space in a super-natural vacuum with millions of degrees of low temperatures? He explained, I couldn't move and I couldn't feel my body anymore and life was slipping out of me. Then he came back through two of his 50,000 volt Tesla Coils; where he created the time vortex before his trip.

HDrKid as many that know of him on the paranormalis site, he was an avid time traveler using the Gibbs HDR in the early 80's and 90's. Him and Steven Gibbs were friends for over twenty or so years. He heard of Steven Gibbs on Coast to Coast and it just went from there. This is where I heard of him also!

I have HDrKid's blog site and he doesn't talk about his physical time traveling anymore! It's a shame really! He just couldn't take the beating that people continued to give to him for being open about time travel (Physical) not just OBE Time traveling and Astral Time Traveling. But he does let the fifteen year old information on his blog, when he was talking about time traveling using the Gibbs HDR.

Think of a rogue twister as a rogue vortex the differences are you can't see the rogue time twister when it encapsulates you, car and all.

I know; when I use the HDR it opens after awhile the vortices in my home. I don't go outside looking for them. Here is the situation, if my chakra's are tuned by the HDR (Hmm!) when I go outside and go in my car, the rogue vortices that are similar to tornado's in movement, would follow me in a parallel run as I experienced this once before along with three others. Sometimes it does catch up to you and other times it's going its own course!

I haven't used a Tesla Coil yet! Because I would have to purchase two of them to create a zero point energy entrance. The next thing after purchasing the Tesla's would be to; adjust the spark gap while rubbing the HDR's rub plate and when I get the stick reaction then I go to the other Tesla and do the same thing. Of course, I would do an application using the HDR for 15 minutes, while the two Tesla Coils are sparking at one another. Here is a link for the top built Tesla Coils.

There are ways to make your HDR Time Travel work easy and it only takes 10-15 minutes while doing so. Exception if you either listen to your meditation mp3 for thirty minutes or one hour. This prepares the subconscious to be tuned into the HDR.

In the above link you can, either buy the parts and build your own or have them build it. I prefer the latter, because if I make a mistake I could be electrocuted. I would rather at the moment, not invest into such equipment and use the HDR as is! It's not difficult to use and it only lasts for 15 minutes. The only change that I might consider is, using one of my mp3's meditation cd's an hour before or during the use of the HDR.

I theorize, if Steven Gibbs stated that the HDR is suppose to bring down your brainwaves to "Theta" waves; it should help you to Time Travel using OBE's and Astral Projection. But what if one would listen to their favorite meditation mp3's for one hour and then do a fifteen minute application with the HDR? Those with the IDL-22 can be used in conjunction with the HDR, this cube IDL-22 allowed me to astral travel without the HDR on several occasions.

I have a question to the would-be time travelers out there. What if you see something so horrendous what would you do? Place it in the closet or sell it? What happens when you tell people about it? What if it works on your consciousness every waking moment? When you OBE time travel how would you disseminate what you experienced? Would you publish what you saw? Many who accidentally have their first experience with the HDR, are not ready to answer the above questions.

Time Traveling sounds a bit crazy but I seen too many incidences which includes myself that HDR is doing something to effect time and space wherever it maybe used. I know personally; those who have used the HDR, their testimonies were never conflicting...

When time traveling no matter the instrument used, It carries some responsibility on your parts. Like the raising of needless "fears" of the world coming to an end. The universe is always watching and I know for certain it will not allow for you to take anything back with you, neither physical, nor OBE, nor Astral Time Traveling. Like I stated before; I wish the gentleman from Australia would consider building me an HDR from Gibbs own schematic. Of course, I would pay for it!

At the end of the T-Bar Magnet is a "Barium Oxide" magnet that helps increase the magnetic field around you. As per Steven Gibbs reasoning.

I looked at his finished product and it was well built and deserves to be experimented with. He is one of the very few, who actually understand the working theory and has workable knowledge how this machine is to be operated both in the physical environment and OBE and Astral environment, his attention to detail is superb. 

I met some Grey's (Extraterrestrial) when using the HDR also. That sure wasn't planned in any shape or form. Make sure if you get your HDR, also order the barium oxide magnet but buy it off Amazon instead of Steve because Steven sells this strong ceramic magnet for $110.00. This rectangular magnet is 3,850 gauss with a 45 pound pull force. It's a Grade C8 the strongest ceramic magnet. Cost: $15.00 at the below link!

I realize that you can get magnets (Rare Earth) and they are very powerful! These can be very dangerous when using such with the HDR. If you mess up the polarity of the T-bar magnet it is possible you will never be able to pull the both of them apart!!

About the gauss strength, I am not sure if it would make a huge difference or not for your time traveling. You would have to figure this out on your own. I usually place the rectangular ceramic magnet on the stomach with the "North" side polarity facing inward to my stomach and the South end facing out away from the body and I place the T-Bar end on the "South" polarity side of the magnet which faces outward. 

Barium Oxide Magnet

The North side of the magnet should be facing to the inside of your stomach while you are sitting up or laying flat with the South side facing outward, while holding both magnets with your hands for 10-15 minutes. It's a little bulky but fifteen minutes isn't all that long. Hold the flat magnet in place with your left hand and hold the T-bar in place on top of the South end of the magnet with your right hand only after you do your tuning.

I am not sure if Steven Gibbs will build another unit or not...I was out of body after a session with the HDR and met Steven Gibbs at a park. I was sitting on the park bench, then he arrived shortly thereafter. He opened his suite case and there was a black colored HDR with the etched in crystals, about four of them. It worked like a harmonic type key to open a vortex.

I got to see a possible "futuristic" HDR designed and constructed by Steven Gibbs; while astrally time traveling the same evening. Sometimes it takes two weeks and others one evening to see results. My best was twice a month. But I focus now on the full moon week a few days before and after the full moon.

It had no dials whatsoever! Steven Gibbs took out his machine and began to sequentially tapped three to four crystals that were installed directly an eighth of an inch into the HDR's surface. It made a slight musical sounds and there were no magnets. I didn't see any vortices opening when he was showing me the model. But it was definitely some kind of  musical key!

Similar setup except the HDR had embedded crystals on the surface with no dials or well.

He handed this HDR to me and I ran my fingers over all four crystals instead of tapping in sequence and it made a chalkboard screeching sound! Steven Gibbs said, "What are you trying to do, your going to ruin my machine"! He quickly pulled it out of my hands and gingerly placed it back into suite case and he began to walk away and disappear.

I looked at him and he had curly hair and he was kind of chubby but healthy looking. He was a bit taller than I was. At the moment, I wasn't reading nothing into it and when I got back and awakened I was browsing about Steven Gibbs and lo and behold I found a picture of him from an old magazine he use to write articles for in Canada. He would publish his time travel trips in that magazine.

What were the odds of seeing a person I never met in my life and talking with him about his new HDR? Only to find out later, the way I seen him was exactly correct! I found his picture online after several hours of browsing and I recognized him immediately.

I copied the picture and sent it to him, he told me how did I get a picture of him? I told him from an old photo shoot you had with that magazine company from Canada. I also told him, I saw him astrally and the way he looked on that picture, is the way I saw him before discovering the picture. It could have also been "Remote Viewing" I was experiencing! Nothing says, you can't remote view using the HDR!

Rare photo of Steven Gibbs...I accidentally found it about twenty or so years ago. The same man I met when the HDR sent me to some parallel timeline.

This was quite wild and I told him the type of HDR his doppelgänger showed me and he said, he was trying to figure out building an HDR without magnets. If he decided to go this way it would be good but I doubt it and it would only be useful in that astral realm only where is doppelgänger resided at the time, would be my current opinion. 

Maybe that gentleman from Australia, who likes to build improvements to the original HDR, would read this and take this challenge of drawing up such a schematic to be able to use "crystals" to tune the HDR by tapping on them, which creates certain sound tones to activate such a time vortex or attract them. 

I will end this here with a thought! Can the HDR be revamp to work much better or is it ok the way it is? The only people that could answer such a question are those who own a device such as the HDR. HDRkid uses 50,000 Tesla Coil and tunes the spark gap one at a time using the HDR rub plate while slowly turning the spark gap up or down until a "stick" reaction is procured!

Friday, July 12, 2019


Radionics is a name that was given by the early pioneers, who discovered there was a "information" type of energy that could be sent to a box through a miniature black hole! 

Radionics is a misnomer, it has nothing to do with "radios" except maybe, Kelly's Workstation. But in the earlier years, it was thought when one used the gadgets of those days; they thought it was being broadcasted over the radio waves. Dr. Abrams figured it out that it wasn't after all. The broadcasting was done by the subconscious thoughts of the operator. The boxes were a crutch, really!

It's now the 21st Century and last two generations don't even know about the word Radionic or its meaning. We, who are left, who are experienced and worked with such a devices, experiencing let downs and successes. Independent operators are still spreading the knowledge of this strange new awareness to anyone who will give ear. 

There seems to be enormous confusion on the some of the Radionic Forums out there! Such as, what is the best type of machine and why are the prices with so much disparity between different models. Why do Radionic Machines cost so much$$? Along with another question, "Does radionics really work or is it the power of suggestion"? Is the box completely useless or would any cheap box do the job"? What was discovered about scalar waves using the radionic machines?

Can radionics heal the body/soul/mind/or spirit? What is the law concerning such a practice? Is radionics a form of "Witchcraft"? Is it hocus pocus pie in the sky thinking? There are tons of questions people are asking about when discussing old age technologies, because so much is happening to people everywhere. 

They are hoping, praying and looking for answers that their government can't supply them. Many people are looking for ways out! Even if it is a mental high or the invitation to death! They would be open up to its possibilities, mainly through drugs.

What can radionics do for you? What has it done for me? To answer such questions like these, you have to already be an owner of your own devices. One can't just explain everything in print, experience has now become the new teacher!

While many youngsters are turning to drugs and ending their lives all at the same time. Is it that bad that a child needs to turn to such extremes and not be able to talk with the very people who brought them into this world? Could radionics help them? Anything is possible, but not all things are probable. 

There are radionic machines and there is one "probability" analyzer called the SE-5! One can both analyze "probabilities" and "possibilities", which can broadcast the same as a radionic device (SE-5). A general radionic machine only works with "probabilities", which makes it easier for it to work for the beginner  operator. For "possibilities" any machine I imagine would work, if you are a learned theta student though meditation!

The mistake the new operators fall into is, they try to manifest "possibilities" like Lotto wins etc. I talked with and read about many operators always striving in the sea of "possibilities" and this doesn't always work due to their level and abilities, to tap into their "theta" mind state. If your "Theta" mind state is not developed properly through meditation training, how is the radionic machine going to amplify what you don't possess at the moment?

These devices, which are built the correct way, it was meant to help  by pushing something into the physical plane when it was riding on the fence so to speak, between the field of "possibilities" and "probabilities". This is too important to brush read this, "possibilities" need strong "Theta" wave broadcasting to the machine you are using. What do you think your machine was created for in the first place? To "amplify" your thought processes to the manifestation levels you desire.


If you want a machine that actually does what the manufacturer claims, then stick with a well built analog device with a minimum of two dials, one left and one right. The only problem with this is, you as an operator can only do the amount of work as there are two-dial banks available. And to wait for results when using several two dial banks or more. As you see in the above picture are (3) additional banks of 8 dials each and you could get more. 

These types of radionic machines were never designed to be for mass production in the market place. They can be very expensive and time consuming! Some up to $12-20,000.00 or more! This doesn't mean they work better, it means the builder is expensive and it is considered a "Thin Market"! Meaning; when there are more customers than machine builders; it becomes a thin market and the builders have to charge much higher prices to you and I. Think of an auction and supply and demand situations.

I want to try to answer the questions above to satisfy some of the questions out there about these devices and there capabilities. I want to start with the simple basic Hieronymus Device, which has two dials and one "intensity" knob along with an acrylic rub plate and the housing will probably be made of a bakelite material (black). You will also have a rub plate (acrylic) dark also. It should have a glass sample well that is wrapped several dozen times with copper wiring.  

The thing you have to look for when doing the "Nectarine" experiment using the radionic machine is; one of the fruits you pick to balance must maintain its health integrity for up to two weeks, while the other one, not treated by your device begins and ends in decay before the end of two weeks.

A radionic machine is a very simple setup and it isn't hooked to anything other than an a/c adapter or 9 volt battery or some have no power at all, except how the operator subconscious minds effect it. In fact, the medical analyzer was the one I started with 24 years ago, called the Hieronymus Medical Analyzer. Nothing wrong with this type of machine. My ran off a 9-Volt battery and that was to light a small led, which did nothing for broadcasting power, it's your subconscious mind that does the work!

It takes forever to analyze when using multiple tunings and to broadcast the results. There is nothing you can really rely on if the person/place or thing is or has recovered with their IDF's. We don't expect so, since it is the most primitive of devices out there. This simplistic model's cheap price tells you everything you need to know. But don't be fooled, if you are experienced in tapping into your subconscious thoughts, this machine will push you over the edge pretty quickly.

But not all models are expensive or it may not be better than a cheaper device. It maybe built the same way, yet the marketer wants to make money off of his customers anyway he or she can. I am not against it myself, I figure if the person is to lazy/or not technically capable of building their own devices, they will have to pay what the "seller" demands ! 

But if you are like myself, you know what we are looking for and know the associated costs involved in what we want to accomplish, this would be the way to go, to have someone who is competent to build such a machine. The other million dollar question is who to purchase from! This is where your research comes in and trust between you and the "seller"! I knew Don Paris for many years prior to purchasing his SE-51000.


You will probably be bored with this statement because you will hear it from time to time. If the device has a thirty day money back with no questions asked, your first step is to do the "fruit preservation test", if the device can't keep one of two fruits from decaying for 14 days, don't purchase it. Run away, far away! Look for something else to use! The "fruit" test is very easy to accomplish. First, purchase at the local store two Nectarines! Place each Nectarine on its own saucer. Keep them apart about 8 inches or so.

The reason behind this test is to show that both subconscious mind and machine are balanced enough to cause a single fruit from natural decay within a 14 day period.

Place both pieces of the fruit in a warm room with temps around 70+ degrees. Next if using the Hieronymus Machine or similar, write down a preservation program in a bullet format. For Example:

. (+) Perserve Fruit
. (-)  Rotting
. (-)  Decaying
. (+) Ripen
. (-)  Fruit Flies
. (+) Protect Nectarine from heat exposure
. (-)  Free Radicals

I will shorten the list but usually I think of more around 8-10 more + or - wordings. (+ or -) means everything with a Plus in front of the word is what we do want to happen and everything with the Minus in front of the word is what we don't want to happen to the Nectarines. 

The device if it is built properly, will understand these commands. I did this test and it worked! Of course, I used the SE-51000 Gold. If you don't have this, use what you have and write all the above on paper and place into well of the unit. Your machine should broadcast the information from in the well, if you are an experienced radionic operator.

You might ask yourselves, "I wonder why "he" isn't using rate numbers? Good question: I could but I like making it simplistic and that's all the subconscious minds need to know, that is to perform such easy words with the attached energies coming from you, when you were creating them.

We give "words" there meaning with our emotional attachment to it using our EGS or Emotional Guidance System! This is how the subconscious mind learns our languages/meanings, it takes spatial approach and feelings to convey there meanings to the subconscious mind to anchor to and file. 

The best way to advance with radionics is not to get to cocky! When your tolerance reaches a certain level continue onward and add slowly, so that your brain and machine become continuously connected as a working unit.

You did the "Fruit" test and no dice, it doesn't work! Either get rid of your machine or revamp your written commands and by the way have you ever dowsed before? For the simple reason, if it can't do this simple preservation test; you will not be able to accomplish anything else in the realm of "probabilities" and especially in the realm of "possibilities". This is life! Sometimes it's not fair!

Some may vehemently argue this but I have to ask them one question, were they successful in preserving a simple organism through radionics with their machines! A radionic operator at the beginning always starts out small, for example: 
You don't run after the lottery jackpot or manifest money without direct experience with your device. There must be an artificial type of connection or relationship between you and your device.

The device is hooked up mentally to your subconscious minds, to tap into what is known as, Eloptic Energies or Scalar Longitudinal Waves, if you prefer this name. The device is a focal point where all the power becomes stored up and ready to be broadcasted to a person/place or thing! In order to broadcast this stored up energies, one has to be able to focus their subconscious thoughts to a single point and the rest will be easy enough.

Always remember the ice test done by the late Dr. Emoto, a piece of tape with a written word of "love" on it was placed onto a jar filled with water, when frozen, Dr. Emoto had taken a piece of that same ice and placed it under the microscope it showed a beautiful snowflake structure (Hexagonal Shape). 

The other frozen water with nothing on the glass, when looked under a microscope had very bad structure, there was no beauty or balance to its overall appearance. So, words with emotional attachment placed on simple water will effect the final outcome of the frozen project. As with using correctly made "Orgonite" it too will create a beautiful tornado of power within its frozen structure.

When you finish up with the simple biological fruit preservation testing, you can now move up and do something a bit more daring but not to exceed your own "confidence" level and your own "Theta" abilities while awake. 

The fact is, you begin to grow with your machine because as your subconscious mind is more accessible, you will strengthen these neurons to create a shortcut into that brainwave state of mind or new neural pathways structures would be in place for the next go around for the machine to amplify those deep inner thoughts to manifest into the real world.

Kelly's Flagship Model around $4000+ Analog
Radionic Machine

As your subconscious strengthens the neuron connections due to consistent use and additional neurons begin to fire, the machine now has access to process the brains higher functions by the creation of that extra elasticity in your physical brain due to practicing meditation, which allows easier access to the "Energy" body, to fuel your radionic device for broadcasting/analyzing the samples. 

Think of it like bodybuilding, the more muscle and strength you gain, the heavier the lifts and the heavier the lifts, the more muscle you gain but there comes a time the muscles stop building no matter how hard you try to exercise them! The brain is no different it's a unique organ that is able to enlarge itself through mental training only! 

But it too can hit its peak-n-trough and just stay there no matter how much meditation you do. The brain tends work around this and you just have to change your routines for variety reasoning! The brain learns what you are trying to do and it will circumvent the exercise by resistance until you change and trick it another kind of way and you will continue to grow mentally.

Radionics are not about radio waves, they have nothing to do with this. All the machines that do a tremendous job of sending out "information" it decodes this information and sends it into spatial area called Scalar Waves or in Zero Point Energy.

We covered some of the basics, costs, testing the device etc. Let's move right on up to the analog devices called, the "Kelly Instruments" for this example. If I didn't get the SE-5; my second strong choice would be Kelly's Radionic Machine called the "WorkStation". I consider them because they are true to the Hieronymus idea and there is also another builder at Berkana who tries to stay true to the original design of the Hieronymus Device. 

These companies are light years ahead and proven successful as far as I am concerned and if there were not an SE-51000 available, these devices would have been my first choice instead of my second backup choice. They are well built machines, the only issues I had were, too many accessories with Kelly's machines, costs add up big time. I mean they have no arguments selling you 100 antenna systems with your radionic machine! It's built like a "radio" for broadcasting!

I questioned to myself, how much is enough; when it comes to broadcasting radionic rates? We are not dealing with real Radio Broadcasting signals are we? I might be wrong here, because I do believe that I read somewhere that, Kelly stated their machines are actually radios but don't quote me on this. Even if they are, I strongly contest that a tangible machine is capable of broadcasting  any non-tangible "information" on a carrier radio wave. How does one broadcast "love" on a carrier wave?

Most analog radionic machines are non-physical broadcasting, so there is no need for additional antenna's because what you are broadcasting is something that doesn't really exist in the physical realm that can be detected by our 5 senses. "Information" exist in our minds and can travel beyond the physical realm. 

This is what we broadcast using the subconscious mind state in "Theta". You can't take a "non-tangible" idea and broadcast it through a radio transmitter. You must use the "Theta" mind state, this is a  "non-physical" tool that can do the job aided with your machine.

3D Aura Imaging Devices

The physical broadcasting doesn't pierce through the "scalar" realm. "Information" can be decoded into binary numbers in the physical realm and then sent using Maxwell's theory of zero point energy.  The way of manifesting is by enhancing your subconscious mind (non-physical) in the "theta" realm, by using a "physical" device (decoding) that creates a focal intention start point.  

Sometimes it gets complicated and we forget certain laws, physical may not apply whereas non-physical may apply! This determination is made by you and built upon your research efforts. There are a thousand teachers out there on the web, my question is how do you filter these builders for being knowledgeable in the field of Radionics, when you, yourself, don't know how to ask the right questions if your new to this? 

Certainly there are no schools that teach such a field. Society wants you to believe in Liberalism of Venezuela  and how successful it is, yet one mentions radionics and its successes and they are ready to commit you in a tight white coat along with prison time if need be! If we have the time, it would probably be another one hundred or so years before mankind finally figures this radionics out. Our present young adults are only open to everything computer.

When you purchase a radionic device, it will have the builders energies and those energies no matter how sincere may not work for the person! 

Believe it or not, your machine like my old "Hieronymus Medical Analyzer" or the "Kelly" units mentioned above, have some, if not most of the builders "energies" in them and this only makes sense! There are ways to clear your new Radionic Device using "Negative" clearing rates or IDF's or using abbreviated "word" commands. You have to use "non-physical" approaches with your machine to clear the psychic energies left from the builder.

I personally think "Worded" commands and requests, hold a stronger absolute due to our "Emotional Guidance System". This EGS gives our request the "Emotional" Energies to effect the space around us and our EGS is like a carrier wave and an anchor for the subconscious mind to receive instructions on what the meaning of words are and what to manifest to the target (s). Remember the subconscious mind is like a child; it will believe anything you are able to program into it, if you can by-pass the conscious strongholds.

Like one of the greats, in Radionics in the last thirty years, Don Paris, told me, when using the device for the first time, don't go for all kinds of "possibilities"! Go for the "Probabilities"! When dealing with "probabilities" this means for example: You and the buyer agree on contract terms but there is some unsettled issues yet to be had. This is the making of a "probability" factor, so you run a program from the psychological section about him or her to get along and being comfortable etc. with the contract.

Billy Meyers actual videos of Andromedan Space crafts.

The next day or so, you get that phone call, the buyer is willing to make the purchase! The "probability" has got the final push from the SE-5 or similar device in this particular case. This is one of many examples. A "possibility" is just that, it may or may not happen! Example: 

You believe when you use your device, you will see a UFO in your back yard! Anything can be possible but not all things are "probable" (to come to pass). It's possible to win the lotto jackpot but not "Probable" in the near future, because of the "odds" of it happening are extreme and very remote if not, everyone who uses a radionic machine would be multi-billionaires. 

Possibilities and Probabilities are miles or even an eternity across from each other. In order to access or create a bridge to the"possibilities", you must first go through the "Probabilities" the most likely thing to happen! 

Here is another example: You study hard all week for your test (preparedness) in science and lastly you ran a program you constructed using a personal created "Word" program for better memory. The next day you pass the test, was this a "possibility" or " probability"? If you said it was a "probability" then you are correct! There was an extra force with this and that was the "you", who studied the material for one week, you were being prepared to take the exam, you just needed the push from the program to clinch the final results! 

You just needed a little push for confidence and memory and it worked because of the two strong related situations the (probability) factor and your studying, that took place along with your amplifying devices! The SE-51000 or the older models were designed to work in the field of "probabilities". Once you are trained and accept the manifestations, one can dip their big toe in the lake of "possibilities" just enough to achieve a small amount of manifestation levels. 

It's not to say it can't work in the sea of "possibilities", but it is a tip-toe in and out of your "theta" state of mind, as you develop your subconscious techniques of the SE-51000 or your device, you are trying to dip your thoughts into the "theta" realm while using the machine. You can't depend on a machine to make you psychic! You either are or your not at the moment!

There is plenty of subconscious influence, when using these devices. It doesn't make you psychic, it amplifies what you already have achieved. It's up to you friend to develop your "theta" tip- toeing in and out of the subconscious mind state and practice until you get results your looking for. 

I really don't care if you have a $10,000 device or a $500 device, but what is important is the amount of psychic energy you possess and can tap into when placing yourself in self-hypnosis (relaxed state of mind) when using the radionic devices in general. Use what meditation techniques that are the most comfortable for you...develop a working relationship with your inner-theta mind. Be respectful to it, your theta mind is smarter than you are!

The dark plate with the wood grain is the Kelly's Rub plate.

When inputing either your built-in programs or your newly created ones inside the software if you are an SE-5 owner or inside the glass well of you own machine, you have to be able to ask your device the right questions, which requires you to use the "stick" pad. Such as: How long do I need to run the program for results? How many seconds/minutes between each tuning? You dowse for these results!

This may sound a bit weird how I do this, I rub the rights side of the machine, where the batteries are installed because I don't like the SE-5's rub plate material. I just rub the top of the bat casing and turn my tuning dial, it always gives me exact readings easily. Because the surface of the machine is partly rough and smooth and this works for me!

Now switching tracks here: Gibbs, HDR!!!!!

I want to discuss a little about the HDR that I purchased from Steven Gibbs. Working both with the SE-5 and the HDR made for good manifestation work! When Steve Gibbs quits building these, they will be the last of the Gibbs originals and you can only hope someone sells there's...

Most of you out there understand using the Hyper-Dimensional-Resonator designed and built by Steven Gibbs, the rub plate is a hard smooth plastic area. Some can obtain "stick" reactions while a good many can't! It's no secret why this occurs! I've read many HDR owners frustrated that one can't get a stick and if they do, they don't have the confidence if it was right or wrong.

Because one must be experienced in simple "dowsing" techniques to home into a certain time at a certain place. I can get the stick reactions 99% of the time but where I would end up going is nowhere near where I wanted to go! Because the HDR is a very basic radionic machine with an electro-magnet attached to it. It doesn't have the Tesla power like the USS Eldridge to be able to specifically tune into a specific time line.

This is the late Art Bell, he was given this HDR by Steven Gibbs in the late 80's but he was afraid to use it because he might not come back. Because Art's broadcast station was in a Vortex area from what I read. I have this model and the 2018 model of Gibbs HDR.

I have a 1995 and a 2018 model of HDR's. I purchased the 2018 model from Steven and the 1995 was given as a gift to me from a dear friend of mine. In this past experiment; I used the 2018 model, the knobs have no numbers. Another major change was, Steve took out the caduceus coil that was located under the rub plate and replaced it with a copper foil throughout.

Steve didn't want to use guitar knobs with "0-10" digits, because the tunings are not accurate enough! But I purchased the device anyways, acknowledging this fluke. Several months ago in 2018, I setup the HDR (2018 Model) and ran it on myself for 15 minutes everyday for two weeks. Within that two weeks I was able to OBE time jump, only where my subconscious mind wanted me to go. The HDR simply is "controlled" by your subconscious pathways.

I also setup the SE-51000 using a "Word" program within the software using "word" tunings. Those "worded" tunings will be converted into an ASKII file format, created by ones and zeros before being broadcast into the scalar realm. I wanted to visit Area 51. I used 10-15 words "what I didn't want to see when I got there"! Example: (-) MIB, (-) Security Guards (+) (what I did want to experience) such as; Aliens Aircraft etc. 

Once the program was created, the program needed the seconds or minutes between each word being tuned before going on to the next, then I would scan for how long to complete the entire run. To come up with exact numbers is whatever works for you. I may get a stick reaction at 65% and you may get a 77% on your stick reaction measuring or analyzing the same thing at the same time! We are both correct! 

What I experienced using both technologies, which are a thousand miles apart figuratively speaking, they complimented one another and become seamless in working to get me to Area 51 in a very surreal, even more real, than the physical realm.

Within the two weeks, I practically forgot I had the SE-5 running all that time (24/7). Yet, every night I would run the HDR for 10-15 minutes! When I hit the 14 days of use, I went to bed that night and found myself in a moment in Area 51, it was day time outside and there was only one building (hangar)! It was not a lucid dream, even tho I had full consciousness awareness of remembering going to bed that evening. The temperature was hot out! 


It was real! I had lucid dreams and know the differences. After experiencing everything I did, the next day I stopped the program on the SE-5 and opened the software program I'd been running to the SE-5's CPU and realized every single line was manifested in every way possible! I can't explain such a phenomena as this. The HDR was tapping into my subconscious mind for fine tuning the pathway and the SE-5 fine tuned the "wordings". The SE-5 was the editor and the HDR was the workhorse!

I know the HDR doesn't do things like that on its own, usually when the HDR sends you astrally to the future or the past or the present, there is not much control of the things you do, well all I can say is by itself it was different, when ran with the SE-5, it became surreal! I didn't know or predict this to happen! Yet, it happened! Exactly how it was placed down into the software, for example: I didn't want to see any other person, except myself. 

No MIB's, No Military, No Security etc. But everything I wanted to see, for example: UFO, walking into the hanger without being approached. It's hard to wrap ones head around all this; even I, who worked a long time with both devices, never dreamed of what I had experienced that evening! In fact, the hangar was the only building where I was at!

I felt every thing and the metals were cold to the touch as the wood was warm. The air was clean but arid. It looked like a busy place where everyone had been and now are gone, it was like they dropped everything they were doing and disappeared leaving behind whatever they were doing at the moment!

It happened whether I would believe it or not! I just used the instruments as is, figuring they were built for two separate reasons but could be interfaced together not so much physically but (subconsciously) only for a common goal or cause.

I went in the elevator to the basement level and I walked over to a wood workbench. I picked up that particular mold from a once busy work bench in the basement of the big hangar and it was light as a feather and the material it was made of felt like cold metal as one would expect picking up such object in the real world. I pulled back a canvas that was covering up something on the hangar floor, as I pushed it back I saw what was a saucer type craft. 

There was no way I could pull the whole canvas off of it because it was a dense and heavy material. Part of the underground hangar had wiring hanging from a torn away ceiling and some lights were blinking on and off. It looked like there was a minor construction going on with all the lighting and replacing of ceiling tile seemed to be happening also.

Like I mentioned before, it seemed like before I got there, everything was dropped and everyone just left. Food was half eaten the construction of the lower level, the area seemed like there was a fixing crew around the hanging wires and lights, but everything was dropped in its place just before I arrived. It looked like just a walk out, what you would expect a "union" would do when they go on strike, they just drop what they were doing and walked out off the job.

This was one of many trips that I've taken using the HDR Time Machine. It too is a Radionic Black Box that uses an Electro-Magnet to create a magnetic field D/C to lower the brainwaves to Theta mind state. That big flat magnet along with my T-Bar magnet creates a "EMF" field (Electro-Magnetic Frequency) that surrounds the user's and this only makes physical sense. 

The invisible vortex's that come through every now and then, a they are attracted to this EMF influence's that is being created by the Electro-Magnet around you and causing your stomach chakra to be an attractor to the vortex and guess who the vogue vortex  targets? there are ways to check for static vortices such as; using the latest Tri-Field Meter on the market that measure EMF's and Radiation and Radio Frequencies etc.

"You", would be the correct answer! Your "energy" body is energized by the combination of both Radionic work and electro-magnetic energies, you are essentially a homing beacon to a rogue type vortex. (Rogue Vortex), it doesn't stay in one place and it keeps moving! It would be like trying to chase a tornado, one simply can't do it, unless it is a permanent area and never moves.

When you use the HDR from Gibbs not from another company using the Gibbs name only to sell a piece of junk to you. When using this device, you will learn real fast what a vortex can do when it grabs you and clutches you in its everlasting embrace.

I know this because, a vortex picked me up into it and not only myself as I was going to pick up my wife at her job, but also two other Officers on our way home following us, which included both our cars. We couldn't physically detect this, which to me is frightening in and of itself! But you certainly know when you are in one! When you use the Gibbs HDR long enough you will be targeted by the rogues!

It just happened after using my SE-5 for 15 minutes that particular evening, I must have been emanating the frequencies caused by the HDR, that the vortexes are attracted too! What is this leading up to? I thought about those EMF's for a very long time. Our chakra's believe it or not are real and I experienced these also. When my body was asleep and my mind was awake! The chakra's are somewhat responsive to the EMF effects of the HDR's electro-magnet.

I decided to look on EBAY for some sort of EMF amplification device to run with the HDR. I found one person a company who builds these devices this year 2019. He has built me a EMF pump with a motorized system that contains a low power and high power motor and it creates a very heavy EMF field around the user. Update: I ran this on two nine volt batteries while using the HDR then our vacation schedule put me behind. I will begin pursuit in about a week from this date: 6/30/19.

I can use this pump for two things, the first, if there are entities hanging around after using the HDR, which by the way always happens to us when using the HDR, this EMF Pump will attract those entities to reveal themselves! Because of the two entities, this would seem too in theory; to work to enhance the communications by strengthening their own energies into the physical world. I know there are "ghost boxes" out there around $500+ but Semjase speaks perfect "telepathy" I don't see the use for such a device at the moment.

Secondly, I will use the EMF Pump with the HDR creating a gigantic EMF bubble as I use the HDR! This motorized device is a  two speed specialty device I asked for, to be created for me. Normally the only pumps he sells only has one motor operated at best. He only charges me $70.00 for the EMF Pump with two motor speeds! He and four others about one year ago wanted to get together to create for the ghost busters a similar EMF Pump to attract entities from other dimensions.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Radionics was actually a misnomer! The radionics we refer to when using these devices is not what Abrams understood in his time. These devices have nothing to do with radio or radio waves when using such devices.

I have been working for many years around many types of people and in all the years I worked I had never ran into a common local who ever heard of the word "Radionics" let alone ever used such a device. 

To me and many of you who visit here once in awhile would probably not think twice what a radionic machine is because this is what you probably have in your studies at home or read about on the web. There are tons and tons of radionic machines to fit about every need out there.

From this point I could probably go any direction I want with this because I had so many radionic devices and Gibbs Time Travel Device and EJ Gold's SuperBeacon to take one to parallel time lines, which derives its powered from subspace radio waves, no batteries or plug in the wall type! 

At first only a select few could program "holograms" and sell them. But Don Paris created a device the first the SE-5 and next the Holographic Broadcasting Unit. 

I also own the SE-51000 and his new CHI-Remote Balancer, that uses a plastic card with a holographic chip attached to it, that hologram was pre-programmed with the SE-51000 and this card can be placed in the card slot of the Remote Broadcaster for a 24/7 run time. I have an EJ Gold SuperBeacon not the black one you see at the bottom picture but made of Oak. EJ made a device called the Pineal Pinger! Your third eye actually pulses as it gets in tuned with this strange device.

The Pineal Pinger is the smaller box and the bigger box that has Brane Power is the SuperBeacon from EJ Gold.

I also have the "Pineal Pinger" from EJ Gold that connects non electrically to the SuperBeacon and it derives its power from the same source, subspace wave radio signals, you can even hear it when near your ears; each time the pinger randomly goes off and on. Imagine there is no wall outlet power or battery power, yet this powers up on its own! He said the pineal pinger decalcifies the pineal gland and get's it working!

Let that sink in a bit for now! I had one Parallel Time Travel on another earth as a FBI agents supervisor. Caught me off guard and when I looked into the mirror in the bureaus bathroom it wasn't my face, yet it was me! also was placed on a Naval Battle Ship and all the ships were in a big circle and slowly being dragged down into a giant whirlpool. "All hands on deck" was shouted! I was getting really scared because I can't swim.

My second trip to a parallel earth has occurred on the below date. The SuperBeacon in and of itself can do nothing but hooking yourselves up to it now becomes a complete subspace radio! This is not a radionic machine! The SuperBeacon is a radio beacon that searches parallel universes of your many different personaes.

At the time of the writing it's the 3/24/19 and last night I got sick in my stomach, not sure from what but it kept me from using the SuperBeacon for that single night. I fell in to an exhausted sleep and found myself later on as some young military dude wearing a beret and I was working on railroad tracks, helping to haul the wood beams to the construction people. I would have passed this as an ordinary dream except I looked into the mirror and saw someone else and I then realized I was transported once again by the SuperBeacon.

EJ Gold's SuperBeacon it uses sub-space radio waves, if one uses a grounded antenna you can bring in AM stations without any power from batteries or from any type of man-made electrical source.

I have 36 cd's, I have to go through that came with the SuperBeacon, the first half of them are around ten minutes or so and the last half up to one hour. These cd's give the code names and direction to where your other selves are in the universes and to bring back their skills if any and incorporate them into yourself. I can't tell you what the specifics are on the cd's but I can tell you that each cd is a "way" point to another dimensional shift.

In other words, simply stated, you are able to go to L-315a one of the PUP universes to visit. One of your innumerable doubles in an innumerable amount of universes. I kid you not, you will be the same person on the inside but different looking on the outside. You could possibly be a big wig boss at some company or maybe low level citizen in archaic times.

The SuperBeacon is expensive and sometimes he will give you a discount if your lucky to catch his sales. The base price is like anything out there nowadays, with a thin market in this subject area. I gave my first one back a few years ago because it spooked my wife and myself. We didn't expect what would happen to happen to us. Later on I purchase another one, a custom made box out of oak and glass.

This is a portable Super Beacon for trips in case you won't have time out on the road.

This box has two dual wired wrapped tank like devices, they are wrapped around with green antenna wiring, which traps the subspace radio waves that are earth inbound. If you hook up an outside antenna and plug it into the SuperBeacon, you will get local AM radio shows!

When I use the SuperBeacon I have no mental control of where I am going to go and who I am going to be in that parallel universe. But the idea is to bring back the "unique" gifts of knowledge that only your "double" is endowed with...

When not using an outside antenna, what are we picking up with the pair of copper coils and a quartz crystal inside each one connected into the SuperBeacon? Those same AM subspace radio waves are interacting with all the fields of our body. 

This is why, this phenomena exists about the parallel universes, somehow or way, using the radio device opens a rift to these unusual doubles in the other universes. EJ Gold discovered this during a OBE experience.

The above is Jennifer Lawrence's double look alike or Doppelganger?

He watched his Doppelgänger (His double) that existed in these   other universe (s). His double built these strange pendants and SuperBeacon and he asked his double, what is this you are trying to create and his double told him, we have been building these devices for a very long time in hopes to visit his doubles in other parts of other dimensions. 

This shouldn't sound too foreign; there are many scientist using and experimenting with "Quantum" theory, ways of communicating with the other dimensions. Ex: CERN is now opening other dimensional windows through time and space. They don't keep it a secret, but what they are not telling you is what is or came from the other side. 

So, EJ came back to this timeline and began to build these devices and overtime was able to duplicate the results his double had success with in the parallel universes. I know this sounds like fantasy but really it isn't. It actually does work, I personally just don't know how. When you hold the copper coils with a quartz crystal inside each one, you become the completed circuit for the subspace radio waves.

There are not too many add-ons with the SuperBeacon but when EJ Gold created something like the "Pineal Pinger" it actually worked! There is no external manmade power to fire it up, the subspace radio waves do it! Nah! You might say, but it does so I guess it is a phenomena against the laws of physics.

Now we add the Pineal Pinger to the mix of things and we have a more powerful entry using this device. This device plugs into where the copper coil devices goes into and the subspace radio waves will be focused by the "Pineal Pinger" and randomly, this device acts like a radar pulse. 

EJ Gold's Pineal Pinger that runs on sub-space radio waves like the SuperBeacon. It hooks up to the SuperBeacon and sends pinging sounds to the Pineal Gland. When exposed to this device, after about thirty or so minutes, you will feel an actual pulsating in the middle of your eyebrows! It jacks into the  back of the SuperBeacon where the crystal copper coils are usually plugged in.

One can hear this Pineal Pinger sporadically, this is special because there is no power coming from batteries or wall socket. Just out of the air! I don't own it as of yet of this writing, not until I talk with Ms. Yanesh to learn more about the direction of this device. EJ Gold gets this information from the parallel worlds he travels too and then begins to construct the weird device and it works!

What I know so far is, it decalcifies the "Pineal Gland" deep into the brain with those "Pinging" noises and eventually running this 24/7. When using the PP, you will actually feel the center of your third eye begin to pulsate or tap at the rate of which the device is echoing. There is no outward sounds but if you put the box close to your ears you can hear a very slight odd sound.

This strange unit causes the awakening of the "Pineal" Gland that has been nearly put asleep over all the years from fluorides and other chemical means in one's lifetime. Does this work for everyone, again I don't know! I am sure it will work for everyone, one customer stated, he had to disconnect the unit because he was working at his workbench and the center of his forehead was beginning to pulsate.

Years ago, my wife had a bad experience with it as I did the same month and she would never use the device again. I can't blame her because she never understood what was going on as a whole. She only used the SuperBeacon once just to try it...She ended up in a world around the time of, I want to say, she told me it looked like the old Salem town. Each of her limbs were singularly tied to four horses and they were trying to pull her apart in the middle of the towns square.

Later on I sold back my SuperBeacon unit to the company and until I learned what it was all about, that was the way it was going to be. As time passed and I learned more about why we experienced these negative universes, it was then and only then I decided to get a custom made device from EJ Gold. I experience parallel universes around two or three per month.

EJ Gold mentioned about nine years ago, that without the cd's you will not be able to get the proper usage out of this SuperBeacon. He designed the cd's to work coherently with the SuperBeacon by preparing the users subconscious thinking while they hold on to the copper coils connected to this radio.

So, here I am using this device once again by myself this time. Remembering the whole goal is to bring back "positive" skills learned by my doubles that exist beyond this universe of time and space. Otherwise if it didn't work, I would have never repurchase this device, ever! It may not be someone's gig to do something like this. It is different then time traveling and you are traveling dimensionally when you arrive there.

You can see how the Copper coil handles that are connected with one each alligator clips and the clips are installed into a jack which plugs into the SuperBeacon.

When using the "SuperBeacon" for the first time, I could feel a physical buzzing in my left hand, like an electrical kind of one. But EJ told me what you are feeling isn't an electrical stimuli; it is the quartz crystal inside the copper rings causing you to feel the  vibrations from the aether. Right now with the one I own, I don't feel that buzzing sensation when holding the pair of the quartz crystal copper coil handles that are plugged into the unit by a jack.

Funny as it may seem, I never got to use any of the cd's other than the first one called, "L315a PUP (Parallel Universe Persona) I still have 32 PUPS to visit. EJ Gold told me, the idea behind the PUP's was to acquire the onset skills of your other doubles around the universes. The PUP cd's are the directions of the better parallel worlds and universes, so you don't end up in some bad type of place.

Each time you visit a parallel world, you pick up the traits of your doppelgänger, only the good ones, and they become "you" over a certain period of time for phasing in those abilities! Because it essentially is you, it will be easy. How far I will go with this, is only a guess on my part. I will tinker around with this as long as I can keep objective with my travels. I don't want "fear" to be injected into or because of the experience.

This is just one of his many pendants that he builds. It too, collects subspace radio waves like the Beacons. He has capacitors and resistors etc. that are placed certain way than soldered to complete the circuit. 

I really don't go out of my way to find these crazy devices, they seem to find me most of the time. I usually don't respond to these devices all the time. But every now and then, when I do, I  find that, I can't let it go until I learn all that has to be learned about such a device and once I do and finish with it, it will be put into my closet space area and I go after finding or waiting for the next thing to show up.

The unique pendants that EJ Gold creates using diodes, rectifiers and other various electrical components, these devices collect a weak subspace radio wave, the design of each pendant is its working schematic.

As far as EJ Gold's uniquely created pendants that are using diodes and capacitors etc., they do work but I don't use them all that often. I don't like anything that hangs on my neck, I was always like this for some reason. I couldn't even wear a shirt and tie, it feels like I am being choked all day long. I have one of the medallions called, "Grey Alien" which allows one to eventually come in contact with such a creature.

This company at Yoyodyne, is made up of very nice people, who really do care. I never thought California would have such people left. They are about my age around sixties and some seventies. Which probably explains why they are so nice, they are not from this current millennial generation. You won't get to talk with EJ himself, usually Yanesh his wife will talk with you and she is quite knowledgeable.

The above is  called the "ShapeShifter" it would allow a shaman or someone who has basic abilities to shape shift during your shamanic journeys.

These particular tools are not needed for anything important but for discovery only. I don't push the understanding that you have to have your persona's all activated from parallel universes. No one has to do anything or be anyone, if they choose not to. If for any other reason, for reading enjoyment and the experience of something a bit more in this every day life, other than going to work and coming home day in day out.

This SuperBeacon and their working part accessories are not radionic and don't require the use of the subconscious minds. There is no dialing "in" or rubbing plates for the lowest to the highest harmonics. None of the above! Think about this for a moment, it is not a Radionic Machine and you don't have to do anything to make it work because it works on its own.

These are real working crystal germanium type radio devices. EJ before all this happened, was a Ham Radio Operator and loved to fix and rebuild the older types of crystal radios using hard to get vintage electrical parts. Each time EJ was working on these radios he would fine himself disoriented and would have to stand up and shake it off. 

After a few times of this, he, EJ Gold realized what was happening to himself. It was then he went poking around to find out further what was causing him to feel this way but as to the "Why" of it. He astral projected himself by sheer will and followed that instinct which led him to a parallel universe like our own, it was here that he found his doppelgänger working on radio parts and his doppelgänger showed him the reason for this.

All this led down a rabbit hole that seemed to never stop. Which now has brought him to his current understanding of how small of a fraction, about the universe, does anyone really know for sure and how it personally effects of each of us! The universe is alive and always creating and being destroyed and re-creating life throughout the universe.


  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...