Sunday, July 7, 2019


Radionics was actually a misnomer! The radionics we refer to when using these devices is not what Abrams understood in his time. These devices have nothing to do with radio or radio waves when using such devices.

I have been working for many years around many types of people and in all the years I worked I had never ran into a common local who ever heard of the word "Radionics" let alone ever used such a device. 

To me and many of you who visit here once in awhile would probably not think twice what a radionic machine is because this is what you probably have in your studies at home or read about on the web. There are tons and tons of radionic machines to fit about every need out there.

From this point I could probably go any direction I want with this because I had so many radionic devices and Gibbs Time Travel Device and EJ Gold's SuperBeacon to take one to parallel time lines, which derives its powered from subspace radio waves, no batteries or plug in the wall type! 

At first only a select few could program "holograms" and sell them. But Don Paris created a device the first the SE-5 and next the Holographic Broadcasting Unit. 

I also own the SE-51000 and his new CHI-Remote Balancer, that uses a plastic card with a holographic chip attached to it, that hologram was pre-programmed with the SE-51000 and this card can be placed in the card slot of the Remote Broadcaster for a 24/7 run time. I have an EJ Gold SuperBeacon not the black one you see at the bottom picture but made of Oak. EJ made a device called the Pineal Pinger! Your third eye actually pulses as it gets in tuned with this strange device.

The Pineal Pinger is the smaller box and the bigger box that has Brane Power is the SuperBeacon from EJ Gold.

I also have the "Pineal Pinger" from EJ Gold that connects non electrically to the SuperBeacon and it derives its power from the same source, subspace wave radio signals, you can even hear it when near your ears; each time the pinger randomly goes off and on. Imagine there is no wall outlet power or battery power, yet this powers up on its own! He said the pineal pinger decalcifies the pineal gland and get's it working!

Let that sink in a bit for now! I had one Parallel Time Travel on another earth as a FBI agents supervisor. Caught me off guard and when I looked into the mirror in the bureaus bathroom it wasn't my face, yet it was me! also was placed on a Naval Battle Ship and all the ships were in a big circle and slowly being dragged down into a giant whirlpool. "All hands on deck" was shouted! I was getting really scared because I can't swim.

My second trip to a parallel earth has occurred on the below date. The SuperBeacon in and of itself can do nothing but hooking yourselves up to it now becomes a complete subspace radio! This is not a radionic machine! The SuperBeacon is a radio beacon that searches parallel universes of your many different personaes.

At the time of the writing it's the 3/24/19 and last night I got sick in my stomach, not sure from what but it kept me from using the SuperBeacon for that single night. I fell in to an exhausted sleep and found myself later on as some young military dude wearing a beret and I was working on railroad tracks, helping to haul the wood beams to the construction people. I would have passed this as an ordinary dream except I looked into the mirror and saw someone else and I then realized I was transported once again by the SuperBeacon.

EJ Gold's SuperBeacon it uses sub-space radio waves, if one uses a grounded antenna you can bring in AM stations without any power from batteries or from any type of man-made electrical source.

I have 36 cd's, I have to go through that came with the SuperBeacon, the first half of them are around ten minutes or so and the last half up to one hour. These cd's give the code names and direction to where your other selves are in the universes and to bring back their skills if any and incorporate them into yourself. I can't tell you what the specifics are on the cd's but I can tell you that each cd is a "way" point to another dimensional shift.

In other words, simply stated, you are able to go to L-315a one of the PUP universes to visit. One of your innumerable doubles in an innumerable amount of universes. I kid you not, you will be the same person on the inside but different looking on the outside. You could possibly be a big wig boss at some company or maybe low level citizen in archaic times.

The SuperBeacon is expensive and sometimes he will give you a discount if your lucky to catch his sales. The base price is like anything out there nowadays, with a thin market in this subject area. I gave my first one back a few years ago because it spooked my wife and myself. We didn't expect what would happen to happen to us. Later on I purchase another one, a custom made box out of oak and glass.

This is a portable Super Beacon for trips in case you won't have time out on the road.

This box has two dual wired wrapped tank like devices, they are wrapped around with green antenna wiring, which traps the subspace radio waves that are earth inbound. If you hook up an outside antenna and plug it into the SuperBeacon, you will get local AM radio shows!

When I use the SuperBeacon I have no mental control of where I am going to go and who I am going to be in that parallel universe. But the idea is to bring back the "unique" gifts of knowledge that only your "double" is endowed with...

When not using an outside antenna, what are we picking up with the pair of copper coils and a quartz crystal inside each one connected into the SuperBeacon? Those same AM subspace radio waves are interacting with all the fields of our body. 

This is why, this phenomena exists about the parallel universes, somehow or way, using the radio device opens a rift to these unusual doubles in the other universes. EJ Gold discovered this during a OBE experience.

The above is Jennifer Lawrence's double look alike or Doppelganger?

He watched his Doppelgänger (His double) that existed in these   other universe (s). His double built these strange pendants and SuperBeacon and he asked his double, what is this you are trying to create and his double told him, we have been building these devices for a very long time in hopes to visit his doubles in other parts of other dimensions. 

This shouldn't sound too foreign; there are many scientist using and experimenting with "Quantum" theory, ways of communicating with the other dimensions. Ex: CERN is now opening other dimensional windows through time and space. They don't keep it a secret, but what they are not telling you is what is or came from the other side. 

So, EJ came back to this timeline and began to build these devices and overtime was able to duplicate the results his double had success with in the parallel universes. I know this sounds like fantasy but really it isn't. It actually does work, I personally just don't know how. When you hold the copper coils with a quartz crystal inside each one, you become the completed circuit for the subspace radio waves.

There are not too many add-ons with the SuperBeacon but when EJ Gold created something like the "Pineal Pinger" it actually worked! There is no external manmade power to fire it up, the subspace radio waves do it! Nah! You might say, but it does so I guess it is a phenomena against the laws of physics.

Now we add the Pineal Pinger to the mix of things and we have a more powerful entry using this device. This device plugs into where the copper coil devices goes into and the subspace radio waves will be focused by the "Pineal Pinger" and randomly, this device acts like a radar pulse. 

EJ Gold's Pineal Pinger that runs on sub-space radio waves like the SuperBeacon. It hooks up to the SuperBeacon and sends pinging sounds to the Pineal Gland. When exposed to this device, after about thirty or so minutes, you will feel an actual pulsating in the middle of your eyebrows! It jacks into the  back of the SuperBeacon where the crystal copper coils are usually plugged in.

One can hear this Pineal Pinger sporadically, this is special because there is no power coming from batteries or wall socket. Just out of the air! I don't own it as of yet of this writing, not until I talk with Ms. Yanesh to learn more about the direction of this device. EJ Gold gets this information from the parallel worlds he travels too and then begins to construct the weird device and it works!

What I know so far is, it decalcifies the "Pineal Gland" deep into the brain with those "Pinging" noises and eventually running this 24/7. When using the PP, you will actually feel the center of your third eye begin to pulsate or tap at the rate of which the device is echoing. There is no outward sounds but if you put the box close to your ears you can hear a very slight odd sound.

This strange unit causes the awakening of the "Pineal" Gland that has been nearly put asleep over all the years from fluorides and other chemical means in one's lifetime. Does this work for everyone, again I don't know! I am sure it will work for everyone, one customer stated, he had to disconnect the unit because he was working at his workbench and the center of his forehead was beginning to pulsate.

Years ago, my wife had a bad experience with it as I did the same month and she would never use the device again. I can't blame her because she never understood what was going on as a whole. She only used the SuperBeacon once just to try it...She ended up in a world around the time of, I want to say, she told me it looked like the old Salem town. Each of her limbs were singularly tied to four horses and they were trying to pull her apart in the middle of the towns square.

Later on I sold back my SuperBeacon unit to the company and until I learned what it was all about, that was the way it was going to be. As time passed and I learned more about why we experienced these negative universes, it was then and only then I decided to get a custom made device from EJ Gold. I experience parallel universes around two or three per month.

EJ Gold mentioned about nine years ago, that without the cd's you will not be able to get the proper usage out of this SuperBeacon. He designed the cd's to work coherently with the SuperBeacon by preparing the users subconscious thinking while they hold on to the copper coils connected to this radio.

So, here I am using this device once again by myself this time. Remembering the whole goal is to bring back "positive" skills learned by my doubles that exist beyond this universe of time and space. Otherwise if it didn't work, I would have never repurchase this device, ever! It may not be someone's gig to do something like this. It is different then time traveling and you are traveling dimensionally when you arrive there.

You can see how the Copper coil handles that are connected with one each alligator clips and the clips are installed into a jack which plugs into the SuperBeacon.

When using the "SuperBeacon" for the first time, I could feel a physical buzzing in my left hand, like an electrical kind of one. But EJ told me what you are feeling isn't an electrical stimuli; it is the quartz crystal inside the copper rings causing you to feel the  vibrations from the aether. Right now with the one I own, I don't feel that buzzing sensation when holding the pair of the quartz crystal copper coil handles that are plugged into the unit by a jack.

Funny as it may seem, I never got to use any of the cd's other than the first one called, "L315a PUP (Parallel Universe Persona) I still have 32 PUPS to visit. EJ Gold told me, the idea behind the PUP's was to acquire the onset skills of your other doubles around the universes. The PUP cd's are the directions of the better parallel worlds and universes, so you don't end up in some bad type of place.

Each time you visit a parallel world, you pick up the traits of your doppelgänger, only the good ones, and they become "you" over a certain period of time for phasing in those abilities! Because it essentially is you, it will be easy. How far I will go with this, is only a guess on my part. I will tinker around with this as long as I can keep objective with my travels. I don't want "fear" to be injected into or because of the experience.

This is just one of his many pendants that he builds. It too, collects subspace radio waves like the Beacons. He has capacitors and resistors etc. that are placed certain way than soldered to complete the circuit. 

I really don't go out of my way to find these crazy devices, they seem to find me most of the time. I usually don't respond to these devices all the time. But every now and then, when I do, I  find that, I can't let it go until I learn all that has to be learned about such a device and once I do and finish with it, it will be put into my closet space area and I go after finding or waiting for the next thing to show up.

The unique pendants that EJ Gold creates using diodes, rectifiers and other various electrical components, these devices collect a weak subspace radio wave, the design of each pendant is its working schematic.

As far as EJ Gold's uniquely created pendants that are using diodes and capacitors etc., they do work but I don't use them all that often. I don't like anything that hangs on my neck, I was always like this for some reason. I couldn't even wear a shirt and tie, it feels like I am being choked all day long. I have one of the medallions called, "Grey Alien" which allows one to eventually come in contact with such a creature.

This company at Yoyodyne, is made up of very nice people, who really do care. I never thought California would have such people left. They are about my age around sixties and some seventies. Which probably explains why they are so nice, they are not from this current millennial generation. You won't get to talk with EJ himself, usually Yanesh his wife will talk with you and she is quite knowledgeable.

The above is  called the "ShapeShifter" it would allow a shaman or someone who has basic abilities to shape shift during your shamanic journeys.

These particular tools are not needed for anything important but for discovery only. I don't push the understanding that you have to have your persona's all activated from parallel universes. No one has to do anything or be anyone, if they choose not to. If for any other reason, for reading enjoyment and the experience of something a bit more in this every day life, other than going to work and coming home day in day out.

This SuperBeacon and their working part accessories are not radionic and don't require the use of the subconscious minds. There is no dialing "in" or rubbing plates for the lowest to the highest harmonics. None of the above! Think about this for a moment, it is not a Radionic Machine and you don't have to do anything to make it work because it works on its own.

These are real working crystal germanium type radio devices. EJ before all this happened, was a Ham Radio Operator and loved to fix and rebuild the older types of crystal radios using hard to get vintage electrical parts. Each time EJ was working on these radios he would fine himself disoriented and would have to stand up and shake it off. 

After a few times of this, he, EJ Gold realized what was happening to himself. It was then he went poking around to find out further what was causing him to feel this way but as to the "Why" of it. He astral projected himself by sheer will and followed that instinct which led him to a parallel universe like our own, it was here that he found his doppelgänger working on radio parts and his doppelgänger showed him the reason for this.

All this led down a rabbit hole that seemed to never stop. Which now has brought him to his current understanding of how small of a fraction, about the universe, does anyone really know for sure and how it personally effects of each of us! The universe is alive and always creating and being destroyed and re-creating life throughout the universe.

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up of the SB, with the Pineal Pinger +Overthruster, it's worth looking into re-doing the PUP's CD's again



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