Saturday, July 13, 2019


BW2000 built by Steven Gibbs

Ever since we purchased the CHIO Remote our lives energetic and physical and mental has changed for the better. That was the best money I ever spent. It saved me hundreds not going to the doctors for all our ailments.

I hope all is well with everyone today! Finally got caught up with my radionic and time machine research. I re-started the Welz JU1000...I can't seem to dream a lot when having it ran from my end-table in the master bedroom. I point it at myself and run it at 6.0 Hertz. Pretty close to borderline "Delta" sleep state when there are not so many dreams. This same hertz (60) takes me into complexed dreaming just this morning! 13 July 2019.

Wow! My wife and I are feeling great these days ever since I purchased the CHIO Remote Broadcaster...In fact, today I am not even running it on either of us! This is a plus! Worth every penny. I am using the CHIO to broadcast my Area 51 request, to visit its hangars and underground facilities. With the Broadcaster I didn't ask the SE-5 how long I should run it to be effective in the short amount of time. I just ran it 24/7 mostly using the SE-5...

So, I let it run 24/7 until the results are manifested. Some things just have to be let alone and run in its sweet time! Because we as human have a tendency of getting stuff wrong. I call it the "True or False" test issues. What do we generally experience when we erase one answer in a "true and false" statements and circle the other? With myself in high school, I hated these questions! Every time I would say it's true and erase my first answer, I usually got bit on the butt! 

While working on your meditation techniques keep grounded on the earth and watch things around the world and how it will eventually effect all of us. I tried not to be too political, I don't like any of them, both Dems and Republicans. This keeps me neutral.

The above example is just telling us or myself in specific terms, that my guessing abilities are not worth much these days. I have to depend on my devices and my dowsing abilities to get it right along with good research (Studying). I don't know if anyone is paying attention on the outside world outside our homes and apartments, Seven feet of ice dropped in Mexico and the temperature was in the 90's during the storm! What's going on here?

Washington DC...Under a flood. California had its most current earthquake with 3000 tremors sounding off. They are waiting for the big one! I can hardly read a page on news from all over the world without something taking the headlines such as, incurable diseases or unnatural and natural disasters! The earth is beginning to shake like a drunken man on his feet. The earth's axis has become wobbly a "Shaken Shack"!

Not forgetting about California's fire and what was recently recorded; you can see the blue laser light coming from the sky hitting down on particular homes! Fires don't do this so perfectly, something else is going on here! Yet most if not all the people on main street just shrug it off! I am my wife are in a pretty safe place for now, here in the Northern region. 

The unusual News in our country and other world situations that are occurring. We need to be informed ahead of time, when we walk out our door. We must be aware of our surroundings. The sky is not falling yet and when it does it will probably be nuclear winter!

If that were not enough, if Iran gets nuclear capable they will engage in WW3! It's their religious belief if they, cause the end of the world there MADA or their version of the Messiah, will return to set up his kingdom and the Iranian people will be getting their coming rewards! Things are getting extremely volatile in the Middle East. Why should this worry us over here? Because of our current weakened boarder, there are many bad people coming into our country.

It's been rumored that the Mexican Federales placed 15,000 troops at the Northern Boarder of their country claiming to hold back asylum seekers. But this doesn't interest me all that much. What does interest me is, they were trained by the UN. This concerns me more than anything else that is happening. Can you say Mexican Police maybe positioning their militia to invade the boarder region?

Something else has been happening as of lately, earlier this year one of the drivers on the road had to stop for a train passing. Something strange he thought. While sitting there waiting for the last train car to pass by. While at the same time, our boarders have become overrun. So, what was catching the drivers attention beside watching and waiting for the train to go by?

I was watching a phone video of a man recording a train passing by. It had hundreds of Army and Marine Ground Tanks heading to the southern border. Why? Where's the coverage and where and why, did they place these tanks?

Every train car that was zooming by had camouflage Army and Marine Tanks be transported to the boarder! It seems to me, nobody else reported such a thing happening! Yet it was happening! I was watching a cell phone recording. My question is, where are those tanks right now? In my opinion, they are strategically placed in the desert waiting for the Mexican Feds to invade our boarders to possibly take down the USA from within? Another question: Why do we not see over 3000 US Troops on our borders? All I see on the news is border patrol agents!

Look up the tanks on the moving train on youtube it make you wonder! "Red Dawn" or "Brown Dawn"? It really doesn't matter nationalities of the people. I am writing this because I have been following minor and major world events and the things I find you will not see on MSM. I feel obligated to stimulate your minds to be grounded where you are! We get so "spiritually" minded, then we become no earthly good to anyone!

When using my HDR, I was transported to another timeline on our planet and ended up in a huge city that I didn't recognize, nor did I ask anyone where I was at. I did ask what year it was and the people around me looked into my eyes like I was asleep all my life. I arrived somewhere is 2030 in or around that year. There were many African American who were painting symbols on their bodies and they were getting ready for a massive "something" to happen! 

Another HDR Time travel trip to a major metropolis somewhere in the USA. This was no vision or dream or lucid dreaming...Was this showing me the destruction of our homeland? Was it natural? Was it a coincidence or pure bad luck?

I bumped into one of the guys who just painted himself with symbols and they all were using a light blue color. I wiped it off my  arms. Another person told me, "Don't allow yourself to be touched by that paint on their bodies", yet he didn't give me any reasons as to the "why's". 

During the moment when I was transported by the HDR, I heard them singing some kind of "National Anthem"! I notice they were all looking toward a single direction facing North.
I wanted to get a better look so, I walked about five or six blocks to the North and within a single moment...

Something crashed into the earth with such a powerful force and it wasn't nuclear tho, its impact is just as great! When it hit the part of this major city it sent out major shockwaves. It was destroying everything in its path in a 360 degree fashion. I thought my goose was certainly cooked! It was so surreal, school buses and tractor trailers being crushed under these shockwaves.

The strange thing about all this, there were no white people in this crowd of about 40 or so! They were all African American but they were patriots! They raised their arms in defiance of the natural disaster that was occurring.

I said, aloud, "I guess it's my time to die"! A man's voice that carried a huge amount of authority told me, you are not going to die at this time. You must record what you hear and now see! Well I didn't have anything to actually "record" such a situation so I thought to myself, he wanted me to "remember" everything I was experiencing, instead of lying on the ground to die!

He continued...I want you to see what is going to happen to your country in the very near future. When the shockwave was about to hit me I was transferred to another part of the cities suburb area. It was beginning to snow (Debris falling from the atmosphere caused by the impact). And there was darkness everywhere after the impact of what I suspected to be a meteor hit! There were military type SUV's with the red and blue lights flashing telling people to go into their homes.

The children were having fun trying to catch the snow flakes from the air and there was ash about a half a foot deep all over the place. It seemed the children had no idea what had just happened. I walked into one of the many small units called "housing" outside the city. I was looking for my wife at the time of this transport. I went into the front door and saw a sauce pan cooking something on an electric stove. 

I was led after the shockwave and traveled through the suburb of that metro-city, then dropped by small houses. These houses were very small, 3-D printing of houses! This happened to me about 10 years ago. Now they have created this year, 3-D housing!

I yelled, "Hello! Anyone here"! I looked around and seen they had a small basement and several of the family members were huddling on the floor. I asked if they saw my wife and he shouted get our of here, this is our home and we no nothing about your wife. I hurried out of this one room building. The building was made of concrete no wood whatsoever! I looked around at the current situation, which has not changed coming out of the house.

I seen young children screaming and running for their lives because a pack of "wolves" were running them down. I ran and shouted, "Hey come over here into this vacant home". They turned running towards me and got safely into the house. When I entered into the same home, there was two military personnel, one female and one male with their weapons over their shoulders. The man was lying on his stomach (dead) and the woman military was on top of him and both were dead.

I couldn't figure out what killed the both of them. Things were going at a rapid pace! I left the children in the one room concrete home and then a white wolf, which seemed to be an "Alpha Male" and one other wolf running by his side, were coming straight towards me at full speed. 

There were two wolves that were instructed for some reason to herd me up the hill. The all white male was the Alpha and a lower ranking male who followed him. Was this a prophecy or nothing to be concerned about?

I turned to run up the hill in front of me but I knew they would have taken big chunks of me if they wanted to, but I realized when I was half way up the field, the alpha male wolf and the other wolf stopped chasing me. They would not allow me to go back to where I came from.

When I decided to go back down, the alpha white male wolf came running at me and when I was starting to run up hill he again he stopped; as if to tell me you need to see over the hill. As I began to walk up the hill the alpha wolf and the other one were gone! I finally reached the hillside which looked over the vast city, I saw a mushroom cloud but reversed! Take a Nuclear blast and turn it upside down with the mushroom head bashing into the earth causing the shockwaves at ground level.

When this probable meteor impacted ground level, the shockwaves were sent surface/underground instead of like nuclear hit that would naturally form a mushroom cloud with the shockwaves above the ground. I call it a "Reverse Mushroom" effect. After I tried to make sense of everything, I was lifted up and everything was blacked out. 

Where I was taken after using the HDR that evening before bedtime, it seems to have an innate intelligence as to The Who, What, Where and Why's not so much the How's or the When's of it...there was a purpose for my trip. I wanted to go somewhere else but the HDR didn't allow me and this is not unusual using this device.

I opened my eyes and remembered everything I experienced both sight, sound and physically. Something or someone wanted me to see this super-natural event. This event could be an "Extinction" event, but this was never told to me one way or the other. This experience are the ones people have, that end with putting their HDR's in their closets; never to use the again or they sell it! "Ignorance and Fear" is the number #1 experience when a beginner experiences their first travel with the HDR.

I didn't ask for something like this, the HDR is the catalyst that open vortexes within the home or outside. Once it is formed, you will be absorbed and there is nothing you or I can do about it. It will be up to the hand of the Almighty to bring you back! The HDR isn't capable of bringing you back on its own. Steven Gibbs understands this and he told me, "I am not like HDRKID/Novella, I don't like to go out more than one year to three in any jump with the HDR! Gibbs doesn't even trust his own device to bring him back!

HDRKID, told me on the phone many years back that, he ended up in space and he probably would have died if this ship wouldn't have picked him up! I shook my head, how did you survive being in space in a super-natural vacuum with millions of degrees of low temperatures? He explained, I couldn't move and I couldn't feel my body anymore and life was slipping out of me. Then he came back through two of his 50,000 volt Tesla Coils; where he created the time vortex before his trip.

HDrKid as many that know of him on the paranormalis site, he was an avid time traveler using the Gibbs HDR in the early 80's and 90's. Him and Steven Gibbs were friends for over twenty or so years. He heard of Steven Gibbs on Coast to Coast and it just went from there. This is where I heard of him also!

I have HDrKid's blog site and he doesn't talk about his physical time traveling anymore! It's a shame really! He just couldn't take the beating that people continued to give to him for being open about time travel (Physical) not just OBE Time traveling and Astral Time Traveling. But he does let the fifteen year old information on his blog, when he was talking about time traveling using the Gibbs HDR.

Think of a rogue twister as a rogue vortex the differences are you can't see the rogue time twister when it encapsulates you, car and all.

I know; when I use the HDR it opens after awhile the vortices in my home. I don't go outside looking for them. Here is the situation, if my chakra's are tuned by the HDR (Hmm!) when I go outside and go in my car, the rogue vortices that are similar to tornado's in movement, would follow me in a parallel run as I experienced this once before along with three others. Sometimes it does catch up to you and other times it's going its own course!

I haven't used a Tesla Coil yet! Because I would have to purchase two of them to create a zero point energy entrance. The next thing after purchasing the Tesla's would be to; adjust the spark gap while rubbing the HDR's rub plate and when I get the stick reaction then I go to the other Tesla and do the same thing. Of course, I would do an application using the HDR for 15 minutes, while the two Tesla Coils are sparking at one another. Here is a link for the top built Tesla Coils.

There are ways to make your HDR Time Travel work easy and it only takes 10-15 minutes while doing so. Exception if you either listen to your meditation mp3 for thirty minutes or one hour. This prepares the subconscious to be tuned into the HDR.

In the above link you can, either buy the parts and build your own or have them build it. I prefer the latter, because if I make a mistake I could be electrocuted. I would rather at the moment, not invest into such equipment and use the HDR as is! It's not difficult to use and it only lasts for 15 minutes. The only change that I might consider is, using one of my mp3's meditation cd's an hour before or during the use of the HDR.

I theorize, if Steven Gibbs stated that the HDR is suppose to bring down your brainwaves to "Theta" waves; it should help you to Time Travel using OBE's and Astral Projection. But what if one would listen to their favorite meditation mp3's for one hour and then do a fifteen minute application with the HDR? Those with the IDL-22 can be used in conjunction with the HDR, this cube IDL-22 allowed me to astral travel without the HDR on several occasions.

I have a question to the would-be time travelers out there. What if you see something so horrendous what would you do? Place it in the closet or sell it? What happens when you tell people about it? What if it works on your consciousness every waking moment? When you OBE time travel how would you disseminate what you experienced? Would you publish what you saw? Many who accidentally have their first experience with the HDR, are not ready to answer the above questions.

Time Traveling sounds a bit crazy but I seen too many incidences which includes myself that HDR is doing something to effect time and space wherever it maybe used. I know personally; those who have used the HDR, their testimonies were never conflicting...

When time traveling no matter the instrument used, It carries some responsibility on your parts. Like the raising of needless "fears" of the world coming to an end. The universe is always watching and I know for certain it will not allow for you to take anything back with you, neither physical, nor OBE, nor Astral Time Traveling. Like I stated before; I wish the gentleman from Australia would consider building me an HDR from Gibbs own schematic. Of course, I would pay for it!

At the end of the T-Bar Magnet is a "Barium Oxide" magnet that helps increase the magnetic field around you. As per Steven Gibbs reasoning.

I looked at his finished product and it was well built and deserves to be experimented with. He is one of the very few, who actually understand the working theory and has workable knowledge how this machine is to be operated both in the physical environment and OBE and Astral environment, his attention to detail is superb. 

I met some Grey's (Extraterrestrial) when using the HDR also. That sure wasn't planned in any shape or form. Make sure if you get your HDR, also order the barium oxide magnet but buy it off Amazon instead of Steve because Steven sells this strong ceramic magnet for $110.00. This rectangular magnet is 3,850 gauss with a 45 pound pull force. It's a Grade C8 the strongest ceramic magnet. Cost: $15.00 at the below link!

I realize that you can get magnets (Rare Earth) and they are very powerful! These can be very dangerous when using such with the HDR. If you mess up the polarity of the T-bar magnet it is possible you will never be able to pull the both of them apart!!

About the gauss strength, I am not sure if it would make a huge difference or not for your time traveling. You would have to figure this out on your own. I usually place the rectangular ceramic magnet on the stomach with the "North" side polarity facing inward to my stomach and the South end facing out away from the body and I place the T-Bar end on the "South" polarity side of the magnet which faces outward. 

Barium Oxide Magnet

The North side of the magnet should be facing to the inside of your stomach while you are sitting up or laying flat with the South side facing outward, while holding both magnets with your hands for 10-15 minutes. It's a little bulky but fifteen minutes isn't all that long. Hold the flat magnet in place with your left hand and hold the T-bar in place on top of the South end of the magnet with your right hand only after you do your tuning.

I am not sure if Steven Gibbs will build another unit or not...I was out of body after a session with the HDR and met Steven Gibbs at a park. I was sitting on the park bench, then he arrived shortly thereafter. He opened his suite case and there was a black colored HDR with the etched in crystals, about four of them. It worked like a harmonic type key to open a vortex.

I got to see a possible "futuristic" HDR designed and constructed by Steven Gibbs; while astrally time traveling the same evening. Sometimes it takes two weeks and others one evening to see results. My best was twice a month. But I focus now on the full moon week a few days before and after the full moon.

It had no dials whatsoever! Steven Gibbs took out his machine and began to sequentially tapped three to four crystals that were installed directly an eighth of an inch into the HDR's surface. It made a slight musical sounds and there were no magnets. I didn't see any vortices opening when he was showing me the model. But it was definitely some kind of  musical key!

Similar setup except the HDR had embedded crystals on the surface with no dials or well.

He handed this HDR to me and I ran my fingers over all four crystals instead of tapping in sequence and it made a chalkboard screeching sound! Steven Gibbs said, "What are you trying to do, your going to ruin my machine"! He quickly pulled it out of my hands and gingerly placed it back into suite case and he began to walk away and disappear.

I looked at him and he had curly hair and he was kind of chubby but healthy looking. He was a bit taller than I was. At the moment, I wasn't reading nothing into it and when I got back and awakened I was browsing about Steven Gibbs and lo and behold I found a picture of him from an old magazine he use to write articles for in Canada. He would publish his time travel trips in that magazine.

What were the odds of seeing a person I never met in my life and talking with him about his new HDR? Only to find out later, the way I seen him was exactly correct! I found his picture online after several hours of browsing and I recognized him immediately.

I copied the picture and sent it to him, he told me how did I get a picture of him? I told him from an old photo shoot you had with that magazine company from Canada. I also told him, I saw him astrally and the way he looked on that picture, is the way I saw him before discovering the picture. It could have also been "Remote Viewing" I was experiencing! Nothing says, you can't remote view using the HDR!

Rare photo of Steven Gibbs...I accidentally found it about twenty or so years ago. The same man I met when the HDR sent me to some parallel timeline.

This was quite wild and I told him the type of HDR his doppelgänger showed me and he said, he was trying to figure out building an HDR without magnets. If he decided to go this way it would be good but I doubt it and it would only be useful in that astral realm only where is doppelgänger resided at the time, would be my current opinion. 

Maybe that gentleman from Australia, who likes to build improvements to the original HDR, would read this and take this challenge of drawing up such a schematic to be able to use "crystals" to tune the HDR by tapping on them, which creates certain sound tones to activate such a time vortex or attract them. 

I will end this here with a thought! Can the HDR be revamp to work much better or is it ok the way it is? The only people that could answer such a question are those who own a device such as the HDR. HDRkid uses 50,000 Tesla Coil and tunes the spark gap one at a time using the HDR rub plate while slowly turning the spark gap up or down until a "stick" reaction is procured!

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My first test was lying down to ready to sleep! Saying to myself, "I hope I can get some sleep had insomnia the last week because it is...