Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The year of the pendant that heals! There are probably tens and thousands of these devices around. The interest in these pendants made of special this and that are at best placebo. Myself I am tired of "static" do nothing piece of jewelry and equipment that costs an arm and leg to get. 

In the year 2002, I seen online, many different designs and shapes that were able to produce scalar energies being sold and it was told to the potential customer if they place their water on this or that it would be charged! Yet no one glees and produces physical proof that the device they are selling is hyperactive to the human body/plant/animal.

As some of you are aware, who purchased such devices, that it may have worked when you first purchased it and for no reason or another, it stopped! The design didn't change but something certainly has. How can it work and then stop working? The obvious answer was it didn't work because their designs need a completed circuit.

As long as you were connected to the design by touching it or focusing your awareness on it, it worked! Most of us old timers know this to be "Radionics". Radionics devices are used in conjunction with the human mind and their consciousness and the machine or passive device is powered up with your bio-electrical body. But what if you electrical body/aura is weak due to poor health or genetics?

So you are saying the MWO is like a huge static generator? Absolutely! But with a caveat, the antennas are used as focus lens of all the set harmonics and aether radio frequencies. The antennas were distant from each other on a musical PHI arrangement.

The focusing of your consciousness also gave it the ability to power up. Without any of these working all at the same time, you get "0" results! The Multi-Wave-Oscillator acts like a giant lens, it then focuses the energies around the concentric circles spaced out using PHI ratios and musical notes. There are only a few who experiment with the smaller desktop coil and I personally think it's price just right!

Passive Radionic Instrument

I personally don't like passive radionics but that isn't to suggest it doesn't work some do! I use the IDL-22 from James Rink Neo-technologies company. They created a sphere of semi and precious metal copper foil layers along with human DNA and wrapped everything into a spherical structure and placed this sphere inside a hollow empty box with rubber based pyramids that spins the torsion energies all around the core, a simplistic design. 

The purpose was to connect with your consciousness and the sphere would amplify it thousands of times. Results: Manifestation of what you were looking to get! Was it easy? No! You had to sit in front of it for one hour everyday! (Meditation) after awhile it can get extremely boring!

When using the IDL-12 and it was next to one of his smaller units at the time, proved size in this case didn't matter whatsoever, it was a monster coming out of the gates of manifestation.

I accomplish the above in 35-40 hours! It almost seemed like a "miracle" when things manifested! There were things that had happened to me as the "primary" user. My wife was an observer only, that can only be describe as "Supernatural" events. Anyone from my understanding, who took the brave step to do what I did, these people had experienced the "Supernatural" manifestations. 

The goal for myself was to put in 256 one hour meditation practice in front of the cube to reach enlightenment. I didn't as of yet! Why? Because nothing is for "free"! There is a price to pay for what you manifest and it's not necessarily monies!

This is the one I have and James Rink is selling them for many hundred of dollars. I hadn't used it for over one year due to the aforementioned article prior to this one. Not sure if I have the strength to try using it again, no doubt you get monies when using this cube around 30-45 hour mark. Besides I am more interested to bring in Tesla Technologies to light. If anyone wants to purchase this for $500.00 your welcome to

I paid a horrific price and I wasn't even asking directly for it, this cube is able to telepathically link somehow to its user's and keep on manifesting no matter the consequences involved. This is something Kosol the creator of this device had warned me about because of the copper foil used through the sphere and the pyramids on the inside of the box around the sphere and the human DNA throughout each layer.

The pyramids spin the "orgone" energies to the speed of light and sends this information to the "Aether" environment. Then it is sent back to our world by "Manifestation". His working theory! It's my hunch nobody knows what's going on with these energies. There is nothing, no tool to measure these potent energies that are traveling the speed of light.

I got rid of the original I had it was the IDL-12 and turned right around and purchased the more powerful unit the IDL-22. Which means; it has 22 layers of different metal foils and human DNA throughout along with copper and the inner lining of the box is small pyramid shapes that suppose to spin this orgone energy, copper being the main metal used throughout, this provides the torsion generator's build up but still needs the human energy body! 

This is the CPU of the static Torsion Generator of the NEO-IDL-22

The metals and DNA give the unit it's more focused energies or it is the desired channel to operate within. My theory only! I used it a little bit and received monies I was asking for, but was a little nervous to see what it would actually cost me in the long run. This you should think about very carefully, nothing in this world or the next is totally "free".

The cube can sense there are "laws" in this universe that it too must abide by. This is from my own experience using this device. Nobody can really tell you what it was like, you must experience it yourselves. I can only tell you what I experienced and guess as to the "Why"!

The cube isn't punishing the "Users" it is naturally allowing sowing and reaping effect in a more powerful way. One can't simply plant and idea or wish without eventually "reaping" what was sowed! It's a built-in law and it works in everything and anything that reproduces both physically and on at the supernatural channel. Do you want me to prove it to you! Plant a simple seed and keep it watered and watch a miracle!

This is the best I can explain why things went a little crazy with us, when all the manifestations were happening all at once, after I hit my 30th hour of one hour meditation. Everyone is different and everyone will experience different situations/things. One doesn't have to have extreme amount of faith to work these units. Just write up a protocol and read it aloud while cupping your hands around the unit without touching it.

But there is this same "law" that's invoked that can't be succumbed by the "users" of this device. Kosol the creator of the IDL-12 and IDL-22 and the IDL-44 and the IDL-80 and above, told me personally he wished he never gave out this information on the web and allowed James to build these devices from Neo-Technologies. But don't we always hear such things after the fact!

Because he knew that once the user gets what they want and become telepathically connected to this device; then certain requirements maybe required to even the playing field of life.
You might think you are getting ahead with this unit to the average onlooker and in a sense you have, but the "reaping" process that applies to you, will again level the playing field with non-user. This "Leveling" can really be hurtful.

You get ahead no doubt about it, but in the eyes of the universe you need to come back on the human level and there are many ways for this to happen to the "User" of the IDL-series of cubes. The question I might get from some of the readers of this article is, "Is this cube dangerous"? Let's say is a car dangerous? What would be your answer and then apply it to the cube.

I can say, maybe but most unlikely, unless you have nothing but "evil" intent when using the torsion generator. Can I prove it? Not to you but I can measure its energies with the SE-5 and with the Life Meter! 

The proof using instruments and experiences referring only to myself and what my wife experienced during the forty hours of use of the device. Here's the thing, you have to be willing to purchase your own and honestly put 30-40 hours into this, to know what it is I am trying to tell you!

When that thirty hour mark came into being both of our lives changed drastically, not for the ultimate good or bad but a marked changed noticeable from the manifestation.

I used radionic machines all my life but I have never experienced such psychic whiplash as I do with the IDL box after the 30 hours which is about one month of one hour a day, which contain the CPU, the brain of the unit, this is a construct of natural materials in a spherical shape, resting on hundreds of inner pyramids, which theoretically spins this torsion energy or chi to the speed of light to pierce into the Aether, bringing back with it, the physical or psychological manifestation. 

A substance of sorts, which eventually becomes "matter" or "energy" that needs to form whatever you were asking for. Before using this unit, I couldn't of imagined, let alone experience, the things the device is capable of creating! Somehow it locks on to your subconscious thoughts seamlessly. Remembering it takes two for it to complete the manifestation.

It's not just the device that seems to be alive, it must have a human host connection to begin manifestation process! This connection is your "super conscious" allowances, for your emotional guidance system (EGS) to operate in your life (free will on your part). Like attracts like, energy attracts energies. As soon as you cup your hands around the unit, the connections are already complete.

Unconsciously, we automatically allow most anything that will bring us fortune and fame etc. into our lives. So, it's not something you have to work up to, it will happen unconsciously with this invisible connection. But you will not notice this for up to 20 hours plus! Why it takes so long, I have no working theory at this time. It just did for me and my wife. It might be less for you or longer.

These are what Lakhovsky called Focus Coils the antenna of the main MWO. Located in the back of the coils is a Tesla Coil producing the extreme frequencies and harmonic, which gives the antenna a strong electrical charge.  

I wasn't going to go so deep with this, I wanted to expand on the geometries of shape and size that can affect our consciousness. I didn't want to leave anyone in the dark about this IDL thing. Getting back to my original thoughts, there is one type of charging plate that not only does it charge with electricity it can amplify or charge without it. 

I will talk about the "electricity" portion in another article later on. So, I will discuss the non-electrical properties of this geometric shape item that can affect your biological and consciousness at the same time.

There were two men who worked at Borderland Sciences in the early 70's and 80's. A Robert Beck came across a MWO that wa shoved some years ago into a hospital storage facility underground. When Dollard looked at it and wiped the plate, he looked at Robert and told him what is a MWO?

Two of the designers of this concentric PHI driven antenna plate are Eric Dollard and Dr. Robert Beck...They designed this plate at Borderland Sciences. It consists with concentric circles that had a break in each concentric ring and their were about 12 rings, ranging from the biggest to the smallest in the center. 

Each ring contained a musical C note and then the following one outside that was a C# etc. When electricity is applied to this flat multiple ring antenna it created enormous amount of harmonics and frequencies proven and measure with a spectral analyzer I believe it was called, that measured into the gigahertz ranges! This could only be accomplished by using Tesla's Coil...

Eric Dollard and Dr. Bob Beck created these circular designs, using PHI measurement between each ring coil starting from the biggest to the smallest circle on the inside. Each space between the rings matches the distances between each circle. 

While in operation, it didn't effect the computers or cell phones or television signals or have any dire effects on the electrical components in general. This disk, man-made of course, was created using special algebra by Eric Dollard, who is currently and has been a brilliant electrical engineer of his time. 

He forgets more than anyone who works in electrical engineering that are well caught up in electrical theories of today currently know. So how does this relate to charging things or plants etc.? Well, I wanted you all to know, why it was designed the way it was and the power potential it can produce is phenomenal.

But what about using the concentric antenna plates with no power? Good question! I will try to answer this fully from my limited knowledge in this field of endeavor. I see so many different radionic this and that, all over the place! Just spending five minutes searching and you know what I am talking about.

I have to remind myself to take a good deep breath from the exhausting motions of deleting information in my mind from reading exhausting gum ball theories, that was based on lunacy at best. I can't think of another word to replace it with. Some people out there really believe we are completely moronic, when it comes to this type of energies that some call "Chi" and others call, "Orgone" or "Scalar Waves"!

The machine they discovered was indeed the last of its kind and they dug up old records and found this machine was built by Lakhovsky himself. It was only a matter of time of connecting the dots to find out what this machine was all about.

Just read some of the ads out there you will have to agree! This antenna plate was not intended, let me say this once more, it was not intended, to be used for these type of experiments such as placing on plants etc.. What Eric Dollard and Bob Beck found out from their experiments and some others out there at the time, that when plants are placed in view of the oscillating concentric rings, after a few days, the plant would be thriving! 

One individual that I remember reading about placed the oscillators (square antenna) in his bedroom on two opposite sides of the wall with himself in the middle lying on the bed he stated, "It was surreal while he slept"! Causing dreams to be put "steroids"! The subconscious mind seems to be unlocked with symbols and particular wave and graphical wave patterns in nature.

I will be purchasing the two in this Picture  from a gentleman living about 55 miles away from me. Beautiful Oak cabinets with huge Tesla Coils and the main controls are on one of the box control units. 

Others did other things with these designs, Dr. Bob Beck gives a You-Tube explanation of why this geometric/concentric shape  fashioned using PHI mathematics to space each ring, thus causes abruptions in time and space to allow aether frequencies in the giga-giga hertz range to come into our universe, that can't be accessed by any other means to be influenced and to influence, whatever is in front of the two concentric coils.

But hey, you say, "I heard this before with other so called, geometric power models such as a pyramids etc." that can do the same things! Here's the thing, we are always going to be subject to geometric shapes and sizes, our subconscious actually deciphers these patterns differently from others. What works for one person will work for another quite differently. Not two SE-5 owners that read the same thing and come up with the same conclusions on the same target.

Unfortunately for myself and probably you will have to agree that the devices such as any type MWO is too damn expensive and it is. It is called, Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave-Oscillator! This machine can use those same antenna's we talked about being hooked up to the large Tesla Coils, one as a "receiver" and the other a "transmitter". 

Lakhovsky had the right idea with his coils but he didn't know how to tune and incorporate the at the time newly acquired Tesla coil.

This machine creates a very powerful electromagnetic frequencies beyond aether and yes it has been proven and used in hospitals before you or I was born! N.Tesla visited Lakhovsky because he couldn't figure out how to hook up the Tesla Coil that Tesla created to empower his concentric copper rings!

The only drawback of this device isn't how it works or why it works the way it does; for all that has been scientifically proven in hospitals across Europe and NY and California Hospital. It is and always was even in the 1930's very expensive device!

The cost is nothing less than, drum beat! $5000.00 to get an exact replica of the original Lakhovsky coils! Built exactly by the exact specifications of the original. This is his link: he hand builds everyone and it takes three weeks to get it built and most he can do at maximum is fifteen units every year! It will be first come, first serve! 

Plus you have to put down 1/2 or $2500.00 before he even starts with it. This device is non-refundable and if there are any defects he will fix and replace it. Otherwise, you buy to own for the rest of your lives. There are other alternatives like Dr. Beck's blood zapping unit, which sends a tiny electrical current each time the blood pulsed in the veins where the device probes were located.

For sure, before I would lay a single dime down I would do as much as I could to learn about this coil system and why it cured cancer in the 1930's during WWI with Germany and was placed in over 50 major hospitals in Europe at the time and some located in N.Y. and California and various other states and the results were spectacular coming in from all over the world. 

This is history folks, it's not make believe or wishful thinking. It happened! So, what happened! I never read about it in my history books! You won't! If AMA is concerned! There's a lot of history that was not put in our history books (good or bad). It doesn't mean it didn't happen, the information was stored other ways and by other means.

This is a portable unit that cost $1095.00 fully built, it's about two feet high and effects out a radius of four feet!

Here is what happened: Dr. Lakhovsky was walking on the side walk in N.Y. to see N. Tesla to share with him what his coil was producing and probably thanking him for fixing the bug he didn't know how to do. During this walk, a limousine came up over the sidewalk and hit him straight on. 

He was taken to the hospital and he told them I don't want medical attention. Being in the hospital for three days and the news came out he died. They said it was an accident! Hmm! I guess I will let you all decide for yourselves! Why is it all these great inventor mysteriously die?

They say good things can't last forever! In the MWO case this was nothing short of this truth. The unfortunate death of Lavhovsky and then a week later, all his machines were pulled out of every hospital and the doctors were told never to bring up the subject again, if you want to keep your license to practice medicine.

Immediately, before the end of the week after Lakhovsky's death; all MWO units were confiscated and taken to unknown locations! His paperwork was confiscated by CIA and the FBI, an archetype of todays homeland security. The only place to read this information (true facts) certainly will not show up in the History books, if you ever pulled them from the shelves, that's for sure. 

Strange don't you think! Yet you can find original documents of both scientific engineers and their life works! The Internet is great for this! The government can't hide all they did in the thirties and forties! There is only two companies, who make the original product and the first one you know with the link above and he's been building these for about 15 years going.

This is MediTech from Europe's design of their MWO

The other legitimate seller is located in Europe (Meditech) and he doesn't sell his devices to the USA because FDA/AMA will not allow it, if he did, he would have to rebuild it to FDA/AMA specifications which he said, by alteration, the machine will not work! This other company in Wisconsin gets away with it because he sells by "Word of Mouth", he doesn't advertise in any way shape or form! 

I found him on a several link clicks, while I was trying to find out more about the MWO's. There are others out there with their own designed models and Erick and Beck told everyone they just don't work the way Lavhovsky envisioned his original designs. There are better and smarter ways if you have the IQ or the smarts to know what Lavhovsky envisioned.

You really must due diligence in hunting the best MWO prefer a talented electronics engineer. Then you will be placed on a waiting list as well. I am having Eric Dollar build mine for around $4500.

So, you want to come close to his original designs from the Tesla Coil that runs down to the concentric plate; electricity arcs out from those plates, but first it goes right through you before it goes to the second plate. There is one way to do so, you must hire someone to build you one, who is technically skilled and has been building these for over 20 years.

The MWO doesn't heal, it allows a plethora frequencies low and high to travel through our bodies through all our body cells all 200 trillion of them. This is accomplished by sending multiple frequencies in the very low range or  in the very high range in the gigahertz range all at once into the cells of your body. Each person's cells have their own individual frequencies and they pick out what the machine is producing in rapid succession on their own and discard the rest of them.

The MWO uniquely brings all the different frequencies, especially the unknown at this time; into the area of what is being exposed to the focal antennas. Your cells decide which frequency in the myriad sea of frequencies it needs to charge itself. The body is quite intelligent...

Think of the MWO as a "Battery Station", which uses electricity producing the very low range to over as far as 100+ gigahertz of frequencies in the highest range with there associated harmonics, to allow the cells to accept the charge and discard the rest. So, what happens when your cells are running in "optimum" mode? 

Your central nervous system will then be able to do what it was design for, "Healing"! The MWO doesn't heal anything, it produces frequencies and harmonics that it captures from both earth and aether world. Then it's discharge is radiated through our bodies. It sounds logical but if I had a pacemaker I would probably reconsider using something like this.

Why is it you can't get a MWO for under $4000? Because you are paying for the hours put into building of it, plus their talent of electronics/electricity in order to follow the schematics and lastly the supply and demand ratio. Is there a market for such a tool, your average American probably never heard of such a device. So, how can a person sell something like this? Answer: By word of mouth to people such as us who know of such technologies.

There are only two people I know of that can build this ancient device and he only builds about fifteen units in a single year. The gentleman from Wisconsin told me it takes him 3 weeks to construct such a device. So, ten orders is thirty weeks to be completed, about one unit per month on the average.

We will end this for now, the above information and in my past articles revealed to you concerning the two instruments and there completely different approaches to theoretically allowing you better health. The first the Rife machine was designed to target the invading viral or bacteria and it's surrounding universe, the virus or bacteria will simple explode from the frequency pounding! 

The MWO rejuvenates on a cellular level. Our cells, when we were young hold -90 through -100mv's and as we get older the voltages go down extremely. People with cancer reads somewhere around -15 and below millivolts.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


There is one other device that works powerfully and it's called the "GB4000" it's cost is around $4000.00+accessories. In my opinion, this machine is great for someone who understands frequency research and do most of the research on their own!

This device called the "GB4000 has the power as a frequency generator, I will be the first to agree with the company of the touted innumerable frequencies one can experiment with and the price is where I expected it to be at $4000! If you understand "frequencies" and how to experiment with them, then this Rife (clone) machine is tailored just for you! 

I was even considering it myself but there were the "Cons" in which I had to deal with, in purchasing of such a device such as, if you purchase this device you're going to have questions about Rife frequencies for your issues on how to create those frequencies with the correct pulse etc. They throw at you a general Rife frequency book you can download for free!

You look at this manual and you wring out your hands wondering should I use this standard frequency because it states it is for "Lyme's" disease or how would I find the right combination of frequencies? You're only using basic frequencies that been around for over 50+ years! Generations change and so do people's issues.

GB4000 is a great experimental tool for using frequencies for lot's of different reasons. But it was never designed to run like a Rife Machine or like the Original developed by Royal Rife himself. I talked with a guy who purchased it and he didn't know where to start or have anyone to talk to.

The company can't help you with how to setup and run a rate for Tic infections etc., it will be up to you to locate and find someone who knows about RIFE technologies and you will have to find someone, who uses a combination of Rife frequencies with multiple successes. Good luck with that! Now you can understand why I chose TrueRife over others EM devices. 

Honestly, I don't believe for a moment these donuts work like is touted. I had many so-called ORGONIUTE as pyramids etc. Didn't effect the home or myself it was waste of money

Believe me if my health is at risk, I want to know this person's qualifications on the machine they built and if they can't help, who can! I want to know what the machine is incapable of. Some companies will have free online PDF of their equipment they are selling, this is very valuable to the shopper in order to make an inform decision. 

Again, this GB4000 machine is setup for the "Researcher" at heart,  he or she knows already what they are doing with research of unknown frequencies. Most who purchase a Rife Machine does it to help relieve them of their symptoms etc. But it's more than just pushing a button and running frequency a whole lot more involved.

The advantages of TrueRife is their network of users consisting of both professional and household uses. The company has tons of learning material for sale as well. I purchased one of there Desktop References it was fantastic and still is!

I like when I can have access to a private forum, who all use the same device and are willing to share their research work with the average person out there to all us blue collar workers, not just to those who wear the lab coats or the three piece suites and have big funding. These people are like you and I, only searching for the truth to set them free from what ails them.

If that's not enough, this company truerife, can refer you to someone if possible, in your state to talk with on the phone or email if you have additional issues in your protocols. Another thing I like about the device is, it's simple! No complicated setups! There is a company who does nothing but create TrueRife specialty programs and they are not that expensive! He has pre-recorded programs close to 200 of them.

He has over one hundred different techniques for different issues that people may have and if you can't find one, he will develop one for you! I did years of research all over the web and no company out there can come close to the helpfulness and the power of the TrueRife instrument using Electro-Magnetic Energies! The company who can create a program for you isn't part of TrueRife business. He is a private programmer!

The above Rife Device has no software program like the TrueRife company has with its F-117 Frequency generator. You just get a copy of generic frequencies you can try but no specific created programs for you to try. That's up to you!

I don't have to try to figure out combinations of frequencies that were anecdotally proven time and time again of those practitioners who use the TrueRife F-117 Frequency Generator big plus. I will have access within its software tens of thousands of Rife frequencies and hundreds of combinations for certain maladies and one can experiment with doing their own combination using cut and paste functions and a very simple layout using TrueRife language to create and run your own programs. 

You can go to your program folder on "lyme" disease and go to another folder that has a similar frequencies combination; then copy this program from this second folder and we copy it and paste it within your primary folder your currently going to use; thus running two different programs all at the same time and all at the same folder!

At the bottom of this stack above is the F-117 Frequency Generator that operates through all Rife frequencies using EM Waves. The top module is the GRS Scanner to scan your body for rogue frequencies and unknown type frequencies and it automatically creates a program to counter what it has recorded from the person!

Just remember the more programs you use, the more time you will have to sit there in front of the machine running those frequencies. You will figure it out, truerife made hundreds of folders with related frequencies, all the guess work has been eliminated for the normal lay person out there like myself included. I don't have the time nor do I want to spend it on figuring out which frequencies or combinational frequencies I can use or shouldn't use on myself. The truerife's customer base forum are very helpful in this area of interest.

Since you have a well constructed Rife filing system at your finger tips it's as simple ABC steps. If you want to design your own frequency combinations, truerife gives you the basic format and takes out the mystery coding your own program. A lot of people on the truerife program forum create their own programs with great success, I am not saying all of them and I am sure many have created these sets with no success. But it only takes 2-3% of that 2000 network base to come up with a brand-new frequency set for many issues and are generally successful when it does happen.

When a person invests a quarter of their life savings into a machine for general or specific means, the first thing we don't want to happen is say, "Now What"! "What am I suppose to do?" now! Don't be surprise, it still happens today! The "Ad" makes it like we will do it all for you! The GB4000 is one of those such devices that carries those quotes.

You read it right, there are over 2000+ truerife owners/users who are in constant communication with each other on this private forum. Can't say that I blame them for keeping it private, I've been at "open" forums and it's so annoying having other "sellers" and "fake" reporting to try to sell their own machines and for someone like myself, who is trying to get the true information, we are blocked by what some call "Agitators", who constantly come in and out of "non-private" forums, making all kinds of noise and bluster and I, the "information seeker", just gives up and moves on somewhere else. 

Take a look at "truerife" on YouTube and you will get a huge amount of information. I purchased their "DeskTop" Reference Guide around $75.00...It was the best purchase I have made since then. This guide gave me personal testimonies and grotesque pictures of "before and after" using the frequency protocols in the TrueRife folders. It's loaded with information on all the accessories or bells and whistles you can add-on if you feel the need to do so.

My favorite add-on is the truerife is a modified polygraph device which is around 85% accurate or a little more, reading the CNS or central nervous system. When you place the two of the electrodes on your body the machine will begin the scanning process, when it detects an abnormality frequency feedback signal that differs from its programmed baseline. 

It will sound off an alarm and the operator will rebalance the device to continue the scan. It takes around 30-45 minutes for the scan to complete. But all the alarms are automatically recorded and another program is automatically completed to counter bad issues. But remember the results of the frequencies it runs into isn't necessarily what the problem is! Sure there is a problem, so just run the program it built around your scan!

One of the most unique thing about the truerife machine is the add-on module called the "GSR Scanner"! It's the only device in the world that cost around $600+ and the only module in the world that actually scans the body for realtime results-No radionic here! Uses real scanning frequencies and listens to the bodies echo on the modified polygraph device.

Once completed, you go to the F-117 software program and there will be a folder with your scan results and it will also have a counter program to run on yourself at anytime you want. For each bad frequency that alarms out the scanning program in the background is creating an anti-program to correct the possible maladies. 

The top machine in this stack is the "Scanner" in fact the only one in the entire world that seemingly works with the True Rife F117 and their newer model.

With the scanned results also, it will give you a recorded list of the bad frequencies it discovered and generally let you know what it maybe but not necessarily though that you have such a thing. In any event, once the scan is completed just run the counter program on yourself.

You can run this anytime for however long you want...You can take your next scan in about 3-4 weeks and check the list to see if the same bad frequencies are still showing up or not. For example: The generated list may show "lyme" disease and as you scan the report "Lyme's" shows up three or four times on different lines. 

This could indicate you have lyme disease or something close (Unknown) frequency not yet discovered before! In any event, you would do the same thing, just run the program on yourself. From whom I talked with and emailed, they told me the scanner is 80-90% accurate!

The owner and businessman of truerife instruments, he talks to describe the GSRII Scanner!

The other 20% of mis-diagnosed scanned frequencies would consist of, "user" errors and the frequencies that were not programmed into the base program, thus would be an "unknown" frequency...nothing to compare it with...This device costs an extra $500.00 on top of what you already paid for. 

This is a real bargain, you can't find a Rife Scanner anywhere online and there is an overseas type scanner that cost $3000.00+ and it was taken apart by an electronic repair man and everything was catalog and he gave no glimmer of hope that it worked as the manufacturer has described it to work. I believe it was called, F-Scan. He gave a detailed report!

The F-117 Frequency Generator is an Atlier Robins model that was modified by truerife engineers to work as a EM device! The double bubble bulb puts out around 1800 volts!

So, it would cost me with the scanner plus the F-117 frequency generator around $$3700.00 which includes my state tax! This machine was geared toward higher income people and semi and professional work. But it's easy enough to operate just from home like many do. 

It's a Atlier Robin frequency generator the best there is out there for the money. It too was specially modified generator from TR engineers who did the modification for this instrument. The other add on I definitely have to get first and foremost is the "Foot Bath" the F-117 sends the frequencies from the generator into the foot bath modular unit through the water into the feet.

The TrueRife Foot Bath Using the Thermal Matrix heater that keep the water around 90 degrees continuously.

The program (s) will send the frequency into the water into your feet and through your whole circulatory system and then draws out those impurities creating neg and pos ions, as they will show up as "gook" and "nasties" inside the water when drawn out of the body through the feet. 

I think this "Foot Bath" used in TrueRife was genius! Yeah, he makes money on all accessories, but his accessories are very expensive to procure to sell and they work really well.

Once you are cleaned inside after a couple uses, the water coming out of your body with the before toxins, instead of black and murky will be a light Carmel color suggesting your as clean as you can get on the inside from toxic poisons and metals etc. 

This may take several or more sessions for this to happen and it depends how bad your body currently has buildups from toxins from a poor diet up to just about anything, when the body itself is considered. 

This is the double bubble truerife which connects directly to the F-117 frequency generator!

Breaking in down the TrueRife:

True Rife: F-117 Frequency Generator:$2935.00
Grounding Pillow, this is a must have:$85.00
Double Bubble including the stand:$525.00
Thermal Matrix Heater: $205.00
Scanning Patches: $125.00 
Foot-bath Module: $120.00
GSR-3 Rife Scanner Unit: $615.00 (sits on top of generator)
Spiral handheld bulb: $265.00
Color Wand Ground: $50.00

The above is basics minus if you don't want the Rife Scanning Unit, the total = $4925.00+ $384.00 Tax = $5309.00 (The whole body scanner, modified polygraph unit is not included ($500.00)...Most of the meat and potatoes of the system is the software version 6 that is built into the generator and everything you command the generator to accomplish is done through its software program. 

I spent years talking with truerife users and I can call them uninvited right now and asked them if their units are doing what its suppose to do and always, they say, "Yes" and much more! This is not like some of the toys out there on the markets. This EM device has software that will knock off your socks! Watch Mike on youtube and get a real lesson on using a Real Rife!

When an author of any articles, that a person should be familiar with the subject being discussed. He or She should have enough research over the years to satisfy most general information about such devices. Being able to explain why certain factors of the subject happen they way they do.

All the information presented to you is from memory and recent updates I receive from truerife every single month from their newsletters! These newsletters are filled with testimonies and pictures of their issues and successes with such a device. You also get automatic updates on your frequencies or sets of frequencies each and every month for free! 

This GSR II is a whole body scanner using a built in baseline and if there are any questionable issues the machine will sound off and it will be internally recorded. Once the scanning is complete, which can take up to one to two hours, click on it's folder and you will see a list of questionable frequency feedback. The scanner then automatically creates from the bodies bio-feed back, a detailed new program to run to correct the deficiencies or questionable anti-frequencies.

The information and updates on the frequency sets, helped many people. when otherwise would have took the user a much longer time to come up with the result and it was used with success and it was give to half a dozen others who suffer the same fate and it became successful, Before sending the information out to the user's it's looked at by truerife engineers and lastly it's published for you to copy by clicking on "update" button in your software program!

Lastly, food for thought! There is one drawdown! Yes, even with a good device like the here is my issue, I am not a doctor or specialist or herbalist or naturalist, I don't know if I have anything wrong with me whether serious or minor and all I have is the scanner to give me a reflective view on what's going on inside my body...would you 100% trust a modify polygraph machine to tell you, you may have cancer and in reality you don't! Imagine the fear one would have to go through just worrying about this!

Any Rife machine that is worth its salt is a machine that corrects disorders if and here's the catch, if you know definitely what your medical malady is! So, if you go to the doctors and you're told you have cancer of the spleen, now you know and you could run some frequencies or programmed sets to help you in the process of healing! 

What if you don't have insurance and you can't afford the out of pocket expense for tests? Now you have a $3000+ machine in your possession and where does one go to find out how to diagnosis what you may or may not have before you can even use your Rife in the first place?

Stayed tuned into this blog about another device invented at the beginning of WWII. How Tesla was a big help in getting the unit up and running and neither engineer knew what they had until tests at major hospitals were done worldwide. They knew the theory but now they know the facts!

Next weeks article may solve the above issue and it may surprise you that the device I will share with you was used in hospitals all over Europe plus in the USA in the 1940's and cancer was being cured along with other maladies both known and unknown. It's even easier to use than any Rife machine on the market! It was created by a Frenchman with the help of Nikola Tesla. When the adjustments were made this device worked what seemed like miracles!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The one I have is surrounded by oak box with the two antenna in the back and with the glass top you can see his handy work. Go to: I had experienced parallel worlds using this device...I have a dear friend who is going from realm to realm! But he was using it for a few months, then, he was excited where he goes to see is Doppelganger. It freaked me out when I found myself living inside the Chief of the FBI. I wanted to find a mirror and when I looked into it, I saw what I never expected! Again, I really don't have the time when working on my SE-5.

Drop by from time to time to see if I release Patrick Flanagen's NEO used it once and that was it. I have a SuperBeacon, the site is at yoyodyne sells it for $2250.00. I had a custom made super- beacon out of wood with glass top from EJ Gold. I may let it go for $1500.00. It comes with 12 levels of cds's.

1. The late Dr. Bell's gold pyramid, I have done many experiments and will keep using it until I release the Power Gold Pyramid to the public. I will let it go for $255.00 it's like new! I'm letting go for 10% from the Pyradyne's price. 

2. I also have the IDL-22, which goes for around $625.00. at the Neo-technology website. My price is $500.00

This is called, "The Gateway" It's around $626.00

I just don't have the time, to put a few hours into it. Since my bad accident it stayed in the closet, while I was mulling out if I really want to get rid of it. Besides this powerful device wants a lot of attention and I can't put that into it. I got my SE-5 and Remote Broadcaster to work on everyday and prepare for my blog updated videos in the near future.

I mentioned it want's your attention, this was fact well burned into us! After doing 30-1 hour days with the device it would wake me up using my wife's voice but she was still sleeping! Somehow for whatever the reason, it was constantly waking me up. I went out into the living room and sat down looking at it. I made a verbal request to let me sleep and it finally did!

It' probably the best manifesting device I ever came across to own. The only thing and this is my disclosure, be careful if you decide to get it, nothing is for free! I am talking both physical and spiritual. James Rink on his site and youtube you can find a protocol on anything. I did the psychic protocol after open the star-gate and did this for 30 days. Everything we did or was going to do put us in the right place and always at the right time.

Both of us couldn't keep up with it, and you have to monitor what your thinking because of the DNA inside the unit once you make the connection it will lock on to you like a structural link, from the target brought back to the IDL-22. That's my discloser statement!

Saturday, April 6, 2019


There are thousands claiming their own version of the Rife machine is the way to go. But only a rare, few actually do change peoples lives! I spent many years trying to make a decision on which one to invest in and I concluded that is the most effective to date.

I would like to introduce my readers of a "Rife" device that actually does what it states it does! Just type in "Rife" machines and you will have hundreds of thousands of browsing results. I spent over 15 years reading about these marvelous devices but there was the same underlying issues talked about, and that was do they really work? 

Some say yes, while others say no! There is much junk out there called Rife's! Unless the Rife radiation can go through your bones and flesh it will not do you any good! I am not doctor or a holistic practitioner but I am studios and love my research. 
I am not biased to any particular item, but I watch what is said by those who actually purchased these said machines. I am not going off into the history of Rife, you all can do that yourselves! 

I only research for myself and my wife for our betterment and if it looks and feels and is highly recommended from their purchasers, I will give it a time of day and maybe share this information with serious individuals who want to help their families and themselves without spending their life's savings at a hospital! Another thing consider CBD Oil from ancient oils website. No THC like one would take a joint. Read about it at

I am not super duper out to save the world! When it comes down to it, all I am concerned with is two people I know, who have to take care of each other and if not, no one else will! Those two are myself and my wife! We are the most important in my personal universe, as we decided both my wife and I to share with one another our help and our live as in sacrifice and in love! I am sure you would feel the same for your families, I would certainly hope so! 

"Hope" is the only quintessential tool that allows each of us to hang on for one more day waiting for that magic pill to come around our way!

This is what allows me fuel the fire of research and to look for "hope", don't knock "hope" because when anyone of us are at deaths door and all you can afford is a quarter ounce of "hope", that person "will give everything" they have, to hang onto life one more minute! 

We are humans and we value what is built into our genomes and DNA and RNA, the ability to sustain our biological lives as long as we can! It has nothing to do with being selfish, especially when it comes down to it, that is you and your neighbor the only life that will be important to both of you and your neighbor is themselves!

Getting past the "moral" concepts of life, I wanted to share with you all some of this "hope" a hope that brings in testimonies every month about their issues being resolved in miraculous ways! I say this because I read where two people who live in opposite sides of the world both having critical issues were both healed coincidentally using the same device! 

A good Rife machine is going to cost your $4000+! Don't ever believe for a single moment that your going to purchase the theoretical device that Royal Rife had used to heal critical issues for only $500.00 or less!

I read many stories of those purchasers and in fact literally contacted them letting them know I had interest in the device, and the email they sent was "DON'T" waste your money like we did! This contradiction of the device they purchased was phenomenal. 

The guy told me his wife was sick and needed some of that "hope" it was expensive but remember above I said if there is a quarter ounce of hope for sale, people will pay everything for it to hang on to life for another day or the next five minutes.

Most articles you read about Rife shows scientific this and that and the "how's" and the "Why's"of the device. Then a well thought out article is written hoping to catch your sale here and there. The only "sell" I am trying to accomplish is what to watch out for, there's thousands involved here to lose!

Everything you are reading here is "impromptu" like all my articles. I didn't take notes and don't need to because I am intimate with my research and remember everything I read and researched. I write from the heart, not from the head! I allow my personal "passions" to guide me through a non-passionate Internet world we live in. 

We need "compassion" in our communication, this is an open invite to share the same "compassion" together. It allows me to communicate what I discover along the way, to at least help somebody out there looking for the same thing I am!

Now let's get more in depth to the "hope" cause...I too have issue I wish I could heal up right now! I can sit here all day and hope it happens or I could sacrifice my time and monies to make things begin to happen! Those are the choices each of us have! The "haves" and the "Don't Have's". 

I read and heard about Rife technologies for many years now and a lot of sites us the authentic history and loudly trumpet Royal Rife's medical accomplishments. They will then add their product that will solve your issues for only $500 and some bad ones range into 4-5 thousand dollars!

Listening to Rife Frequencies is like trying to baking a whole ham on the oven burner! They just don't work! Buyers beware!

I always said, you get what you pay for, but using commonsense be careful in buying expensive "junk", it to exist on the outer spectrum of marketing. I am willing to invest $6500.00 toward a device that produces time and time again. 

But with device one can go as low as $3100.00. I am not going to mention all the cheap machines you can get for $500+ as I know they don't do the job! The only complaint I heard about this device was only the price! But I never in all the years, ever seen anything about it doesn't work!

Stay away from "Spooky" Rife devices they don't work on a physical basis, they are known from their radionic type work and when your sick you need real results not psychological healing! Big claims are made with this but buyer be ware!

Believe me when I tell you all, I checked out all the machines worth checking out and everyone of them had the stamp of "Rife" attached to it doesn't mean it is a "RIFE"! 

I know everyone has a right to sell their works online but we the customers have to watch our bottom line the costs and what those costs entail. I admit the machine I am going to purchase took me 8 years to make that decision because the cost and the quality is unmatched in the Electromagnetic spectrum of devices.

The cost is what kept me from making myself much better. EM devices do effect the biological but the less powered machines only can penetrate so far! We need a device that can go right through our flesh and bone and beyond the blood/brain barrier. 

Don't worry it is safe yet it is so powerful that if you have spirochetes or worms etc. you will feel them jump around and try to get away from the EM this device delivers.

I was fortunate, I caught a recent testimony and I emailed that family who just purchased the device (Basic) with no add-ons. He and his family had suffer from "Wood Tick" bite. Everyone in the family were infected with "Lyme's" disease. 

They caught it in Minnesota I believe and then moved to Texas. The gentleman was nice enough to give his own testimony. He told me, him and his entire family were suffering from joint pain and everything that "lyme" can give to you and there is no known cure!

Testimony from just a few out of hundreds of sales, I couldn't list them all in this blog article alone...

He told me he too waited a long time and finally being sick all the time was all he could bare! So, he made the plunge and purchased the basic machine with the double bubble bulb (lasts for about 20 years) of use. 

It cost him $3150.00, he began using the device on his entire family using the "lyme" frequencies that are successful with other people that use the same device. The strong frequency generator device is $2700.00 and the double bubble is $450.00. He has been to doctors every week and month and all he could get was some medications to ease the pain and suffering.


This person is doing  "Pathogen" Scanning...

He ran it once a day on his family for about four weeks. One of his children told their mother and father they were feeling much better and it was the first time any of his children said such a thing since being infected for months prior to purchasing such a machine. 

Now the treatments he indicated have become less and less and he and his family now have the chance of a normal life without excoriating pain. I thanked him back for sharing this testimony but his is one out of hundreds I had copied each month!

I understand how Electromagnetic energy works and this company took it to the brink which is why the cost is so high. It has solid state circuitry with built in phase-shifting for any of who understand the working theory behind this, usually a musician would understand this! 

Frequencies need a strong carrier wave to take it through the body deep enough to effect the disorder. The standard Rife Frequencies anyone could have access too but if the machine isn't strong enough to carry the electromagnetic's through the body, then it doesn't qualify as a Rife!

Waiting for prices to go down in this generation, your fooling yourselves! If anything prices will rise each and every year. Don't use this as an "excuse" to keep yourselves or your family members in their current state of issues. There are other ways!

I will write about the specifics of this awesome generator in another article. I just wanted to let those who been kicking the can down the road, stop and listen there is a device that works just like it was design to do! 

We can argue costs all day long, but it all boils down to how desperate do you feel? Why those that are sick who could afford a good device don't do it until it is too late for them! I feel for those who struggle, which by the way we all do in our own ways, and to see the price such as this, does smart!

But I know if a person wants it bad enough they will find a way! The gentleman ahead of the company isn't a people person and you deal with him like a business man in a sense. They have everything you need plus to operate this device and his software has thousands of Rife frequencies and hundreds of special Rife programs for specific issues as well. His programs prove well for itself. 

He will answer your emails and be helpful in case your equipment has been damage, they are fast replacing it. He will give you a number of someone close in your area or state who has one if you have any additional questions.

This is the jewel of the TrueRife system, this frequency generator is the most sophisticated device ever built for its price range! New F-122 in 2019.

I found this to be a valuable tool/experience, I called a lady who was a wife of a TWA pilot located in my state and she purchased the device for her specific issues and was very pleased of the results after about two weeks using the Rife Device! 

She told me it's expensive but worth every penny she spend. She was very helpful with the questions I had. She told me something inside my leg would move each time she applied the RIFE program, it would scramble and at first it was weird and then it stopped completely after two to three times of treating the area.

I told her I completely understand the working frequencies and how something like this would happen! I also knew when she told me it stopped, meaning whatever her issue these wiggles under her skin were destroyed completely after two to three phases! 

The only work she had to do was hold the hand bulb unit against her leg for a few minutes and sometimes using the double bubble and sitting in front of it for about 20-30 minutes each day. The other jewel in this crown is their unique and one of a kind body scanner!

Saturday, March 30, 2019


Once in awhile when scanning over the net, one does and can run into decades old forums when DOS was the main platform for Microsoft. Back then people didn't hurry up with something because it took to long!

I was looking around for some unusual practices around 2001 or so from aged forums. I came across one that peaked my interest somewhat. There was this Rawl guy who was a research/scientist in the early 50's on up to the late 1990's into Magnetics, I tried to determine what pushed him to do what he done and I haven't found any real answers, other than, he just stopped his experiment cold in its track. I can hypothesize why he did, what he did, but that's about all. So what did he do? Here is a copy I found online:

Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of monopolar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland.
A mask was made which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland. The purpose was to stimulate the gland and see if there was anything to this ‘third eye‘ business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.
Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week.
The second week, the same ghostly figure moved through the room and glanced toward Walter as he passed through. This time, the figure appeared to have slightly more detail, not quite so ghostly.
The third week, while busy working on documents, Walter noticed a change in the room. When he looked up, the wall had dissolved away and he was looking at a small hill where a man and woman sat beneath a tree. It was the same ghostly male figure who he had seen on the other occasions. He sat quit still, watching this pastoral scene for several minutes.
The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled. It was as if he clearly SAW Walter this time and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost that he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on, Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.

This is one of the magnet other than the cylindrical that was used, below it was on his refrigerator. Walter didn't use this type! $45.00!

Walter Rawls was a man of many talents! Bio-Magnetics was 90% of his research! What he was doing back then with the below experiment he wasn't anticipating what had happen during the outcome! It shook him up!

So, I had to do a bit more digging and discovered a few people about twenty or so years ago, tried to duplicate Walter Rawls experiment by securing a 1/2 X 1" N53 earth rare magnet to a hat I believe, it really doesn't say how he constructed it. There are ways of doing such. I found using the winter ear muffs the ones that go from one ear and stretch behind the head to the other ear. I placed it around my head and covered both ears and I found the center, then I took a 1" drill bit and drilled a hole.

I placed the cylindrical magnet through the hole and I placed back on the ear muff and pushed the magnet through until I could feel it touch my center brow, where the 3rd eye reigns. Important for this to work, you have to find the "North" end of this cylindrical magnet and that is what will touch the center between your eyebrows. I guess by now you can picture it in your head how it was setup. I call it the "Pineal Agitator"! The strong magnet of 14,800 gauss strength will agitate the calcium deposit that formed around the gland since you have been 17 years of age!

All of you who want to try to duplicate Walter's experiences, you probably could come up with a better idea on how to secure the magnet between the eyebrows. But this is what works best for me! At the time of this writing, I am ordering two types of magnets the one mentioned above in the first paragraph and a round flat magnet! Of course with the specifications that must be N50 or greater! The reason for the higher strength is N50-N52 can effect 3 to 4 inches into the skull and the lower end of the spectrum can only reach 1 to 2 inches deep!

Testimonials are around twenty years old, some much older. That's pretty much what I can go by for now, until I experience these same events using the magnets and other tools available in this field of magnetics and Ultra High Frequencies.

I will try to communicate what the others experienced on the forums doing the same thing. One gentleman used his cylindrical magnet every night, all night, and realized his first vivid dream became a "Precognition" event (Foretelling the Future). 

He dreamed about a phone call telling him a friend of theirs died and he was quite young. The man awakened and about one hour later, he received a phone call and one of his friends told him, did you hear, so and so died today in a bad car accident and he was so young!

Each night got progressively deeper, his dreams were more vivid and he had lucid dreaming and OBE's. Walters didn't wear the device all night long, he only wore for about 30 minutes each day for four weeks! Imagine if he would have done this brazen act by wearing it all night long! 

It seems to me the best theory for Walter deciding to quit the experiment and not say all that much about it, was if you read into his history online, he was very studios, renaissance man! He wasn't into the "spiritual" aspect of Bio-Magnetics just what it could do for a person who was ill.

Again, after reading the above, one has to wonder, why he did it and why he quit! So, safe to say, he was more geared to practicality of his work not the spirituality. Another gentleman took off a round magnet from his refrigerator and used a stretchy headband to hold this round magnet in place while he slept. 

He too, also began to experience wild dreaming and seeing people in his room as dark ghostly figures but each week of using the magnets the ghostly figures like what happened to Walters Rawl became brighter and much more realistic.

Sometimes things getter better with age, in this case, the technological age we now live in verses twenty years ago. Taking these bits and pieces of information via testimonies and or past experiments that were documented, we can now fill in the blanks so to speak and get a clearer understanding.

I personally knew that magnets are used to heal broken bones and are suppose to calm a person down. They use them in just about all kinds of jewelry known to mankind. Some use electro-magnets to further treatments that are stubborn to heal. But I wouldn't use an electro-magnet on my head! 

I wouldn't suggest you do either! Static magnets are better and much safer when you are messing with your noodle! The only reason I mentioned this was because of the uniqueness that somewhat all the spiritual benefits of magnets disappeared from the circuit, when it comes to further spiritual awakenings.

I was following one guy who only used the magnet on his brow for only 10 days and was able to hear voices from other dimensions around him! They were distinct and could be understood. He was able after the magnet sessions just close his eyes and see a multitude of things beyond the veil. 

Another gentleman stated that, he had a headache and he noticed his magnet was lying on the lamp stand and he put it on and near morning hours he had very vivid dreaming going on, he consciously awakened to find his body was in paralysis and he could take his astral arms out of his physical arms!

There was a show I was watching called, "Monsters and Mysteries", they were short testimonials given by those who seen UFO's and Bigfoots etc. One of the stories showed a Bigfoot carrying a crystal type bulb and it was emanating white light whereas you couldn't see the material the ball was made of. 

Then once the creature entered into the woods a light appeared in the sky above and then shut off! All evidence of the creature was completely gone! The reason I made mention of such a story is because one guy doing this magnet experimentation had such a testimony!

There seems to be a common theme going on with all these small amount of testimonies. Seeing the future, not predicting it! Seeing other beings in their own dimensions and in ours. Bringing both worlds together with a common thread using static magnetics and decalcification of the Pineal Gland.

He had a very vivid dream experience and he saw a geometrical parts coming together and it created itself into a "globe of light"! He was amazed! When he awakened consciously to get up, the ball of light was still in his room. 

He also said, he dreamed about things in the morning and upon awakening and getting ready to go to work, whatever he was dreaming came to pass easily. He also, seen the lottery numbers and of course never played them. One week later all six numbers showed up in the exact miscellaneous order. Maybe next time!

Well I guess the question remains, will you be able to experience what a few others about twenty years ago have done? The magnetics are relatively cheap except the one further up for $45.00.

Now what did I use to insert the cylindrical magnet to touch my pineal area between the eyebrows?

I drilled a one inch center hole with my home battery drill in the center where the magnet should go. You have to put it on so you can know where the center is between your eyebrows and mark it clearly, then I shoved the magnet through the hole into the other side and put back on the muffs with the arch at the center of my forehead, essentially you place them on backwards. If the magnet is touching your brow area, then keep pushing it through until it does. You see wasn't hard at all!

The muff is only for the one inch long magnet, I guess you could use the flat one on this also by gluing it on the inside of the arch making sure you center it first, like you did the other long magnet. The reason I am going to experiment with two, I want to see which one works better and how long one would have to use each one for results equal or better. 

Remember, I am using the Echofone at the same time for 30 minutes to one hour each evening. I will try to wear the magnet all day at home! Or as much as I can without feeling too uncomfortable.

Knowledge doesn't exist about something, when it's lost through several generations of pushing it back for the new. Only when it's found does it become "knowledge" once again!

I have a bit on my plate and it will take a few weeks to log in the magnetic usages and any experiences along the way. Plus I am testing the "Echofone" using Binaural and Isochronic Mixtures along with making personal subliminal of my choosing. 

The Echofone will play with that Erickson NLP programming Hypnosis CD. The magnet experiment is just something extra to fill in the void when not doing anything else. What I am doing is nothing new that probably hasn't been done before. But the Echofone has been on the market since 1970's!

A lot of generations grew up and passed on during those years and for some reason the home researcher has dropped the ball along with pseudo-science inquiries about such things. I just figured why not tow the line for now and maybe I might see an award for doing so! 

Just to let you know the amounts of money to do these things are expensive! This is why you should always do you homework and ask is this really worth going in debt for!

The only expense is the Echofone around $429.00, I have many type of CD programs going from Inner-Talk to Remote viewing and Remote Influencing to self-hypnosis and Hemi-Synch and the list goes on. Collected on these over the years.

I will be mentioning other things along the way, I may not be personally doing it but I will let you all know just in case there is someone who thinks whatever I find would be worth the investment and time to put into it. 

I'm retired, not doing a whole lot, so I have the time to do all these experimentations and besides it's my hobby over the years. The HDR will be included once I get a system up and running. This site will be the "Go To Site" for the unusual and questionable things mankind comes up with.


  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...