Sunday, June 14, 2020


Today we are going to discuss the earth's magnetic fields along with magnets in the singular. You have an option what gauss strength and pull strength of any of the magnets that may suite to the experiment that you have going on at the moment.

I think I've read about everything offered in esoteric experiments but this one is the first for me about the experiments going on with a simple earth rare magnet placing it in the center of one's eyebrows with a fastening strap. 

It has been said, on a forum at the below link, there were people many years ago, who had duplicated Walter Rawls pineal stimulator experiment.

This all start with Walter Rawls, who studied in the field of magnetics...He thought to himself, "I wonder if this magnet could effect a pineal gland. 

Walter took a one inch magnet and built what he calls, Pineal Stimulator. This experiment was done one half hour everyday for thirty days, and found he had very strong visions and the crazy thing is, instead of having multiple experiments, the vision of this ghost walking through his home out to a big canopy tree. By the month's end, he was able to see this dimension, his realty was melted, the wall melted leading this same guy leaning against this big tree with his wife.

He then picked up a one inch length by 1/4 inch diameter that looks like a normal thin metal rod. He placed the magnet "North"side facing his third eye, the pineal gland.

He created a makeshift mask to hold the magnet between his eyebrows for thirty minutes everyday for 30 days! Here is how the story went! Please keep an open mind as you read this. 

Walter had no idea how this would have an effect on his personal well-being. He wasn't out to prove a spiritual thing with this experiment. As a scientist he said, we take an experiment and break it down in doable steps.

Here is a guy or guy's who actually were scientists (left minded) on the logical and linear side. They didn't leave much room to access their right side of the brain to bring in spatial information. When Rawls took the first step into the Magnet Zone, he went into this expecting pretty much nothing!

Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of mono polar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland. What I can figure out, why didn't anyone else come up with this simple experiment?

This sleep mask has embedded earth rare magnets which is situated once on in the center of both Eyebrows. I can't personally vouch for this product! I am using earth rare magnet with a velcro strap!

A mask was made, which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland. The purpose was to stimulate the glands internal magnetite in the fluid sac and see if there was anything to this ‘third eye‘ business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.
Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. I wonder what Walter Rawls was thinking after seeing a distinct apparition. 
It seems that Walter's third eye chakra, he was incrementally drawn to this vision. Did he have any control? No! His subconscious mind was calling the shots from his 3rd Eye Chakra. 
The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week. Many have purchased many different type magnets and did the same experiments. It was odd that someone would ask, what happens if you place the South Pole over the third eye?
Each of them were overpowered with the sensations throbbing on their third eye! Others had slight headaches...but everyone, who did this experiment had experienced the psychic rush within one to four weeks time. Even the first person on July 2009 complained, "Do you mean I have to wait for four weeks!

The second week, the same ghostly figure moved through the room and glanced toward Walter as he passed through. This time, the figure appeared to have slightly more detail, not quite so ghostly. What we see happening here, his pineal gland was able to radiate since the natural barrier was interrupted by the North Polar magnet.
It seems to me that, Walter paid no attention to any specific outcomes doing this experiment. He used his professional knowledge of magnetic fields and wanted to see if that 3rd Eye Chakra was for real.
It doesn't say at this time of the experiment, what was on Walter's mind, when he saw this "ghostly" figure. Makes one think how this ghost person in another dimension continued each and every week to re-define itself to Walters mind through the third eye. Ask yourselves, why did he continually get the vision until the entire picture came into focus?
The third week, while busy working on documents, Walter noticed a change in the room. When he looked up, the wall had dissolved away and he was looking at a small hill where a man and woman sat beneath a tree. Did he, say whether it was very real or fuzzy all around. Apparently, he seemed to think it was another dimension.

It was the same ghostly male figure, who he had seen on the other occasions. He sat quite still watching this pastoral scene for several minutes. 
One wanders if in some small way this scene was met for him to complete, what are the odds of going back week after week; seeing the same guy but it became clearer each week! Then with the guy a woman is in the scene with him under the tree.
Does this surprise anyone, it did Walter! It would surprise anyone  when the person is expecting no predetermined outcome! I experienced those on a few occasions myself!
The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled. It was as if he this ghostly figure clearly SEEN with is 3rd Eye Chakra and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost in his dimension, that he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on. Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.
This was accepted as a side experiment, not what Walters done in the field of magnetics overall. He was not a spiritual seeker of any kind and certainly this was not his goal. When it did actually happen to him. In fact, after these four weeks of experimentation using the magnet for only thirty minutes everyday, his left leaning mind couldn't comprehend what he was witnessing.

One would think placing the earth rare magnet just above the ear would be the place to start. You see the gland is under the grey matter nestle deep inside the bowls of the brain. 
He, Walter, couldn't process this new information mentally let alone spiritually. If the gland was a magnetic pole reversal, how would the hemispheres in our brains be affected by the change in magnetism? I looked everywhere for 2020 updated information about what Walter done and I couldn't find any site that took his experiment to the next phase level.
Science did discover "magnetite" in the frontal lobe area and through out the brain. Birds have it to guide them south in the winter from the upper states and back to the North. 

Pineal Gland Magnets

One must ponder the effects on the pineal gland, if there was a magnetic pole reversal. Additionally, how would the hemispheres in our brains be affected by the change in magnetism? Because I think that around the sac that surrounds the Pineal Gland with a clear liquid has "magnetite" either inside the liquid or outside it.
I ponder this same thought with Steven Gibbs HDR. Here we have a fully operating electromagnet and placing over the stomach area. What if one would for five minutes hold the T-bar electromagnet while running placing the tip with the flat side of the electromagnet placing it over the third eye? The HDR runs the t-bar magnet at 60 hZ. This isn't a clean electromagnetic wave!

Various studies have shown that brain cells respond to external magnetic fields. There’s also a disturbing link to neurodegenerative disease: Evidence exists of elevated levels of magnetite in brain tissue from Alzheimer’s disease patients.
In another article entitled, “Pineal Gland Mystique” regarding magnets and the pineal gland, it is stated: Attaching a magnet (that sticks by adhesive) to the part of your skin in the center of your eyebrows, what we call the "third eye", it was tried with a magnet on the heart chakra and stomach chakra but the third eye chakra was particularly made sensitive by the magnet.
It's my opinion that the magnet doesn't effect the Pineal Gland it's non-magnetic! Does this surprise anyone out there! But it may effect the "magnetite" in the fore front of the brain, which opens the 3rd Eye Chakra ultimately.
This pineal gland is located between your two physical eyes but slightly higher or slightly above the eyes) for a few hours throughout the day will also stimulate the Pineal Gland and help to decalcify it. From anecdotal evidence which is small and rare these days, which is why; I purchased some of the inexpensive magnets to see how my third

Hm? I don't buy this! If someone can show me the scientific literature of a calcified Pineal Gland back by scientific evidence that a gland can and does get calcified, I would readily accept it! No matter what, is said in science circle, these scientist are still hypothesizing, is "if" or "maybe". The pineal gland can and does calcify.

Decalcifying the Pineal Gland! This is an organ not a concrete ornament! It doesn't rust or gets dirty and no brain surgeon in the world would claim this is true! 

Why am I coming down so hard and knowing what I know about fringe sciences, why is it that I argue with the brain scientists in the first place? Because a lot of people will be misled into believing all one needs to do is use the pineal gland to become psychic. 

Chi is a universal force that we can extract from our environment. With arts such as Chi Gong, it teaches us to channel this chi throughout our bodies through certain breathing and body movements as we are breathing with a purpose.

There is more to it! The above picture shows a martial artist practicing "QI" Jong! Chi energy can pretty much having you do just about anything! Could "Chi" energize the Pineal Gland? I couldn't see why not! The pineal gland doesn't play a big role in martial arts but its my gut feeling once Chi is developed throughout your body, this gland will excel.

I seen a Chi Jong Master roll up a piece of paper in his downtown area from the sidewalk. He crumpled it, placed his hand over the paper within seconds the paper caught on fire. The reporter recorded it and brought it back to USA and the master was irate! He told him never publicize what I am doing here! Fake News strikes again!
There is no scientific evidence documented that the Pineal gland is our psychic center. I agree the Pineal gland may have some PSI effects in the overall brain and I aim to start this experiment sometime this week! It would be a great help if I'm successful as Walters and other guys from a 2005 forum. Adding this to my Inner-Talk should provide interesting results!

Magnets causes the body to become alkaline, especially that part of the body where the magnet is attached. 

Any strength (gauss) magnet will work, but only use magnets on the head area during waking hours. 

The energy from Ra (Sun) will magnify the strength of the magnet’s effect on the Pineal Gland. We all have to remember these experiments are spiritual/psychological. Successes or Failures in the schema of things to come, will all entirely be dependent upon yourselves. Good Health/Vita Intake/Protein/Mineral Intake etc. 
You can check for free where the solar storms are heading and are right now. When it comes to geomagnetism it reads Low, Calm and Storm readings of the solar's are concerned. I have not tried anything, following the Geo radiation.

Magnetic Field and the Pineal Gland

In a study on the Earth’s magnetic field’s effect on the pineal gland it was determined that geomagnetism appears to be one of the environmental conditions, which seem to enhance pineal activity. I am not sure about this, but the early astro-naughts were suffering in space for the lack of 7.8 hZ to keep both mind and body synchronized.
Personally unless a brain surgeon shows me proof that the Pineal Gland is calcified, then I will believe! Did anyone of you ever seen a calcified Pineal Gland? We need to start reading from experts in the brain field. If you think you have maybe just maybe giving a little wiggling room, it might be called something entirely different by theoretically causing damage much the same way.

Just recently there has been considerable interest in the effect of the earth’s magnetic field (EMF) on living organisms, particularly as a direction finder. This interest seems to be spreading into much more esoteric fields, parapsychology being one of them. There is magnetite in the brain, we can all agree with this. Also, the iron in your blood. Women have very low iron and must supplement.

Honestly, I never considered the Geo-Magnetism when it came to dowsing or third eye chakra stimulation. Maybe I should start with the little knowledge I have right now and peek at some anecdotal reviews from others several years ago.

There are suggestions that Psi abilities, is related to changes in magnetic field strength. There is the suggestion that Psi ability is linked with the pineal gland and the pineal gland is affected by geomagnetic variations as shall be detailed in this article. 

I myself am not a psychic even though I can dowse efficiently. I had psychic experiences all my life! It's not like I can go into a sitting trance and conjure up different non-worldly actions. What allows me to experience such things is, a willing participant and leaving "self" out of it! Also, with cutting edge tools to assist me in my quest.

There are suggestions that dowsing ability is related to the EMF. There are suggestions that UFO phenomena are linked with areas of geomagnetic anomaly and UFO phenomena seem to have a psi component. I can't say off hand, I ever experienced seeing UFO's. I see them after the HDR takes me to other dimensions. It happened once the beginning of 2020.

That mask with magnetite installed in the front of the mask, you place the center of the mask over your third eye. The person selling it also created some off CD's of some kind of meditation. The mag's are rare earth and produce 14800 gauss.

The only question we have is, how does one harness this geomagnetic anomaly? Psychics can easily lower the magnetic shielding in their pineal glands with the magnetite we are born with. If it's hard for you to bring yourselves down to 7.8hz tappable frequencies, then you should serious consider other esoteric devices to help you get there.

Yet for me personally, I am confused as too, why Walters even tried such an experiment. This was not in his field of expertise! I am glad it worked for him and his experience opens new possibilities. 

When he experienced all these things he recorded, he never again wanted to do it! From reading about Walter, he operates mainly from the left side of his brain. He is wearing sleep mask in the center is earth rare magnet imbedded in the center of mask over the third eye.

Our brains are electrical/chemical ran by nature! Which could be, why one is able to tap into the Schulman Frequency. This might be a foundational approach as to the "Why" of it...

Putting all these individual pieces together an intriguing picture emerges, which suggests that the old idea of a “sixth sense” may be just that, a sensitivity to the EMF's. Our brains are an electro-chemical in nature and it doesn't seem that far fetched with the hypothesis of being or experiencing Psychic events.

However, this sensitivity is a subliminal perception, and so the psychological process by which we become aware of this information is in many ways similar to that by, which we become aware of Psi inputs. 

If you can't access subconscious mind at 7.8 hZ, the magnet should help this out a lot with the North Side between the eyebrows for 30' a day for 30 days! You can eventually go for more time and bigger magnets.

Dowsing Map Reading

From a practical and subjective level of awareness of the EMF and awareness of psi information will manifest in very similar ways. Thus map dowsing (awareness of psi impressions) and field dowsing (awareness of electromagnetic impressions) manifest in similar ways, the dowser obtaining information from the swing of a pendulum or from rods. 

What we are finding more and more is, electro magnet and geomagnetic fields are extremely effected by solar storms! This effects our Pineal Glands amongst many other things! Pineal is an important gland, especially for sleep!

These being a sort of biofeedback tool informing the conscious mind of subliminal body responses. This suggests, as with my research into more traditional subliminal perceptions, that the line between sense perceptions and psi perceptions is a very fuzzy one, the one merging imperceptibly into the other.

In other words, consciousness can be altered when the pineal gland is "stimulated" through changes in either the electromagnetic or geomagnetic fields. There is a link that tells you if there is a Geo Storm or if it's quiet...I thought this was a good referral about the earths magnetic fields at the current time.

The Resonance is, the frequency of the electromagnetic field of the earth is for some reason in the above image is "Accelerating". Changes in the earth’s magnetic field affect the production of melatonin and serotonin in the pineal gland, as well as brainstem acetylcholine levels. 
I know you all heard of this once before here, the importance of being grounded! There is an artificial way and a natural way. We are talking about being grounded physically not spiritually. You can either use a grounding mat or go in your bare feet walking on grass or soil for half hour.
We can do things like bathing one's mind with a frequency generator at the 7.8 hZ. But here's the thing, it would be artificial at best. You also must ground yourself to the earth's "ground" to allow the bad current or the static electricity to be directed back into earths soils.
This Schumann Resonance 7.8 Hz is; what we were psychologically and physically connected to our planet. when we were born. When we sent man into the space station for months at a time, they would mentally be breaking down because the lack of this frequency of 7.8 Hz.

I've read some testimonies at and two or three gentleman left their results for us to contemplate. One guy took a refrigerator magnet and placed it over his third eye between his eyebrows for about two weeks. He too experienced different visions verses with Walters visions. These experiments don't have to be expensive to work!

When we try new things, we want instant satisfaction from our little effort put in. The real world's instant gratification is an "Illusion" on the grandest of scales. Nothing is for free! Of course our liberal educators teach our new generation to takeover that, all things are theirs for the taking.

He was at first disappointed that it would take thirty days for thirty or so minutes before he would experience anything. But he stuck with the protocol of Walters makeshift experiment. He used the magnet for 30 days! I would imagine after a week of wearing this makeshift device, the placebo effect would be nullified. This will allow the experimenter to get pure information from this point on.
He had some very powerful visions that came to pass the next day, what he saw was his friend died and being buried. The next day another associate called him to tell him the bad news about his friend. Did he look into a direct future or other timeline's future. It's my belief he may have used a form of Remote Viewing. Being physically at home but projecting his conscious/subconscious mind to tune into this future time.

He was able to see into the future about his friend only to be confirmed the following day. Question: Would he have experienced something anyways without the magnets influence? I guessing we will not know either way! Something happened to Walter's frontal lobe! I am currently using the Head Coil of the HDR. The frequencies running through the coil will effect the brain and allow for possible psychic breaches.

Everyone talks about the Pineal Gland, I just want you to know this gland is real, it's not a spiritual part of our brain! Some think if you decalcify the pineal gland, it would allow one to become 3rd Eye psychic. 

The science behind it is; there is a fine electromagnetic protection surrounding our pineal gland with a sac of fluid, which stunts are metaphysical vision. This is for good reasons, to save your life and to become "grounded" with the Schulman Frequency emitted from earth. When we talk about our brain the lines become blurred to know what is physical and what is psychical. 

According to Walter Rawls, we can overcome this limitation for a small fraction of a "window" by manipulating the magnetic influence. It's funny I tried to look this person up in the current time of this article and I find absolutely nothing about Walter Rawls! Kinda of makes you feel this is a made up character! Quite possible it is!
This is for good reasons! If your third eye gland were to be operating, while driving your car and all of the sudden you're scenery melts away and you're now driving in a huge pasture with cows all around and you're ready to run the cow over, would you try to avoid it? If you whipped around the cow, what would happen when you are still driving on the real road?

I wonder before people decide to dimensional travel, if they ever questioned themselves in what kind of situations would have them react when entering a true dimensional rift. How would they react if both worlds would cause a blur? 

Of course you would, it would be a natural instinct. But your forgetting your still on the road headed for work! By missing the cow by turning abruptly, would you in your physical plane run your car off the road? In our reality, we generally don't have this scenario to worry about. But when your dimensional travel is being blurred of your physical travel we could possibly injure ourselves and those around you.
You can now see, what might or might not occur, when keeping this third eye activated in the Beta Mind State. Nature allowed this course of action for your own safety. Sure, metaphysical self proclaimed doctorates will tell you the spirituality of the Pineal Gland and will tell you like everyone else, it must be decalcified. What does this pineal gland that is calcified look like in the books of medicine or is this a Hindu version explanation.

Yet, there is no known proof the Pineal gland is or is not calcified, I might be wrong, so I am open to any suggestions.Neural surgeons don't talk about the third eye as this is pertain only on a spiritual level. I know the third eye chakra exists, I experienced it first hand! My heart burn in this is, how can one know if one's pineal gland is calcified?

The battle rages on for myself, there is just no scientific evidence that the Pineal gland can calcify by any kind of substance allowed into our bodies. If you can prove me wrong with a science backup, I will be happy! If not, I take my stance, don't be fooled!
When in fact, a doctor working with cadaver's, had sliced open the brain and look at all these glands. Nothing ever reported to see ones own pineal gland to determine if it's calcified or not. It could be better explained, the reason you can't use the third eye because if it is not exercised through! As you have been reading in this article, the magnet pineal stimulator measuring EMF at 14,000 gauss with a 12 pound pull.

One can use the disc magnet with incredible gauss strength.

It is not known at this time if the gauss is responsible for stimulating the Pineal Gland or the magnets pulling power or both. This is where we all come in, magnets are cheap and you can purchase a velcro self adjustable band from Amazon to help you to center and keep the magnet situated between the eyebrows. Most of if not all of this article were research in 2009. I couldn't find anyone currently do these experiments.

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  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...