Saturday, June 22, 2024



I had sometime to relax for a few minutes, I was straightening out my disaster in the making of my office desk, to make it  look a bit more professional before I begin doing "Video's".  The things that interest me, most people would not waste their time and effort especially on their off time!

I just cranked up my SE-51000 and had to create a "Word " tuning 

For our pet Smokey! His eye was swelled up to closing. I cut my dog's hair for a sample using the dogs, DNA makeup. This is not recommended but I had no Direct DNA such as a paw nail I used at best a printed picture and now we are talking radionics that is scalar entanglement.

I placed on the Spooky2 Scalar his fur, I am getting his nails cut 

Tomorrow. As Jeff related to me, hair sample are not enough to go into an entanglement process. You would have to pull the bulb, no way! I use finger nails that contain the special DNA.

I will ask for a clipping of his paw nails and use this as the tele-link 

Attraction through DNA transmission, my made up version! On top of this, I placed a picture of my SE-51000 on the transmitter and place a small quartz crystal sphere! Get as much boost as I can. Sometimes our chakra's and DNA's are weakened daily by so many different things being bombarded on us.

Now that I got the Spooky2 Scalar! All I am doing are simple tests 

During the day and several night tests of restructuring our water 80z cup into the freezer overnight. I was digging around for some information regarding our crypto's we purchase two years ago. 12 May 24. 

Like all those who purchased this Spooky2 Scalar it changes the structure of the RO Water, it already knows, what this machine can accomplish. I wanted to do a simple experiment placing a 8 ounce of water in a clear glass and froze the water all night long. Not surprising, it showed a tornado in a glass. My Spooky 2 Scalar structure our RO water!


The pattern above was created using my Spooky 2 Scalar by placing the 

On the transmitter and a crystal sphere on the "receiver". It was ran for twenty minutes. I was going to do 3 minutes is, all it takes! But I have to review all my options at this point, such as, does the structure of water become stronger or not!

But I am trying another approach and this is, by placing certain 

Frequencies from the GEN-X from Spooky2 Scalar and then freeze it and look at it in the morning! Of course, as it melts drink it all up! It is scientifically proven because we have a clear visual when using ORGONITE and Scalar. 

But I got sidetracked with something else. Let it freeze overnight and this 

Is what we got! The water was structured along with colloids. Then just as melts sip it down! This structured water is "Hexagonal" water with real life! Read up on Emoto or go to YouTube. They had some crazy things they did to water and placing the end product under the microscope and truly discovered another world. 

Testing is so underrated these days! It is through such actions that helps you understand the device you are using and helps the experimenters to handle more advanced projects! What we are doing is, sleeping in the field in the "Natural Scalar" mode! It's been a month and my sinus issues are gone forever! 

Another way to test it is, plant wheat in an egg carton and black dirt place

In their wheat grass seeds on one side and soak the treated seeds with structured water for a few minutes and let them both grow! As soon as it breaks ground and grow about two inches or more in height. 

I will dig those seeds up and place them on a paper towel and the non-

Treated seeds on its own paper towel and then comparing the two looking at the seeds pods size and the root size! There is so much you can do with such a machine as this. Take pictures "before and after" with each experimented!

I taken the glass of water out our freezer and to my utter surprise the 

Spooky2 Scalar restructured the water and I only had this water on the transmitter for 20 minutes, I could have went shorter time, and used the natural scaler mode, my own structure water at any time I want. I am waiting for the HU sound the changing of tones alternating between the left and right ears!

It's not hard to believe one can make a 1500% profit when buying at a fraction of a penny! At first, we felt the same way when we ventured into crypto buying! One in particular we have SHIBU UNO coin, she purchased one million at around .000031 of a penny. 

If it goes to one dollar she will make a $11,000,000.00! Will it go that 

High? I guess your guess is as good as mine at the moment. Nothing ventured nothing gained. It hardly cost us at the time that much money! $40.00 for the initial one million coins. The most I can lose is $40.00 and the most I can gain is one million dollars.

The Feds handed over crypto from SEC to CFTC or the commodities

Markets. This market ( commodity) have their stringent rules on what they will allow you trade and how much if any. This will only affect the new people coming into the market in the next few months.

Getting back to my wife, she was going through her records when she 

Matched the prices of the coins. We have our initial investment (modest) compared to some standards. She pointed out to me and said, "look at this"! The reason for the big money made in Crypto is we purchase fractions of coins its price! .0035 cents x the number of coins you want.

She pointed out that what she invested and how much our overall 

Portfolio was  and is today! ****We made 700% returns in the last two years****. You know we couldn't have made these kinds of profits, if we had decided to just trade stock! Obviously! The more coins or stocks you own the more money you will make if you are right about the move!

On top of all that above,I found out my two ounces of gold are now worth

$2,300.00 per ounce. We bought it for $1200.00 per ounce two years ago. It's all fine and dandy but even for us it was a long wait! Not many of us out here were born with the silver spoon in mouth! So, we purchased "Silver Eagle coins" around 75 of them when silver was at $14.00 per ounce! 

We got our Gold 3 years ago or so costing per ounce we purchase gold for around $1600.00 per ounce. Silver cost us in those three years ago. We purchased at $15.00 per ounce x 75 ounces at that time. Using the crypto as back up. 

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Black Swan Capital told us, to do some research into VELO, 

This one is a sleeper and when the ALT coins bull run kicks in overnight etc. these will go up with BitCoin. No matter who says what, it's still your own responsibility to do your due research. We don't need Uncle Joes advice! It's your money on the line not theirs. 

As the gold as far as going upward, not being the same prices!

$26.68 per ounce! We purchase at $12.00 per ounce (75) total coins around 2 years or so. These investments are to hedge our inflated dollar! The prices have been under the thumb of the central banks around the world and our stock markets.

My two ounces of gold the last I seen it at $2,300.00x 2 = 

$4600.00 plus  our 75 silver dollars around $1800.00 along with my portfolio of crypto coins. These go up and down all year long. We purchased tokenized Gold and Silver and it actually went up along with tokenized Uranium and Diamonds. 

When the crypto is experiencing a bull run to the upside. 

These percentages are within a single day or hour at times! This is not like any traditional banking system or trading market like that of stocks or commodities or indexes. It is "Decentralized" trading in other words, like that of the US. Treasury or the DJIA or no single entity.

Get ready to buckle up! BRICS has 5-6 more nation states to join in the Crypto Economy! I talked with people from all over and many have no idea what I am talking about here! This is good for the Black Rock and the Commodities exchanges around the world. These are known as whales, they accumulate billions of  "XRP" and lock them up in "liquidity Pools".

And Nasdaq or Commodities etc. wants to dip their hands in 

The cookie jar. They found out it will be virtually impossible to do so. (Decentralized Block Chains). The Federal Government controls the commodities (CFTC) including all precious and semi-precious metals etc. And SEC is for the stocks market enforcements!

The governments of the world and that of the Central Banks, 

Who are nearly set to use their CBCD. Many Americans won't even know they can buy such things. My partner in another state in Kanas City. He stuck with me through thick and thin and now that he is a millionaire, my wife and I will catch up either this year or next in 2025.

At the beginning he tried to get his banks to make payments 

But the banks like that of D-Party put up a blockage to everyone's bank accounts via letter. They said, it's our monies now! Once you make your deposit it no longer belongs to you! It is this mentality is why all the small banks are going under and the big ones are gobbling these up!

Most of us one time or another had a silver dime, quarter, nickels along with 1/2 Dollar and a whole one dollar silver eagles. This was where we started what we could afford! 2 ounces of gold and 75 ounces of silver known as the Poor Mans Gold. Silver is most affordable to middle class. 

Things To Remember Before Buying Gold Silver Coins - jmbarreda

That if you have gold coins you must turn them in at your local banks if not, you will go to prison if you are caught using it as legal tender! 

This was the Federal Governments way of forcing anyone, who hoarded up any gold. The other method was make the gold value fall by pressing on the scales using futures contracts. This way the government done this so they could buy back your gold on pennies on a dollar.

The poor become more poor! it's unfortunate some people, 

Who had gold, the government threaten prison if anyone was caught trying to trade in the black markets! Some people are not born with a silver spoon, that would be around 98% of hardworking people. This was because Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard.

They worked hard in every sense of the word all their lives and stuffed 

Anyway "gold" coins and silver coins in coffee cans, the old farmers buried it at some fence post on the property fence lines as emergency funds if the need arises, even if jail time was possible. 

We live in a concrete jungle and there are two types of animals you have to watch out for! The first on the top of the food chain is the rich man and second is the poor man there are no in-betweens in this jungle. There is the hunter and the hunted. 

I learned this when I was trading in commodities in the early 80's. 

No AI, pure skill sets was our only weapon of choice! So I became a technical chartist! It was no picnic that was for sure. I couldn't get rich because I needed to have $20,000.00 bank role! Pretty much ate the crumbs that fell from the apex traders on the floor.

Rich become richer because of Wall Street, they traded hundreds 

Of billons and Trillions of dollars worth of securities, by trading the mass number of stocks/commodities. or Cryptos! The world banks want to takeover all crypto and price you and I out of this market. Then the prices 

There will be many people, who kicked the can down the road 

And will kick themselves for not purchasing these alt.Coins, when they were cheap, dirt cheap! We are entering into a new dimensional economy! This is no longer science fiction! Passing that first crypto bill will bring in renovation of our economy that the world has ever seen!

Check this out, Uncle Sam (Trump) gives us $1200.00 per person. 

$2,400.00 free money per couple X-Pelosi called it chicken crumbs. So we purchased 75 ounces of Silver and two ounces of Gold and thousands of crypto coins! $1200.00 per ounce for gold. Now it is around $2,300.00 per ounce for the gold and $30 per ounce for the silver. 

It's not the gold or silver or any other such metals to hedge your investments, it is about the new "Kid" on the block and his name is called, "XRP" and other Alt. Coins that are EU certified ISO-compliant 200222. 

Make sure it is a "service" coin in the eco-world of crypto. 

They support "Off ramps" or other needed supplemental services to enhance the buyers and sellers experiences especially cross boarder services with "XRP". It's worth the research if you take it from here and do some little research.

One just can't plop down a gold coin and buy milk and bread, 

When bread costs $8-10.00 per loaf, gold and or silver could be hovering above 3-4$000.00 per ounce and silver $400-$500 per ounce. Don't laugh, it's coming whether you believe it or not! Not one of my readers when it happens can blame me not telling them what is about to overcome all of them.

It will go up and down as the large institutions directs 

And thumbs on the scale, they control the markets, not you and I. We can only hope to get a sliver of it and crypto answers that call! Crypto places people like you and I who have to work two or three jobs just to put food on the table.

This Gold and Silver is not something for the average investors 

Because it is for a hedging long term investments and to counter bad economies and this could take the investor 20 years for prices to go up in the many thousands of dollars. Most consider this to be "long" term investing. Most investors die holding on to these precious metals and never seeing a profit!

We purchased them for different reasons. When we purchased these

When Trump was president, and if the dollar falls and it's going to, the gold will skyrocket and only the rich will partake in its profits. The whole economic system is ran by backroom bankers and certain congressional men and women and certain Senators!

The way I see it, every time one mentions of investing, it can be costly just for the charting programs out there, runs from $500.00 for the access to special trading tools. Up to $10,000.00+ in some cases. Trading American Markets (The Indexes) to be able to use its database cost a monthly payment. 


This would be included with the total cost it would take to trade the

Markets. Last but not least, having the money on hand to trade these markets So, from my experiences when I won, loss, or breakeven. It takes a brave conservative investor trading against the biggest "Evil" people of the world. 

Before the elections, keep your savings in cash but take it out a little 

At a time from your banks. Take a per-day withdraw, if you try getting the whole amount either in hundreds or thousands, there are bigger banks that would forbid you to close out your savings. It's happening right now all over the world. 

Besides all this, not too many people can tie up 

This kind of investment for several years! I don't blame them one bit! We don't have the luxury of time, when we have to work almost three jobs to make ends meet! Spending hundreds of dollars for coins may or may not allow you and restrict you to a lower amount or a higher amount. There are tons of banks closing big ones eat up the little ones!

Do you remember the saying on T.V. "Kids say the darns things! You never know in a general conversation lies your answer you were looking for but the conversation was something of the opposite Altogether! Synchronicities, when two unrelated issues brings an answer through other conversations. This doesn't happen all the time!

16 Reasons Traditional Families Are The Only Valid Families

Quality times with your parents and sons and daughters 

Is worth its weight in gold! The "XRP" at .53 cents currently, this will buy you one coin! $5.00 this will buy 10 coins and 50.00  this will buy you one 100 coins for $530.00 and so forth! Get only what you can afford to tie up!

You know I mentioned not to long ago,  my good friend

In the mid-west, he called me up one afternoon to discuss how our experiments with the Spooky2 Scalar and where to place certain "samples" on which coils! He found what he likes using is the natural scalar, it takes awhile longer, but it assures a win!

But like clockwork our conversation goes into the crux 

Of it all discussing, the new finds either one us about different technologies. For me is the "AO4000 orgonite broadcasters. Very much detailed work, in fact amazing! They had eleven years in this business. I guess this guy who sells these off is radio tech savvy. 

With this device, since I received this ten or so days ago, using the device with using questionable pictures what I mean is; if you are going to use real pictures, you must find a polaroid camera that use "Silver Bromide". 

Silver bromide (AgBr) precipitate - Stock Image - A500/0640 - Science ...


Or something like its POGO printer bluetooth. 

These pictures are small but perfect in size placing it in the SE-51000 or on top of my Spooky2 Scalar coils. Silver Bromide captures the photons of outside light and develops the picture which contains your aura shell.

Because the device uses the source of energies 

By developing the picture with silver bromide. Some photographers still use such a device. It is very dependable and was successful being used as a carrier wave to a target (Radionics). 

It captures the photons emanating from your 

From our bodies, your basic aura inner life source emanates. One came with my SE-51000 but it's not working it has a usb you plug into the computer for charging "nothing" at least for now! 

Radionics has been around for many years, most 

Operators only used Polaroid 600 development! The Silver Bromide developed the picture it captures the bio-photons emanating from the body-100% connection. No digitals! With today's technologies and AI and there are products showing up now and then.

I ran my SP2 generators and placed my picture on the transmitter they 

Are developed by silver bromide, it collects the bio-photons coming off the body! There's your DNA. Regular pictures won't cut it. I have a camera that came with the SE-51000 about ten years ago! It worked a few times and got packed away! For developing a picture.

I just need for you all to know, I didn't learn of this, Polaroid seemed to be the only camera that I know of to do a developed picture within the camera itself! Instant photo, instant capture of the persons bio-photons. It is like copying your auric radiation! Our subconscious minds are connected to the "target"!

Don Paris PH.D. (H.C.) - Chi Organizer




When I purchased the Spooky 2 Scalar. Don Paris told me, 

Use only the cameras that I have included with the SE-51000, that uses silver bromide for copying your bio-photons, in its developing of  pictures. POGO printer uses such a metal. Keeping in the back of the mind, one can use finger nails for the DNA not hair unless you pull out its bulb! 

It's been twenty minutes, since firing up the Spooky2 Scalar 

With Smokey's DNA on top of the transmitter and there. The next was to take his eye medicine and place it on the "Receiver". What I don't have is a piece of his toenail which contains a wealth of DNA used for  only person it came from.

The Receivers showed when you press the silver button, if it lights, 

This indicates the scalar field is present. After that, just shut off the light on the receiver, this all we use it for. We also used the SE-51000 using my own customized word tunings. 24/7! His word programming his body revealed

I done simple bare to the bone testing of Spooky2 scalar, so far so good, I fixed smokies eyes by running Don Paris "word tuning Rates"! Every morning and night, he would wake up. I know quite a few people who never done something like this, wouldn't know where to start. Like all of us, one step at a time!

Dog Swollen Eye Home Treatment: 6 Easy Remedies

His eyes were swollen shut. 

My wife was worrying about her baby Shih Tzu. I place the hair and realized I didn't have the appropriate DNA sample like that of a finger nail or toenail. 

I used what I had available. 

My SE-51000 is a little less critical when it comes to DNA. I am still looking for a old polaroid that uses silver bromide to develop their instant pictures.

That sample eye drops we got from the vets medicine, 

It was placed in the marked spot on the receiver (Input Coil). The next step, I had to tune the machine like you would do for a 50 years radio, the ones with the gas tubes technologies of its day. Once your tuning's been hit, your setting light will be at its highest glow on the transmitter! I can turn on my touch lamp by tapping on the transmitter coil twice!

One day, my dear friend called me up and we got to talking 

About different experiments we conducted, over the years gone by around 10 years or so! We both live in the mid-west but different states. I was telling him, I have to wait because too much money to spend at this time.

He told me, oh, I want to know did you check on that bit-coin. 

I mentioned to you? I told him, "I just don't understand crypto"! I am from the old school of trading stocks and commodities every now and then. I am a chartist and I do this for relaxation, forecasting price movements for 5-10 days at the beginning when prices turnaround to go up! 

He wasn't rubbing his profit profile in my face! Not this guy, he is humble and open minded to talk with. He is an "Introvert" person and keeps to himself most of the time and helps his father at there dairy farm! He tried all kinds of healing devices for both his aging parents, some worked others were questionable! 

Did you know, today's "bookies" are big business in the USA and 

Around the world using the USD in all sorts of illegal manners. Las Vegas is one of those playgrounds for thieves, murders, cheating and lying! What about the network child selling going all over the world and a handful of people becoming unheard of rich! What is their medium of exchange, if you guess the US dollar you are 100% right! 

3D Render Golden Theta Cryptocurrency Coin Symbol Close Up View Stock ...


He taken the chance to invest $8000.00 in Bitcoin almost 

Eight years ago! I don't think I would have been that brave. His bank refused years ago to allow him to buy what he wanted, let that sink in for a while, to make a payment from his checking account! You see the banks own your property until you withdraw those properties. 

Does this make any sense from Senator Warren as she states, 

That anyone trading crypto are money launders and crooks! What happens when you and I receive the US dollar note? What happens, when people copy the dollar a "Counterfeiter". Was this behavior non-existent today? Comparing bitcoins only around 8-9 years old the USD was existing for 200 years!

Senator Warren and the great Gary Gensler from SEC (chairman), is losing the case against Ripple! Because of this, "XRP" is being re-listed with the big Kahoona's! 2024 is going to be one hell of a pay raise to those, who are paying attention.

We still have the same people (evil)! Let's take 

A trip back in time in the past several months! Do we still have bookies at horse races, trading markets with inside information and making millions of US dollars right within both senate and congressional people, when their yearly salaries are around $250,000.00 per year!

Finally he, my friend found someone in his hometown 

That would send the monies, so he can buy crypto both [Bitcoin and Theta coins]! He made $175,000 in Theta and 375,000.00 in BitCoin. He diversified with his $8000.00! This was a smart move on his part! 

But his risk of investing into  these two cryptos would be way 

Over the top! he was lucky! It taken him 8 years before he made all this and eight years is not all that long of time! He purchased the coins and forget it and look once around every 6 months! Earlier he was watching the markets everyday for six months and it was such a roller coaster ride he couldn't take it anymore! He decided if I lose, I lose!

Crypto is here! Even if you don't believe in it, believe this, you will one morning waking up to a new monetary system and the US dollar will be dismissed! Why does the government keep spending what we don't have? Because they know the USA dollar will be in insolvency big time! Crypto then paves the way for its investors.

Not a bad haul! My close friend of ten plus years is none of 

These things they claim. Warren represents the big banks, big bucks to promote the evil of investing in crypto! Look it up for yourselves! It would mean a whole lot more adding to your current understanding than to blindly listen to me in this article. 

You get out with profit! He told me, you remember 

Six years ago? I told you about? "I placed $8000.00 into bitcoin and into "Theta"? Vaguely, I told him, what up with those coins you purchased several years back? My friend and fellow researcher takes extreme approaches when it comes to things that are not well known. 

I can almost see him smile like that of a Chester cat! 

Don't think for one moment I don't remind myself everyday of the first opportunity to go back to the past, I would have come up with what I needed had I understood what crypto was about. Excuses or not, we learned a very valuable lesson when having "skin" in the game!

He said, do you remember I told you, you should have bought 

That Theta! yes, we bought it and my wife after several weeks seen its price drop she panicked and sold it for a small loss! This is called, "The Lion after the lamb"! Typical "works" of a beginning trader! Allowing your "Hyper-Emotions or (HE) in a buy or sell situation. The professional traders count on this!

I heard about crypto trading 6 years ago, my friend and co-researcher decided to really take a chance with his $8000.00 portfolio. It was three years ago that he told me he made some money in Bitcoin and THETA! I asked him, well how much? He told me, I made $175,000.00 in THETA and $250,000 in Bitcoin! (I wished I listen to him six years ago).

He told me, I guess I was lucky, I made $175,000.00 in Theta 

And around $150,000.00 in bitcoin. I know this guy, he works at Walmart as a forklift driver moving pallets etc. for a living! Nothing wrong with that! He didn't quit his job and is happy with his retirement. I told him I will do one better! My wife is behind the wheel of this monster truck.

If I wasn't listening to my friend and fellow researcher 

Back then, I am sure am now! Made me wonder what I could have pulled off! But the credit belongs to my wife, she found the opportunity to solve this puzzle. My friend, he had the money $8000.00 to split on bitcoin and theta but he didn't know enough about it to explain it to me.

She's been like this like a pitfall of  22 years of knowing her. 

She spent all her waking hours to learn these volatile coins and gave it to me to watch for market pull backs to buy into at low prices (Buy and Hold) pattern only! Later on you will have plenty of time spending your profits!

For those years I traded minimally the stocks, 

I wasn't allowed by any exchange to trade "spreads", call and put options and commodities such as "PorkBellies", "Live Cattle" etc.! This happens, when politics are in charge, can we say (SEC)! Fortunately, Gary Gensler and Warren were shot down completely and Ripple won their case.

You will look at your crypto chart (Daily) chart time frame! You will see those 3 Moving Averages all going the same directions but some slower to react and that is a momentary trading pause! These usually occur at the 50-day and 200 day moving averages. 

It's this pause that people stop to determine if the market 

From this point is; going to be bullish or bearish. When all 3 averages move from the bottom to the top, it looks like a squeezing of these averages and from that squeeze comes rapid higher prices or lower prices!

We have 9-Day MA (EMA), the white color line and we have 

The 50-Day MA (SMA) "Blue" line or whatever color you want to make it! Lastly is the "Magenta" color 200-Day MA! When all three lines crossover to the upside out of the oversold area, we want to purchase the crypto coins.

My primary tools are the 9-Day EMA 9-Day Smoothing 

Called the "T-LINE"! Crossovers both at the bottom and the top crossing also known as the (Death Cross) and the Stochastic Oscillator agreeing either with the price high or price low, anything else used would just be confirming information that battle within yourselves and are the odds for or against your position. 

This particular model I use is, I like to "Swing" trade only 

To the upside and the turnaround at the bottom of the chart going into a new trend to the upside. When trading "crypto" it is a more "volatile" coin! It can be in a sideways channel for months it rises 4% and drops around 4%! This is called the "Traders Trap"! Snaking channel big investors create these to get us out! 

And within on 24 hour trading day it can spring up 900 to 1000%! 

How do you think people like farmers and line workers became overnight millionaires buying the crypto? This our government will not stand for! They want every penny you risked to trade such a monies and all the 3 jobs you maybe holding down, just to purchase these coins a few hundred a month!


Doing this type of high volatile coins, one has got to ride their breaks and not purchasing this or that because someone tells you too! Do your research, type in, coin complaints, and ask Chat GPT what would be the better coin etc. You must diversify to protect your gains!

If she can't fix it, hardly anyone could! So, we purchased "XRP" 

For 4000 coins when it was around .46 cents! Its counterpart "XLM" from LOBSTER under Stellar, we purchased 10,000 of those coins. One of the coins from Stellar we own, popped up from Ripple testing the Ripple Ledger system, it accredited our account for the sum of: $6,000,000.00 dollars!

There are a (11) others we have! We have a few tokenize coins that 

Represent the gold and silver and uranium and diamonds, would you believe we are making a profit on these tokenized coins! We are researching to purchase a fraction of their costs and when the crypto bull market kicks in those prices are gone forever! 

Within a week my wife managed to purchase from 

One million coins is a cheap price and in the many thousands of them of other compliant coins with the EU standards of trading over cross boarder payments and each of these coins are considered service coins and XRP will move the worlds money. 

She purchased 12 core cryptos like "XRP", "XLM", "HBAR" etc. 

From 2 years ago until this present time, we pulled in over 700% in our portfolio! Honestly, even though we made a few thousand coin profits in all that time. It hasn't gone into a bull market as of yet, it's been 3 1/2 years.

You don't have to be beginner trader! You just want to know enough when to purchase at a cheaper price! This is where the T-Line shines, when prices climb above it, we are bullish and when prices fall below the T-Line the market is becoming bearish. We don't want to be on the wrong side of the markets!

For us to be financially independent, we need to make triple the pricing 

Per coin. What if I would have placed all that money in "XRP"? I would have a 50/50 chance of just making a few dollars. Keeping in mind, Chance favors the prepared Mind. We can't be 100% certain when market movements seem to be alive and taking no prisoners. 

Diversification in this case is "King of Balanced Power"! 

People mistaken a "pull back" in prices as a trend change, when the market seems to be rising, only once when you get in and that is you putting skin in the game, the markets turned around to continue its downtrend, more than likely you will be stopped out of the market!

It's my guess the T-Line was still following the downtrend. 

We need this 9-Day moving average EMA not SMA with basic patterns around those key turning points. The professional traders are also caught off guard, when a "Divergence" (hidden) phenomena that appears six to eight times a year! If you're not looking for or at it! 

In today's markets and if you are serious about your monies in stock or crypto, there are easy ways to identify short term trends going up or down. You really need to get a charting program that has it all, especially forecasting that temporary trend.

If the turnaround in prices is going down, yet the price chart 

Is rising! His would be a simple Bearish Divergence pattern the same goes to the opposite to the upside, this would be called a "Bullish Divergence"! It is one part of this phenomena and it happens 8x in a 12 month period. Once you see the patterns you would spot it right away! Stochastic Oscillator when it goes the opposite way it is diverging.

When two coins go up and four down you still will show a profit 

But not as fast. If all your monies were just put on this one coin, when the coin falls you will be in the "RED" and see other coins in its universe all went up!  My friend placed 50% in bitcoin and 50% in THETA coin. We diversified by purchasing 11 other crypto's! Balance helps, while you wait two coins may fall and nine others rise! 

It's not rocket science or even difficult! The big plague of trading is not 

Knowing what to buy but knowing when to sell is even more critical. Prices going up that seem like forever but each time you wanted sell, your emotions refused to do so. I use the T-Line Death Crossover to get out of the market drop and take my profits! When prices run out of momentum and begin to fall.

For some of you out there visiting here for the first time, one 

Struggles to as certain what those 3 tools really mean and without the understanding it would just be another general stock trading toolkit. Not this time! The T-Line once clicked on to use we change one value from 8-Day Moving Average EMA to a 9 day-EMA. This higher number allows me to stay in a bit longer.

If you want to know what the secret is trading these coins is "Patience" and research the instrument you want to invest into! This is not a get rich quick scheme. Alt-coins have a once every two to three years cycle ups- trending cycle from bottom unto the top in profits or losses depending if you were correct picking the right coin to make money.


I admit even though she paid for all this with her tenacity, 

You know we are creatures of habits and structure, change any of this formula, us ole folks put up that wall to feel comfortable and to stay where we feel comfortable, when trading stocks or Crypto. But I eventually wanted to learn and have learned how the crypto moves in these markets.

Two years later, it was pretty easy! 

One just does their research and carry it with their own conviction's, this comes from knowledge and the inner-guts intuition! I am going to expand on this in a little bit more! I put this question on the table, "Would Subliminal training help with your trading and increase your intuition?

The dollar is worthless and there is a control demolition happening 

In front of our eyes, to take down the dollar, only to introduce the CBDC. The government causes the problem and turns around offering you the solution! Who trades crypto? Oh! Senator Warren states it is a money laundering service for the Mathias and Drug Dealers! 

Right now all the Alt-Coins are in a downtrend! 

This is where my skills that I learned to use a special tool called, "T-Line"! This is interesting in and of itself trading tool. It's old school but very effective. I also use the 50-day EMA for the longer term trend where this market may go! If prices close above the 50-Day EMA we go long!

Trader Bigalow of over 30 years learned this technique in 

Swing Trading! You maybe in for a "week" or as much as two weeks. He was shown this by a junior broker in the early 70's, during that time Bigalow never heard of candlestick trading. He couldn't figure out, why the market each time he gets in would go down instead of up and he would sell on a few dollars profit of stock!

You got to talk with people, who made my friend and us a lot of money and we had only been in this for 2.3 years going on! Will it take us another 3.5 years to be like my friends? Right now, Ripple and SEC are hammering out a settlement as I write this! 

There's just a few more things that needs to be 

Done before employing the secondary markets to skyrocket. Those in the military know this saying, "Hurry Up and Wait"! This is for those who want to keep close to their crypto investments, use MetaStocks software it's the ultimate tool box for discovering trends in the markets and it has some big time forecasting software! 

If you buy it outright it will cost you $500.00 if you 

Buy the subscription instead of the software buy out, it will cost you around $85.00 per month and around $35.00 per month per market data. I used it in the 80's with big successes I was just a beginner trader.

There is no magic in the world that can position 

You make huge profits with a super low investment buying a fraction of a percent! Such as: buying a coin for .00043 for example! You could be buying a million of these coins for a hundred or so dollars! If you want to be Lion King in this new market, you must be on the offensive with your  set of knowledge skills. 

You should self educate learn how to use the stock software it has a superb "scanning" program! You can scan any stock or crypto with your parameters in mind. You will get the information within seconds not minutes.

That is how large investment companies who make lot's of 

Money by buying or selling millions of shares of a stock or crypto! If it goes up to 5 cents at the market closing, you made around $50,000.00 for that days close of the markets!  But with the same mindset, you can't trade a hundred coins and think you are going to get rich! One needs to buy fractions of a penny in or around a million or so!

Then your stock prices climbed in another month to: $10.00 per share 

Million of shares X $10.00 per share = $10,000,000 (gross profits). They neglect telling you, that the only way their material you purchased (the home study stock trading course, only work if you can trade a thousands of shares of stock!

Now you know how big time stock traders like that of, BlackRock.         

Makes huge amounts of monies in a single day! But the reality for you and I is, we can't afford to buy tens and thousands of shares of a stock even at .50 cents! Our 700% returns from a seed of $2,400.00 compliments of Uncle Sam for two free checks! We decided to use this for these coins! But I am waiting for the break neck explosion to the upside. 

I've been dabbling in stock trading and I sold commodities as well. Not to be rich, not that I wouldn't like to be rich, but it cost too much money even in the 80's! We had to have a minimum of $5000.00 in one's account when trading those "Commodities"! $1000.00 for stocks trading account.

What I am telling you all, I am not a junior when it comes to trading. 

I made a lot of people a lot of money in the commodities when I find "Shooting Star" pattern for a sliding down market at the time called, "Kansas City Wheat"! volume dropped and Momentum and on top all this, we had a Bearish Divergence pattern! 

Those who I talked with on the trading boards made a lot of money

With "Put" options I gave the signal to go short and nearly half of the traders went long big mistake on their parts. Betting on the markets to go down and down she did! The people who traded those put options purchased 10 each! 10x their monies.

I am a stock trader part time I trade Stock program  (metastock) 

And their data. It has all the tools I need to make a calculated order. Emotional histories which includes fear, excitement, sadness etc. and it shows us, what major trading firms are going to do. Are the prices of their purchasing going up or down?  

The big question begs an answer how do I know if the crypto or stock is too high to continue or is it low enough to buy at the bottom. What can I use to get better odds of winning? Use the Stochastic Indicator and change its numeric identifier  and will look like this, (12-3-3). 

It will give us an analytical view if the prices are in the 

Overbought or the "Oversold" condition. When they agree with each other or very close, pull the trigger on the trade. We are only buying crypto to fill our monetary goals and the more you own the more you will make! If you own a thousand coins, you multiply 1000 coin x current price!

If prices are high and you glance at your stochastic indicator 

You see it is in the "Overbought" area, manually tighten up your "stops" or use a trailing stop each time the market closes higher the next day, the trailing stop will automatically be adjusted according to what makes you comfortable, maybe set it around 15% below it's opening price.

Just follow the money and be patient, do not follow their behavior 

But only the direction they seemed to be going at the moment. Your 9-Day EMA (Moving Average) will show you a definite direction change. There are two simple ways to get in and to get out! You will use the stochastic 14-3-3 looking for "Oversold" area ready to go up or in the "Overbought" area 90+ above ready to go down! 

#1: If prices close above the T-Line in the Oversold area, the market 

Changes to the upside direction, buy what you can afford to get (coins). #2: If prices are in the "Overbought" area of the Stochastic Oscillator and the prices closes below the T-Line (Death Cross) not above it. 

Get out if you trade stocks and if you trade crypto stay out of the 

Market, hold on to your coins waiting for a bottom turnaround once again to buy once more at low prices. Same rules apply to anything you decide to trade. If you are serious about making money in stocks or crypto, get yourself the best program that the professionals use before making a trade at the close of the markets.

For seasoned traders, trading crypto is extremely volatile! I kid you not! One day for example crypto "X"was at .22 cents and three days later it is .75 cents! Depending on your finances, you can sell it for profit or wait out for the big payday ahead that is surely coming soon!

If you hold your crypto just let it be and when the crypto falls into the 

"Oversold area", if the T-Line prices close above it, we have a new trend change, buy what you can afford at that level! Never buy when the market is rising! Just hold your crypto to the end! You're only buying when you get a turnaround in the oversold area!

My goal is to buy low, only if the market signals us of a trend trade to 

The upside. Buying as the market is rising, now you're gambling and the odds will beat you down! The key to this game of crypto is to buy at a cheap price per coins and just staying out of the market going up, prices reached the overbought area on your stochastic oscillator showing, prices are falling, if our rules are followed. 

Wait til the markets stop dropping and look for 

That 9-Day T-Line to be crossed over  and prices close above it to the upside, now buy more coins at that price what you can afford to. You might have to pay a bit more depending where the turnaround is and what you purchased the last time or may not! Depends where the crossover is on that turnaround.

There are price patterns that re-occur in certain times of the year! For example during the presidential run, the Lame Duck President will lose power and the stock market begins to rise during that year and after the elections now comes crashing down is the stock market!

Being we purchase at the low on a bottom turnaround, there are no 

Guarantees that a new "low" may ever happen again at the same prices! So, if you are waiting for prices to fall 2 cents, you will buy it! But this time, prices fell only 1/2 of penny instead of 2 cents! Another missed Opportunity! Only a professional charting tool program can put you on the right side of the markets, no matter what they are!

But after the market finishes off that pullback in prices, it turns to 

Continue the uptrend! In this case, you missed another buying opportunity! Because that "Low" of several weeks back you purchased cheap prices was only temporary, a market exhale! People taking profits out and those switching positions to the upside. Market forces applied. 

In reality of trading, prices fall again but this time at a higher "low" 

Amount! It fell .50 cents before turning around to go back up! When dealing with the "low"s of the coin markets, the low maybe temporary pull back in the market or some fundamentally bad news today. 

It will reflect on your coin or stock prices. Stick with your 

Trading setup doesn't follow the money but follow the plan. You're not going to win every single time best case scenario 80 out of a 100 trades! This is if, you have a good charting program and being consistent with that program to give you those above odds. All trading buying or selling or holding what you are buying, is all about odds!

Everyone can read what I do below, but even the most prudent investor has to have a plan that doesn't keep them up worrying about their investments. I can't do that for you! I can tell you the best and most simple setups that can make you 6-8% rise or fall of a security or crypto's.

You stick with your rules that you will "buy" at the low of 2 cents 

But what if it never goes down to those levels for the rest of the year? You have to be flexible in your trading (buying or selling) plans. Only you can answer those questions! I have certain risk tolerances but not the same for everything trade! Certain trades click inside me to be a little more cautious. 

Our trade tools I use with confidence using my MetaStock Tool Box! 

I subscribe and it is a wee bit around $80 per month. My worse trading days while using it, I break even! Most of the time it's because I didn't see the most obvious signs right in front of me!

What do I do? Well, I pick the lows on the bottom turnarounds 

Confirmed by the 14-3-3 stochastic oscillator even if it I end up buying at a higher price than the last low turnaround. Let the prices rise and if it is not in your trading plan to sell when prices rise, all I do is waiting for the coins to fall and during that fall I am looking for an appreciable pull back in prices! (profit taking) or (Trend Change)! 

Just the smallest amount of tools needed to identify the possible Highs and Lows we look for! I love MetaStocks "Forecaster"! It puts the Elliot Wave to shame! I use their scanner and only input what I am looking for and what prices I am willing to pay to take a trade...

I will have to wait if it is a "trend" change to the upside again. 

I wait for the prices to close above the T-Line in the "oversold" area on the Stochastic Oscillator! Again long term range I use the 50-Day EMA and short term rise the 9-Day EMA. The choices are a lot when using the Metastock program.

Another thing to look for is, are the prices in a 

Divergence pattern? Look at the valley of the oscillator, is it rising or falling and what are the price valleys telling us is it rising or lowering! Typical Divergence patterns create these areas. Just you Chat GPT 4.0 and read exactly what I am discussing here. 

Also, prices rise considerably and  we are watching 

When to get out! I would look for the price tops rising but the stochastic tops are falling it is known as a Type I- Bearish Divergence pattern. Get out! These patterns show up 6-8 months in a whole year. This is a market phenomena there are no rules it could happen at anytime.

There are other oscillators that can be used for the same purposes use whatever you are comfortable with! I like to keep things on my part simple as I can! I sort of grew up from a newly trader and it was the stochastic that always seems to work for me! A lot of this information is geared to new traders, who didn't have much exposure!

I look at the stochastic 14-3-3- oscillator to confirm 

A new trend change to either the upside or to the downside. What about the 200 day MA and the 50 day MA? I place them to see the big money shakers and makers and bakers are going to go, when these two lines on the bottom of the chart cross to the upside.

Armed with the 9-Day EMA T-Line (EMA) moving average 

And your Stochastic oscillator 14-3-3 and all we are looking for on this oscillator if the prices are at the top or overbought areas or below in the "oversold" area, nothing in between. Once you see what a divergence looks like you can avoid buying crypto until prices turndown to the downside.

More or likely with or without the oscillator, if prices cross over 

The t-line at the market closes to the upside, we want to set a trailing stop at whatever % you can afford to lose and let the market stop you out with profits or small losses that you predetermine if you were wrong about the direction.

It seems like one has to know a lot about trading, I cut through all that here, crash course! This is how we made 700% returns in two years.  The forecast will be pricing "XRP" in the thousands of dollars or ten thousands of dollar. Because we are invested in a blockchain service for every bank around the world on the retail markets.

This and could be profitable while "swing trading" 

Using what we call the, 9-Day EM "T-Line" for trends and stochastic oscillator which confirms high point of a rising market or downfall of a market and crypto trades like a stock on its own. Along with that, he has identified 12 profitable candlestick patterns! 

Personally, I need this and for me it is dependable. I knew 

Where to enter the market at the bottom turnaround point. This is the only thing I do, I don't sell it at the top! I buy low and hold it until it comes down again wherever the new low will be, it might be higher than your last "low"! Buy less not more at this moment or just wait it out until the next low!

Since I have Metastock, I can use just two tools the (9-Day EMA) 

With Stochastic oscillator to confirm the overbought or oversold areas, agreeing with those low and high points. Sometimes the Stochastic Oscillator had missed, this is normal for all different oscillators around the world of trading, we use the 14-3-3 oscillator, it is around 75% accurate.

Understand this one thing, you who never traded or bought from the 

Markets, you are considered "Paper"! You're just a piece of paper to the rich and powerful! They depend on you and I, who are not knowledgeable such as they, these traders will pick your pockets within a few days. 

In some cases, in a matter of days! We are not going to trade like the 

Trader of stocks and commodities we buy low and hold on to it, until prices are implemented more than it cost you for the coins. The more you have in coin count the more money you will make when it goes up! Simplistic's of Mathematics. Number of Coins x current value =$ Profits!

I can use free charts as well as subscribe to my favorite platform MetaStock because, I know what I am doing! I made more money in crypto using one of the mentioned techniques above around 1500% in the past three years!

You lose everything by placing the wrong trades with other emotional 

Entanglements factors. The markets are shark infested waters, first going after the easy prey, you and I, and there are many trading levels and each layer becomes more complicated than the last! 

This all goes on with any paper coming into the markets! 

You are trading against the best of the best in the world! Our hope is to take a shaving of those profits there crumbs that fall from the table. 99% of traders newbies will lose all their monies when trading stocks.

When trading with crypto, we at this time, have a unique approach to 

Investing in them and there are plenty that trade from .000044 for example, per coin or token! This is lower than a penny stock! You could purchase a million of these coins for that price alone at $44.00 per million coins you hold.

Below the software that finds at each market closing, you will get around 10-15 trades out of tens and thousands of securities from this. Then you can look over each one and pick that one that has the clearest signals. The price of Bigalow template. 

This application Bigalow Candlesticks automatically places 

The overlays onto the price chart. For this it will cost you one-time cost of $300.00 for this add-on! Your monthly fees for using Metastock is around $80 per month! It has the crypto folders available as a stock! Lastly, you will pay once a year for access to the US Markets! CTFC (commodities index). 

Most of you probably never heard about it and I was one of 

Those people! Who didn't know at the time, especially because there are so many different ways to trade a stock and calculated where it would be either in a day, week, month or year! But an old timer, who traded for 3o years making him his millions. I purchased his tool for automatic Candlestick pattern recognition and 9-Day EMA (Moving Average)

For those, who are not familiar with the terminology of  

"Swing Trading", it's more or less just catching an early trend to the upside of the markets. The most time I spent trading a single stock was from 5-14 days tops or until the T-Line becomes violated by crossing over the KeyLine called in some circles the "Death Cross"! For those in long positions need to get out.

The other factor at the same time, look below and where is 

Your oscillator is at; you notice right away that the stochastic oscillator is in the Over Bought area and starting to turnaround. So, the oscillator agrees with the prices on the chart for turnaround. Sell and take your profits. 12-3-3 is the numbers I use to calculate the oscillators movements in both up or down markets. 

Never take a quick draw on a crypto that everyone is talking about, the new kid on the block. You should have done your research and built a model of trading but in this case "holding" your crypto in your metal wallet. 

If someone is hailing a new crypto, just run it through your 

Fire screen such as; does this coin produce a service needed and is it ISO-20022 compliant? If it can't pass the mustard with just these two requirements don't buy it! These non-compliant coins against EU standards will be dropped in the near future. 

Once the new CBCD a Federal coin is available this will delete 

All that junk coins Updates: Congress wants to allow the private sector to control the Crypto keeping the government out of it. Ripple is in the process of creating a "Stable Coin"! "XRP" will run this coin for all transactions making us rich in the very near future.

It seems simple and to most casual traders, they would agree! 

The hardest thing a coin trader or stock trader has to confront with is, not knowing when to "Sell"! Then their emotions, which becomes a double two edge sword, get heavily involved and the prices start to soar upward, now all the sudden "Caution" speaks, you better get out or your going to lose this trade!

It doesn't matter who uses their crypto or stocks or commodities for evil purposes is on them! It is everyone's responsibility to pay their taxes which Joe wants to pass a law to raise the investor taxes at 45%! Every time you make 10.00, four of those dollars and .50 cents, go to capital gains taxes.

Or the "happiest" time is yet to come, you should just stay in 

And make a little more money! This is normal trading behavior for non-wall street investing. We are known to them as "Paper" not humans we are! Keep in mind, you are trading against the brightest minds on this planet. 

Not just them but also under the table traders, who 

Know in advance where the stock was going! Does the former leader of the senate, who controlled the gavel for four years ring a bell? Now, like magic, she gave up the gavel and went into hiding after her husband was nearly killed by his lover! 

But not until she made millions in the commodities market, 

She knew the Bill they were sponsoring where prices were going to go, she purchased at the current price and then it skyrocketed. Same happened to Hillary and to Martha Steward. Are we beginning to understand why we are called, "Paper"!

This site is appropriate from the CROWS NEST, of many sorts of collected information. My main objective on this blog is to inform you what things are out there, that can help you when in dire needs. Esoteric isn't the only path to wellness, it is a starting point to work within self and it works its way out to the physical.

Remember the high end "Esoteric" equipment will cost you 

Some bucks and with inflation, we are just beginning to go through will make it harder to obtain these specialty devices! If for any other reason, you can purchase a few hundred coins per month. Pretty cheap!  

Given the name of Skeletor "Nancy Pelosi"! She made 

A million dollars for insider trading of a bill that was going skyrocket the stock! It goes on all the time, she just got caught,  the others didn't! Due to two tier legal justice system, nothing will happen to these people who actually use our taxes for cheating at the markets for millions of dollars! 

You can see the odds are against us from the get go! Not only that, 

We are trading with the world's most sophisticated traders who trade trillions of dollars and they are not in it to lose! This market started and continued for 200 years! Every generation of the wealthy learned a few more tricks this past 200 years. You can't beat them at their own game but we can follow their footprints but not their behavior.

Crypto is going to be the new replacement currency for the USA

And the world's currency. Every person who is concerned for the real world information you are getting peppered with just this little segment. Find out the rest online. But use suspicion as you do your research so you can separate FOD and Fiction from the real information.

Pelosi use her position to make several million dollars 

Under the table, because she help the company when finalizing the agreements, she immediately, bought feeder cattle contracts to go "long" the markets. She already knew where prices will go! Insider trading, pretty much congress, senate and the presidents continued making money like this.

My friend, who became close to being a millionaire status, he didn't know enough to explain it to me! He mentioned a metal wallet and stored his Key PIN numbers and questions and directed these inside his wallet. If he loses those access keys, no one will be able to retrieve your coins and they will be gone forever! 

This is why, I mentioned to you all, you have one 

Last chance to get into A level playing field, meaning, this crypto is becoming a strong market, not of gold and silver, which most people are priced out and only the rich can trade any appreciable amount of gold. This is, why we took our friend's advice being late by 5 years and it is paying off nicely.

Like that of "Diamonds" and "Precious Stones" etc. 

The elites priced the world out of trading diamonds by making them so expensive! The biggest issue with any investment coin or stocks is "Volatility"! Crypto is king of volatility. This can make you rich or feed you to the fishes! 

It's going to happen again very soon! Those who, 

Are not positioned in Crypto right now, maybe priced out in the very near future! "XRP" is too low for this bankers coin and they still are garbling that none of us should have access to it! We are up 400% return just on "XRP". 

We got it at .42 cents per coin! Because when the prices go 

From fractions (.000456) and we purchase one million coins for $456.00 total the numbers are on your side when the prices rise! Now take that million coins at the price of $456.00 the in about a month you looked at the new price it is now .52 cents and that is a 10 cent gain! 

Now do you understand, why we call it an open 

Window of opportunity! Black Rock and JP Morgan are pushing for institutional trading! Meaning, you have to be an experienced trader to be allowed to trade these coins! Senator Warren and SEC are leading the charge!

If you hold on to these tokenized coins that are ISO-Compliant and provide a service help run trillions and trillions of dollars in less than .34 cents fee charged to each individual countries. Ripple XRP Ledger moves these huge amount of monies making no mistakes!

This (1,000,000 coins) x today's recent prices 

(.53 cents currently) = $530,000.00! This one my wife and I missed to get that cheaper price .000456! If you understand this paragraph you will understand there is time to make more money. The key at the time was purchasing fractions of a whole penny cheap enough to purchase one million coins! 

We have a coin SHBU UNO a total of one million coins! 

The key is, (.000456) = you paid for one million coins for $456.00 investment this is only an example prices vary as you already know in these markets. I am talking specifically those, who had the chance to buy this during those low fractions. A half of million dollars investing in one million coins.

We gained 700% in two years! For someone like myself, 

Who is of mainstream not Wall Street. To make those kinds of profits, without having to pay a million dollars, to get those kind of profits! It's calculated when the "volume" of buyers comes in during ALT-Bullish Season. 

We are looking at about 1500% at the start up! It does 

Things like this all the time. You remember I told you we were accredited over $3000,000.00 and ten minutes later, we topped out $6000,000.00! Then the ledger was taken down, this happened to us 2 years ago and not just me but everyone!

It should not be any surprise what SEC is doing, Senator Warren and SEC are trying to stall "XRP" the bankers coin, before it comes online! Lot's are going on in close board meetings with the world banks purchasing and stock piling "XRP" and purchasing gold to back it up! 

When it goes online each XRP will be worth close to 

$10,000 per coin! This would stop huge volatility factors making the institutes stable instead of the wild ups and downs to those who don't know is "Volatility"! This coin or the service blockchain. 

This is what we invested into the technologies 

Of the blockchain called "XRP"! It's not the buying and selling that makes it expensive in the very near future, it is the banks and huge trading institutions will raise the value overnight to price the rest of us out of this market and to keep volatility tamed like that of Gold.

I see how Ripple became a "solution" and not the problem, 

They don't compete with countries around the world including the USA. Thus, many hire Ripple to run their funds through the XRP BlockChain and payment is secured cross boarders within a few seconds no more waiting 2-3 days. 

All of this ties into our federal and state governments! They want a piece of this pie! SEC, US Treasury, IRS, etc. and you can see with your own eyes everywhere, they are going to give public the Central Bank Coin! They are not quite finished but it's coming! 

You will be give "X" amount of  this money and you don't 

Have to work! but if you have leftover the bank takes it and gives back to the state and federal governments. They can track this, there is no more money under table or buy from a friend or neighbor if you try it will be flagged!

Not excluding if a mistake was made during 

That wait time by Swift! Swift was the Central Banks Money Mover the middle men, who had profited each time the money was processed, had to step down! They are busting their balls to create an electronic payment measure, we fell behind that is the USA! 

SEC used every dirty trick in the books to sue 

Ripple/XRP calling "XRP" a security. SEC loss their case but buy stretching the timeline with Demurs etc. "XRP" fell from over $3.00 per coin down to around .48 cents and now at .53 cents. It needs alt-bull run to reach those prices. I got 4000 coins (XRP) x $3.00 per coin = $12,000.00 dollars! 

We are in dangerous times! two tier law system one for us 

And one for the elites. Now they are coming down on crypto they are trying to force past a law that only and accredited financial entity such as banks big businesses etc. So, now we know what SEC is doing with Senator Warren the wannabe woo, woo! I think she only earned one feather! Someday she wants to be Chief of the Huckowi's. 

XRP is; going to be an XRP/ETF going to be announce soon! So now Black Rock will create AXRP, 21 shares Ripple XRP ETP and lastly the XRP ETF. Cost is $15.00 per share somewhere around there. I personally don't want it because the price hasn't been released yet and if opens to one dollar or more I won't take it!

This is the first warning sign of getting these cryptos 

Out of the hands of  "Us"! You see, what happened "XRP" was being promoted and it was $3+ per coin and when SEC lowered the boom on Ripple it was held up for three years and every exchange on planet earth who listed this coin had dropped "XRP" from their exchanges. Dropping it like a hot potato!

So, it fell down to .17 cents per coin and that was from the 

Fall from $3.00 per coin. There were many millionaires and those who made tens of thousands of dollars had they purchased at .17 centers per coin! The goal of owning crypto is, the more you buy at a cheap price the more you will make when the prices go up! This is the same when trading stocks.

But we are not trading stocks nor are we trading crypto's! 

We are "holders" of the crypto coins by our personal alpha-numeric key#'s. We learned not to leave them on the exchange but to safe keep it in our safe at home! But you must remember this, if you lose your password phrases and sequential digits that ID the coins you purchased are yours and you are who you say you are!

In every new developments, some people get in on the ground floor under the table deals and transparent deals. And a large sum of money shows in your accounts you are trading in! But like so many of us, we get sloppy and in our numb senses, we do things not thinking clearly.

Here's How You Can Choose A Password Like A Boss

In today setting, information is like an unearthed 

Gold vein with people digging everything up, one got lucky and carried this rock everywhere he went! He had to do something real quick and left his rock by the side of the building! He comes out boom the rock is gone!

There is no way the exchanges or anyone else could help you 

In retrieving your long strings of code to identify you as the proper owner! Our next course of action, we downloaded all 12 different types of crypto and token onto a metal wallet and place that that security key in the safe and we hand printed it on paper and placed it in a baggie sandwich bag. 

We made it airtight and locked in a secured location and placed 

Into a customize safe. This is the responsibility we take unto ourselves when holding our own keys, the only thing left to do is be responsible no one can do this for you! You read all the horror stories of one man in particular through out his old hard drive by accident forgetting his password keys to bitcoin worth $82.5 million dollars! 

Was no longer his property, because without that key, 

Not even bitcoin could figure out. His key numbers and whatever alpha numerics. It was placed on his hard drive and he had a paper he wrote down for his key. That was his first mistake, he didn't secure it! It was scattered with other jun notes all over his desk. 

There is one thing there is once in a hundred thousand years that a buying opportunity was created by the Crypto markets. Decentralize trading platforms (Exchanges) and that all people and professionals alike will be on an even playing field. But that window of opportunity is quickly coming to an end! 

All the major banks are stockpiling gold and crypto! 

They sent a bill to congress to say in easier terms, they only want accredited investors to only have crypto and this, you would buy it from them if you qualify as a credited investor! They want it at a minimum of $1000,000.00 in order to buy or sell crypto.

Do you see, what is happening! They are going to price 

Us the little guys and women? Then they will raise the price of "XRP" anywhere from a $1000.00 up to $10,000.00 or more this will stabilize the volatility would be under control of the banks and governments  alike! 

Right now, until the banks are ready, they won't go online 

Until this law is passed by congress and the SEC and US Treasury Department want to control such crypto trans action, along with a host of other entities, we don't even know about! This is the window to purchase what you want but once the law is passed, that window will be closed to those who are not millionaires.

One day he was busy and his office was a shambles! 

He decided he better clean up his workstation so he began to gather up all those other note and the stickies etc. HIs next job was to take out the old hard drive and destroy it and he dumped everything in the trash. The garbage truck loaded his bags and then continued down the street. $20,000,000.00 waving bye bye never to be seen again. 

In most endeavors when it comes to buying or selling in the markets, we hope our investments will rise and we get out of that position. In Crypto, all I do with my wife, is locate a bottom before going long before the trend goes up, this way at this spot, we buy in cheap! 

Crypto Tax in Australia: The Big Crash and What It Means for You ...

When it goes up really doesn't matter, we hold on to those coins and wait 

For turnaround on a pull back in price or a new trend to the downside. When it turns around to go up we stop buying and take it easy. Just let it do what it needs to do. We are only interested in purchasing additional coins when prices fall and then turns around from whatever bottom. 

It can come down 2 pennies and turn from that part and 

Not make that other "low" we purchased before! So, if it is a higher low at the turn around we only buy what we can afford to do so. It's up to you what you can afford to do, but goal is one and the same buy low! Don't buy as prices are rising!

I use the T-Line, the 9-Day Moving Averages that gets us in 

Under specific conditions and we need the Stochastic Oscillator set at 14-3-3! We don't trade the oscillator, we are just looking where it is compared to the price chart. I've been a technical chart trader for 30 years going on, but I never seen an opportunity such as this.

The JP Morgan Bank and Black Rock Trading Capital of the world, they want the "XRP" and other crypto's all of them so they can do two things, the first foremost not allow us to purchase these coins into the future. They only want for you and I do pay their prices (controlled profits). One other thing, they will control the "Volatility"! 

BlackRock London Headquarters - Architizer

Banks and investors can't stand high volatility investments 

Way too risky, in this case, to prevent this from happening, they raise those particular tokens and coins to around several thousand dollars each and only a an accredited institution can buy and sell these coins.

If the oscillator is oversold and turning around and the 

Prices on your chart are doing the same turning around a potential bottom, safe to say we buy at this point what we can afford, we already have our confirmation both from our T-Line and stochastic. Even when you are financially independent, work with the crypto charts there will be many more opportunities in the near future.

Months later, he was excited to discover his crypto was now worth 

Around 20,000,000.00! Immediately he went into his files to use his password to obtain some of his profit, he couldn't so he thought, wait a minute I have that handwritten. He looked all over his desk and couldn't find it! He told me, the waiting for this to happen was making him crazy! He said, I finally let it go "do or die" attitude!

Make sure you have a plan when prices skyrocket! 

In a bullish market, my "T-Line" is looking for prices to rise above the T-Line it may take one or two day before you go in. It's what I do! But you need a plan how you are going to preserve your new found wealth when it happens and believe me the ALT-Coin bull run is setting up the stage of the biggest wealth transfer ever known to mankind. 

The only scenario you should keep in the back of your minds is; don't get sloppy over all this! This new type of investing requires little from you and you get to make all the decisions before pulling the switch! Once activated set back and don't worry! You purchased those coins whatever they might be at a very low price bargain basement sell.

Is My Money Safe In The Bank? - Forbes Advisor

Next those password keys for your crypto can make you a multi-

Millionaire or make you broke because you may have lost your password instead of placing it in the large sandwich bag or on a secure wallet and placed in a secure safe! Your coins in profits are safe if you make them safe!

One can get in and if your in profit by thousands of dollar 

You must decide what percentage you are willing to cash out! And let the rest of your coins back into your metal wallet. There are no hard and fast rules on what you can spend or save and let it rise! The "T-Line" will keep us on the right side of the markets.

He was in panic mode! Then he remembered oh crap, those papers 

He threw in the trash had his numbers! Then he thought wait a minute I pulled my old hard drive out and replaced it with a new one and his password keys were on it. I can only imagine what was going on in his mind losing nearly twenty million dollars. Never to be recovered. It will be in cyberspace for ever!

But that was several days ago! He offered a reward to help 

Look for that hard drive in the city dump! This was around six years ago and his multi-millions has been lost forever in stellar space. I use the stochastic oscillator at 14-3-3 (Input) and my T-Line 9-Day EMA. 

Once we can leap frog over society teachings that help form our inner-selves, you will enter into a bold new world you never know existed! How do we make this leap? I prefer the "Ultrasonic Subliminal" or "Silent Subliminal one and the same.

There are others out there. I found one very high-tech 

Approach. It taken me many months to hunt people down and asked what they felt after buying into the program. I asked if anyone, who spent on those modules was it worth it! I did get a result of a passerby and he dropped me a note. 

He said, I purchased 30 modules plus paid for the right 

To build it was around $400.00! You ask me was it worth it. Reluctantly yes! The only thing I didn't like about it was some of those subliminal frequencies effect me when I fall into REM sleep and some of it was all too real!

Don't you ever think that philosophy doesn't have a place 

In your lives! Wrong! Your inner-self doesn't speak English or any other language on this planet! It is deep in our psyche its speaks in a whisper! With added spices from our societal laws all our lives! 

I could go on and on with this and in fact, I should have kept 

Things brief, I just wanted you to see through my eyes and my powerful path that lies ahead us! I wanted to show there's more to life than to using a machine! There is "life" and it is challenging! Many people want to be in another life of someone else. Wishing to be rich or to be healed etc.

None of this is a fantasy! My close friend is $400,000+ richer and we made 700% and I've been in it for 2+ years! My friend 6 years actually. This is when Bitcoin started to get popular and it was never mentioned by mainstream media and the democrats are rushing to play catchup.

Book Readers Heaven: A Perverse Political Atmosphere - Excerpt from Let ...

Senators didn't want this in the hands of their

"Drone" workers! now is plastered all over world, profits will skyrocket within one year, instead of  waiting for 2 years like we did or 6 years like my friend did! If you never heard about it, you will probably wish you did!

Do what you can, when you can! Whether you're using 

The latest radionics machines or the power of the subconscious minds, use what you have inside you and it will increase with time! It will bot be handed to you, life doesn't care about that! It's a dance between life and death! Being careful not to have a miss step! It will cost you.

I gave glimpse what a person can do, it may have no meaning 

To anyone but to my wife and I. But you will have your own story to tell the world and share amongst friends and families. On top of that, when you are a millionaire the Crypto Kings and Queens of your destinies you will 

At first you will face "resistance", who doesn't these days! 

So, much going on in the fake news and everyone bad mouthing the other. In case, you were wondering will there be a war like WW3? Rest assure we have all the ingredients necessary to fire off some tactical Nuclear Exchange!

We heard it all our lives, we will all die if we get hit with a Nuclear Exchange! If you cut off the heads of the chickens there would be no one to shut it off! Use commonsense, not fear tactics to keep a population under control. These are called, "Distractions"! Look over here but don't look at what we are passing!

We have a powerful powder keg ready to blow its top! 

I will only agree 1/2 8 billion people will be killed in the first week of a nuclear exchange! Many more, who lived slowly dies out from radiation, poisoning lack of medical care and food and water. This happens because of at their greed and the barbarism toward the hard working men and women around the world.

This tactical nuke exchange are also known as battlefield nukes. 

It won't destroy the world, everyone knows if we all pushed the button there would be no one left and the rich worries about that, we are their slaves making them monies fist over dollar whether good or for evil purposes. When we are gone like that of Israel, who fled Egypt and they moved out of that country to find themselves a new home thus bankrupting Egypts mighty power, no more slaves to control their every whim.

Right now our economy is going on a free fall picking up barbs 

All the way down! Inflation eats at our dollars because of the high prices and you get less, what $5.00 use to buy, now it takes almost 3x's as much! There is nothing you and I can do about that! But there is everything we can personally do for our families. That is if you can't beat the economy, join with them in the shadow and follow their lead! Crypto is the only option for us poor people!

Thanks for dropping by, I know this is a chunk of information but some like details more than others! Some read this who are right brain individuals and something the left-brained individuals have something we haven't considered before!

I give you this information to tear apart to find for yourselves, 

If you are sincere in what you want do or going do! All my life, I lived a champaign life on a beer bottle budget! Most of us still do! Nothing wrong with it if tempered with a little wisdom and a lot of understanding!

It was my mom's fault, she was the same way! Nothing wrong with that

We can go to any store as furniture place and If I like what I see, my wife said, oh no! This is going to cost us! She was right! Both my late mother and I just picked it up from her over the years!

I let this work for me instead of trying to run it down! 

It plays in every area of my life! Which is, why I taken risks for these greater rewards and Crypto was one of them! I don't let my emotions dictate when I should sell because I am not selling it, I am banking it in my metal wallet! 




I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purch...