Friday, October 4, 2024



Sometimes one just needs a mental and physical break! One of these could be a long trip half ways around the world, which is what we did! On my brother in-law's dime. I know lot's of people will never leave the USA due to the costs and internal fears etc. I am thankful I got to see what goes on in HongKong, Philippines etc.

OK, he is wealthy but he worked his butt off going to school and being certified in the state of California. We helped him when he first came to America and he is forever in our debt. I told him not so dear brother!

Just got back from a long two week vacation! Visiting HongKong and my wife's island CEBU in the Philippines. Then went island hopping! Truly an experience as one could achieve. It took me two weeks to get rid of all that jet lag. 

From my mid-west state to California a 4 hour trip and then from California to HongKong over 2000 miles of fly time going one way of course. HongKong is hot!!!!!!!!!! I mean really hot! Surrounding around us is nothing but large city buildings and it reflects that heat!

It's people very unfriendly, I wonder why! If you don't give way when walking either in the stores or on the streets, these citizens will push you right out of the way! Very pushy and very mean to US citizens tourists as what I discovered. During that time I was glad to know my small place in heaven is the USA.

A few things taking notes, looking around the area with so many Filipinos 75% of them not working and the others holding down service jobs that require a college education! 


Work is so bad, they will apply stricter criteria. But even in their economy, they were able to make it each day having dinner that night roof over the heads and the close on their backs. 

We established we are the "Sowers" now we need to water that seed and this takes place beyond the natural realm, but your words will dictate if it is going to live or going to die! Nothing we do here is isolated we all are connected!

On the other hand, CEBU Island where my wife was born and raised, the people are very accommodating! We purchase close to a thousand dollars on blouses and jeans etc. We had 4 people attend to us bending over backwards to help us! Of course can we say "commissions" was the motivator!

It's been 5 years since my wife and I was able to go on vacation so we planted a "Seed" ran it on my SE-51000 24/7. But someone or something must keep it water until the full growth and harvest can take place. 

My brother in law was that water that allowed our faith in what we were doing it began to grow in the spiritual realm! If not him it would have been someone else to do for us what we couldn't do for ourselves. The harvest came but we had to take it to share the fruits with each other. We could have said, "NO"!

Sometimes it's good to get out from under the grind mill of life and visit places and people who don't have it as good as we do here. But they also have something to give to us, that no matter how much life seems to bash us down, there is one thing left to hang onto is family.

Granted, every country and every person has their own tribulations and sorrows what I found in the Philippines, was family was the anchor, even for the poorest of people we have seen lean upon each other for help in time of need. We were in Taiwan and Taipan etc. 

I am just glad we are home! Asian food we ate 3x's a day and sometimes 4 times. I missed hamburger and other things these places try to make America dishes don't come close. But the good thing is I lost 10 pounds in that two weeks! We were eating 4x's a day!

It was confirmed today 23 Sept. 2024 my doctor weigh me in at 160 pounds at 5'6. When I went on vacation for that two weeks, we walk on some days 14,000 steps! Believe me when I say, it's for the young! But I made it and not realizing how much weight I was losing.

It's no surprise, what you eat over there goes right through you! Anyways, my 2 weeks up and my wife and I are taking a week off to catch up on some sleep time. It taken us 2 weeks to get off that Jet Lag. 

I was reading some of my written work and I want you all to know, I don't use ChatGPT like many do and it does have its place! My wife definitely uses this tool and I do use it for my own personal research.

I write this from my own words and style even if you find my grammar wrong or misspelling you will know it comes from a person not a machine and I want to keep it that way for now! Not much happening other than the battle of the presidency. 

The financial whip tail is in progress! The ringmaster pulls the bull whip back with a flick of the wrist and then sends that energy all the way to the tip of the whip causing pain and chaos. 

This is what is going on with Uncle Sam the flick of the wrist is printing monies out of thin air and the kinetic energy transfer to banks and other financial services and we are receiving that sting by paying huge interest rates every month.

The geo-political landscape is crying out war! From the top of our governments down to your own neighborhoods. Like it or not, sticking your heads in a sand box won't make what is happening just simply disappeared. Everyday, we get food or gas it digs pretty deep in our wallets!

I've been in a "recession" in the early 70's along with gas rationing! Nixon put a "price freeze" for over a year, until he taken us off the Gold standard and silver standard, (Silver Certificate). After the freeze was lifted, prices tripled...Placed us in another depression in the early 80's. 

Is there no way how to turn all this around beforebankruptcies filing chapter 11 and chapter 7. But what happens after such relief and prices are still rising, now we don't have credit access and lot's of our kids will go without or second hand.

What is happening right now, all of us are going to have to make choices and sacrifices, we don't want to talk about or discuss in front of our children. Is there an esoteric answer to the prayers of those who struggle day and night and work 3 or more jobs etc.?  

The newest generations are now ready to become juniors and sophomores and seniors etc. They need clothing and school supplies along with laptops and other high tech instruments and this too will drain your only water whole keeping most afloat.

Let's not forget, there are school trips and sports and all this cost monies. I know what it cost my parents when I wanted to play football or other sports and to go to parks etc. Many of those, I never got to do! I couldn't understand. At least not until money was coming out of my own pockets.

We have a war to win but not without the battles we still have to fight from day to day! We take a little piece of real estate so to speak and plant our flags or be kicked back to find another way. 

This my readers is; the real world! Any major network tip toe around this new realized utopia called, the New Millennium. I would call it the "The end of days". And it is coming fast and furious. 

But for those, who pooh, pooh such a thought, no problem, steal from others! Look at downtown L.A. We are all entitled! You own a upscale business and at night the "hoods" ransack it and strip it of all its merchandise. 

There are answers both in the "physical" realm to solve such problems and one in the "Esoteric" world, where the physical realm can't touch, nor the psychic realm can physically interfere unless, you open certain accesses ! But how does one win these everyday battles?

There are the battles of everyday and there is the "War"! It all starts with the battles that come into our lives to "win or to lose"! This is normal and sometimes we don't always win the "battles" as longs as we don't "lose the war"! 

I did a lot of research over the years to be exact since 2003 and now for the firecrackers, we were introduced to the purest for of "AI" and we call it Chat GPT! You can type in its web browser anything that you're looking for. Comes in pretty handy when working under a time crunch.

Planting new "Seeds" and expecting a harvest either the physical and the "Spiritual" manifesting some 30x, 60x, 100x! This could be brought into the spiritual or the other side. The point is, don't pooh it off too quickly! 

I wrote this blog to help those people, who needed some kind of esoteric help and I paid for out of my own monies, to test the devices and I put myself out there and if it works I will tell you so or if it is "iffy" this too you will know! 

Some who could, put some skin in the game and win or lose their own battles. But the war rages on. What can we do when getting your instruments, just sit around for a spell! 

This is a fast pacing world and will not stop for you and I to let us off, so we have to device incremental plans ahead of the train about to storm through. I've written about enough devices and you hardly ever need to re-do most of what I written to you about.

In the last five or so years, he has us right where he wants us! Very manipulative they are a smart breed! They are known as the "Little Lion"! Emperors of China had them for palace guard dogs and for their enjoyment because all they do is show and give love!

But as you might have already guessed, what can I do to change our tight budget around just to feed my families. My wife and I, have no children, strange Hugh! But we have a new addition to our personal universes at home and we call him Smokey! We didn't know what we were missing for so long! 

Shih Zu

Shih T


He is now 5 years old and seemed like yesterday when we first got him as a new born. It's the face and expressions he protrudes that we give into him at a moments notice. He loves us and trusts us to feed him and to water him and taken to parks, he is with me when mama is at work for three 12 hour shifts!

He cries when it is close to us picking his mama up from work! You would think we were cutting out his heart! I thought to myself then consulted with the wife, I asked her how many supplies do we have incase of a blackout or food stores close up? She told me, we have a 6 month supply of dog food!

I asked her the million dollar question how much dog food did we buy for emergencies? She told me, we have enough food for 6 months of Ready Made Meals that need hot water. We have chlorine tablets, Coleman stoves with bottled gas and camping equipment along with other needed supplies.

We are for the first time "Prepper." For any national emergency that may happen. We seen what happened in Florida and its upper coast! Millions with no electricity and no food and no home! Everyone was warned to get to safety! Simply, there were those, who couldn't afford to leave and those who refused.

We have a lot coming at us each day, hatred is spewed both on air and in the streets and we are at the cusp of WW3! The Middle East is on fire and we are going to be drawn into it, our children and young adults won't have no place to hide, each graduate will automatically register for the armed forces.

World War 3 concept. Illustration 23701827 Stock Photo at Vecteezy

This is just not the same oh elections coming up this is where the rubber meets the road! 

It's all or nothing! Every time we grocery shop another $500.00 goes missing! (AFM) machine! Seriously, it's getting bad! 

It's not safe to leave your homes in big cities with new gangs coming in and being flown first class to any state they wish to take over both in suburbs and city downtown. Just our 2 ounces of gold we bought 4 years ago has over doubled in value along with my 75 ounces of silver in hand.

It takes money to make money! We had to go without our usual tasty treats for a while, but after all that it was clear sailing. One thing about investing, you don't eat your "seeds" you store them up until spring for the planting season! 

About six years ago, my future which was uncertain at the time depended on both of us working to make ends meet like so many others out there. My good friend introduced me to "Crypto"! It is now the corner stone of our survival financially speaking. 

Once you place your monies into small investments it takes patience unto the harvest of things yet to come. Physical + Etheric = Enlightenment and $$$$$! 

I agree, not everyone does "Spiritual" work for money only. But we are not in normal times! It is uncertain for any one of us what tomorrow might bring! 

In any event, we have to prepare for the worst but hang on to what little "good" is left in this world. I've given you twenty years worth of experience for no charge and nothing will change the way I do things. 

My hopes for all of you, after you read what is happening or happened to us, you could set up your own course to tailor to your immediate needs. Don't be so heavenly minded and no earthly good! Balance must strike keeping both balanced like that of YING and YANG. 

There is so much going on, it will make one's head spin! Bad enough we have to work 3+ jobs to keep clothing on the back and food on the table and bills to be paid. Even if you lose your jobs those bills still need to be paid. None of these bills will pay itself every month. We need a window of opportunity that is still open.

We all been watching the news and no matter how they spin this information the people can still see right through the smoke and haze. Israel, Lebanon, IRAN, IRAQ, Saudi's, Russia, Ukraine and USA all involved starting WW3! All I can see for us is, either we make a stand against the war mongers or end up like Ukraine.

Remember how the world is and works right now, in the next 12 months you won't recognize her! The global economies work as one and the PETRO-Dollar is losing huge amount of it's carried value which is at "Zero"! This is why the "crypto" is over taking such worthless paper monies.

Many people I came across that I met over the years, asked me, how can I make money? Will these esoteric device help me do that? I told them yes it can but you go to do you parts! Find an investment vehicle what you can afford and start placing extra dollars away!

I don't blame those people who believe by pushing a button they will get their wish. Because they are not knowledgeable when it comes to operating esoteric devices. "As long as the world exists seed time (planting) and the harvest will continue, man can't screw this up! He doesn't have that authority.

The majority of readers think, all I need to do is flip a few switches and use the "Secrets" methods and the money will come from the heavens and outer space into my hands! Hmm! The last time I read a law of life was, you must plant a "seed" and with patience receive the harvest (Sowing and Reaping)!

There are those who would make their planting season but they just don't have the "Seed" (money) to plant into an investment vehicle. Then there are people who say, we want money and hold the governments accountable if they don't pay it (Ransom). The GEN-Z generation goes by this motto.

I use my SE-51000 and setup a program to make money! It seems to never fail me when I need it the most. Here is our factual story using the SE-51000 to make money! What was my "seed"? First and foremost I purchased the SE-51000 and learned how to use it.

No matter what device you end up with, it will not negate our responsibilities along with the law of physics. We all are under the law of "Sowing and Reaping". There is no escape like the law of gravity. If you jump off a bridge you will die because you broke the law of gravity.

You have some sort of understanding that gravity is real! You can't see it, or smell it, or taste it or touch it! Plant the wrong "Seed" and you will understand why you believe in gravity. So, why does "Sowing and Reaping" so hard to understand? 

A lot of you out there, believe in Demons, Christ and Angels then why is it so difficult to plant a seed (Sowing) and to expect a miracle! Call it what you like, miracles or the works of the grand creator. 

It cries out "Try Me" and prove me in all this. I am not worthy only a God is worthy enough to believe, why not, everyone on T.V. and radio and net talks about angels with such convictions but are they giving credit where it is due?

There is a "time" to live and a time to die and time to sow and a time to reap! A time for a laugh and a time for crying! Everything under the sun has a time and a time for morn and a time to sleep. We like it or not can't refute such laws of nature!

All of the above "Wheat", was started with a simple seed! This implies there are two worlds we are dealing with, for the "physical" and lastly the Spiritual!

That was my first of many seeds and then I created a program (word) tunings with my SE-51000, that present brevity, clarity in what I was asking for. I ran this 24/7 and kept myself out of the Frey and acted like orchestra a plethora of natural tuning.

I was part of the audience and allowing the SE-5 to continue its program broadcasting. But knowing I still have to plant a "seed" of the like substance I need. This too, is a very important rule. 

Then you wait for the harvest! Doing it this way takes patience this is why I run the SE-51000 in the background. It speeds things up! Hydroponics grows faster than planting seeds in real dirt. Aero-Garden. I was fascinated with this old technologies. 

Your answers can come in disguise and from the strangest places. In this regard, my wife began to bring in the profits by picking the right coins at the right time. Because of my friend planting idea in my life in crypto's, it came to fruition. 

This was once a seed that was planted and the seed die and the plant was able to come back to life and produce sowing and reaping in this lifetime.

When our harvest began to morph, it came from my friend in a single conversation on the phone. He told me, about crypto! At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me, he purchased two different coins by throwing $8000.00 into them when prices were like ".00004 per coin.

He is now a millionaire in that 8 years and it is understood by the banks and the Whales who right now are scooping vast amount of "XRP" and "XLM" at .58 cents per coin. This is known as the bankers coin and the "XLM" is the retail coin. It taken us about into the next year to do some research!

We bought coins such as ETC and it was $12.00 per coin at the time and at the end of the run, it was worth $75.00 per coin. Keep in mind, a smart investor will buy cheap and go long. 

But there are other traders who came into the ETC market and plopped down $10,000.00. When the coin hit the resistance line it turned around and crashed to its former prices. What about the couple who wanted to get rich quick paid who plopped down $10,000.00.

That $1200.00 was a life saver for us. Instead of blowing it on junk, we made a good move financially. But everything was morphing in our favor because we were working within the law of Reciprocity. Our "XRP" is stored in our metal wallet, to keep it offline we are the custodians and our responsibilities to make sure every "T" is crossed.

Our current profits, gold and silver along with our crypto investments. We turned $1200.00 into $11,000.00! We were into this for about 3 years. I thank my wife for taking it over! 

She was self-taught we lost only a few dollars under $10.00 average of the crypto coins at the start of this type of business. We used that free money handout checks from the government.

We purchased twelve different coins such as; "XRP", "XLM", "IOTA" and "HBAR" etc. and then paid for many thousands of each of those coins at an average price around .000xx and .00xx. You see the number of zeros these are fractions of a penny! Note: These coins are "utilities" ISO-Compliant!

Because it was very cheap in the fractions of a penny and we use CHATGPT just recently, we learned about the companies and we applied our commonsense like are these coins in compliance with the BRIC nations etc. 

Once we stirred up our convictions we planted a small amount of money into these 12 different coins leading us to 700% (70x's the money)! Will we become millionaires? Well no one ever thought including us, that we would get a 700% return in those 3 years.

First and foremost, only purchase whatever you can afford. Don't put money into these coins if it is hurting your budgets. If you find utility coins you don't have to purchase a particular amount. You know "XRP" around .58 cents! You can buy one or one hundred or a thousand (s).

My friend planted a seed in life 4 or so years ago. And felt I needed to know about this crypto and at that time, we had a lot going on around us. 

The planted seed was dying in the soil once it died it produces a plant with leaves and right on time our harvest has been waiting to be harvested. 

So, by planting a seed that represents what you are desiring, a part of our ego dies (like that of the seed) buried in the soil, once we put skin in the game your faith becomes a real substance. 

I know many will scoff this article but it is what it is! Follow the law and you will harvest your final fruits of your labor. Good or Bad! Parents

Patience is nobility helping us to understand the natural laws. Devices have no power of themselves except what you give to it. Are you beginning to understand what is written here? Because of our success, we want to pass it on to anyone visiting at this site. 

Using radionics devices works for most people, but it doesn't stop here! Machines are not human but you are! They need to operate within the esoteric laws to follow and you must appreciate the laws and work within the system of those laws!

Bio-Well Analyzer video above,  it cues you into what is going on inside your energetic body such as your chakra's and nine other parts are also measured. It doesn't heal but it diagnoses. If you drank an elixir for certain issues going on you can test an hour or so later if you want to see the instant results

Your chakra's must be aligned to setting up the stage for things to come. The machine amplifies what you are wanting to accomplish. In time you will be able to afford things like a "Bio-Well" which would show you their chakra's placements

I use our machines to setup the background the music within the music. Clearing away any negativity that maybe still lingering. These negative entities hide in the dark and it will hamper you on what you are trying to accomplish.

You are also aware of the fact, the machines that can actually help you financially cost a lot of money. It will only go up everyday, every week, every month and every year! While dollars value plummets. 

Inflation, Inflation, Inflation! There is but one open window to crawl into and that is cheap crypto (Utility) functions! "XRP" is a blockchain (Utility). 

The big thing there are hundreds of "MEME" coins being printed and some making several hundreds of percent returns in a year. It is the greed and fear that runs these coins. ISO-compliancy will destroy such coins in the very near future.

But I strongly advise you to re-think all these "MeMe" coins. Why? Because, they are not a commodity like "XRP" they serve no purpose to invest into. To get higher prices these coins need to provide the services to show value to the investor.

They won't pass the ISO-20022 compliancy. What happens when the ISO's start rising in value those MeMe coins will have to close down permanently it's been said, around 90% of all the cryptos will be worthless!

Another thing those like myself, who trades stocks will quickly find out, that crypto goes by another kind of rule! I was a tech trader for many years off and on, charts do repeat past performance for us, if you know what you're looking for! 

Which is why I use my MetaStock software to scan the markets using my filters or theirs. I get ten to 15 individual stocks after the markets closings. I looked them over and found the best patterns to trade. 

Even with crypto on the rise, I love to trade and use strategies trading stocks. I know the method I chose was the Metastock and Nirvana's Fulgent AI. There is cheaper from the Metastock "Add-Ons"! But the AI fascinates me. 

The MetaStock Forecaster creates the probability cloud. I vaguely remembered this one. It really is predictable. 80% or you can create your favorite swings on prices to see if the current or past stock was correct or not.

I wanted to mention what I do to play with the stock market! I don't use the stock trading to make hundreds or thousands of dollars, I like it because I get to tax my mind and strategy to follow the big boys! Thus why I used Metastock and Fulgent AI programs. 

Yes, both do the hardest work! I am only going to pay $200.00 per month to use these tools and paper trade while programming the Fulgent AI. It needs 300,000 daily candlesticks or price bars and Fulgent will use 4 different expert programs and will run these for hours at first programming. 

Out of the box, it only goes back to 3000 data points! I need to do some consultation with MetaStock company and go to Nirvanna who created this AI program for MetaStock! To help me with the program language to create a 300,000 price bars.

They first used this with "OMNI Trader" many years back. At the time, Ed Downs, who is a software engineer created this program and at the time it was not in the mainstream! Just this year, new incoming traders will have the chance I never could afford to use the Fulgent AI.

ED Downs punch up a random stock chart when explaining about the steps to take. He began to continue explain the program and he said, oh, these signals are caused by the very basic 3000 data points. 

That AI used to find the best trading systems and when the chart was brought up it showed all the hits and what they were 80% returns that whole year following the charts signals by AI.

Many told me, they could use this software out of the box so to speak. With no adjustments or AI programing. They placed this on their favorite stock and found over and over again, hit rate of 80% with an average of 3-4% returns, sometimes higher depending on how many shares you are trading!

If you and I use the software for the first time out of the box, we setup our filters to scan for specific prices you are willing to pay to take such a trade for example. 

I am trying to keep this simple and it is easy to use! You will have a manual and customer service of Metastock and Nirvana to answer any questions you may have. Watch his videos he explains why his AI system is beyond human intelligence. 

It does seem to be very expensive and if you can only afford $59.00 per month just for Metastock, it too has great programs you can use on its platform. Microsoft only can be used for metastock. The $200.00 is the Metastock use of the platform and $149.00 per month to use Fulgent AI.

Still doesn't come close to what else this software is capable of! Here is another link:

I am sure down the road, this will become antiquated when software engineers get to making this software AI to create a more intelligent and more complex system by using this we still have to except that "luck" of being right is still on the table.

We humans still are limited even when building such devices. Like playing poker or blackjack if one is a card counter and didn't get caught using math in their heads they will know when to hold them and when to fold them, placing them in a unique position to make profits.

Fulgent AI: calculated doing billions of probabilities using the "expert" program in the MetaStock finding the highest probability stocks to the forefront using there scanner (MetaStock). 

If a human would do it, this would take 20-30 years to complete that is doing a billion calculations using stock prices that go back 10 years.

This is all for now! I can't recommend any picks to make money, I am telling you what I bought! My convictions about my picks were obtained through research and the probability of the companies future and what it holds as a "service" "Utility" type. 

Just stay in touch once in a while, because when the heavy start to weigh into you, at least you have an idea what maybe going on. The financial window of opportunity is quickly closing in onto crypto and 99% will be regulated out of existence. 

Then we invest what we can afford to lose or to hold on to for a few years. Everything I covered in this article is what we are doing and how we are doing it! There are some wholes of information and those are what I recommend for my wife and I. 

No matter what you decide todo, the news out there shows us of an unknown future but the present is full steam ahead. WWIII is going to happen not "if" but "when"! The best we can do is keep our heads get some emergency food like the military MRE's. with a 25 year shelf life.

You and I may make a lot of money following my ideas or your own, but no money in the world is going to save us from WWW3! My motto is, if I can't control the world at least I can take care of my families needs. There is so much happening all at the same time!

Nothing here I can tell you that will make your lives any better than before reading this article. I have another perspective after being in the AIR FORCE for many years how to survive in any kind of environment. Not just the Army Rangers or Green Berets but also anyone who can learn and apply such techniques.

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I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purch...