Monday, January 29, 2024



I bet some of you out there, who are making the best decision they made in a long time. Euphoria, you have the money and euphoria waiting for the package to show up at your door steps. The euphoric atmosphere you created will encapsulate you up to the time of realtime operation.

It's not looking good as you look around, when stepping out your doors! Does our minds get locked into your "safe" space mentally! Agoraphobia which keeps a person behind locked doors because they simply don't have an illusion of security!

I am late coming to update this blog! Being I don't sell anything either "Direct" selling or "Affiliation" I take my time to report! Once the research is thoroughly complete then I write my articles. Keep in mind my research doesn't mean all that much in today's world

I also, don't have concern the numbers visiting, I know those, who come here are either curious or looking for out of the box type technologies. I don't sell anything an at the end it is your decision if you want it or not, both in knowledge or purchasing the technologies.

My partner and co-researcher from Kansas USA, tested Spooky2 Scalar for the impossible of what we could see and know about, and we yet are discovering its technical abilities to touch things we never ever considered!

I figure since it is free, please don't get upset for late articles. I make no monies, nor do I have sponsors by selling their tools for the body and the minds. I only go as far as to let those who have a love for this technology tell them what my opinion is!

This week, I am ordering my Spooky2 Scalar the Essential  promotion. These future articles will have sequential space between the ones I wright and when I finish my first experience.

Only then will I write my next article! What's written here, my fellow researcher from another state purchased his Spooky2 Scalar devices. We conduct some great events during those 3 years. 

His mother's inflammation around her heart muscles, she is 75 years old and weakened! She slept in the bed with both transmitter on one side and one on the other side of the bed. 

It was hardly a few days into it that she became stronger and no longer trying to breathe without pain! By the end of a month, she visit her doctor and she was tested and the doctor said, this is weird! It no longer exists!

With that said, if that Spooky2 Scalar is as good as my friend's model he purchased 3 years back! My wife and I will be in for a treat! If I never done the research before my friend bought it, I would have a hard time believing that any two generators can do all these things. 

But the good news is, both of us were enlighten there is a machine that actually does what the builder advertises! Personally John White one of the 3 Engineers, needs to make money to live like all of us have to do but all the profits etc. goes to the company and his love for the metaphysical as well as physical! 

But this time it is different, yes, he charges "X" amount for the products, the difference is; he cares about his customer base enough so, his customer service if they don't have an answer, may not know how to answer it and John takes it from that point whatever customer service couldn't answer. 

They are all making sure you are doing it accurately! Their Facebook contains a google of information how the machine works and what happens when a person is inside the scalar field for "X"amount of seconds, minutes, hours, day, weeks and months and years! 

Most folks who hear about healing cancer and all sorts of weird issues and everyone reacts in its own time. Because everyone's body will have its own time frame to better your bodies. You will almost the first time trying it, the underlying is always the "Best Sleep" they ever have.

Your Spooky2 Scalar doesn't heal per se', but it will charge each and every molecule and your cells etc. It strengthen your Central Nervous System in return, it flips the light switch "on", this will illuminate how the body is healing that of a biological and non-biological, anything that is alive!

It also, strengthened the spiritual connection through all your chakra's and all that contains spiritually/ the outer shell of those chakra's to see how weak your chakra's are! I use two instruments the Bio-Well analyzer and the ORGONE LIFE METER.

These scalar phenomenas, expose us to an inner-dimensional realm and by tapping into such a wave, the central nervous system is now strong enough to wake up your "self healing" all of your cells that make up the body are charged to maximum that it can be. Also, our DNA are a helix formation an antenna that attracts scalar!

Humans have a unique triple standard, we are biological flesh and bone and inside our head the brain acts like collinger sifting out new or bad programming that tries to change the subconscious minds. It protects your inherited programming. It houses another unique quality, this we call the "Soul"!

Lastly, we have a "spirit" of mankind that makes everything work the way it is suppose too! I know this could suggest a touch of religious meanings and this I will say, "to each is own" how you believe and what you don't believe in! It is what it is!

Here is the thing, the Spooky2 Scalar draws back the curtain and we become connected to it, like that of a Tesla Globe, when pulling your finger across the sphere, it connects to your entire body you become like that of a conduit of sorts. The plasma connects to your body and will follow your hands around the sphere!

We are endowed with the gift given to us to us at birth, because we are human, it then seems like a "gift" you didn't have to work for it if you did it wouldn't be a "gift"! To one of our fellow researchers, it would seem like that of a miracle is happening to them! 

I am not sure if it is a miracle but it does excite the ones, who have to deal with  pain for ten or 12 years and within a specific time frames, no matter. I am excited because I know SPKY2 Scalar works! 

If it didn't for me, I would not have bought it and I would have told you no matter what otherwise, if I were to do such a thing it would take your right of "will" to do so! 

When your machine arrives on your doorstop, setup of the physical machine. I find the wooden t.v. eating tray table, gives both generators the same heights across from each other up to 75 feet! It's been said, one or two people, who own these devices were able to disconnect the umbilical connection completely. 

John White questions this technique he said it will stay the connection but it will be a weak connection, the effects on the operator is not as strong as it could be. This you don't want to do, if you are treating any ailment in your body!

Besides the further out you go, the bigger scalar field becomes. Also surrounding objects by air, land or sea will want its share of this natural energy, which draws away some of its strength that should be endowing your body, soul and spirit! You seen nature can't stomach a vacuum, so whatever else is out there will join the party nature that will take its place!

The further you go beyond 74 feet the larger the field becomes and everything inside that large sphere weaker the field! You got to understand the distance of both generator and receiver, this will be the only limitation of these devices from our experiments for the past 3 years! Only this time, I have ordered my own!

Each device the transmitter and receiver are built into their own carrying case! It's somewhat bulky, but that would not deter you from using it. The carrying case is modeled plastic, some call it a Pelican case. 

Each of their respective carrying case lids must be lined up by facing each lid toward each other it doesn't matter what is between the both, it could be another wall or furniture it won't stop scalar. 

Molded inside each of there respective lids is; a transmitting antenna and the receiver has an antenna inside its lid also. I don't know the simple schematics John and the other two engineers who built this 3 in modes, "natural scalar", "molecular scalar" and "Rife scalar" modes.

Those of you, who do these sort of things, I'll bet you can't stop and you just keep working with the machines on your families and pets, plants, anything biological/physical/mental and or spiritual. But keep it private as much as you can, you don't want to have the government agencies crawling throughout your orifices of  whole body! :O)

Everything, rocks, plants, animals, humans etc. have the vibration of life that nature has bestowed upon it. One must have the right analyzers to determine what you have done with your radionics machines and or the Spooky2 Scalar. 

Don't fool yourselves in believing this is all Spooky2 Scalar can do is for the Biological! I experimented having diamonds and real gold. And silver placed both on the Receiver and Transmitter for different results and used one of my analyzers, the Orgone Life Meter and hopefully soon, I will be able to purchase the "BIO-WELL"!  

We know the silver and gold and diamonds have no biological values for sure, maybe energetic value at the very least piezoelectricity by pressure being added to the quartz crystal "Lattice"! At least not until it is bathed in pure scalar waves by Spooky2 Scalar plus infusing the particular frequencies from the GEN-X-PRO if needing too.

The Nuclear Receptor along with the chain antenna is pure silver, I taken out of the Receptor's cheap stone and place a one ct. diamond instead. I measured first the one ct. diamond that is centered in the center of the Nuclear Receptor. 

The Life Meter, from Helignosis showed 100+ %! The "before" measurements were at 45% life energies! I also, before buying a diamond, I had this sterling silver dipped in 24 ct. Gold by the company!

I am not a sensitive when it comes to crystals! What I discovered how life can be injected into such a stone or many stones! My friend charged a quartz double terminated crystal. He placed it in his pocket and went to work! He said, it was making him ping pong against the walls!

This energy he told me, was so strong he had to take it out of his pocket and place it in his car! It took 17 hours for him to calm down! He measured it on his ORGONE Life Meter's plate and it showed it still had a lot of charge!

Organic Life Meter it read "0"% on my wife's wedding rings! This stumped me a bit, I thought "love" trumps all things :O)! Not in this case it seems! I placed the wedding set on the transmitter and I used certain frequencies. 

Not knowing how it would come out, after around 15 minutes of charging with both scalar and specific frequencies. After that time I placed the wedding set on the ORGONE Life Meter and it pegged out over 100% I changed its scale to thousands or beyond and this went way beyond the built in scale. 

I can with the BIO-WELL, test the environment both inside and outside with the device called, "Sputnik"! The Bio-Well takes these readings and puts it into a graphic shapes and colors! Certain colors that mix or shows what is going on with the atmosphere via in your home or outside.

It's great to have such a Scalar device phenomena but you can't just be content, because there are other means that some of you never thought of to show you greater victories and synchronicities in your life and ours.


Getting back to my studies, I placed the ring back on the external plate for the new measurements and it read or should I say pegged out over 100+%. Who knew! This ORGONE Life Meter, it only measures Life Force Energies, so we are told and it truly does. But Helignosis had no idea what else could this device measure.

So, I guess the question is; what type of organic charge was focused in that 24ct. gold and along with the diamond? It will require more testing and more wearing! It makes me a little concerned what would happen once this Nuclear Receptor

The Spooky2 Scalar charged my other necklace and pendant (Holographic Projector) I purchased the amulet from the late Dr. Fred Bell with a total of one ct. diamond (I did the diamond locally). I had the company dipped the sterling silver 24ct. Gold. NOTE: According to Fred  Bell, he learned how to design and construct this amulet from the stars of Andromeda galaxy. 

I know one thing that can help prop up for such experimentation is the use of the, "Ultrasonic Subliminal" If you can have in the same Mp3 with hypnosis blended into the ultrasonic frequencies being ran at the same time. 

If it is just for your wellness use, that's great, you needn't look at nothing additional written and those are who are trying to do certain things to help themselves or others around his own orbital life maybe needing such help. Freely you gotten the ways and means to having something like the Spooky2 Scalar and freely you give in return!

You won't be able to contain yourselves once you work out whatever the issue that comes up such as; arthritis etc. For you, it would be very immersive better than the first time. "Like attracts Like". The brain and central nervous system once stimulated, it will desire it more and more!

This is just normal when a persons opens up a tear in the time/space if it is 74 feet from one machine to the other. Step away from it after using it for one week, your body will be demanding it! This 74 foot cable connected from the transmitter and it links up to the receiver.

We have "used" molecular scalar mode. I believe even in the "Natural Scalar mode", it can have a sedative effect using some authentic metals amulets or any non-biological, the pendant design was created to do a special job, like that of the late Dr. Fred Bell and his Nuclear Receptors. 

Spooky2 Scalar seems to be able to do many different things, more than what can be verbalized or written down! It can be used as a real time spiritual gateway and depending on your goals maybe turned into a vortex gateway! I am anxious to run it all night long to see if it will allow me to "Lucid" dream and have a OBE! 


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