Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Hey even those, who like myself was unfortunately traumatized from nearly being beaten to death, I too am still able to do some things! We are not all "crazy", who have PTSD. Some trauma's are worse than others! Not Military related, I was a corrections officer that was physically brawled beaten nearly to death one day, no less from a third degree black belt, he was a sociopath!

The last few afternoons I would lay down due to the PTS when it rears its ugly head. But this one special afternoon I decided to lie down and turned over to the window facing away from my wife's side of the bed. It wasn't at least 2 minutes gone by, that someone got on to the bed and set down next to me! Panic and fear began and my heart began to race it was then fight or flight on my part. I decided to turnaround to see what this thing was and behold there was no one there, absolutely nobody, yet the bed has the imprint.

As I turned back toward my window and started to calm down I could still feel this persons presences and could feel the pressure on my wife's side of the bed as if someone was lying there. I know now what I didn't know then, Semjase came to visit me, probably to give me comfort due to the issues I have to go through every now and then. So I didn't give it much thought either way, I just told my wife what happened, she of course was not thrilled but what could she do really! Why Semjase? Because of the connection to the Nuclear Reception I owned.

We are into our 7th week of subliminal listening, I guess when one opens the subconscious mind enough times; one would be enticed by beings from another dimension sharing the same multi-dimensional space as we. Who knew through this one hour a day listening, that I would have to compete with "entities" on a regular basis. She seems to take an interest in me. Just the other day she tapped my hip three times for me to get up out of bed. I thought it was wife and I turned around and she wasn't there. I said, ok Semjase, I am getting up!

The meeting up with dual entities since having access through subliminal training and wearing of the Nuclear Receptor...How much of it was N.R. necklace and the subliminal called, Speedzen, it was definitely the Speedzen that made the difference. Because I wore my N.C. for years and didn't have these experiences. It was just what the results created and happened to get their attentions.

The second entity who's name is Winoa, began to speak to me telepathically in a very crystal clear communication it was better than speaking physically. She showed up with Semjase one morning both gazing at my Nuclear Receptor. Now she wanted me to meet this young boy all in white. They were both Native Americans. She began to communicate telepathically and the little boy looked up to his I guess mother, he used the same telepathic communication and said, does he see us and he talks like we do. He began just flooding the the telepathic airways until such a point, I had asked Winoa to slow down because I couldn't keep up with the both of them.

All this happened, while in the hypnogogic stage created from listening to  Speedzen program. He was talking briefly with me  using a high speed telepathic communication but I was pulled into Theta and Delta from my "Alpha" state too quickly to remember all that he said. Now you know this is not my goal to communicate with multi-dimensional beings on the daily basis, yet I seem to have no input in the matter for now. I am pretty happy with what happened to us in those last 6 weeks making lot's of money from the casino's and my wife working less hours now but makes more doing so! "Sychronocities".

Two nights ago my wife told me that she seen me awake with the headphones on at 2:00 am in the morning, sitting up in bed. So she said, "Honey what are you looking at"? She said I told her, " I see a person standing at the bottom of our bed" and she told me I kept gazing at what she couldn't see and then she said, that I pointed to "it" several times; then I looked at her and told her "it" was gone. She is telling me this over a coffee the next morning and I don't have any earthly idea this had happened the night before. My wife said, since listening to those subliminal's I somehow am awake, maybe more so in the deep Alpha State of Mind, which is probably why I can see someone from an alternate dimension in the first place while conscious in the "Alpha, Beta" realm.

I am sharing these details because some of you out there who never experienced psychic activtivities, maybe a bit reluctant to go this route. But I want to be honest with the my readers about everything, good or bad. So far none of it was bad for now. I wanted to let you know that I use "Speedzen Lucid Dreaming" program first, because it quickly places one into a deep hypnotic trance state. If you had a good nights sleep; it should just hang you in the "Theta" realm without reaching delta and passing out. Once the program is completed I will then switch over to the Inner-Talk Lucid Dreaming, which is not so geared to hypnosis but more to subliminal training but you don't have to go this far, once cd is enough for one hour listening.

Don't be nervous to try other types of subliminal training...I just bought from Speedzen what I knew worked for me! You might be tempted to say, "Oh" when you seen these entities you were lucid dreaming"! I thought the same thing at first but it became more and more apparent I was eventually conscious as the days rolled on during her visits and I became more and more awake, when talking with them through telepathic means that I didn't know that I had such abilities in the first place. 

Now my mind state is in deep alpha-theta already; this should ensure the Inner-Talk subliminal makes its way to the subconscious mind without conscious interference in anyway. You don't need to do it this way with Inner-Talk another cd that I listen to from time to time, but I wanted to experiment to see if using Speedzen by itself was as powerful as people were claiming it was and they were correct it is powerfully fast! If your not use to hypnosis training, it will knock you out each and every time until, you have created enough energies and new webbing becomes created across the brain to handle the extra influx of frequencies and triggered stimulations.

I downloaded the Inner-Talk and Speedzen in my I-Tunes then transferred them to my favorite files on my I-phone 6; this makes it very convenient to use them most anywhere on the planet with no discomfort. Heck before, I was lugging around my laptop not that long ago, listening to my downloaded programs with headphones.  So my wife setup everything for both us by placing everything into our I-Tunes. Of  the many items I purchased self-help stuff over these past several years or more, these programs are the best I ever used!

In the past several weeks; my wife has been financially blessed way above chance. Just the other week she purchased 7 different blouse tops and some dresses and shoes from Macy's online for over a 50% discount. Then came 4 days after, she wanted to see if what she bought went further down in price and in fact they went up in price to regular retail price that you would have to pay inside the local stores in our area. She was thrilled to say the least, then she decided to cut her work hours down and found by doing so and working one extra day out of her 5 days off; she would get double time pay thus placing her into that full time status as if she never left her full time status. Works less and makes more!

The reason I mention this is because she used the "Speedzen" and would focus her attention on what she was desiring to happen for her "Abundance". I had no ideal one way or the other how this was going to affect her. Within two or so weeks, she was in the right places at the right time for certain manifestations to manifest in the physical realm. It was creeping her out afterwards and she decided to stop because she was afraid other things would happen that she would not have control of in her life.

Money, sales, being in the right place at the right time...When you have finally access to your subconscious thoughts and your programming NLP commands to your brain effectively, your subconscious will work automatically without your personal interference. The sub will know the best time to let go of the information and let it arise through the other brainwaves levels, until you realized what has happened, became already manifested in ones plain sight! 

All the above happened to my wife and I after several weeks of subliminal training using the SpeedZen's for seven weeks. We have been winning small amounts on the Hot Lottos and MegaBall games as well. And of course our Casino wins during these past weeks. It may not seem like a lot to some folks out there, who probably looks at this and says that peanuts, but to my wife and I if you gain a penny you are doing good and all this adds up! If you have to pay out a penny, you owe something to someone else. Of course my wife getting those lotto numbers from this guy in her dream, which today we should have been multi-millionaires! Uggh!

We are satisfied what we accomplished; and in this short time of training was a small miracle brought forth and such small things really do add up over time. We still wear our Nuclear Receptor and Holographic Projectors at the appropriate times. It too, works by setting circumstances up for us to enter into them but to take part of those particulars in any special circumstances, one must have internal guidances such as, subliminal training using our subconscious minds to hone into the exact spot where to dig that treasure.  

I also have CD's from the Paraliminal company and it was for a "super charged memory" this was a great CD, it is a NLP spoken language, while keeping the conscious mind busy. I used to purchase their products about twenty years ago. It actually helped me to retrieve ancient memories back 30-45 years ago! But they are not subliminal; they are more hypnotic NLP in nature, which uses two different spoken stories in each ear and they construct an NLP process to help by pass the conscious filters. It is really amazing! There is enough stuff out there to experiment with, to keep one busy all year long.

When training subliminally it works from the inside out not from the outside in...When marking your lotto numbers on the card go with your "Gut" instinct otherwise known as; your subconscious communication...But there is an "If", "than" statement to recognize. "If" you have the right training with the right tool using it for no less than one hour everyday, "then" the results will began to manifest itself; showing you unbelievable attributes of the unconscious mind level.

We are waiting on the lottery results for this week...Every week I will mark the numbers from my gut feelings to see how my training is doing, it doesn't cost all that much and again a great feedback tool when one is training their subconscious minds for wealth etc. There was one other thing my wife told me about, in the early morning when she just started to wake up, that Winoa told her "We" want you out of here now!" Now it's "we"? I am not sure what I am dealing with in this so called "Haunting" like most people would see it to be. This is strange, my wife never listened to my Lucid Dreaming Cd, yet the two female entities appeared to her on two separate occasions. Do you still think it's a Lucid Dream? My wife only listened for 7 weeks to Inner-Talk the "Millionaire Orbit" subliminal's.

Semjase or Winoa are not mean to me, in fact, she watches over me very closely, though I don't always see her. She showed up, after 7 weeks on Speedzen, I purchased about one half dozen of their cd's to date, I yet to use them all. I was barely awake, then she zoomed in a flash to look at my Nuclear Receptor and opened my top drawer. Then she looked over to me and said, "Go back to sleep". I am not sure if this is Semjase the Pleidian that Fred Bell talks about. She has for now not made herself visible to me yet! But I instinctively knew it was her. She all but made herself visible to me. Leaving an imprint on the bed when she sat down.

As far as Winoa is concerned, due to my wife calling out that American Native name in the early morning hours, when she was still asleep. It was at that time of the week, we were trying to figure out, who this person is or was. Until Winnona corrects me about her real name, she told me telepathically her name is Winoa, not Winnona,  as you all have been accustomed to reading it here in this article.  She has been quiet lately as of 22 Oct 2018 at the time of updating this article. The thing is; even though I am training my subconscious to accept the statements being said as "true", but also taken in consideration we humans have "free will" they will not cross that line, unless it was demonic and they have their spiritual hard rules as well, it has follow.

If there is a door holding back radiation by opening it just a little bit, it will allow the radiation to escape into the safe areas. Subconscious sees an open reality because the subliminal training open it a little and thus the  hidden realities enters into this open room reality, not knowing its even in the waking world, let alone the sleeping world of a lower frequency, thus all become affected.

Once that doorway is open just a little; you will in no doubt experience psychic intervention as we know it to be. Because our subconscious works on a lower level frequency scale then our normal awake mind that works in "Beta" mindset. The doorway left open just doing subliminal training allows connection to a universe that was only accessible while you slept. Now in my opinion we are operating in a multi-dimensional thought pathway, from reality to super reality because you subconscious can't define the difference. Like in "War Games" the movie, the computer said "What is the d I ff e r e n c e?" Same holds true with our subconscious, whatever it records as far as its unlimited knowledge; it understands all things are possible and nothing is impossible because all things are real and there is nothing unreal. (If it is trained to believe it's true it will make it true).

We never imagined all this would come about during our subliminal training and now it's becoming quite clear, the more we train the further open that subconscious doorway becomes in the "waking" universe. This may or may not happen to everyone concerned; when using a subliminal. Let's say for "losing weight" etc. It's not just the program (specifics) your training for, but it is the exercise of access to the subconscious realm by creating new neural pathways to it. Thus in a practical sense you are building brain matter as you go and the brain becomes bigger over and undetermined amount of time when it creates this veil of webbing across the brain mass. All this, the brain is in favor of creating shortcuts over time.

The Neuro-Plasticity becomes stronger and more reliable, yet if you stop your training the brain will deteriorate for the lack of "use" (Atrophy) thus shutting down the new pathways created in the beginning of our training. You can determine how far and how long you want to go with this, so if you feel threatened or concerned; just back off your training efforts slowly and with consistency. Personally I don't feel we are in any type of danger opening up to a new world of seeing and experiencing things. Fear comes from a lack of knowledge, we fear what we don't quite understand. Our subconscious minds is use to this inner-realm, nothing new under the sun for it. The subconscious knows how to come across the "fears" of the unknown and allows your conscious mind a soft landing.

One thing that the subconscious loves is, your "Emotional Guidance System". Especially when through fear, you attached some sort of emotional trigger to the very thing you either hate, fear or love and the subconscious will store this appropriately, ready for playback; anytime you try to change your conscious mind's agenda and when that emotion triggers is activated.

By placing a specific feeling to this recognized "Fear" it will get stored into the subconscious hard drive and will play over and over again; keeping you on this treadmill, so no matter if you wanted to restart your practice and you consciously believe it will be alright, your subconscious will kick in and play that stored memory and manifest the emotions associated with it also known as the "Anchor" that keeps that belief in the subconscious mind to file and play. 

My wife bought this crazy ghost detector for her cell phone and the other evening she asked me, will you try to use this to see what percentage of poltergeist activity is taking place on her side of the bedroom. I walked back started the program up and it read 23%. I went back to re-measure half an hour later and it bumped down to 15%. Later on that evening both of us were getting tired so we set up our small operations that is listening to our Mp3's before we go to sleep. My wife took my phone and re-measured her side of the bedroom near her closet and it read 80% now! It was showing blimps on the radar screen getting closer to our area.

She re-measure again but this time I  told the entity to move closer as the scanner was performing its detection of anomalies. The percentage now was boosted to 95%! With the past experiences with the anomaly having occurred near her closet area; begins to make me wonder what kind of vortex we opened since listening for 7 weeks to these Speedzen cds. When I stopped the listening within a few days both of these females left! One has to wonder the "Why", the seven weeks is just the beginning, what we needed to reach is 256 one hour sessions for "Enlightenment"! This works the same way with my IDL-22 Gate Keeper!

I am writing this article because some of the information presented here, may not be found anywhere else in just one single place. But like I told my wife, careful planning and just trying to survive for the next day is the real reality we face every time we leave our home and have to go to our workplaces etc. accomplishment.

First, I write these articles from what I known for years and find newer and improved equipment for the researcher to make less work for them and produce much greater results in the long run. I do this blog for one reason, I enjoy releasing all this information, I have some spelling mistakes every now and then too. No matter how much I go over the material before posting, when I upload it and down the road re-read the article, I am able to find misspelled words etc. So please be patient with me in this regard. A lot of the spelling issues is, spell check; if it doesn't understand the word you are using, it will insert an entirely different word that makes no sense!

I will keep these documents as clean as I am able to. Misspelling words can be agitating because the reader has to stop and decipher what the word or phrases are trying to say, or they see some kind of funky spelling, what is this writer thinking! Well unfortunately I am the only one that does this blog, so your stuck with me and I don't have a professional editor, those of you who come back several times and you might have to forgive these quirks in the articles, when you find a misspelled word or phrase that doesn't make sense. It doesn't happen all the time but some times. 

The reason I talk about so many subjects and give links every now and then, is for those readers who are interested to view what I have written about, I will leave a "link". This is not making me any monies, I don't re-sell or lead you to buying something. That's entirely up to all of you. I just wanted to clear the air as to the why I do what I do and refer links to others so they can expand their thinking capabilities or imaginations. I will tell you from time to time what I purchase and for what reasons. This is no way to encourage anyone to buy something they can't afford anyways or don't care to invest in such questionable subjects. Lastly and more importantly, I like to write down my thoughts and share them with whoever wants to read the particular articles if nothing else for amusement.

Lastly things you may or may have not thought about in the present hour on planet earth, when you give it thought in your mind, you give it "Intention" the subconscious mine automatically labels it and packages it with a "name" this now becomes psychological anchor when enough time goes by.  This becomes truly unstable and unsettling for all concerned.

My wife and I know our time in this world is short but we are ready; if you wake up tomorrow morning and turn on the news that Israel has attacked Iran nuclear facilities, you had just had the privilege of seeing and hearing for the first time the beginnings of WW3 and the coming of a new world leader on the scene, who will have all the answers to all your woes! There will be 7 years of this agony (here we go again that numerical number "7"; for our subliminal training was "7" weeks and for the IDL-12 for manifestation to happen was "7" weeks). It seems like a "completion". It is said, the world was created in "6" days and rested on the "7th" day! Again the number "7" seems like a fulfillment, the beginning of "enlightenment"!

Keep your eyes on Israel, don't worry about ISIS or Russia for now. Israel is busy trying to see if their newly discovered oil deposit and natural underground huge "Gas" deposit under the Golan Heights will be worth processing and if it is; it will be the biggest discovery and contain more oil and underground Gas then Saudi Arabia's or any other place in the known world; because it stretches under the Golan Heights for miles and miles. I mention this not to scare anyone, but once you read this you will shelve it into your subconscious minds and when the time is right it will be brought back to memory. Like, "Hey, I remember reading about this on some blog months ago.

I know at least one country that will be licking their lips "Russia" if anyone needs a new oil supply they do, for their economy and new war machines. But guess what, they don't own it, Israel does, America gave them the go ahead to lay claims on their inherited homeland! So many things are going to be happening in the next few years, keep your eyes open, if not for yourselves, for your children's sake. They need to be "grounded" also in the real world, so they can survive but not be so grounded, they are no spiritually or physically good to anyone!

I used the "Speed Zen "Lucid Dreaming" there are other companies that are just as well out there if you take the time to look around.

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My first test was lying down to ready to sleep! Saying to myself, "I hope I can get some sleep had insomnia the last week because it is...