Monday, June 17, 2019


In seventeen years of doing radionics, it seems quite easy to collect things and soon your out of room! If my radionic machines wouldn't be so big, I would have the room. I am done with buying this or that for the rest of the year! Time to pay the "Piper" for his tunes!

I was thinking of what I own such as the EJ Gold's "SuperBeacon" and late Dr. Fred Bell's open face pyramid, along with James Rink's classic NEO-IDL-22 Gate Keeper and I am trying to procure the SE-51000 with it's own laptop, along with a DarkField Microscope to look at water molecules, along with blood samples of my wife's and I, when I create a new homeopathic formula with the SE-5, to ensure the recipe was correctly broadcasted.

The other thing I was looking for was an amplification radionic antenna for a more in tune broadcast and receiver. I came across a unique $89 Tesla device called the "Spirit Radio". When connected to your headphone jacks on your PC it will play some type of echo sounding patterns. 

When you click on different colors it has a different reaction to each color. I emailed Donny and he said, he tried to use it with the SE-51000 and it made no difference. He told me, you have enough amplification power within the workings of the SE-5.

I said, in my past articles that the SE-51000 has a field generated black hole, this is created by the SE-5 1000, it utilizes a series of Scalar coils to produce and electro-magnetic scalar field. This is commonly called, a "collapsed field" because we are putting two opposing electro-magnetic fields into the same space. Here is a picture of some of the Scalar coils inside of the SE-5 1000.

This device in the green box has a wiring inside that was twisted in a helix formation coming from and going back to the power supply, when this happens the EMF's cancel each other's fields out and cause a "0" gravity or a vortex opening between time and space according to Maxwell's theory, that eventually got deleted, only the part we are speaking about, the "0" gravity!

Maxwell's theory stated when to EM fields traveling in helix form opposite directions from the same power source, it would cancel each others field out, producing "0" impedance. 

Inside the green box is a single wire hooked to the 9v battery source or your a/c adapter power coming from the power plug. The wiring is wrapped on itself in a "helix" formation to back around to the power source where both EM fields are cancelled out running the helix wound. 

I don't think anybody in the radionics field has even thought of such the idea to place onto their circuit boards. Just placing it on the board doesn't mean it's going to work, there is a formula he had created on the positioning within the circuitry.

Maxwell stated, "when this occurs, that is when to electrical forces are ran into each other and cancel each other out. It creates a scalar vacuum of sorts and wouldn't you know, the electronic schools drop that part of the formula off on Maxwell's theory when it came to "0" impedance. 

I'm not going to go through the trouble of explain every detail of Maxwell's theory, you all can do it on your own! I just wanted you to know how science skips a step or two when they don't want to understand something! They already have their working "narrative" in place! Why rock the boat!

They, the (Electronic Graduates) had no use for the original Maxwell's theorem...Zero means Zero, nothing to measure, oh but there was and still is! They waited until he died before dropping off that scalar equation. So what was not measurable, the "pressure"! The "Pressure" at the node points is created, when the two EM fields collide with each other and cancel each other out creating zero energies at each node point of the helix formed wire. 

Don Paris thought to himself, why not create a miniature working model of a scalar device according to the Maxwell's original theory and incorporate it to the original SE-51000 and the Plus schematic breadboard, maybe it would make a huge difference. Don explained to me, when you transmit "words" in the SE-5 by doing so; you are programming the SE-51000's CPU directly. The software isn't used as a radionic tool as some companies swear on their mother's graves this type works.

Secondly, once the words are typed in, they are converted into ASKII text of a binary system of, one's and zeros'. All the word "tunings" you type into the SE-5 are changed automatically into binary codes of one's and zero's. This gets sent to the CPU then from the CPU through the small scalar box device embedded on the circuit board, lastly the binary tunings are transmitted into the nodes of the helix wound wiring, then to the target or subject.

What's unique about the SE-51000 is, if you make up your own programs using just "words" the program changes those words into an ASKII file format into a binary system consisting of ones and zero's...

The last phase, that ASKII file representing your "worded" program is then transmitted using the above device into what Don calls, a miniature black hole. The only thing that can survive these portals is only "information" nothing else would survive. Where does it go from there? It is transported instantaneously to the target! 

Where else is anyone's guess. Since Don doesn't get government grants or any type of financial assistance, he had to wait for technology to get caught up, so he could experiment with this new information.

While the machine is on, that vacuum or what Maxwell calls, heavy gravity as a by-product of cancelling each other out, is still running! As long as the electricity is supplied. It is my theory owning this device, your subconscious thoughts will be examined by this machine as well. It only makes sense, we are as the operators are connected bio-electrically as one unit when analyzing material or non-material things.

A gentleman began examining his blood under a DarkField Microscope; he saw sticky cells clumping together, then after the  blood balancing program with the SE-5, all the cells are free floating on there own! Yes, this absolutely correct! Another SE-5 owner took a sample of his own blood (before) and used a pre-programmed hologram attached to the card and ran it on the Remote Balance Unit for one hour. 

Sometimes even with the SE-5, the operator may have other things he has to do and at the moment has is machine tied up the next few hours. The answer to this was Don's invention of the Remote Balancer...

Don ran it for one hour and then check his blood once more under a Dark Field Microscope and to his amazement it worked. What worked? He had programmed with the SE-5 onto the hologram on the plastic card, to clear his blood using a program he created! This is why it is extremely important you choose your "words" wisely. They can definitely effect you down to the microscopic levels in your body and in animals and in inanimate objects.

He took that card and placed it into another supplemental instrument called, "Remote Balancing", it's $700.00 by itself, and you can't purchase this device separately, you have to be an owner of the SE-5 already! They have the records. If you purchased a "used" one it's my understanding. Don may not recognize you as a purchaser; if you purchased from someone else, hence he may not sell the "Remote Broadcaster" to you, that's the problem of purchasing second hand equipment. 

This is how he maintains is income base, think for a minute if all a person had to do was use the Remote Broadcaster using a single programmed card, why purchase the SE-5 in the first place? The Remote Broadcaster is only $700.00 whereas the SE-5 is $4700.00! Don created this machine to help those who already owns the SE-5 machine, to help them free it up for other uses, not to replace the SE-5 and by letting everyone purchase it, that's exactly what he be doing and he's not!

You can use the SE-5 to program the holographic sticker and place that conveniently on a credit card size blank plastic card for later use. Just mark the title of the program on the card for future broadcasting...

If you are already an SE-51000 owner, you don't necessarily need the "Remote Balancing" device. You can program your card's hologram with your device (SE-5) and you can broadcast that recorded program by placing the card in a waxed envelope, which comes with the purchase the SE-5 and you will place that envelope in the back of the picture holder in back of the SE-5 and go from analyzer to broadcasting! You could also, place the card on top of the rub plate for broadcasting also.

So again, why should I invest into the "Remote Balancer"? The first time I challenged Don about this very subject, I ended up answering his question to me. He asked me if you could do a balance program on someone or your loved ones how long does it usually take? Probably 20+ hours give a take, he said to me, why not put the program on a hologram and let the Remote Broadcaster do all the work, to free up the machine for your other experiences!

The big question is how do you know there is any recording whatsoever on that hologram? The first way is to see the results for yourselves and there is another way. You would have to purchase like I did, the "Life Meter" from for $400.00! You can do a "before" by placing a card with a hologram with no programming on it and it will register "0" on your meter. 

The New Portable Life meter the company has, I didn't care all that much about...I wanted the older model they use to sell, I found one on E-bay and I purchased immediately. Then it came in a wood box with a block of wood and attached to that was a aluminum sensor connected to the Life Meter!

Now take that same card with a hologram that has been programmed by you and place it on the life meter and the life meter will go up about 30%. If you charge your hologram for longer periods of time, the percentage readouts will of course be higher. What better proof do you need than this! This machine uses a gas tube to sense organic life! So tell me if you can, how did this register "life" organic on the hologram that has the SE-5 balanced program?

Honestly, Don and I don't have an answer to give to you, it just does and it's up to all of us, who do this type of experimenting from our homes to find this out! Yes, it's expensive! But if your looking for proof, you will find it using both the "Life Meter", DarkField Microscope and the SE-51000 and the "Remote Balancer"! Just those four we are talking about around $6700.00! 

This is their older model they do not sell anymore! This is the one I will be using!

Here is the thing folks and experimenters, in the radionic field of endeavors, you got to look at it from a different perspective.
I purchased additional tools also, such as, Spooky Tesla Antenna it cost $90.00, along with personalized holographic stickers for internal programing such as, I use a program to "save" gas mileage and program that's recorded on the holographic sticker I will then use for myself to make sure it's working! Before I give it to someone, I need to ensure the program was on there and working. 

You say you can't program liquid and it has no memory! I beg to differ from anyone who still holds that old wives tale. Don Paris sent a program to the liquid and after a certain amount of time which he doesn't want to share, there were crystal structures forming that weren't there before!

I use the Life Meter to read it's new energies and if it reads beyond "0"% like 30% of life force, I am good to go or I can balance a longer time frame and re-check the percentages and re-test with the Life Force Meter. When doing special tinctures, I need to copy my video file using the DarkField Microscope and this would be my (before) video that would get posted.

Secondly, I would take a "before" sample of the liquid and place it under the the live blood DarkField microscope, to ensure that it's clear of particles in the liquid, nothing swimming around in it. I would save a copy of the video of that liquid. After balancing the liquid using the SE-5 by broadcasting a particular program into the liquid; 

I would take a sample of the tincture, now programmed into it and place it under the microscope and what we are looking for is something that was not there on the (before) video. What I can suspect to happen is what happened. 
Don broadcasted the IDF's in liquid, after whatever amount of broadcasting time he gave to it. There was only one problem besides believing he did effect the water, he needed viable proof or physical proof that both the program and the SE-5 worked! 

Even though Don stumbled upon this unique manifestation, it doesn't mean he knows how it happened. Like you know if you turn on the switch you get power, but you may not know exactly how this happens. You just enjoy the benefits.

Don had a friend, who is a research scientist, who happened to have a DarkField Microscope in his lab. Don placed it under the microscope and saw something amazing, he saw the crystallization taking place in the liquid, after the broadcast was completed. He discovered what he already believed about the operation. 

Now he has the proof, not just the pudding only. Did the information stop the world in its tracks? No! Don't expect that to happen anytime soon. Don was happy he could create such an elixir and it worked for people.

There would now be floating around inside the liquid tiny fragments of crystal structuring, like little islands that you would see if you were 40,000 feet looking down on the ocean, this is the best I can describe it. 

When I first started in this field, I had to go by "Faith" in all my works, why? Because like most people out in the USA, don't make enough money to purchase a thousand microscope and a five thousand dollar spectrum analyzer or purchasing a SE-5 remote for seven hundred dollars.

Better still, those flat pieces look like ice on top of the water, they are see through. Imagine how many radionic practitioners do you know that has proven their devices can accomplish a 1/3 of what you seen on youtube with the SE-5? I haven't seen it! One gentleman did a time/lapse video of the flowers in a vase that had been balanced with the SE-5 and results speak for itself. 

There was another youtube experiment, a cook had the SE-5 and he programmed a single hologram with the word "Heat"! He brought it to his job and pulled out two ice cubes, he had two credit card size plastic and both had a single ice cube but only one was programmed with the word "heat"! He was live recording and the programmed hologram began melting the ice and water was dripping off the card. The un-programmed hologram the ice was still frozen. I thought it was a great experiment.

What we are aiming for is not what is happening on the surface or the outside of us, trying to prove to the world, "look it works"! The (Microscope) and a (Life Meter), which is, (a sensitivity meter, that sense carbon life forms) yet these two pieces equipment would be able to knock out hundreds, if not thousands of radionics machines proving they don't work and ours does! Everyone here could understand using a Microscope but a "carbon" life indicator? These the two machines will enable you to show proof of your experiments.

Don use to sell this formulated water for specific issues and for spiritual development. Later on there was so many companies jumping the bandwagon selling homeopaths, he seen no use in to try to compete. He now enjoys these elixirs Him and his Wife.

I couldn't get Donny's recipe for what he discovered, changing the liquids into certain homeopath elixirs, using only the SE-5 to process and integrated the IDF's into the physical liquid and to prove it; he placed a liquid drop of plain water on a slide and placed it on the DarkField Microscope. He saw no activities or bugs etc. floating around in the water drop. 

Liquid on the left under a DarkField Microscope and image on the right, after the SE-5 balancing. Notice the crystal structuring, Don believes these are IDF's manifested from the program.

After he programmed the SE-5 to broadcast to the same water in the receiving bottle and I don't know how long it took him, he then took another drop of the new solution and placed it under the DarkField Microscope and to his amazement but no surprise, he seen actual ice like crystal patches floating all around inside this new formula.

You can go on the web and see this on his "experiments" in

He doesn't have to worry about the FDA/AMA over there interrupting is unique experiments. Yet, I know Don is a great guy with a great demeanor and character, he has always been there for me before and after my purchase and I taught him somethings as well. He always appreciated it! He knew he didn't know everything, so he opened himself up to his customers to learn and he already has 30 years of experience in this field. 

In basic radionics "stick" reaction on a sensor plate is essential to get the correct%'s. The SE-5 goes from 0%- 10,000% and beyond! You can't simply do this with a Hieronymus Machines. I used one when I first started out and hello, what a difference in my overall performances.

One thing; when you get any type of radionic device, you must be inclined to do the "Stick" reaction. The SE-51000 is a bit easier on beginners because of the "preset" programs built into the SE-5 and the software that is linked directly to the SE-5's CPU and it is broadcasted from the SE-5, not from the software. There are many vendors out there are selling just software to do radionic work and I am here to tell you don't waste your time and money! 

There are not too many success stories using words and symbols on a computer program and trying to broadcast such to a known or unknown target. Try using OSX MacBook Pro and see if you can alter time and space using a cute computer program to do all the work for you. But if you are willing to go  cheap and have your ego greased then it maybe for you!

If that were the case in fact, everyone would be rushing out to buy an apple computers but such isn't the case! I will narrow it down a bit, don't be taken in by "frequency" generators with knobs and calling it a radionic machine.
If that were the case, everyone would be purchasing an expensive frequency generator and using that as a radionic device. They don't because it was not designed to run that way and besides it works on the physical realm not the aether realms or spiritual realms. 

To further thin out this market, not all boxes with knobs work as they were advertised to do. A friend of mine purchase such a box and he purchased (4) of them and to this date before I lost contact with him, it didn't produce. This guy is gifted in the area of radionics! I think he also realized that having the right machine is 50% of the battle won!

I seen lot's of ridicules imitations of radionics, this is what gives the field a bad name and labeled quackery and I can't blame the skeptics, did you see some of those ads out there! Labeling frequency generators as radionic devices! Come on!

Now the question remains,  what does work out there in radionics? I know one company called blog site, the gentleman is an artist and does reverse engineering of the old radionic machines of the past and I hear they work wonderfully. I never purchased one but he would be the third of two that I know I would trust to build a device for me.

He (Berkana), strictly follows the path of the old schematics that actually worked back then. The reason I didn't purchase from them was, I could only do one person at a time using the Hieronymus Medical Analyzer I use to own. I needed something a bit faster. Less of me involved and more of the "Word" tuning getting to the "subject"!

This device shown is the one I currently own for $4995.00 The SE-51000, it's not for the faint hearted I assure you. The cost alone will have many go somewhere else but it's not so much the device I am talking about here but what is used to make it work. This information alone can't be purchased anywhere else. What you want is the information surrounding a device and this information is not limited to just the SE-5!

This is why I purchased the SE-5, but you said a computer doesn't work! Your right I did say that! But this is no ordinary computer and the breadboard is not an ordinary computer bread board with resisters and transformers etc. it is a spectral analyzer designed to measure 10th's 100's 1000's and 10,000% and higher and any type of measurement. You are not limited to just percentages but also in pounds and ounce or whatever it is you are trying to measure.

The SE-51000 and the Plus operate using symbolic circuitry and scalar circuitry and with a few other surprises I am not privy to know at this time. I measures in % but as you know you can mentally change these numerics into pounds or anything it is you are wanting to measure or weigh.

If one comes to the end of 10,000 and there is no stick, then start at "0" once again, while the 10,000 scale is still set and let's assume you get a stick on 5500, you must add the previous 10,000 where not stick was obtained and add this to your 5500! Now your reading should be a total of 65,000! 

If you are measuring in pounds, just make the statement, "Let all the "tens", "hundreds", "thousands", Ten thousand"'s scale equal to pounds or represent "ounces, 1/4 pound, one pound increments etc. I usually use 10,000 scale in percentages when doing any type of "Spiritual" work. The measurements are not locked into "%'s you can name it whatever you desire, depending what it is your measuring or analyzing.

It's geometrically designed and I don't know what type of language/symbols was constructed on this bread board but it's certainly not a computer in the proper or general sense! One has to program this and this program must be interpreted in a ASKII file format for the SE-5 to understand what is to be broadcast through the final scalar device located on the breadboard.

The SE-5 software is not independent from its CPU; it needs the SE-5 CPU to decode what is written into the software. This is accomplished by turning the worded tunings into an ASKII file format and is ran through the helix wound wiring located on the same circuit board, just the way Don designed it to do. Again, getting back to the beginner in radionics. 

Don's machine can work independently from you as a "user". But in time, you want to learn how to locate the "Stick" reaction (Harmonic valleys and peaks), so you know the %'s of gains or losses are within a few ticks up or down, keeping it "repeatable" and "consistent"! The SE-5 reads in tenths, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, hundred thousand scale or beyond! It's a universal measurement  tool.

This device is 98% (+) and (-) two points up or down...the results are reproducible! I can go back to it one hour later and take a reading and if no energy has been naturally expended I would be within one or two % points from the actual reading! I could never hope to do this with any other machine out there.

When does the "user" know when to use the higher percentages? We are mostly going to use these extreme % scales, when doing chakra's and spiritual measurements. I don't know the programming and as to the "why" of things, only Don knows why and which ones worked for him and his research! Once you duplicated his own work, there's nothing to stop you from trying something else.

I am just following right behind him doing the same experiments and experiencing the same results! This machine is the only one from what I know of, that is truly "Reproducible" in results only if you are good at picking both valleys and peaks of the harmonics when analyzing whatever! Try the banana test, place your probes onto the banana and see what your devices says it has as far as disease goes! This is what I tell people to do before trying to use the device on people.

I have used many other radionic machines in my 17 years of being in the field. So far, with the SE-5, I found out for myself; that it was totally dependable and reproducible at around 98% (+ or -) and it will continue to be stable at the same readings + or - (1-2 points) each and every time. This is truly "Repeatable" and you don't see this with other devices. Two things must be present a very well constructed machine and great dowsing abilities.

That was one of the questions asked of me often, when talking with companies about their machines, "Is it Reproducible" and are the results stabilized? Some devices are designed to scan your body for issues, lot's of these are not even close to being accurate, because after using the machines to analyze your issues, you could take another swipe at it and you will have a hole lot of different issues again! Most of these "scanners" are random number generators.

Any machine used in Radionics is only as good as the operator running it! If the operator measures the energetic heart and it measures around 145% and one hour later you measure it again with no program ran on it and now reads 245% and another ten minutes goes by and it is back to 50%, then we have an operator/radionic (random number generator) consistency problem!

The above is my opinion! Though, it might be both, using a badly built machine and the style of the user's dowsing abilities are below nominal. The operator in a normal setting, should be able to sense the high harmonics peaks and the low harmonic valleys during analysis. Now that I am thinking about it, I am quite sure, if you are not proficient using the "Stick" you will not be able to get that touted "reproducibility"! 

It makes sense! If I use the SE-5 to analyze a persons root chakra and get a reading of 46%, let's re-check and do same analysis I should come to this % or between + or - one to two points before or after. What I am suggesting here is, if you dowsing abilities are good enough, you should re-measure anything more than once or several times each day and if you didn't do anything with it, it will measure the exact same thing (+ or -) around the original measurement.

It takes two to tango so to speak! It's like owning a musical instrument such as a piano, the first person having no experience  sits down and begins playing the keyboard and he or she doesn't know anything about notes, sharps and flats etc. and all they do is, bang on the keys, not making any coherent rhythms or musical sounds we are accustomed too.

I learned over the years that to have a "reproducibility" on any product there must be a "proficient" operator that can interpret the "stick" reactions and be able to pick the highest or lowest of harmonics and everything in between...Lastly the device must be properly constructed...Question: How is this accomplished?

He or She begins banging on the keys and going side to side pressing keys and making terrible sounds. That would be like a "user" with a radionic machine that isn't proficient in finding "stick reactions" or asking or promoting the right instructive words that the machine understands. The only effects one could get both operator and subject is a headache!

The piano is the SE-5 so to speak, in this example. The "Seller" had the piano keys finely tuned (built correctly) to produce great music (word tuning/broadcasting) prior to this meeting (the customer). The new owner sits down who is; proficient in "word" tuning and dowsing, he or she begins to play the most beautiful notes ever heard! 

That music (Word) tunings, effects anyone around that area and beyond! In some cases cause healings of the central nervous system of one's energetic bodies. When the new "information" is broadcasted to the subject, it's up to the CNS of the body to correct the biological from the "new" information that was sent to it through broadcasting using scalar mechanics. 

He the musician (SE-5 Operator) knew his or her instrument and was learned in that skill, they took their times learning and practicing. So, you have two people here with two (SE-5's) or other similar instruments and one can't get the proper reading and thus not able to balance or choose the correct wording for the device in the targets favor. 

There is the other side; where two operators who are proficient using the SE-5 and are successful but when both operators of the same instrument do "analysis" both will come up with two different readings and could be 50-80 or more points low to high. So, who is right or wrong? If both are successful and meet the minimum requirements with repeatable results in measuring, the only conclusion is they are both right!

I can't imagine as I told Don on SKYPE, if I would be comfortable using the SE-5 without a software gate to its CPU. Don told me his model before this one was, the SE-5 Plus and it too had no software to access it's CPU at one time. Then once the software was developed, he sold it to the SE-5 Plus purchasers along with the SE-51000 users.

The person who understands the field of radionics (musical notes) and its boundaries, and is able to sense the lows and highs of the feedback harmonics (the piano's beautiful sound) that the individual or animal is broadcasting in the aether, the experienced radionic operator is able to broadcast with brevity and with clarity the program instructions to affect the "target" close or "far" away. Even this is not good enough, if the machine wasn't properly constructed

You can still purchase this older model SE-5 Plus online, but the prices for this range goes for around $2700.00.  Might as well purchase a new one! This would be good for someone who had the latest SE-51000 as a memento and historical piece. I still would like to get one someday just for historical reasons if nothing else. It now has the SE-51000 software add-ons.

With my SE-5, I can balance one person after another automatically, all I have to do is, run the first program and link up however many people and their issues I want to broadcast too and hit the transmit button. Easy said and easy done! But you will have to reserve many hours of long broadcasting. You will have to break up the interval between the others when re-analyzing the first one you broadcasted too! My opinion, don't do it this way, work on one person at a time or create a holographic chip program and run this on your subject using the CHIO Remote Broadcaster Unit.

Here's the "Cons" to this however, one person may take 24-36 hours balance time and this isn't including the amount of time between IDF's before going to the next. In the beginning of the software you have dowse for the number of minutes for the entire program to run and the "interval" time, that is how many seconds or minutes between each IDF! After it's completed, you have to re-analyze and the device will more than likely require additional hours before moving to the next person!

There was one thing that happened to me while programing the "times" for the "intervals" and the whole program. Sometimes I was spot on and others; the machine would run an additional run time wasn't sure why! Don said, it happened to him as well. A phenomena of consciousness and machine. The "Why" is when you dowse incorrectly the machine will not stop the program until the broadcast is completed.

I have to scan for the length of time and interval of time between the IDF's and the next one coming up and if I am too high or too low on my "Stick" reactions but my usual analysis and broadcasting times are right on, the machine, while it's running, actually corrects to the true balance time and will run under or over the broadcast time, that you may have missed, when using the rub plate. A self correcting machine! 

Who knew! Remember the software doesn't run the program, only the SE-5 runs the program, once the information is relayed to its CPU from the software using zero's and ones, the SE-5 will take over operations. The operator will observe what the device is doing by watching the software program. The software doesn't shut the operation down, it follows it just in case, I need to add some additional reagents and to make sure the program didn't stop immaturely.

This is a video of Don Paris using the SE-5 Plus at the time it was his newest device.

Don't ask me how this is possible on the "self-correcting" part of the device, I told Don about this and he said to me, it's a phenomena that he couldn't explain in the past 30 or so years of using this device, he just accepted it and moved on with it. He's glad it does correct him, instead of giving bad information (too much or too little) thus ruining the broadcast. It didn't happen all that often but enough times to take notice!

I think I hammered in the thought, that no radionic software by itself will not be able to "Manifest"! Like that of a correctly built radionic machine and KRT's words an "Analog" device. KRT Workstation is a real "Radio Broadcast Unit", bet you never knew this!

I know this was a ton of information presented to you, but hey, where else are you going to get the real showdown on such expensive Radionic devices! I have it (SE-5) and used it and it works! It works on the "Physical" level and it works on a "psychological" and "Spiritual" level. I can use the device without the software if I chose to do so. It does run on a 9 volt battery enough the power the scalar device and other electrical devices needed to support the software program.

The SE-51000 software, think of it as instructions sent to the CPU of the SE-5; once the the 5 opens the information extracted the software just becomes a management tool to see what the SE-5 is doing! The SE-5 does all the time figuring and analysis and broadcasts!

Listen, it took me awhile to warm up with this software until Don explained to me that it's not the software that runs the machine, it's the machine that runs the software programming from it's stored information to the SE-5's CPU. He explained to me further, then, I began to see his concept. He told me the software is the window to see what's happening inside the CPU of the SE-5.

Don himself who's been in the field for 30+ years also told me, radionic software doesn't do anything of and by itself! If anything, it is a Random Generator that others use in their software programs and has a list of sicknesses once you push the button it's like a slot machine, it will spit out your diseases! Think CORE 5.0! and other similar devices you may have came across over the years.

I should know about Core 5.0 I owned for one week! I had to send it back, all it was a "softwood" program with pretty architectural designs, it was worthless trying to broadcast to someone! It cost $5000.00 to start. Not to exclude his additional hardware devices.

This is why Don told me to do the banana test. Take a banana and wrap it with one of your radionic sensors devices that comes as accessories to those five thousand dollar scanners. Then run the program and analyze the banana and watch, it will come up with all kinds of diseases! The only thing it doesn't say is "Sucker"!

You can run it twenty times and come up with hundreds more of diseases! I did this with that expensive Core 5.0 and after that test I sent it back. It was nothing more than a piece of useless software with pretty pictures and it included random generator of disease and sicknesses. The Creator of Core 5.0 didn't even want a software program starting out just words.

Core 5.0 is again a glorified "radionic" software program, that's the heart of it and it comes with a lot of expensive external hardware that actually does work, it hums and lights up! The problem is, you can't analyze correctly the radionic issues of a pet or human with a physical approach, what good does it do you, having tens of thousands of dollars using a cult software that only those who have that kind of money could remotely procure for their businesses.

One should consider how cheap the costs are and how expensive the cost is for any particular machine or software. You must know why you want to invest in such a machine in the first place. More is not always better and neither is considering a cheap device!

Which accessory do you need to use to combat your physical or psychological or spiritual issues? That's why medical doctors do chemical and physical and electrical stimuli tests; so they know how to the treat the inner ailments. It's no different when using a radionic device, you have to scan the "subject" to get the correct information feedback from the energy bodies various parts and pathways.

For example: If you purchase all of Cores 5.0 (Radionic Software) and external add-on equipment, it will cost you more than $15,000! I am glad I had a money back guarantee for 30 days. This is why you have to do your own research, quit looking for cheap/or ineffective software program tools, as a result, you will get cheap/no results. But in same matter at hand, expensive doesn't always mean better as from my experiences with CORE 5.0 better.

You know I am not a sales person, Don doesn't affiliate selling his SE-5 to no one else, but himself. I knew Don five years before purchasing the device and after buying it, I knew him for another 17 additional years. Knowing what kind of device I was looking for  was moot because now all I needed was the money. I did all the research a person can do within reasonable bounds.

This is a Magnetron 9000 with the donut wheel of power, pure orginite. You can get this for around $2600.00 on eBay or Amazon.

Kelley's Instruments are as expensive as the SE-51000. We are talking about $5000+. The question remains, which do you rather want of two of the best machines on the market today? Would you want an analog radio broadcaster or an all digital spectral analyzer accurate to over 100,000th scale?

Do you know why this article is so long? Because some of you out there are willing to pay $10,000+ if they can get a radionic machine or any machine to help them financially or health wise. These "buyers" are ripe for the Pickens! There are millions of shoddy businesses that would love to take all that cash off your hands. Hey, all they have to do is be created and create a software looking like a machine and claim it produces like a machine!

Once the money exchanges hands, you get a shoe box with gizmo and wiring and knobs and guess what, no returns allowed , "experimental use only"! There is one company I can vouch for other than Don Paris's company and that is KRT-Kelley's Radionic Workstation table top model. A mouthful isn't it! But they are not cheap yet their analog technology is proven work in the Agricultural field for many years.

The Kelly WorkStation cost $5000.00 if you want glass wells instead of plastic ones, along with a few other items that are accessories such as, the antenna broadcasting plates! . Kelly Research are the very best unit (Flagship) model; that money can buy! It has its limitations also, that was the reason I chose the SE-5 instead. To each is own when working in the field of energy. 

My SE-5 is light weight and can run on a 9 volt battery but the battery isn't used just for the computer to power up; it is used for the helix wire to run power through the scalar casing wiring  that's on the inside, causing zero cancellation at the nodes areas. It's in a small plastic box located on the inside of the circuit board.

My unit is light and I can go anywhere at a moments notice bringing it along with me. Not so with the Workstation! It's like having a large apple computer sitting in front of you. Where you put it and that's where it's going to stay. Most people are OK with something like this. My SE-5 and CHIO are sometimes in different rooms. No particular reason for it.

I know how to use Hieronymus, I use to have a Hieronymus Medical Analyzer, that a guy named William Jenson in Washington state built for me in appreciation of his back being healed after broadcasting to him using the only radionic machine I had at the time, the Hyper-Dimensional-Resonator.

This "WorkStation" is a Hieronymus Machine! It has more updated parts on the inside and out and if I had a little extra money, I would love to get this one also. I was lucky I knew Don, otherwise I would have been using this device, which would have limited me on the things I like to experiment with. Now I gave you a secondary place to check out! I am only biased when I know what I have does actually work as advertised. 

The problem I have with the KRT company is, there accessories are in the thousands of dollars. The WorkStation is suppose to have just about everything built inside it. Yet you may need an extra bank of dials or additional broadcast antenna's. Sometimes four dials are not enough for some operations and there you go another $2600.00+ $5000= $8600.

You can purchase additional dial banks and broadcasting antenna plates etc. at KRT (One stop shopping Radionic center). You will not be left behind when using such an elaborate instrument. They do have their inexpensive models as well. This all depends what it is your looking to do or wanting to achieve. Check your dowsing abilities before purchasing any type of radionic machine! This will save you a lot of time and money!

I love the software program that is used with the SE-5; only to help transport the information into the SE-5's CPU. This software is used like a doorway into the CPU only to distribute the information from point "a" to point "b" turning the "word" tuning into a series of binaural numbers of zero's and one's before broadcasting. It doesn't run or operate the SE-5 like a radionic software was designed to do running it on the computer thus making the computer essentially a potential radionic machine.

Lastly, what do you really need a radionic machine to do for you? Is it worth five or six thousand dollars to achieve this? Is it just for the love of research that to you, is fascinating? Is it used for "revenge"! Is it needed for "witchcraft" work? There are a million reasons why people purchase cheap and expensive radionic machines! 

Radionics isn't just a switch you flip on and in comes the manifestations, it doesn't work like that and never will! The machine to a Radionic operator is an extension of himself and herself. In theory, it's suppose to enhance your already psychic abilities you we're born with or may have learned to develop over the years.

Or is it for blessing others? These are the hard questions and second hardest question is, is it worth putting yourself in debt for? If all or none of these apply to you, want are you expecting for the machine to bring to you? Some people consider such a device as electronic "Secret" and further extremes they call it electronic "prayer"! 

Oh! Your expecting a cash flow to manifest in your bank accounts. Well that's different! Is it really! Keep in mind the Radionic machine of itself can do nothing! It needs a bio-electrical hookup source and that my friends is "you"! It hooks up to your subconscious mind that you simply can't control at your conscious level.

It was designed in the old days to "amplify" your already used "Intuition" or "ESP" abilities! Sellers won't talk about this! If you never experience "ESP" but only once or twice in your lives, I am sorry to say, this machine is not going to be all that useful to you. Unless you are willing to put in the time to learn which could take a few years or more!

If your budgets are really tight, look no further there are some well made devices for $1000.00! Some have five pre-built in generators. 

I am not saying you can't learn dowsing, you most certainly can! But I wouldn't purchase nothing over $1000 for any machine at this moment in your lives, since you may not be experienced in dowsing. When I learn to use the one cheaper model, then I sprung for the more professional models that are replicated or reversed engineered. This took me around 20+ years! There are no formal schools for this sort of thing.

If you are just learning how to drive, how many parents will allow their sons or daughters to take the good expensive family car! They usually purchase a junker for them to learn to be proficient and responsible. It's pure old commonsense! There is nothing wrong with type of approach for anyone just learning to do something!

This video shows Don Paris's new external device in action, the SE-5-2000 with bluetooth technology, will have this add-on built inside the machine, instead of having a box separate by the machine. The cost of the new unit $6000.00

So, the responsible thing to someone who never experienced "ESP" or Psychic Intuition throughout the year and every year, then consider the wisdom above and start a little cheap and learn, we all did in the radionics field. I used the cheap Super HDR from Steven Gibbs because his device is a radionic machine. Not much to screw up at anyone time for the price.

Don Paris is working on another SE-5 it will have bluetooth technologies along with the "Harmonic" Sensors, he calls it "SE-5-2000. This is on hold temporarily until he completes the harmonic sensor exterior sensor unit for the SE-51000 first. 

That's all I had to work with (HDR) and I made all mistakes and goof ups in analyzing and broadcasting during that time. After 3-4 years later, I ventured into purchasing the $5000.00, SE-51000. I knew ahead of time how to sense for the "stick" reaction and what it tells me. I developed myself for many of years and still have room for growth. But I am aiming more to the "spiritual" side, hey I am 61 years young, did all I could do that a younger person could.

Don is currently working on a device which, automatically picks the low to highest stick reaction. As you rub the plate, when a "stick" happens, the Add-On instrument of Don's new external device will automatically record the highest or lowest harmonic and place it into the software, this cost is $1000.00 extra. Not meant for people who are experienced using the sensor touch plate.

Don't let me stop you if you still want your cheap or expensive machines and that's ok with me! But I just wanted to be responsible letting you all know I am not trying to sell you something but I am  telling you what is possible with the right machines, with such a device.

If you purchase a camcorder, make sure in the technical description it says, "time/lapse" capabilities. There are some camcorders out there, that doesn't have this feature built into the program. I got a Go-Pro, it fits my current needs at the moment.

I purchased this camera to do time/lapse videos of plants and liquids under the influence of my subconscious mind using the SE-5 for amplification of this working mind in the background. The Microscope along beside it, will be of great use to show what happens to any elixir I create using this device.

This is about $1070.00 it scans live blood! This is want you want. You want to see the moving blood cells or microbes in the water or elixirs etc.

Since this DarkField Microscope is designed to see "Live Blood" , you know the actual moving cells within the blood, I can see and let you all see what happens with the blood after consuming any type of elixir. 

Things may happen and things may not happen, I may even have to re-do my elixir's over, that is the whole reason why I will have a professional microscope to find anything that I can't see with the naked eye! Maybe I am broadcasting to my blood a "purity" program, it would be interesting to see if there are physical side effects on a microbe level.

I hope after reading this article on radionics, in itself is only short brief compared to its historical information, this will help you decide if this is something you like to venture into. I pushed the SE-51000 because it's a machine that gets the job done! But there are others out there that are comparable.

The picture below is the 9000 model, the 9100 just came on the market. Just click above link and you will see that the 9100 looks almost the same as the 9000 on their homesite, yet has a little more useful features. I can't give you my take on this one, I never heard of this until one day I happened to a Google Image. It is a frequency generator that contain "Alpha", "Beta", "Theta" and "Delta" frequencies. In theory, it will help the operator come down into the "state" of mind, a receptive mind state. Similar to the Welz Machines for sale.

This is a genie 9100 which contains 5 pre-set frequencies (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta)

These listed above receptive mind state could be for you, anywhere's between any of the above listed frequencies. You can also have them running at the same time you are broadcasting, it's believed to be used as a "Carrier" type frequency. To be honest, which I am 99.99% of the time, this would be my first choice for $1000.00, if I couldn't obtain the $4000+ models. It's also a realtime broadcasting radio! I'm not altogether sure how it works in the overall scheme of things, better you talk with the company if you have additional questions.

Would you believe it, we just made it to the end! I do apologize for such a lengthy article, it's just radionics is my second passion for life, in other words, for me it's fun! Not to be take so seriously all the time. There are times for such feelings but not now! Maybe after absorbing some of this article, over time, you will come to appreciate what your looking for and why! Don't re-invent the wheel someone already done so! 

Lastly, you will have a whole "week" to go over all the above information before the next posting!

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  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...