Monday, February 25, 2019


We all heard of the Neuro-Phone designed and built in the early 70's by Patrick Flanagan...A clone came out in the market a few years later it's called, "ECHOFONE"!

I am going to pick your brains today, back in the early 70's what is the man's name who invented the Neuro-Phone? What is it first of all? When you place two transducers dampened on each side of your head the music or hypnotic subliminal go through the skin into the skull and right into the brain by passing the ear mechanisms. 

This machine back then was way before it's time! There is a secondary device that operates pretty much the same way and it's called, "Echo-Phone". Be advised, it's expensive around $400-$480 for this technology.

It uses the skin conduction to transmit the music to the subconscious mind in a spatial manner. The sounds are fuller and if you plug both ears at the same time you will hear the music coming from inside your head! It produces faster results! 

Did you guess who the name of the man was who invented the first model? His name is Patrick Flanagan. He was a child genius in his days, he taught the US Navy how to communicate with dolphins via skin hookup! This device is ultra-sonic above our human hearing.


This is the Echo-Phone that you can purchase through Inner-Talk for $429.00. It's a bit expensive but no more than let's say an radionic box or the HDR. Those two transducers with built in sponges will be moistened first and placed on each side of your temple or one on your temple and the other on your heart! 

Just place it until you hear the music in your head and you do this by plugging both ears and if it is in the correct place, you will hear the music coming from within your brain thus bypassing conventional hearing, you are now listening to Ultrasonic frequencies.

I wish someone had this information available in the years I was using the Gibbs HDR. I am a radionic practitioner and quite good at it. Many don't have this ability! So how can someone be able to operate the HDR since tuning the dials and rubbing the plate is radionics!

I was told by Mr. Taylor of Innertalk several years back, he told me this device will cut down the time on his hypnosis and subliminal programs by half. Meaning you will reach your desire goals in half the time! It uses the human skin for transportation to the brain instead of going through the ears. 

Why such an interest just for using the HDR? Unfortunately, the HDR is first and foremost a radionic device with a built-in electromagnet system. One still needs to use the rub plate to tune both dials to the time they want to go to. It's not accurate! I had this machine for years!

The HDR took me places where I couldn't do myself, like visiting other dimensions. It's this author's opinion that the radionic portion of the machine works with the subconscious mind! Radionics is known for subconscious charging those machines. But many of us, including myself, might have a difficult time using the HDR because their subconscious minds are under developed. The brain is like any other part of the body, if you don't use it, you will lose it!

The large Magnet with "south" on it cost and extra $110.00

When your using the rub pad on the HDR and tuning the dials for a stick reaction, what you essentially are doing is awaiting a subconscious indicator thus your fingers are the link between the HDR box and your mind! 

There is no getting around this fact! It is what it is! What I am showing you and what I am going to get is that ECO-FONE from Inner-Talk. I know they work because I purchased a similar unit from Patrick Flanagan in the early 70's. It was cool, but I realize too late at the time, I really had no use for it.

I experienced Flanagan's Neuro-Phone and I own one and will be incorporating this device with my Innertalk cd's. The unique subliminal will be riding on the Ultrasonic Frequency as a carrier wave directly through the skin into the brain itself thus by passing the normal hearing.

Here is Eldon Taylors explanation of this above device:

Echofone: Advanced Learning System Using Spatial Technology

This new ultrasonic listening system extends your hearing perception to sounds which are ordinarily well above your hearing range. Incoming high-frequency sounds are converted to ultrasound and played through transducers which are mounted on headphones and contact your skin in front of your ears. 
The ultrasound then travels through your skin into the brain, where it is interpreted as sound. The high-frequency range stereo headphones provide a full-spectrum audio experience. Indeed, simultaneously processing sound through the skin and the auditory network is believed to increase the pathways involved in information processing thereby enhancing retention
The Echofone ultrasonic listening system:
  • Extends High Frequency Perception
  • Greatly Increases Fidelity of Quality Recordings (CD, DAT, DVD)
  • Greatly Enhances Spatial Dimension of Sounds
  • Augments Hearing in Listeners with High Frequency Hearing Loss
This is the only device on the market that has stereo output . . . a crucial feature for using this without patented InnerTalk programs.

The Echofone prevents the listener from drifting off to sleep while listening to the specially constructed subliminal's!

The Echofone ensures that the healing effect of music or InnerTalk subliminals reach the psychological level of human hearing in the body, by reproducing the fine structural information which is contained in music's overtones (high-frequency tones that you may not even notice). 

This can profoundly energize and invigorate our ears, brain and total body. The Echofone reproduces the fine structural information which is contained in these overtones, and has a direct effect on the emotions of the listener.
The Echofone provides a micro-massage to the middle ear and stimulation to the inner ear, therefore enhancing alertness in the temporal lobe of the human brain, and profoundly energizing and invigorating our ears, brain and body, thus having a direct effect on the emotions of the listener..
Music heard through Echofone has a startling richness and a deeply relaxing affect. The unique combination of deep relaxation and spectral activation via Echofone prevents the listener from drifting off to sleep which would render the deep relaxation ineffective. 

Echofone affects the brain and nervous system directly through the sense of hearing and can be used to improve hearing. Echofone can be used to improve psychological and physical conditions such as hearing, learning difficulties, voice problems and behavioral disturbances which are causally associated with the area of acoustic perception.

I placed this ad below because I have found this trend in the years I purchased mine. Both FONES, work similarly well and captivate the listeners meditative state of mind. I never got to use mine that I purchase two years ago. Because my wife pretty much claimed for herself! Since she put it away for over six months now it's my turn!

Featured Testimonial

"I use an Echofone with much success. For about two hours after use I'm almost brilliant, OK, OK, at least the insights are. It does help me think more clearly with greater self-realizations and insights into others. VERY vivid dreams—wow, the colors. Did you ever see that Dick Tracy movie? 

Yep, those are the colors. Also, the content of my dreams seem to be more productive. This is with a theta brainwave CD. And since I started using InnerTalk Lucid Dream CD with the Echofone I have at least two lucid dreams every night, sometimes up to five.

B.B., NM

I placed this testimony here as I know others from forums that I talked with in the 70's and 80's all spouted pretty much the same experiences. By using the device you speed up your progress either with Inner-Talk or whatever type of mediation you maybe listening too buy over 50%! 

To those who don't have any particular taste when it comes to meditation, let me suggest what I listen too and had good results with last fall and that's inner-talk, I can only imagine what it would be like using the same cd's or mp3 sound tracks through the ECHO-FONE. You can follow my results in my past post #AA.

Again let me reiterate, if you are not experience meditator and you have or thinking of buying the HDR, I would put the HDR on hold and get the Echo-Fone and train your subconscious minds using whatever meditation programs you like and that work for you. Within about 30 days or so, then order your HDR and I know it will work for you. 

If you don't and want to go cheap, that's on your dime! But if the HDR doesn't work for you it's not because it's defective it's because the HDR needs your subconscious mind to enter into it! If your subconscious mind isn't trained it will be a stand down for sure!

I like Taylor's platinum cd's where he puts the best of techno meditation to new heights and you do need headphones. If you get your ECHOFONE, it will come with headphones that can hear the Ultrasonic carrying the NLP subliminal into your head bypassing the natural hearing process with the ears.

I am going to order the above ECHOFONE for myself and use my original $700 Neuro-Phone and purchase Taylors other Platinum nature sounds and run it through the machine. It's only been November of 2018, when I started using the Inner-Talk cd's once again and it never let me down thus far.

On the right side of the blog front cover, you will see on the front index article #AA ;check this every so often, I keep it updated each time I use the cd's. Anything that happens I will surely let you know about it on this techno-diary.

Most of his programs are one hour long and you can listen to most of them on your phone or radio system at home. No need for headphones unless the program requires it, the Dream Petitioning cd is a platinum series and it's recommenced to be heard using a good quality headset. 

The more complexed platinum series programs will require you to use your headphones. This Echofone converts any music into ultra high frequencies which by pass the ear canal and is transmitted through via "skin conduction" using to EEG type metal probes.
This is cheaper than Flanagan's Nero model, his model will set you back almost $800.00. This Echofone is only $460.00 plus tax. There is only these two models on the market today that I am aware .
It was stated by Patrick Flanagan, when one uses this device it will open psychic centers of the brain, it converts "subliminal" program into ultra high frequencies and transports the NLP directly into the brain itself! But first you have to get a good program that will work 50+percent of the time!

I am a "prepper"I have stocks of food and water and camping equipment and of course meal packets! I vested in this in case our power ever crashes or some other freaky things begin to happen.

Special Alert:

Gold and Silver will soon to do a retrace to the low side around the end of this month and will continue to fall up unto April 2019, the is the seasonal real metal purchasing! The Gold and Silver fall all summer or stay flat until around Oct-Nov 2019. These are the best times to purchase single grams of Gold and maybe 4 each Silver Eagles.

APMEX grams in gold can be purchased in the second market, for around $37 per gram and there is there is 28 grams in one ounce of Gold! Just purchase secondary market gold, per gram its cheaper, I get mine from two different sources. APMEX is where I do most of my larger purchases.

When the Gold and Silver rise, continue to buy, but just a small amount that you can afford. If you can't afford the gold, then purchase some silver! This is not an advertisement nor is it money making plan. Its commonsense, President Trump is in the process of kicking out the Federal Reserve.

Strap up everyone! This is going to be a wild ride! Don't get gold or Silver for trading, we are not advocating to make a quick profit. We are advocating to purchase hard currency as a "Insurance" policy. Gold should be falling soon according to it's seasonal buy and sale. It is signaling something else right now.

Trump stated, we have plenty of gold in the US! Our new monies will be back by gold! Russia/Turkey/SA are already purchasing tons of gold to back their homeland paper money and are letting go the American dollar. Brazile is also purchasing gold!

It's coming! If you are not prepared, one morning you will wake up and find 50% of your life savings has been taken away from your bank accounts, just like Greece did with its citizens. This has to happen this way! If you purchase within your affordability any amount gold and silver it will offset future losses in cash! 

Some pundits are now turning around and saying, if the government goes through with his plan, gold could be $50,000 per ounce! But one has to wait after the new financial plan is in place and Gold and Silv
er level out! I feel I owe this to my readers, this information, do you research and find out why!

Don't purchase expensive gold and silver collectibles when you decide to cash them in, you will only get "Spot Price" of that moment, not Nusmatic price! Gold is Gold and Silver is Silver and you will get full spot price at APMEX. But you have to have $1000.00 in value, when you sell your rocks. Eventually you will have the value over time.

Your not purchasing gold or silver to make a profit, that's not what I am suggesting here to do! I am purchasing what I can afford and keeping it in our safe. By the end of this year I will have purchased 105 silver Eagles! I already purchased 6 ounces of gold! We will only purchase gold in 1/10 gram in a coin from here on in. We will probably have 7 or 8 ounces of Gold by the end of the year. We were a bit fortunate to be able to purchase right now 55 silver one ounce coins and we will purchase four silver coins each per month from now til the end of December 2019.

Don't get caught up buying collector coins, they are very expensive and they are not easy to liquidate in an emergency situation. Disregard, the MS-70 or what particular mint is on the coin. We are not in for coin collection we are in to sell gold and silver at "Spot" price! The Feds told Trump they are planning to crash the stock market if he tries to use gold back dollars and silver back dollars.

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  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...