Friday, June 28, 2024

#77: THE CROWS NEST II: Every so often crows fly around and pick up tidbits from the ground while in flight, picks it up and flies to the nest to drop it off and will later examine it, if he wants to keep it or not!

Let me tell you a story how the Scarecrow came into being on this blog so many years ago! This will help the new people interested in times past to get a taste what is possible when applying yourselves to that which you seek to change or to add in your lives!

Once upon a time, there lived a man known to his close friends who know who he was,

Came out of nowhere as the "Punisher" of negativity his name stuck and ScareCrow", a modern-day explorer in the realms of science and metaphysics. There are lots of things happening everyday! It's not going to be over anytime too soon!

With a passion for uncovering the unseen and harnessing the power of nature and 

Technology, he embarked on journeys that most could only dream of. If he has the time left walking upon the earth and my crypto makes me profitable again, I will currently hunt down two different lists and get those things that seems out of the reach for the vast majority financial wise.

His latest adventure began with a peculiar fascination for hexagonal water, a special

A form of structured water believed to have incredible healing properties. Armed with an orgonite disc mixed with shungite, a mysterious mineral from a Russian meteorite, he began freezing glasses of water atop the disc. 

To his amazement, the ice formed stunning vortex shapes, as if nature itself was

Crafting art in his freezer. This water, he discovered, had a profound effect on his chronic sinus issues, clearing them up in just a few weeks. Encouraged by this success, he delved deeper into his experiments.

The levels of these progressions have taken me years to achieve! It wasn't overnight! I invested time and money and taught myself "patience"! Somethings worked while other things didn't work! It would work for some and others like myself it didn't work for! 

This is the patience I taught myself. Forge ahead like Steel! While it is yet in its liquid 

Shape, natures directs it and allow it to naturally cool and harden. But Scarecrow curiosity didn't stop at hexagonal water. I needed to know what machine makes it! It's called the Vitalizer Plus! $800.00

He had another powerful tool at his disposal: the SE-51000 Probability Analyzer, a 

Machine capable of sending specific word tunings into the scalar realm. One day, he set an ambitious goal to visit the elusive Area 51, a place shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. 

For two weeks, he programmed the SE-51000 to broadcast his intent, and one night, 

He found himself on the tarmac in front of an aircraft hangar labeled "Area 51." Inside, the scene was eerily lifelike. With burning cigarettes and steaming coffee hinting at recent human activity. An elevator took him down to a hidden level, a glimpse into a world few have seen.

To further enhance his explorations, he planned to use the Gibbs Hyper-Dimensional 

Resonator, a portable time-traveling device. This tool, combined with his SE-51000, allowed him to program his experiences, choosing what he wanted to see and what to avoid. This part is extremely important! We rush in where "Angels Fear to Tread"! It's not scriptural but a descriptive warning just the same!

When we build an house, it's not all made out of wood and for good reasons! While living on this planet and using planet resources we can create a beautiful home with all the trimmings. Mansions can be built like skyscrapers but the foundation must be strong enough to support such a monolith constructed building.

But we have to consider Mother Nature who also has a bit of say so! We either work in 

Harmony with the earth or be destroyed by the very powers we are trying to conceive and build. I hate to break this on certain that believe in "Green New Deal"! I am not buying into such things! They are free to believe what they want as long as I am not forced into it. Just use commonsense about such things that is; keep your own back porches clean of debris and don't worry so much of your neighbors!

We build first a solid foundation made of rock or steel or whatever can withstand a 

Direct attack from Mother Nature! There are laws that mankind must adhere to or they will be succumb by natures wrath! This earth originally was created for mankind not the other way around. We are to take dominion of the earth and all its resources and use when needed. But that's my opinion only!

Even so, our bodies must and foremost comply to whatever it is we are trying to 

There is no cheating the destructive forces of nature! Everything we think and do have consequences! But not to worry, if mankind abuses such things, it won't be the "Green" boys saving the day, nature has its own ways of communicating with the wrongdoers it doesn't need our help in this matter! We need to take care of ourselves.

We have to deal with mankind's 3 part being! You can' t have one without the other it won't work! Wherever the body goes the mind will follow! The mind (universal) knowledge doesn't inhabit the brain! It's all around us in this physical creation. 

Our brains how much or how small, is the colander that sifts through the universal 

Information and takes what it needs. Our consciousness that of Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta mind states exist all operating all at different Bust's throughout the day. These are the gateways to enter into the universal consciousness. And these functions (mental) can be taught to open such gateways!

But the Punisher, the ScareCrow's quest for discovery didn't end there, he decided to 

Incorporate SubClub Black subliminal into his routine, targeting out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, and even astral projection. The best will be using custom subliminal's and you set your own strength it is recommended 3-Core programs with 30 modules and once built it is a single Mp3 that is around 30 minute listening time.

I certainly understand there are no guarantees with these experimental mp3's. Those 

Who used these from the SubClub Black, all agree be careful with these because the subconscious mind becomes xtra sensitive and can cause body reactions. Some good and some uncomfortable and this depends what issues it is poking at the time. Everyone responds differently.

There are lot's of disagreements on the belief of a three part being all wrapped in a single meat locker! First the physical and second the soul (emotional) and last your "Spiritual"! Some may not believe in the spirit world man resides in, and at the same time residing in the flesh and bone! We can't change the outward body,

Why is this so important? My understanding is, we are a tripart being! #1: Flesh, #2: 

Soul and #3: spirit! The Flesh and Soul need this internal guidance whether you believe in it or not, it is your emotions, it is the "you" that responds to these emotions. You just can't work one part of your being and let the other two continue to become worse! These will pull from the vital resources in this case, your subliminal training. It will divert for immediate use elsewhere.

As for the spirit~this one can't be controlled by you! It is a hands off, it is a

Intelligent being that keeps the body bio working 24/7. I call it a mini-throne-room! The CPU of biological life and spiritual growth. It is known as your inner-man (the heart)! The body without the "spirit" will die! It is not you, it is the breath of the creator! When we die, that breath that last breath our loved ones exhales one last time goes back to the creator for he is life!

As he prepared to embark on this new journey, he also discovered the Orgone 

Broadcaster is a radio! It's a device capable of cleansing harmful frequencies within a four-mile radius. To me, I couldn't prove one way or the other that it can accomplish that function! I don't feel anything having resin orgone in our home! After years gone by I threw them out and still never known things any different.

I am so glad to meet individuals online to hear what happened to him and providing pictures! There top of the line model, AO4000 is around $1300.00 part of that you can have him custom build as an add-on to the orgone radio! It broadcasts and receives, this is a powerful orgonite, next to your favorite pyramids that sit there lifeless.

Though he, the inventor had yet to build the Orgone Broadcaster, his unique gift for 

Finding rare and extraordinary devices ensured that "He" would soon have it in his possession. His wife, ever supportive, watched as he pursued his passions with unwavering dedication, adjusting his methods to ensure her comfort and well-being. 

This "He", is myself! So, we are left with a mini-radio broadcaster labeled as, 

AO4000! One guy sent in a picture showing the ice cubes in his freezer had energy shooting out of the tray looking like this below but on a much smaller scale. The energy was coming out of the ice tray trying to return to the device we mentioned.


These showed up on a much small level coming out of the ice trays. 

Upwards stalactite and stalagmite, elongated forms of various minerals deposited 

From solution by slowly dripping water. A stalactite hangs like an icicle from the ceiling or sides of a cavern. A stalagmite appears like an inverted stalactite, rising from the floor of a cave. Stalactites hanging from the ceilings of caverns commonly exhibit a central tube or the trace of a former tube.

If anyone knows what orgonite can do to drinking water no matter the kind of water used. But at the moment we are using a Tesla Coil inside the transmitter and inside the receiver of the Spooky2 Scalar. It really works folks! I have the pictures to prove it that I taken and placed on my kitchen table across from the sink and on my stove.

It's imperative that you tune both machines after connecting them together with an 

Umbilical cable connection. The longer the cable the bigger the scalar field it can produce. I don't know how John built this thing, from what I understand he studied Meyle from Germany his two twin towers around 4 foot high also with a pancake coil underneath the surface that both get tuned at the same time.

One of his most remarkable experiments involved a 6x2 inch double-terminated 

Quartz crystal. He, scarecrow placed the crystal on the scalar receiver and a plain glass of R/O water on the transmitter. It's important to follow these steps! There is more understanding you and I have and will learn these truths.

We are transferring the energies from the quartz crystal, which isn't all that much by 

Itself. Because the Lattice of the crystal must be energized with outside mechanical "pressure"! The Spooky Tesla Coil inside the Spooky2 Scalar Generators fills that void at the moment but the AO4000 Model Orgone/Torsion Broadcaster fits the same bill. 

It places some of that pressure on the crystal's lattice and transmits its "piezo- 

Electrical effect" and it becomes molecular, when both transmitter and receiver is tuned to each other and by sending it out to the transmitter in a 180 degree out of phase signal, right into the glass of water that sits on the transmitter. You don't need the water just other DNA possibilities.

I am not discovering anything that is not already out there and has been experimented with or used on a daily basis, I am writing this to those who want to expand what is already out there or discovered in times past! The differences is our technologies approach from that of the past to that of the current!

By tuning the machine counterclockwise until the lamp on the transmitter brightened, 

It ensured a strong connection to each machines. This process, is believed to imbued the water with unique properties, and scarecrow eagerly awaited the results of this phase of his testing.

With each new day, Punisher alias ScareCrow, embraced the unknown, ready to see 

What tomorrow would reveal. His adventures in the realms of orgonite, shungite, and scalar energy were just the beginning of a lifetime dedicated to exploring the boundaries of reality and unlocking the secrets of the universe. 

And so, with a heart full of curiosity and a mind eager for discovery, he continued his 

Journey, ever faithful to the pursuit of knowledge and the joy of uncovering the extraordinary. Sometimes that "joy" comes in a single moment or it may take days, weeks, months and years to fully understand such things.

Time Traveling, OBE's, Parallel Time lines and Quantum Jumping and Remote Viewing, Associate Remoter Viewing, Remote Influencing! These are just a few off the top of my head that is exactly what I done! My wife did better using RV! I had two big experiences but it was hard doing what I do with RV using not pictures I can't draw! I would get image flashing before it happens!

This too may not be your cup of tea and it's my hopes you just don't re-create 

Something that is already here, ready to be used! Time is so valuable, one wakes up and a week's gone by! You listen to SubClub Black for only 15 minutes every other day! You heard that right! I really had to send one of the two owners exactly what they meant. I got the answer back, saying, it is because of the "Zero-Point", and told me by telling you we give away our proprietary software.

Being human we are made to be patient in well doing! We can't foretell the future, 

Some say they can! I am not here to judge what they believe, that is up to them. I'm usually taken to a parallel time window, it had a mix of knowing the future when using my HDR. But there were no definitives what I think will come to pass or was what I was experiencing was it the future or part of a small slice or just lucidity at its finest.

But this is mixed with other esoteric creations and my IDL-22 would show me a 

Future that 30% have since came to pass. But getting up and analyzing what I remembered, there was no way which of the images were actually the future. My SE-51000 taken me to Area 51 and that felt like a bi-location more than time travel.

In this line of study and experimentations, one could only guess what could or would happen in any moment using these exotic devices! We have to keep in mind, not every device sold is; capable of doing anything to anyone.  

This is where the "risk" factors come into play. 

. IDL-22 designed by KOSOL OUUCH and James Rink at:

. SE-51000 Probability Analyzer by DON PARIS-

. HDR-Hyper-Dimensional Resonator by Steven Gibbs. Unfortunately, he passed!  8 Dial HDR $800.00

. The ORGONE Radio/ Tensor up to 4 miles radius. (A04000: $1200.00)


. Customized Subliminal Programming Nothing You ever would or could                ever experience to date!


You know we all become attracted to things that draws our attentions but for a 

Moment and it's in that moment that encapsulates us and brings to us an open door! Our responsibilities start only, when we step forth into the open door before us! You all know how fast time flies! What's one hour and what's 15 minutes a day to listen to a brook spewing water over rocks!

His ultimate goal was simple yet profound: to enjoy the life, the Great God Jehovah 

Intended for him to experience. He believed that even in the face of unimaginable pain, the human spirit's innate programming to survive and thrive would guide him. This didn't come without work on his part! Sure, he had the machines but he had to learn to use them and the patience to await results, if any would occur.  

Here is something you probably haven't heard of before, giving doctors credit they deserve. Listen, there are bad doctors and there are good doctors. In my opinion, the bad doctors are minuscule next to the AMA! Shift the blame to the right people our government in medicine. They believe in power and they flaunt this to everyday to America's people!

Through his explorations and experiments, he, myself sought to not only heal himself 

But also to unlock the potential for greater understanding and harmony with the world around him. Within one month of sleeping in the "Natural Scalar" field all night, one morning he was busy and he forgot to take his sinus pills, when he got up from sleep.

He taken 4 tablets every 4 hours up until 9:00pm everyday for 56 years! Each bottle 

Contains 100 tablets of Benadryl. Just one tablet will make a person sleep! He was taking 12 tablets per day for every 30 days, equals around 360 tablets monthly. Strong enough to put a bull elephant to sleep on a rainy day! It's been close to 4 months now and I didn't take any meds!

Those who take off the shelve meds, know what I am talking about! I take medications 

Due to my almost being killed issues. If it weren't for the medicines afterwards, nearly half the population if not more would be dead or dying. Use commonsense and gladly receive both technologies. There was no medicine that could work for my sinus just more money being spent chasing the next little miracle. 

God bless the medical doctors! We made them into the monsters and they're not! The 

Monster is the governmental control on medicine and holding back possible cures. It doesn't care if you live or die! We pretty much could see this from the past "Outbreak"! Forcing vaccines in the face of the American people. Many children died of cardiac arrests! Being out of school for years!

When doing things like this, there are going to be times something else happens that you were not planning for! Sometimes for good and unfortunately sometimes for the bad happens! In my story mostly good! Some not so good! Let's dive into the details as they say.

"The devil is in the details", when trying to purchase or sell contracts is one example. 

Some contracts are so big containing hundreds or thousand of pages to read the details these are ran by lawyers. I had my Spooky2 Scalar for almost two months going on! I mostly used it in "Molecular" mode for this experiment.

Two things happened being the first was, water can be charged on the spooky2 Scalar 

Transmitter in 3 minutes but I noticed when, I would run it all night the patters in the ice became brilliant in design. I honestly didn't think this would work by only placing a cup of water on the transmitter and then tune both machines and the water and let it run.

The second thing that happened was that of my sinus conditions, completely gone! 

Never in the history of my life genetic wise, there was no medicine the hospital or from drugstore over the counter medicines; I was healed in my 4th week. I took 240 tablets a month, just to keep this genetic uprising under control. As I am writing this I am breathing like I never did before! Who knew! I ran the "Natural Scalar" mode.

Why do some people take to the "Spiritual" like ducks on a June Bug and others just seemingly don't ever see such things in their everyday lives? I know there are individual circumstances that happen to each of us and if the "genetics" is there waiting patiently. It will burst forth opening new frontiers of your imaginations.

You're saving hundreds or thousands of dollars I had spent in my lifetime to trying to 

Fix this genetic mishap as I like to call it! My wife couldn't believe it! She told me, I will wait for another month to see if it continues or it was just a fluke! 21 June 2024 will be that day! Two months, would have gone by, no

The Punisher alias ScareCrow’s story is a real person, a testament to the boundless 

Possibilities that lay at the intersection of science, spirituality, and the human spirit. His journey was one of continual discovery, a never-ending quest to push the limits of what was known and to explore the vast, uncharted territories of existence.

He asks himself, where do I go from here? Personally, know where your finances are 

Going to at all times. Because a field of endeavor outside the "normal" world, can be a bit tricky to maneuver. Dealing both with your spouses and families along with co-workers and wanna-be's experts, who promise you the world overnight! I say, you have your hands full. 

What you will be reading is direct quotes from the genius subliminal designers. Believe me when I share this with you, not all seems the same when on the surface, it's when we take a Swan Dive into the deeper waters we learn the vast universe we have here on planet earth! 

But earth was made for mankind we are part of it! The deep dive we attempt is into a 

Vast pool of deep consciousness when going on beyond the dust we came from! So, let us begin on this new journey that takes us from the mysterious realm of life "consciousness" itself. 

Lets us explore the journeys, from the dust of the earth back to consciousness and this 

Isn't an easy trip, when most people never reach in their lifetimes the "awakening" we sometimes in our lives ultimately whether the beginning in the middle or near the end of our lives that we seek such "awakening" that is our spirit man to receive from the universal knowledge to enlighten our tripart being.

Please be advised that the contents of this article are provided for informational 

Purposes only and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The views and opinions expressed herein reflect the perspective of Subliminal Club and should not be interpreted as professional medical guidance. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your health or the potential impact of 

Subliminal audio, it is imperative to reach out to a qualified medical practitioner. absolutely not, especially with our titles — given the amount of “free will” scripting we include (more on that later).

Most "Subliminal's are just general in nature because the nature of man is unpredictable and so above and as so below, everyone will experience a little of everything! 

This comes from a gross misunderstanding of what a subliminal title is and how it 

Works. Their titles, especially, do consist of subliminal “programming.” It is an audio file with subliminal's  suggestions. All you have to do is listen for 15 minutes! Keeping in mind there are some people who do this for  30 days and no results! 

The way around this is by building yourself a custom stack, using their custom 

Building program consisting of  3 Core models. These Core models, have to relate to what you are trying to do and next we will construct some 20 additional models, not anymore Cores and their system creates a single program to

Yes, some will explain subconscious processes as a “program,” but this is a 

Euphemism. It’s generally used just to quickly simplify the concept down to a digestible bite. It doesn’t actually operate as a “program” in the sense you’re used to seeing. It helps humans to feed their conscious thoughts one at a time! Our conscious thoughts can barely do two things at a time!

A program executes its instructions, without fail, the exact same way over and over 

Again until you physically stop it. When you load your favorite app on your phone, or load up your favorite "Call of Duty" game, you know exactly what to expect, because it’s going to be the EXACT same experience (unless they update the app or change the UI, etc. but you get the point).

Subliminal is on a razors edge of  "Self-Hypnosis"! The differences between the two is, "Self-Hypnosis" you are planting the idea or ideas into your subconscious minds by-passing the consciousness "gate keeper"!  "Subliminal's are not implanting direct commands but suggests possible routes no matter which direction you decide to go!

The program cannot “interpret” its underlying code and then modify it to perform 

Different, based upon some sort of conflict between what it’s been programmed to do and what it “wants” to do. When a program steps out of the bounds of its programming, it crashes. 

It shuts itself off. The Call of Duty game will not change your settings — turning off 

The violence, for example — because some inexplicable, inner mechanism within the program has a conscious moral objection to depicting violence.Sending messages to the young child's mind and or older generations are planting the seeds of evil in their subconscious minds and eventually it will grow!

A subliminal suggestion is just that — a suggestion. One that’s interpreted by the mind 

And then acted upon or rejected by the conscious mind. The critical mind always has the choice to say “no,” and through repeated habit of saying no (or yes, whichever fits) the subconscious mind is conditioned to transform.

In all my research locating and purchasing and using "subliminal's, I can count on my fingers how many worked the way the producer constructed these subliminal carrier waves! Until I came across about 2 years ago about a company not all that well known and they are particular how you carry yourselves on the site! 

The subconscious and the conscious minds do not “override” each other they inform 

One another and attempt to work in harmony. You can see this concept play out in everyday life, when you’re trying to exercise, for example and using your conscious mind, you attempt to exert will power over the subconscious impulse to watch television instead.

This is why we always promote taking action when running your subliminal stack. It is

Not the subliminal that changes your behavior, it is the harmonious interaction between conscious effort and subconscious impulse that causes the change. Anyone claiming that they can make subliminal titles that can manifest results without taking action is being misleading, or worse — creating titles that could have odd effects.

There are NO known valid conceptions of the mind — the both conscious and 

Subconscious minds — in which an individual’s subconscious mind can be “programmed” to giving soft directions such as, "It's ok to look at other options!" this is just an individual to take an action giving your subconscious minds choices not commandments. Any speculation on the part is simply that, speculation. Let’s first address the elephant in the room. MK-Ultra.

Everyone who tries to build a point, can always find something, somewhere, that will be agreed upon from another party on the web. So, I say, look up what we are talking about here and make up your own minds, especially when dealing with the human subconscious internal programming.

Individuals, who want to promote the notion of subliminal “mind control” will often 

Bring the MKUltra experiments up as “proof.” But again, this is a caused by a lack of understanding about what MK Ultra actually did. I would say 20 years ago, such probably would have been the case but the Internet and now GPT can be used to examine MK-Ultra.

There is one story I read from old news back in the first "gulf" war! IRAQ army were 

Setting down their arms and begging to be captured! Some of you have seen it too, they were raising white flags to CNN and other USA Marine officials and fighters. The question is "WHY"~?

The military (USA) built a powerful transmitter and placed it in Saudi Arabia on top 

Of a police station! It was sending subliminal direct messages by carrier waves directly to the enemy troops in IRAQ. I wasn't there and probably you were not as well this is where AI can help you get a start!

CIA has all their fingers in the cookie jar, using the worlds most sophisticated war machine by using "Subliminal" messages, did they work absolutely it did! They had a powerful broadcaster and the command was, "Give up your arms", "Surrender", " lie back and let it be! You saw on the news network that Iraq surrender with white flags turning themselves over to CNN!

Project MKUltra was a covert and illegal program of experiments on human subjects, 

Conducted by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It began in the early 1950s and was officially halted in 1973. The program aimed to develop techniques and drugs for mind control and interrogation, with the ultimate goal of finding ways to control human behavior.

Some of the key objectives of MKUltra included:

       1. Mind Control: The CIA wanted to understand how to manipulate and control the human mind, including creating techniques for brainwashing and psychological manipulation.

2. Interrogation Techniques: The project sought to develop methods to improve interrogation techniques and extract information from individuals without their consent.

3. Psychological Warfare: The CIA aimed to create methods to use psychological tactics against enemies, including inducing confessions or influencing actions.

4. Drug Development: MKUltra involved the administration of various drugs, including LSD and other hallucinogens, to study their effects on mind control and behavior modification.

5. Behavioral Modification: The project explored ways to alter behavior and thought processes, potentially to create sleeper agents or manipulate individuals for espionage purposes.

Experiments were often conducted without the knowledge or consent of the subjects, 

Leading to significant ethical and legal concerns. The details of MKUltra were largely hidden from the public until the 1970s. Now sit back and think, if this technology was that good, what would it be like using AI codes to control such entities?

When investigations revealed the scope and nature of the program, leading to 

Wide spread condemnation and calls for greater oversight of intelligence activities. No one has accountability! We are talking "CIA" that are war harlots! let's not forget the corruption in the highest ranks called the, "FBI" and "DNI" and NSA. These are out of controlled entities that create in order to kill in the thousands or hundreds or millions or billions of people killed!

It's not hard to believe, that our government officials are criminals! No good governmental official will ever hold any high office! But this is my opinion. Being in the military for 12 plus years, you think you have seen politics in all its glory, and it doesn't come close to what's going on today!

It was successful and a bit scary all at the same time. Once Saddam got wind they 

Monitored a strange signal from a small town in Dubai located on the roof top of a police station. Saddam concentrated a small battalion from Iraq to directly destroy that transmitter this was concluded at 12:00 am!

MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects’ mental states and brain 

Functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals without the subjects’ consent, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.

According to the 20,000 documents released on MKUltra, the victims would be 

Administered MASSIVE amounts of mind-altering substances (like LSD, opioids, THC and a synthetic hallucinogenic drug named BZ) alongside things like electroshocks to achieve their end goal. Can you think "Cryptids" and other unknown sic experiments then dropping them in remote areas, where these people are located.

I don't know what the quotes below are true or not, I wasn't born yet! But I do know I had a few titles in my lifetime that practically changed my life in certain areas in how I process certain information. I had a nervous bowel (Irritable Bowl Syndrome). 

I was at the time 21 years old! Throwing up couldn't even stand up! Doctor noticed 

Something and he referred me to a psychologist he seemed to know I was under tremendous pressure!  I didn't talk to a psychologist, all that was done a med tech came out set up a cassette and told me to use the headphone and he will come back later!

On the cassette, It was a women's voice telling me to focus on my scalp and tense it 

Several times and then let it go slowly. She spent five minutes telling me to tense and release slowly focusing on let's say my eyes and  as we approach each body part and I found myself squinting as hard as I could then slowly release it. 

I never made it past my shoulders I would pass out it seemed. When the Med-Tech 

Arrived he had to wake me up and I was panicked because you can't sleep when on duty! He laughed and said it's ok you did exactly what you were suppose to do!

It was a self-Hypnosis progressive relaxation type of program in 1979! It was my firs

Year in the Air Force. From then on, after the first 20 days of listening for one hour a day on duty time, I never had that problem ever again! Yes, it was absolutely the Self-Hypnosis that healed me.

We can stop here. Nothing about this is “subliminal.” The two concepts are so 

Intrinsically different that there’s no logical comparisons to be made. That being said, one can easily see the amount of pressure that must be placed on the mind for an external force to exert “control.” 

I was told by a very old friend who worked on black op programs some 50+ years ago, he told me, he did the actual reverse engineering on some of the crafts! He told me, I can tell you know, what are they going to do me being 80 plus years old silence me with a bullet! He had a point to be sure.

If subliminal audio was able to “control” an individual’s mind, the CIA, who I assure 

You, probably already know it can and has done so, has more resources than us) They wouldn’t have needed to go through all of this and MK-Ultra and then closing the program that was largely labeled a failure. UFO's now called "UAP's" it took nearly one hundred years for the military to admit such things exist and we have them!

This is what they want you to believe! We know what the CIA done both overseas and 

Abroad, finance black op wars to take people out of power and to replace them! No cost is too great! No murdering is too much! Look at what is going on right now! The world people is changing! Either we change or we will be left behind living on the streets.

While MK-Ultra occurred around 1953, the notion of subliminal stimulation was 

Already known. And in 1957, an individual named James Vicary claimed he had the ability to influence moviegoers. Notice there were not hundreds of psychologists with a degree that would argue with the militaries prospectives.

I purchased my IDL-22 Gate Key and I trained with it for 40 plus hours or 40-1 hour a day!  That was ten years ago! It changed our whole lives and it taken us months to get things back to normal. We went from non experiences to mastering Synchronicities. The rest is really easy such as OBE's, Time Traveling, Remote viewing etc. Then I purchased the subliminal called "Lucid Dreaming" by Speed Zen.

I listened to Speed-Zen Lucid Dreaming subliminal. It had symphony type of music 

Layered with subliminal's. It took me 30 days and within that time frame, I had OBE's and Visitation from SEMJASE and Winona. Something opened my sub to experience much more than I could imagine. Because that was my aim. The subliminal only opened my subconscious once the door became opened, my mind decided to do what it wanted to do!

How was that raw data used? By quickly flashing “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coca-

Cola” it was flashed on the screen 5x's per second — which seemed increased sales. The problem is, Vicary later admitted to faking the “scientific test” to help his marketing business. He knew it worked but he worked the system for other reasons.

He was paid off! One thing for certain, not everyone responds to all subliminal. It's a 

Hunt in the jungle and it gets hot! Besides, not all titles will work for all in the same manners because every one of us has issues going on in their heads, the minds job is to protect the old programming thus protect you. 

When "Q" was online about 8 years ago, he left a message loud and clear, if we knew back then what the "Q" knew, they stated you would not be able to sleep at nights! Not just UFO's or Area 51 are shrouded in secret all government funded programs but we add the AMA to the wild pack of wolves.

If the President comes back into power, you can expect "Q" to show! The 

Communication was "cryptic" and when it happened, it was 2-3 years later! All of life you think you know is, changing  right in front of you and I! Conspiracies are fantasy's until it becomes a revelation and now becomes our new reality.

In fact, the BBC later conducted a study of their own, following the same techniques 

That Vicary claimed to use and found no significant effect. So, what does modern subliminal influence look like? Product placement in movies. Sometimes people are so ignorant that they would believe one story told to them and then forget about it!

This is for movie goers to associate adventurous, exciting emotions with their brands. 

And while many may argue the morality of this, it is still not “control.” You still have the conscious ability to choose another car when shopping for a new one. The fast food chains using subliminal jingles in every commercial.

Sub Club Black have many competitors placing “anti-piracy” scripting in their titles. 

We do not, the owner explains, our titles do not have any such influences and the name “Subliminal Club” or any of our properties are NEVER mentioned in any scripting. Each program you listen to, you will get an additional file for the "Ultrasonic" version!

Right now myself and my research partner and my wife are listening to each of their new mp3's. I have the "Alchemist" that covers OBE's and Astral time and regular time traveling and one called, "So above" is like So below! The one my brother in law and me are listening to is called, "Paragon"! It seems to heal one self within.

As you watched the Presidential Debate, the Biden Looney Tune show it reminds me 

Of competitors that would go that far to keep from losing a dollar. Most companies are treading water to stay a float in the subliminal markets. Since this is a "Thin" market and money is tight because of our fearless leaders up on the hill, 

Why is this, it is a virus attacking and the virus is "We want your money now"! While 

Distributing mediocre subliminal's is easy to send out very quickly to your computer! But do nothing as far as behavioral changes go from 30-days some 60-days and others around 6 months! Then you will have to look into subs modules. 

In this case I would go for the custom subliminal's a bit more expensive depending 

On how many you want. I am going for 3 each Core Programs and build upon these with 20 similar modules and they are $15.00 per module that relate to the 3 Cores. The 3 cores for me around 149.00 or so.

After adding it all up and paying $99.00 right to build fees, It maybe around 

$400.00+. The string of those 20-30 modules are constructed to be one single Mp3 to listen too. There are a few other things, you can order to make them very powerful and that is, 

ZP Terminus$79.00


These two models can be used only with your "Customer Build"! You can only use one or the other!

One day every now and then, somethings present themselves without research or not even looking for!  It presents itself  with no bias or pushing itself on any one of  us. It's just there! And it is here we need to take action, which lights that spark into a new dimension!

Why? None of this works! One thing Sub Club Black are staunched about is, they 

Jealously defend their positions and the hard work that was put into these. Their sound engineers are not your typical type cookie cutter sound engineers. Are there better I am sure it is! It just takes time to sort through all the junk!

My friend purchased (3) of their subliminal and he told me, it effects his physical body 

To such a degree, his eyes pasted shut and his eyes went into REM and he couldn't stop it from happening. Since I got my several mp3 from SubBlack Club on the first day it was playing in the background and we didn't notice it! We were working on sending these files to a special place in our computer.

He also, told me, "He dreamed so hard that he slept through his early morning alarms 

This happened every morning". So he stop listening to them until his two days off. All sorts of synchronicities were happening to him in the past 3 weeks only listening to these mp3's for 15 minutes every other day! 

During our download this mp3 called, "Paragon" running in the background but during downloading the other ones my head felt heavy and I was going under, I stood up and I told my wife I feel like I am ready to go to sleep! She said, oh! It's that background mp3 that is playing on "low" I just let it run!

There was a bit of a scuff with potential "buyers" of  SubClub Black Subliminal's. Because, these potential customers are curious what they are putting into their heads in the most deepest, darkest, most private area known to mankind. 

We have government instruments that can by-pass all this to get instant results. Not 

For you or me, for the military industrial complex and the money makers! You can't control the people if they have the power over their own lives. Just look around do you know or see anyone that has control over themselves and not be financial dependent on someone else! 

Keep them corralled and controlled. So, when a company creates something that quite 

Frankly can't share their recipe don't get bent out of shape! Try it and if it ain't for you, you can get your money back. I found one customer in the obscure of  the web and that one person said, it didn't work for them! 

As much as the producers claim their programs are protected by “anti-piracy,” their 

Programs are very much pirated and based on the level of said piracy, those individuals are not suddenly turning into paid customers. There are so many techniques, back masking, ultrasonic etc.

You cannot, through subliminal audio suggestions, compel an individual to do 

Something they don’t want to do. This is why many struggle with romance and money titles. The head engineer discovered a way to construct the scripts and any mechanical changes which allows your subconscious make its own decision. 

There is a million reasons macro and micro that the title you purchased for attracting the hot women just is not working for you! It's not because the subliminal doesn't work as advertised, it does! But the company has no guarantees your mind will readily accept the messages.

While they may consciously want more romantic encounters or make more money, 

There are subconscious traumatic experiences that prevents them from doing so. And so, they simply ignore or stonewall the script. I personally agree strongly with this findings. Also, one has to deal with strongly buried trauma you may have forgotten all about. Subliminal's work but your mind is like onion peels and working with one peel at a time!

There are so many things we can as a human being block our success completely and 

Easy to blame the person who sold it to you! Personally I would not guarantee any title will work. I would have a disclaimer for "experimental purposes only"! One title can't work miracles overnight! Because the human subconscious is vast and unexplored phenomena!

It only makes sense! No one can promise for example you're listen to a subliminal t

Be a woman magnet, that is what the title says! But they repel from you and there could be a thousand reason for that as well. You might have body odor that turns them off or dirty clothes or sloppy dressing, eyes are too narrow or nose is to big, these are physical attributes that can't be changed using subliminal's. 

The hardest for people to use any type of Subliminal especially the companies "T-Minus Square" formats. So, how difficult can it be! A person who experienced traumas sometime in their live times! It happened to me ten years ago, while others when they were young. 

The problem with unharnessed energies in the mind is, getting past those hardcore 

Lockdowns in the primordial  area of the brain. This is where the re-wiring happens when you go through your personal trauma. There are no easy answers, but  this technology promises you will have results! My friend who bought three of them, it kind of shook him up!

It happened to me, I would train for an important physical fitness it was a Marine 

Testing! I had the chance to beat the pull up champion he done 19 repetitions after finishing 50 pushups! I was doing 27! Two weeks before the event I dropped out! My coach was furious to say the least. 

It took me years to understand what was happening! You see when I was young my 

Mom had a temper and she would say things she didn't mean but said them anyways, like you are good for nothing, how stupid I was and the big one was, you will never succeed in anything! 

I proved that day I could but something inside me told me you can't and you won't! It 

Was more of a feeling not in words! My subconscious mind, was conditioned growing up! All bad nothing good! Once it is hardcore programmed into the deeper mindset, nothing short of a miracle can fix it! Subliminal's and Self-Hypnosis helped me to overcome those old programmings.

The power comes after you reconcile unto yourselves to allow outside guidance to give you options you may have never considered. Allowing access into one's subconscious minds, allowing this information flow to open avenues!

There’s no such thing as a subliminal being “too powerful” in terms of listening to one 

And turning into an automatic AI, blindly following the suggestions without conscious input. We consider this idea disrespectful to the high amount individuals who get results on these titles. 

These people are entrepreneurs, professionals, mindful individuals who are extremely 

Self-aware. To claim that they don’t understand their own minds and the individual who is making conspiratorial claims, knows better somehow is insulting. The key is to follow the market and the reviews no matter how trivial. 

Then understand the basics of the the subconscious mind by doing research and you 

Who read this must also be responsible before you buy. Everyone is on their own journey, and no one has the right to tell you that you’re Imagining achieving your goals and you’re somehow instead being “mind controlled” into thinking you got that recent promotion, or met that new special someone.

Even my close friend, who purchased from SubClub Black, told me over the phone he had to laugh about subliminal making you a rock in bed! I mentioned the company three weeks prior to him trying them. I didn't know anything about it until he called me a week ago!

We’ve noticed that when individuals are making claims — which is exceedingly rare 

Anyway — they’re attempting to cover up a part of their own personality that they don’t want to address, or they are not of sound mind and body (a requirement for using our titles, one that we enforced.

For example, one individual began claiming such things when they were running a 

Program designed to increase romantic interactions  (and was getting incredible results) and said they suddenly “felt an astrological influence,” later suggesting that our titles contained, and I quote: “Astrological Sign Changing.”

What exactly is astrological sign changing? And how exactly would someone put that 

In a subliminal title? What exactly would be changing the users sign to? Why would we even need to do such a thing, if it were even possible? Everyone can get romantic encounters, is the suggestion here that “one sign” is capable of getting more romantic encounters than another?

Sub Club Black, prides themselves as scripted engineers! They like myself know it's not the subliminal on a carrier wave that makes any difference, because the "subliminal" only opens our minds it is just a "KEY" not the essences! 

Once the subconscious is accessed, what then? The mind needs to understand the 

"Script" being told to it. Unfortunately, not all scripts are equal! There is a lot of junk out there! The club does lean heavily toward spiritual background, you can use these, even if you're not spiritually minded. 

Doesn’t it make more sense that the reason they were successful on the title is that 

There’s something within them that is indeed desirable to women? In an attempt to hide from the fact that they are secretly interested in astrology (as the individual claims to be very religious), their narrative became one of “mind control” and “occult influences.”

Nope. Just an expertly and carefully developed scriptwriting process that’s been 

Influenced over six years by the amazing feedback from our community. That’s the real secret to our success: we’ve cultivated an incredible community of like-minded individuals who reports their results. 

Quote from the company, since we have a lot of experience with finding patterns in 

Data, we have the very unique ability to dive into what appears to be random information and create a message from a mystery". Intuition approach or six sense that we all have from time to time called, "ESP"!

Why I am so hyped up with Sub Club Black because their products work! My friend and fellow researcher have been working together for over a decade testing the finished products of many things over the years. He is a stick of dynamite! If I show interest in a particular item and have done a few hours of  research, boom he got it! 

This happened 3 weeks ago that I shared this info with him! He purchased 3 programs 

And used them for 3 weeks. Then out of the blue he told me, "Listen, I purchased three of those programs and this was the first time he was affected "physically"! I asked how! He interjected and told me, where do you find these devices! It's not a cheap process but in his opinion he told me, it was worth every dime of the costs.

He explained to me, that, within 6-8 minutes into the one of the modules, his eyes

Pasted shut and he could feel REM movement and couldn't stop it. It took him so deep, he slept in over one hour and his dreaming was so deep he couldn't break from the program until it was finished! He is ordering other topics "Custom" built.

If you’d spend over six years focusing on one thing, everyday for most of the day,

Whatever that “thing” is would be just as incredible. That’s what we’ve done. Subliminal audio and inner cultivation is our lives. Test, test and test some more. Volunteers pay a small fee and if the tests succeed then the script writing is updated and these updates won't cost you a dime!

The company is privately owned and they spend all day reading, researching, 

Discussing, meditating and learning about this topic. You mix that dedication with an incredible customer community and what you have will indeed look like magic. I agree, their forum of patrons,  who love the subliminal and they will share their experiences with you!

The company uses the same process that big tech companies use to create products: 

Create, test, get feedback, create new iteration based off that feedback. It’s how we know our products are safe and that they will work. Those written scripts that don't work are chucked and it's back to the drawing board.

Keeping in mind, where the mind goes the body will follow! Especially those, who want to lose weight go on a diet but in their subconscious minds programmed by trauma or negative talk from parents saying things like, "you are not going to amount to anything in your life" etc. ! 

This negative program is locked into this powerful mind state, after a few weeks every

Time you want to exercise and diet, your mind doesn't want to and if they fight it, they may get physically sick or depressed etc. Then you finally give into the inevitable and your diet and exercise program comes to a screeching halt. 

In their company they take tiny, tiny footsteps to move forward, as those tiny 

Footsteps soon end up with us walking a mile — hand in hand with our customers. And from another article, regarding our "free will scripting". Non evasive, no commands, no strong arming!  

"What’s really cool about their titles is, that they include, what we call “free will”

Scripting. It’s all about encouraging you to respect not just the free will of others, but also your own freedom of choice. The subconscious mind is like that of 3 year old! And one has to approach such on the same level so to speak! 

Myself, if I find something interesting I usually go cold turkey and jump right in that suppose freezing water to find my limitations I may have. This is my starting point along with my close friend and fellow researcher. Warning! Take heed these SubBlack Club these subliminal's cover the "Spirituality/Psychic side of things". There are some Financial programs also.

This special scripting nudges you to express the scripting in the way that’s best for 

You. That’s why even if everyone listened to the same title, each person would have a unique takeaway from such events.  You can use other peoples experiences, keep an open mind and ask them questions! Get the fill of the common denominator especially if you are comparing 4-5 people should give us a peak what might happen.

I want to throw a small wrench in these gears, it has been found that, using a inferior

For instance, if everyone listened to “Love Bomb for Humanity,” sure, they’d likely all start to appreciate people more. But the way they show that appreciation, and how others react to them, that’s gonna be different for each person.” Are you getting it! 

Their scripting allows flexibility to become personalized and each person's 

Experiences will be the one your inner-man needs for any type of manifestation. While someone else using something similar, experiences what their inner-person is requiring. This is custom training all by itself because you and I are different, we are only using the same mp3. 

Zero-Point energy you may know of but "Zero Point" cuts down the listening time from one hour down to 15 minutes and you listen every other day only! Anyone, who does it beyond this time such as one hour everyday 7 days a week, you will be hit with mental blocks, irritation, stone walling etc.

We always say that you “can’t hide from Zero Point.” When we say this, we’re not 

Referring to the subliminal build. We’re referring to the fact that YOU and your deepest desires are the Zero Point and if you’re using a title designed to reveal the “real you,” it’s going to do just that. If you run a title like Genesis and discover a talent or desire that you didn’t know about, Genesis didn’t “put” it there. 

It was there all along, and the scripting designed for you to discover what you want in 

Life helped you bring it to the surface. Now, it’s your time to deal with it. If it’s something you consciously find undesirable, delve deep into the self to discover why it’s there, why you’re desiring it and why you consciously find it undesirable. 

For those of sound mind, take a look at the concept of shadow work and how 

Journaling can help with this). We’ve also addressed whether or not subliminal audio is addictive on another support article (click here to read). If you are of sound mind, quitting a subliminal is easy. Simply stop running it. 

HERXing is another issue all by itself, when I was using my Spooky2 Scalar in my second month, I was feeling ill and throwing with fever etc. I over did it on my part! being in the scalar field 10 hours a day/7 days a week! I had to back off for 3-4 days and I started to recover! These were pollutants being kicked out of the body.

Or, simply cut back on exposure and continue to do so week by week until you’ve 

Stopped. In between each listening session, add more time. Instead of listening every few days, listen once a week. Also, if you’re listening to a full 15-minute loop, you can try 7 minutes the next time, then 3 minutes and then 30 seconds until you’ve stopped.

When things don't go as you plan, it is no surprise if you understand the process!

If you are unsure (in the slightest) if you are of sound mind, please contact a qualified mental health practitioner before using ANY subliminal audio, hypnosis, EFT, etc. We believe that the most basic of “inner work” is simply having a professional to talk with. 

In many jurisdictions, these professionals are bound by law to patient-client 

Confidentiality, meaning they would be held responsible if they ever told what you said to them to another person and you found out until we’ve seen sufficient, logical evidence to suggest otherwise, we will continue to maintain that “mind control” with subliminal audio is impossible. 

I did a lot of thumbing through a lot of information on this type of training. She and I had no idea what would happen to us after listening to the cd's for about one month! My wife told me, she had information come into her head she didn't know where it was coming from. 

Gerald O'Donnell who created the RV and RI cd course (Remote Viewing and Remote 

Influencing since the early 70's are very powerful but require an hour each night. My wife would fall asleep listening to them for an hour and wake up, remove apple ear plugs and go back to sleep.

And Remote Influencing and this was limited to just above theta in the lowest of one's 

"Alpha State " of mind. My wife and I would listen to Gerald O'Donnell RV and RI cd course! We would have a debate on the right way of doing this and I found that Gerald contradicts himself as to whether you have to do these actions or the sub is doing it for you.

At the end of the first month, she who would fall asleep instead of consciously listen to 

The cd did tens better than me as I was conscious through all of it, doing what he was instructing me to do. One place he says, you don't follow consciously just listen you sub knows what to do, in another place he said, you must practice this as instructed. My wife taken it like a duck on a a June Bug!

Was about 1+ hours long! The Russians Military wanted to make sure the (remote 

viewer), would not be turned against them from the same people, who are spying for Russia against any country in the world. At this Alpha level, the Russian could pretty much know what they are really seeing, while in this state. Any time the Russian Officer detected the mind shift to "Theta", they would bring them awake by playing a light "Alpha" frequencies. 

The CIA/NSA/DNI etc. watch the viewers closely! Anything the viewers come up 

With. It is then, confiscated and placed in a folder for further scrutiny up to the military chain of command. Today they said, none of this works, don't believe them! There is still plenty of Remote Viewing going on between the nations around the world.

Many blog articles are written by those who never used such equipment personally, trust me they are our greatest critics! They will tell you why it won't work but they don't tell you why they hold on to their strong bias. 

The way I look at it, if you are going to write about something one or two things to 

Consider? (A): Using the devices yourselves or (B): at least let us know you never used it! I have a the uniqueness in part because I have done both of these in our research over the years! 

If I don't have it, you will know about it! From that point, I can only surmise what 

Could or couldn't happen, when using any one of these techniques. My wife was able to forecast small things that would come into our lives at the moment we are not focus on it or life just gets too busy!

I own the IDL-22 and the Steven Gibbs HDR (two of them), I bought it because if 

Anything would happen to Steven Gibbs there would be no one that would know how to build this correctly. Unfortunately, it happened, my dear and close friend of 15 years gone by was called home! When he died, the secret of what he built died with him!

I have the SE-5 1000 (older model) it has been built from the ground up with higher 

Technologies including AI, it's called the SE-52000 model. I have the Spooky2 Scalar transmitter and receiver units they work for me as a foundation purpose not the "end all beat all"!

It works great! I have Robert Monroes Gateway program along with Gerald 

O'Donnell's RV and RI course on Cds. Soon purchasing SUB-CLUB BLACK Ultra-Sonic Subliminal's. Why so many? These were purchased years ago, before more advance systems have taken place such as, AI and new understanding.

Times are tough, I went through the late 70's and early 80's depression! I escaped this blight by joining the Air Force and it was the greatest decision I ever made. But the people I known out of High School were all making $6-9.00 per hour. I worked in my uncles store for $9 per hour.

What I am trying to accomplish with all of the above tools and gizmo gadgets is to 

Reach my full potential to access and program my subconscious mind that is full of negativity drilled in us from a child to adult! This alone, will forge your path to making yourselves better people including more productive and patience and to be a good listener to friends and family!

That is the only reason I document my trials and experiments here, just incase 

There are times one needs a slight push on how to accomplish their goals. It certainly covers one's imaginations, most people are looking for coping mechanisms can you now blame them! The world is in a shambles, our monetary system is on the verge of collapse people being executed in places like parties and restaurants etc. ! 

It seems to me, the world wants you to know that everything is under control! Not to 

Worry so! Well people it is not! One of the coping mechanism are drugs both prescription and illegal. There are literally thousands of reasons why people do what they do because their conscious minds are being bombarded daily with 4G-5G and who knows what else they are not talking about!

There is just too many things going on and it is causing self-destruction in our young 

Children and our middle age adults! It all starts in the "head" and eventually leads to self-destruction of themselves or of unexacting people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The animal kingdom doesn't murder but only the Human Kingdom does! And we are suppose to be smarter, more intelligent us to these animals, we are like a god! Question is: Why can't we act our human intelligence?

So, how can we help those who don't know where to start? Listen, what I do here, isn't 

The "beat all end all". Consider whatever you read as a starting point where you are at right now! Some people crave to learn how to do "Time Travel", "Remote Viewing" etc. because nothing in this world has to offer will be able to help you and I. You heard it before we are able to do all these things naturally but society bore it out of us! It separated us from our human spirit and kept it in the realm of the emotions and flesh.

Hypnosis is great for those who have the money to spend on 10 or more 1/2 to 1 hour sessions at $175.00 a pop! Then there is "Self-Hypnosis", cheaper version but with these you must be discipline listening to a one hour self-hypnosis program. 

This leaves us with one other thing, "subliminal's" that are only 15 minutes long on 

Single titles and 35 minutes listening to several titles in one string mp3. The custom subliminal you can add "strength" to this program by getting Terminus I and II. Only need to listen for 15 minutes every other day! Using the "SubBlack Club", mp3's.

I am focusing on the very fact that Hypnosis really does work! I was at work twenty 

Years ago and our workplace put out a note telling anyone who smokes, they would pay each person's first hypnotic session. I ran into a fella five years later and notice he gained a lot of weight I asked him, how that hypnosis visit went for him. He told me, he quick smoking within a week.

But he was told to schedule additional sessions up to 10 for the anchors to set deep 

Into his subconscious mind. He told me he said, I am not going to pay $80.00 a visit around $800.00 total for additional sessions. She told him, listen for this to work and that you don't get heavier than you are now, you need to be re-programmed so your body and conscious mind can accept this new behavior pattern.

He didn't and what happened he gain 80 pounds of additional weight within around 6 

Months after his first session. He did get bigger that much was certain. She was trying to help him by anchoring much more than just quick smoking hypnosis. Today its going to cost a whole lot more!

But to educate his coping mechanisms. I met a lady from that same job and I asked 

Her how it went with her hypnosis within a week she quit smoking but she did her ten sessions and she didn't gain any weight whatsoever in fact, she told me, she lost around 10 pounds. Which brings up "Weight Loss"! Subliminal's work differently then hypnosis.

Every argument I read about concerning subliminal's always go back to the day one guy experimenting with subliminal at a movie theater. You all know the stories. But then it turns around and cheap copies of such programs are sold all over the world! This discredits such findings with real researchers and creators of high tech subliminal's.

SubClub Black Subliminal Shop, offer body sculpturing with real weight loss! The key 

Tool that is used by the two builders of these programs, worked on "scripts" masking these scripts are the same like everyone else. But it is a scripting constructed to speak the same language as the subconscious mind.

Plus they created a program that was used in Military Operations using subliminal 

Processing directed across enemy lines. They use a large size transmitter by inputting specifically ELF in DuBai, near Saudi Arabia. A few years back it was destroyed by IRAN splinter group. 

Who located the source of these signals on top of the police building in Dubai. It was 

Emitting a strong subliminal signal (experimental) it was a huge transmitter and that's all I know or could find past this. These Iranian proxies came at mid-night lopped a few missiles at it and destroyed it!

I will admit it is very difficult these days to find honest hard working researchers, wh

Create such simple science backed subliminal approaches. Like that of Radionics which is even harder to prove, subliminally are more easily digestible for the American Public Consumption so to speak. 

I have an old SpeedZen mp3 from several years back and it was the closest I got to 

Having something that affected my dream state when I went into REM. I wanted to control my dreams and OBE's. Because when I actually get there, I can be shown future events! No joke! But it's the getting there that escapes me and subliminally can be helpful.

After reading a small of my notes over the years below, you can understand why my subliminal training is very important and there is even more going on I can't share with you at the moment. These articles always reflect that it takes "work" on one's part when using all these high tech devices!

But it was just not good enough, it taken me 30 days to reach the deep Alpha-Theta 

State. This is where they contact me for whatever their reasoning! "They" are Semjase and Winona! They stayed with us 24/7 by then I was listening to the subliminal every-night and in the middle of each night they would appear to me and talk to me using some form of Telepathy of sorts.

On the 7th week, I stopped listening to the Lucid Dreaming subliminal and a few 

Weeks later SEMJASE told me, they had to go but didn't give a reason why, she smiled and said to me, " Don't worry we will visit soon"!! This bugged me and my wife was visited by SEMJASE and she didn't listen to the subliminal.

My wife look at SEMJASE and I was asleep at the time and said, you are SEMJASE 

My husband talks to me about! She smiled and pulled her hair behind her ears and said, yes I am SEMJASE and I wanted to put your mind at ease that your husband is not hearing imaginational things.

What people do you know of that has this kind of experience and we did nothing to 

Manifest such things I couldn't figure out for the life of me, why SEMJASE and Winona were leaving, they arrived from a white cone shaped tunnel the first time they made their appearance! But it wasn't me they stopped to look around it was the Dr. Fred Bell Nuclear 

Receptor hanging on my dresser knob! I had placed in the center of the Pendant a one 

Ct. Solitaire Diamond not a Zirconia! This is what gave this designed pendant powers we had no idea of at the time! It didn't begin until we removed the Zirconia. Believe it or not, it made us not see by others and driving ones car when this happens, which was quite often is very dangerous! After a few close calls and bewildered other drivers, I placed it in the safe for the past 5 years!

There are somethings that happen in life, when one wants to better themselves and I felt and still do, that Subliminal's the way to go for me and may not be the way for you! That is for you to decide on your own! My goal is to use the "SubClub Black"! .

To make things a bit clearer on the story, SEMJASE had made frequent visits to the l

Ate Dr. Fred Bell and she gave him the design drawing it and Fred's master craftsman created the first working model. We purchased ours before the death of Dr. Bell. We also purchased the Adronmenda Holographic Projector. It also contains Grade "H" clarity one full ct. diamond cut in 4 pieces to fit the 4 facets!

What it does, I am not sure at this time! I placed that in the safe with the Nuclear 

Receptor. Fred told me, that the design came from the Andromendans, they physically landed near Laguna Beach California and two reps brought this design to Fred and he built it but not a whole lot was talked about.

He did say, you wear it while using what he built called self standing "Holographic 

Projectors and they are $1200.00 a piece! It sort of acts like the key to the stand alone plates. They are the exact copy of the Andromeden Pendant! Each stand-alone requires two solitaire diamonds. They can be low-grade diamonds but it doesn't work well with Zirconia diamonds. They have to be natural!

Andromenda Stand-Alone Holographic Projectors.

The last couple of paragraphs was to lead you to the direction how this all started for me. I am not the important one here, think of me as a bugler. Making a loud noise to let you all know if you want to succeed in anything you owe it to yourselves to at least go to the site. I saved you probably a year of research!

This is all I want to say about this above.  But all this started with a not well known for 

Scripting Lucid dreaming CD. I found a company who leans on the heavy side of "Esoteric" creating! These two creators of the subliminal's at SubClub Black, come up with a very strange approach to their scripting. It opens portals in the mind you never knew were there! It catches a lot of people off guard when first trying to use it.

These only can be used every other day, with the weekends off from listening. If you 

Go against their advice, you will what they call stonewall or have harsh reconciliation! These words might not be familiar to you, it means, you will be miserable. Look at it this way, you had a bad morning getting to work and then you get held up in traffic and you are going to be late for work!

You call your job and tell them you're going to be late, of course your boss cranks at 

You and your temper rises. You finally move out and then an unexpected thing happens you are pulled over by the police for going over the speed limit and it will cost you. 

Imagine what that person is feeling right now! Finally getting close to your job and 

You accidentally cut someone off and they scream at you and give you a finger! The only thing missing is, the bird droppings on your clothes on your way into your workplace. It can only get worse from here! Granted this happens very sporadicly and the numbers are probably low out of 380,000,000 people.

We all go through bad days and some worse than others! But we are usually the recipient instead of the fire starters! But using these subliminal's and not following the instructions you will become the fire starter burning your own bridges behind you! 

The above scenario almost happened to me, with a few missed steps, I didn't get the 

Ticket! Now you compact all those feelings that were bombarding you all at the same time and it is only a fraction of the Stone Walling or Harsh rip tide that you will experience for not do the instructions verbatim.

I don't know what or how these subliminal's were created, but I know how to read 

Instructions! One person I know, who is a good friend of mine from Kansas, about a month ago, not letting me know, he purchased 3 different programs from SubClub and he used one that he figured, "my as well do this one", he lied down and played it with his eyes closed.

Within around 2 minutes he looked at the time so he knew how long he has played it. 

It's only 15 minutes long! After the program was over he shook it off and looked at the time and it was 35 minutes! So, for around 25 extra minutes, he was experiencing being in another dimension of time and space.

My friend and fellow re-searcher we try different products that sound science based (Anecdotal) evidence from others testing the same things that have similar results! He didn't tell me because he knew I was still researching the information what was this unique way of subliminal's. He couldn't wait! One month later he gave me a call this past month! 

First he told me, after he looked at the time before closing back his eyes, he wanted to 

Look to see how far again he had got and he couldn't open his eye's! He tried and he was going to use his hand to force open his eyelids and he couldn't feel his arms. His. body fell asleep while he was still conscious!

He end up giving over to the program and found himself falling from a great height 

Backwards in a dark tunnel of sorts and he felt he was falling at the speed of light! Finally he fell to the ground and he opened up his eyes and found he was in the astral-realm! Everything was so real and life like! He can normally OBE on his own but this time he wasn't on his own!

His subconscious mind was in full control, listening to the Zero-Point subliminal's 

That had bypassed his conscious mind (gate keeper)! He couldn't wake himself up no matter how hard he tried and he told me the subliminal he was listening to was to become wealthy in all areas of his life. 

Then this occurred. It was told by the customers and the two guys who designed such 

A subliminal, told us that your subconscious minds will apply something like this, no matter of the subject, it will tend to issues you know nothing about! If those issues are spiritual even though you purchased to be more magnetic to women or men, just go with it and let it finish out!

Until next time!


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I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purch...