Monday, November 16, 2020



I put this here because it was a catchy tune, I know a lot of us were not born in that era, my parents were. Enjoy...

Instead of taking brain food supplements, which by the way if they are not prescription, they are probably not that effective. The stronger medicines usually held by "Aging Clinics" and you would have to pay big bucks! Why not just find a decent self-hypnosis Mp3 and start from there!

I've have been using my "Dream Play" Paraliminal training for three weeks, I can remember my dreams, which is part of the training when going under. Because of my past issues, due to trauma to my head, dreams are a luxury for me! For the first six months I couldn't remember a single dream.

I personally love these paraliminals, they are only thirty minutes in length! If time is an issue for some, these are the best mp3's money can buy. These "paraliminals" work like magic, if you put in the time each day to use them! You remember I wrote about my IDL-12 experiences I had 40+ hours training for anything to happen and happen it did!

It, the Paraliminals, will subtly change whatever issues you may have before going on with these deep discoveries. These Mp3's were designed purposely to constantly change and when the brain hit's the goal of that particular paraliminal anchor that is hidden from the conscious mind. If needed, it will change again! NLP is woven into the story lines.

What started me down this road was of the trauma I incurred when I was kick in the head and body over one hundred times working as a Corrections Officer. I took the beating for three full minutes, kicks to the head is causing most of my ongoing issues.

Something did happen that I was totally unaware of, as of about three or more weeks ago, I was getting kinda worried because in a middle of a conversation with my wife, everything would be blanked out in my consciousness. There is no known cure for trauma induced injuries! 

I would forget what I was going to say! It was very frustrating knowing, there's not a whole lot out there to fix something like this! You hear a person saying, it's right on the tip of my tongue"! I wasn't even close enough for that!

My thinking process completely went blank! I'll bet you, some who are reading this article are already aware how awful it can be, when this occurs!  Just recently, it is getting much better, since using my "Dream Play" both "A" and "B". I was using it to remember dreams, but it had an ancillary goal, "To Remember"!

When working with a title, make sure any additional Mp3's are closely related to re-enforce where you're at in your training right now. If you do a hodge pod of listening to different hypnosis cd's your mind will in more likelihood reject the training.

I don't know once I quit listening to these self-Hypnosis Mp3's if, I would revert back to the way it was. I don't know if one visits a hypnotherapist, how long this person must continue in hypnosis sessions to complete it.

Starting yesterday, I have done the following listening to: "Dream Play", "Intuition Amplifier", "Deep Relaxation", "SuperMemory Charger",  lastly "Living the Law of Attraction"! Seems like a lot, it just takes up about one hour and a half to complete them. 

They are all related in some way to regain ones own memories! I tried to listen in the afternoon with the Paraliminals and there is too much going on! I can't fall asleep naturally, so it makes no difference doing it at night before sleeping.

It seems like a lot of people are being traumatized all around the USA. I never thought in a million years, I would ever be! The situation permanently retired me from state work. Yet that does nothing for my trauma. It's my hopes the work I am doing here at home will lessen such things in my mind, to let go of the body!!

After being kicked in the skull over one hundred times, I guess I can expect interruptions of thoughts like this. As the weeks rolled on, more and more, I could feel or sense changes in both my demeanor and my brain. Every so often, I would get flashbacks from the trauma.

I began to completely lose my short term memory capabilities. My wife was starting to worry and when that happens, I got to fix it, no matter the cost! There are some things we just can't control when things like this occur in a persons life. 

It's a process getting to this point for sure. But I have do whatever it takes to create new neuron pathways; thus not using the ones that were a short circuit by trauma induced issues. This was just dumb luck, that I found "Dream Play" and it was purchased for different reasons.

It sort of funny, that my most calmest days came, when I forgot my worries and concerns. This isn't the way I wanted this to happen to me! Fate throws a swing at us and if we don't duck (plan for the "what if's), you and I will be a dead ringer for mishaps!

Fix It, I Did! Right now three weeks into "Dream Play/Lucid Dreaming, everything is doing great! I am not forgetting in a middle of our conversations or when going to the office. Amazing, it went just as fast as it came over the years.

My mind that just goes blank and forgetting, has disappeared. Everyday I am really grateful that my wife purchase the paraliminals for me! I'm glad I came across this company that been around as long as I been in this state. 

I moved from Florida in 1994 until the present here in my state. The only reason I stuck so long with his company because I wanted to try their Photo-Reading classes. But a couple of his paraliminals caught my attention in the past, so I purchased just one back then, called the "SuperMemoryCharger".

Nothing more frustrating then forgetting what you were going to say next, in a one on one conversation! This didn't happen sporadically, it happened everyday! I was just tired of it all. It affected my research as well. This started just happening about a month ago, before that everything was great!

Here is a good example of what was happening to myself: We would be in a conversation and I listened to my wife tell me things and I was wanting to let her know my reply and it just disappeared! The thing I wanted to relay to her was completely not there!

The more I tried to think about it, the further away it went. Nobody deserves something of this nature. This was before using the "Dream Play" Paraliminal. You don't know how frustrating it can be to lose your thought points within seconds of a conversation.

It wasn't my intentions to cure this problem by listening to "Dream Play"! Yet, it helped me to Remember more of my Dreams! This seemed to be the key! It was like a domino effect, one falls into place and the others pickup the cause!

Being able to remember, this would be called a "side effect"! Only a good one! I want to lucid dream and it's important to have a memory of the conscious mind in one's dream state. If you can't remember if you dreamed or not, it's no different than not having a dream.

I got a good twenty years to go and when my wife tells me from her work of some of the patients ages, some as young as 40 years old were headed to dementia, this alone made me nervous. This makes me determined, I don't end up there! Yet, if I did get it, I wouldn't know anyways!

Dementia is another horrible disorder! When you forget everything and everyone, for all intents and purposes, you are dead already. Their brain activity levels keep lowering and some die because their brains can no longer keep the body efficiently working because it forgets to do so! The body follows the minds.

My wife works amongst these senior customers, she shows them love by the giving of herself, to make them feel comfortable in every way. She is like this to me at home and to her family abroad. Her feelings hurts easily no doubt about that, yet she is just a natural born sweetheart.

None of the other CNA's except maybe a handful, take their jobs of caring for people with empathy, where my wife use to work, my wife seen some of the CNA's yelling at those in "memory" care because they would forget simple basic instructions! 

There could be a couple in that organization, who really do give out their hearts. I just know my wife is one of those people, who work there and she is this way at home and for 19 years of our marriage. She never once said no, to my research and supported me to the end.

With many of these programs, when using them for enough hours per month, there are always extra's that may have manifested due to your diligent training. Playing the "Dream Play" side "A" tells me I can remember! 

Getting on what I was suppose to write here, one day I was tired but not enough to go to sleep. I then turned on my player and listened to the two programs on my paraliminal program, side "A" &"B. 

This is the extent of this training program! I am going to do all six of my paraliminals before going to sleep! I will have to do it in the evening, too much going on in the afternoon.

It felt great! I was also relaxing more and more. I will tell you all, paraliminals are not the most exciting programs you ever heard, but they are effective, nonetheless. Like anything else for something to work you have to work it.

I am using my SE-51000 customized program for brain tuning both physical and energetic along with the Paraliminals. I created a specially worded program to be broadcast 24/7. Hey, I made money using my SE-5 by customizing a financial program and within a week, I received $4500.00! 

When I used the SuperBeacon with the paraliminal's, something magical happened! Caught me by surprise! I'm not sure up to this day what caused a deep dive using the both the Super Beacon and paraliminal's. 

I know the SuperBeacon is a "Beta Blocker", what does that mean? It blocks beta brainwave frequencies from interfering with ones meditations or ones health. 

How did I notice that my memories weren't an issue anymore? I was so focus on remembering my dreams from the "Dream Play", it was never considered a substitute with my current memory issues. But it did anyways!

It never occurred to me that my conscious memories were getting stronger as the result of the training to remember my dreams! When working with your subconscious training, it will sneak in without your conscious being involved! You just one day start in my case just remembering once again.

Sometimes you may purchase something for one issue and after a few hours of use, it may free you from other issues, you didn't even think about. The subconscious mind is vast but still finite in comparison to great creator. Our brain is a conscious filter and programming gate keeper! It only allows in information as long as it keeps the subconscious narratives intact!

The program wasn't allowing me not to go into what I called, the "Phase Out", during our conversation, at times my mind would just go deep within myself and my wife would ask me if I was alright. She told me it seemed I was somewhere else and to my perspective the surroundings would just vanish temporarily, while in this state of mind. 

Because I was focusing on "remembering" my dreams. I was less in that state of mind than before! Again I still didn't realize something far greater was happening to me. Subtle means just that, hardly noticeable of the new perception taking place. 

It wasn't until Nov. #1st 2020, last night at the time of writing this article, that I wasn't easily forgetting things in the middle of a conversation, like going to the kitchen and losing my thought as soon as I stepped inside the kitchen. You have to understand my memory was far worse than forgetting anything in the kitchen.

I took the non-prescription brain food like Ginkgo on the market, nada, nothing! Just wasted more monies. About in the1995, I found Learning Strategies in Minneapolis! I really wanted to do their Photo-Reading course a two week course. But I couldn't afford it at the time! I could afford the "Super Memory Charger"!

When it comes to the brain and the mind functions, it's still a bit of a mystery to deal with. We're like children playing with a loaded gun! I include myself, when using the IDL-12 from James Rink for a 40 (1) hour run times, it nearly had me killed!

One doesn't need all those supplements called mind food, just a well construct of a self-hypnosis guidance, while you and only you, initiate the changes in the subconscious mind. In this case it is really all about you! You need to train the real "you" that is your subconscious programming.

Make sure whatever you're using in self hypnosis that they are not making the suggested changes, this should be "you" making those changes while under self-hypnosis. Who would you trust more some recording of someone you never met or yourself?

There are not many avenues out there, that can help with memory issues and especially, when one is in their fifties and sixties on up! One can't exercise, one's brain like the muscles. I promise crossword puzzles won't do the job either! This is much more complicated than that!

The only other way I know to do is, hire a certified hypnotherapist and this alone can be very expensive! There is no insurance carrier that would cover such a thing! Kinda like getting your teeth fixed that burden is on the customer for payment because it is consider cosmetic work!

The only known way communicating to the subconscious is through some kind of self-hypnosis, where you call the ball, not the other way around. There are so many self-hypnosis programs available and only a very small percent maybe worthy to listen too.

My wife is listening to the Remote Viewing Mp3's but she keeps falling asleep. I tell her don't worry the subconscious is recording every word! It's just starting right now, she would tell me something specific was going to happen and about an hour later it does.

For awhile there, it all seemed so hopeless for me. I still wanted to finish the program called, Dream Play". The "A" side helps you to remember your dreams and the "B" side would help you become Lucid. I get my days that no matter how much I want to listen to the Mp3, my body and brain give me a hundred reasons why I should not!

When I listen to a particular hypnosis program, I always consider it a custom programming! Because, I am uniquely different than you are as you are to me! My results will be different than yours, even if we both listen to the same Mp3.

The guess is, how long will this take when self hypnotized every day? Everybody is different in behavior and there will power to succeed or being successful. I've been listening for 4 days and my everyday memories are quite acute, compared to prior. I was forgetting a lot it became a huge issue before starting the "Dream Play" paraliminal.

There are many self-help programs of those out there but this one in particular from Learning Strategies has been a lifesaver! The next day when you the listener of such a product awaken from a good nights sleep, you probably will be quite productive in everything you do! Memory Recall will get better with time and practice! 

Sometimes I listen to both, since my CD player doesn't have auto-reverse! I did this for three weeks and now I don't have these memory laps! I am not saying this is the end all beat all! There are good programs out there, this is one of them, that works for me! Every so often, I will forget something but it quickly comes back to me!

Memories is beyond our five senses! If we lose this precious gift not exercising it, it will fade away like the grass of the field in the dead of the winter months! If we can't retain our memories it would be like you were never born!

The problem I had with poor short term memory was fading away with no fanfare to speak about! It happened so subtly, it wasn't until yesterday evening, 02 Nov. 2020, now starting my fourth week on "Dream Play", did I finally become aware I wasn't forgetting anymore as a matter of fact, I was remembering!

Again, memories are very important to all of us, don't take such things for granted! Protect that mind! That would be my first priority. Paraliminals are nothing new as far as self-hypnosis goes. Its psychological mechanics have always been successful using NLP.

Yet, it has very unusual ways of countering the conscious mind to accept and programming at the same time the subconscious mind without conscious interference. Most try subliminal and I am still up in the air, how well they work as compared with the results I had using Paraliminals.

The "OK" or "Permissive" statements are for the conscious minds on the left side of their brain, this paraliminal is fed into the right ear and the "Metaphors" contained in a story, are fed in your left ear to effect the right side of the brain! This is done this way for a reason. It creates

I want to say you don't have to purchase any paraliminal, use what works for you and with these tools they will become enhanced and make it almost holographic in nature.

But the brain and mind of the listeners become intrigued how fast one goes down using these type programs. When I held the SuperBeacons  copper coils which had quartz crystals wrapped into each one, my paraliminal meditation become like a holographic environment! My legs fell completely asleep, it was like being in concrete. Then I shift my awareness back to listening!

I will have to experiment more with this combo and especially hooking up the Pineal Pinger along with using the "Overthruster".  So I don't have to hold the handles for 30 minutes to an hour while meditating! EJ said, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go, when using the Pinger everyday 24/7! 

The Pineal Pinger is clearing using the DC the radio frequency bands that are between both AM and PM, the sticky type calcium coat over the Pineal Gland because of the pinging using subspace radio wave frequencies, you are activating your Psychic third eye which includes the pineal gland itself! 

Now my friend understands this all too well! What scared him was, when he opened his eyes in the astral, a strong hand covered his face! He was being led by his extreme higher self. Everything my friend experienced was real, very high vibratory rates.

It does matter what you feed your minds with, as far as self-hypnosis goes! A bad self-hypnosis Mp3 can still be accepted by your subconscious minds. Again do your research don't ever take my word for it. These articles are to be read and researched by you the readers.

It is my opinion, no matter what type of "paraliminal" you decide to use, there will be side effects! Fortunately, for me, my memory that was falling apart is slowly coming back and I remember easily (temporarily) side effect! 

I have not have had such "memory drops" ever since two weeks ago! I still have more listening to do, to permanently implant the suggestion. A psychologist hypnotist I paid to see, years back, she told me it would take 8-10 sessions to complete the re-programming. Now multiply that at $175.00 a visit! $1750.00 total cost! This was 35 years ago!

I listened for a few weeks "Dream Play", I don't know what is being affected, because the program maybe firing up latent Neurons that were dormant and being I got kicked a hundred times in the head, it is probable it would be the issue of memory problems or memory skips that occurs in me during a course of a day. 

If you want to try something to see if it works, may I suggest the SuperMemory Charger Mp3 from Learning Strategies in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This would be a great way to know if these kinds of paraliminal programs are your cup of tea.

In traumas the brain becomes hardwired deep in the subconscious mind. It would be like "Ground Hog Day"! Every time certain things happen, a trigger, will set off and relay it to the our conscious minds to either fight or flight. 

Like I said, we can't control this vast reservoir of memory storage from the subconscious! Whatever happens the sub is going to control what you do and where you will go! (Automatically)!

I want to use the "Super Memory Charger" that I purchased on cassette almost twenty plus years ago, I purchased it as a mp3 file.  I personally know what this can do for you. In fact, it was one of my very fir paraliminal +30 years ago!

At first, I wasn't sure it was even possible. You know the story, I bought this, even though it may not work! I am glad I purchased this program personally! Most people who purchase programs have reserved doubts if it will work or not.

It's true that the Pineal Gland hardly understood by the public but understood by psychics, psychotronic operators and lucid dreamers etc. Scientists knows it exists for biological reasons only. It is physically connected to our eye's optical nerve route, I believe. Which is why we call it the "Third Eye"! It will also effect the Pituitary gland.

I am pretty excited what I may experience after purchasing the Pineal Pinger and the Overthruster! $1000.00 is expensive, when you have a family to feed, house, cloth and to protect! Not so with us, but we too have to maintain a budget not unlike our Government! We have to budget for our bills and things unexpected happens.

This product has been on EJ site since 2017! There maybe people for various reason will sell them on eBay or Amazon and you could get it for a cheaper price! Like there is a Gibbs HDR for sale for $200.00 on E-bay right now at the time of this writing!

I have four other programs that I purchased for $180.00 are in Mp3 format from Learning Strategies. I just have to put a folder up in iTunes to make it easier to locate the material. Plus I can shuffle or play one right after the other, I don't have this luxury using cd's or hearing it from my laptop.

It's amazing we listen to a good self hypnosis titles and for some unknown reason the subconscious minds has its own ways of dealing with memory issues, that includes forgetting where you place something in the house or have dropped something!

If you have an apple computer don't forget to use Apple lossless. So all the intended frequencies can be harnessed by your minds. When you don't use apple lossless, I was told when the computer sees these higher frequencies, it will cut out the "out of range" frequencies and the lower range frequencies because it's beyond our human hearing!

As far as the SuperMemory Charger goes, I did it for fun, when I was 32 years old. This cd has brought up memories all the way from my childhood and up through all the years. It only took me about two listening sessions and on my first success. 

I was watching t.v. and "something" got me up and led me to look behind a chair I never used. There was my missing piece of jewelry I had lost almost a year ago. It was hidden a little under the frame work in the back! I had to really think what it was that prompted me off my chair to do such a thing!

It was a bit irritating, about every twenty minutes or so, memories still bubbling up in my head. I was driving at the time, very distracting. The more I listened at the time to this cd, the more older memories were surfacing and the subconscious mind would let these dump into my conscious awareness!

It's just not for the memories, my other four cd's cover "Intuition", 10-Minute Supercharger, "Deep Relaxation", "Living the Secret"! They all do specific things but what would be the common denominator? Giving us five programs to listen too! 

It is considered "Whole Brain" training. Teaching your consciousness to be using O.K. statements in a story form and your right side of your brain teaching it how to regain memories. He, Paul Scheele is a master of NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programing). 

Paul said, in the right ear cup it will talk to your left side of the brain and the left ear cup will speak to the right side of your brain. (Whole Brain Thinking). 

It is essentially making the brain to stretch bio-electrically from the left to the right and from the right unto the left side. Stretch meaning, webbing phenomena with the neurons. Plasticity will come into play.

Holo-Synch created its own version of binaural beats. Paul and Bill Harris before Mr, Harris passed away, got together to work out a deal to allow Bill's binaural program to be recorded in each Paraliminal recordings. I guess he did this because it could draw down the brain faster and easier.

The key to any self-hypnosis listening is to "let go"! This is truly the hardest thing to do for the larger population. We have been brained wash by our computers, t.v.'s, our social upbringing, indoctrination in grade school, high school, and college. Plus what and how we perceive our world from our perspective. 

It's old news with binaural's, but I guess it helps, than if one didn't have this binaural beats inside the program they were listening to. I do know it takes me deep in twenty plus minutes!! I really don't care if they are there or not.

Yet, you have to decide for yourselves how much you want to let go, to allow the program to affect your subconscious minds. I found the more I let go, the deeper I go and the faster I go! This won't happen to you at first, you will be on your guard and once you are convinced it is safe to continue, you will leave a little more of your guard down!

Both parties signed a deal allowing Learning Strategies to incorporate Bill Harris's binaural beats in the self-hypnosis program! I can't hear the beats but the subconscious mind can. This change came not that long ago. The paraliminals I listened to many years back, didn't have the binaural whatsoever!

This phantom third tone the brain creates using binaural beats,  this phantom tone, allows both halves of the brain to work together, both the right side using spatial actions and the left side using logical, linear ideas.

With two different "tones" one in each ear and the brain will combine to the differences, like 208 Hz in the right ear and 200 Hz in the left ear the third phantom frequency would be the difference of the two which is 8 Hz. 

The phantom wave hypnotizes your conscious mind by gently putting it to sleep! Believe me when I tell you, just having two different stories being told one in each ear, both at the same time is very effective. at 

The conscious mind eventually gives up, trying to listen to the two stories that are being said at the same time! The stories are riddled with NLP words and phrases.

One can't keep up with two stories going off at the same time. The program in the left ear is for the right hemisphere and the program on the right ear is, for the left hemisphere of the brain.

Below are my Mp3's for remembering that will effect both short and long term memories and to turn up the volume on our "Intuition". The Law of Attraction will be the last volume I will listen too!

I also purchased the "Intuition" Amplifier" which I have not used yet, along with "Law of Attraction" and "Deep Relaxation" and lastly, "Dream Play", SuperMemory Charger

Along with The "Memory Supercharger". I purchased all of these to get a full rounded development. Each one compliments the others! Around $150.00 seems like a lot of money and to some people it maybe! If it was for me, I would only purchase once a month and it would have taken me around six months.

I will listen tonight on my sofa at the time of this article "Dream Play" both A&B sides. Tomorrow morning, I will listen to "Intuition Amplifier". That afternoon the "Super Memory Charger"

It seems easy what I am doing, yet there are days I have to force myself to listen to one Mp3! I can feel my mind saying, "No"! Don't do it! Your conscious mind tells you, your tired, hungry, sleepy, body aching. The flesh body is spoiled and guess why this is? It is our own faults for giving into such notions.

The coming up evening, I will listen to "Deep Relaxation" along with again "Dream Play" before retiring for the night. They won't interfere with each other because they work to achieve similar goals. It's kind of like attacking the issue on different fronts!

You wouldn't want to play a program like "Increase your luck" when you're working on remembering your dreams. Just do one goal at a time! Your success rate will be higher if you stick to your goal and procure "like" Mp3 relating to what your goals are.

I purposely left out "Law of Attraction" since it has nothing to do with calming the body down in a deep relaxation and using a dreaming program to remember ones own dreams along with both Memory Charging programs!

Below I am giving an update since wearing the GV-II. I had walked today two miles walking the puppy. I came home walked around the house and noticed, the "Top of my both Feet"are feeling great! My neck arthritic pain doesn't exist!


When you introduce new programming, this simply would be refuted by either the conscious mind or the unconscious level (subconscious) mind or both! If you do more than one cd using self-hypnosis, your extra Mp3's should be related to your specific tasks and goals at the moment! Only if you listen to more than one on the same day.

The mind and body loves a "routine" because it can create shortcuts and short circuit what it is you are trying to accomplish!! Your mind and body love to be lazy!! Your mind always tries to figure out how to out fox the very person that needs its help!

This is the nature of our flesh bodies! Procrastination is one of the deadly dozens that keeps us from ever progressing to a new higher level and the quality of the self hypnosis program you are listening too will determine if you are succeeding or not! 

There is nothing written in stone that says you must do it this way. It's just easier way to keep tracked what is working for you and what is not. So, you have to be smarter than your flesh and create specific ways to force your conscious minds into submission!

Keep a clear goal on the target you choose to better yourselves either financially, physically or spiritually! Jumping all over the map with your brain training will only succeed in confusing both your conscious attempts of change and your subconscious attempts when using outside programming!

If I wear my Nuclear Receptor at the same time with the Vortex receptor, when something amazing happens, we have to decide which necklace was responsible for the positive results? You can see how messy it can become. Anxiousness will have you do crazy things!

As I am typing here, I am wearing finally my GVII Vortex Generator. What do I feel right now? Nothing different, since putting it on over the neck. I forgot, I'm enjoying no more arthritic pain in my neck or any pain at the tops of my feet!

I will try to sleep with it on tonight! I will wear it while listening to my paraliminal programming. I will let you all know in a week or so how it's going for me. That evening after about 30 minutes on my "Dream Play" paraliminal, it became somewhat deeper is the best I describe.

My friend told me, he treated his mom with the instrument from Russia called the "Scenar"! He placed it on her back and allowed the frequencies to do their work! Sometimes it worked really well while other times such as his mothers lower back, she just wasn't responding to it. That was the reason he loaned it to his Mom.

My friend called me up around 10:30 in the AM today, he wanted to let me know what has been happening to his mother as of lately. First he told me, this was so unreal! His old wounds that gave him a lot of discomfort disappeared! The other marker was, "pure energy" he never felt before.

I know what he means now! It's going on 2 weeks since I received mine and all the inflammation in my body right now doesn't exist. It seems to me in my humble opinion that, the vortex that's created by the implanted magnets, keeps out other frequencies that are not so good. Sort of like a EMF shield around the body.

You can hardly know it's around the neck. Yet the magic still happens! It's been awhile and my friends mother is doing better everyday! He told me, she only asked one question of him and that was; What is this thing all about"! My friend said to his mother, just try it out and if you don't like it, we will give it to pops!

His mother could hardly walk and when she took her prescribe pain killers it would make her feel zombified. My friend said, "In 24 hours of his mom wearing the device, the old pain was all gone! He told me it was seemingly quick, quicker than a placebo and long lasting than any placebo.

I want to say, I hate pain! So does my mother! Neither of us have any tolerance to pain no matter the cause. It's also my hopes to get TrueRife machine around $7000.00! I know ouch! I have to wait for my gold and silver to go up a bit.

Sometimes we get so use to the pain, we just feel it is natural to be hurting all the time. For those, who had such pain most of there lives don't know any other way to lessen it! I know 4 of us here including two additional readers of the blog are beating those odds.  

This comment begs to be heard twice. Many of us with chronic pain, expect to feel it all throughout the day and night. Maybe the GV-II, can change it around for us! Maybe the vortex pendant can't alleviate certain kinds of pains, we just don't know!

My friend wanted his Dad to wear the GVII  for a week but his Mom said, buy him one, I am not taking this off!! He couldn't believe what he was hearing! It's hard to give up something, that really works. So, this week he is going to purchase another GV-II for Pop!

Once in awhile we stumble upon items that actually do what was said it could do! Neither the builder nor the customer knows the "Why" of it! It doesn't take a genius to figure it out on my part or the part of my friend and some of my readers to understand scalar and magnetic energies and its effects on the human body are going on here.


So far, I think Dan Shaw is not charging enough, for what the GV-II could do potentially do for us. Yet he knows if such claims were made about healings, he would be shut down a long time ago! But it doesn't effect the ability of this device to perform either way! 

UPDATE: Well now I know! My arthritic neck no longer hurts! It took about five minutes to realize it, after placing the medallion around my neck. Just this late evening, I took a walk in the bedroom for something as I came back I noticed something!

I looked down at my feet, which was aching for a year or so. I have to do a modified my walk, to keep the top of my foot from hurting. I then began to walk normal, viola, the pain in my feet was gone! No way! It's been this way since for over a year! I am totaling enjoying the bliss of no pain!

Taping the GV-I on both under the feet cause him those vibrations that allows you to separate from the body during astral traveling. Like he said on the email today, he didn't come out of the body the last few days, when using the Pineal Pinger. He is now participating in some kind of a weird waking dimension the last few nights! 

He, my friend, every weekend goes to the families farmstead to take care of the animals. What else is there to do in Kansas! :o). He stop using the Pineal Pinger for a few days to see what will happen when he starts it back up again. He will run it both day and night, when he doesn't have to go to work! This is much more than he was prepared for, 

I am sure he will give me another report soon enough! He, my friend, purchased and received a few days ago the first generation golden vortex (2) of them, the GV-I. He told me, he will tape each vortex generator to each foot, I wasn't sure what he was trying for.

He has taped each of them on certain chakra's and energy centers to see if there are profound affects when he goes to sleep at night! I got an email from my friend early this morning and in short he told me, he taped two GV-1's that he had purchased, to the bottoms of his feet! Within one hour, the vibrations began to takeover! Out he came!

Our enemy of the middle age groups of people on up, is that nasty old barometric pressure strong holds, keeping us from hurting such as arthritic pains! The next day, down comes the pressure release, hour after hour all day long! While we suffer immensely.

Everyone knows that when barometric pressure falls, its strong hold weakens on your body, loosens up those tight muscles and that is when the pain starts! When one has whiplash injuries from years ago from car accidents etc., the body builds connecting scar tissue. Turn your head in a circular motion and you will hear and feel like stretching and tear or crackle.

I have not found anything beyond this new pendant that can protect you from such drastic changes. Believe me when I tell you, I looked everywhere anything short of owning a TrueRife wouldn't be able to do such a thing! The scar tissue becomes less stressed from the high pressure to low barometric pressure, thus pain is ensued. 

Even the muscles that were tight yesterday are now real loose with the accompanied inflammation pain with its lactic acid resting over scar tissue to rebuild the connective tissue! One could move I suppose up into a higher mountain range where the air pressure is high all the time! But for some something like this it's just not practical to do so.

Think of a blood pressure cup that wraps around the arm, and the nurse pumps air in the line to fill the bag and the bag becomes tight holding the blood pressure back, then he or she leaves the air to escape and that is similar what the barometric pressure operates! You will feel your own pulse, pulsate when leaving out the air pressure! 

The Barometers we used growing up were fairly inexpensive, they were our folks and grandma and grand dad, we knew and grown up with. Who had the famous arthritic pain right before the rains come and the barometric pressure falls like a rock! The cost involve was to sit down and listen to them tell you how it was!

The old farmers where I grew up in the wilderness of PA, I would see them rubbing their knees and I asked them what's wrong? I bet you heard your parents say in your younger years telling everyone it's going to rain because their arthritis or bursitis were acting up and being painful in the process!

He, my grandfather would tell me, it was going to rain soon and by the next morning it would rain! I thought that was so cool, a human barometer! Now I know what my old generation had to go through, reliving their past accidents or wear and tare on the body itself for many years .

I have a theory on this GVI-II, it blocks out the barometric pressure in some way, thus keeps the body from loosening up! Because of the surrounding vortex around he or she's bodies. (Theory)! I manage to escape the low barometric pressure resided at 4:00 am. It is maxing out, ready to take a fall! 

By the end of this day of writing, our BO fell to 28.00 this is located in "Pain City" the capital of misery herself. Not this time! I felt great! This has been going on everyday for two weeks and I yet to experience the low air pressure on both my neck and feet.

With everything that is going on everyday, I personally can't keep up with it all. My wife is nervous, afraid when BLM and ANTIFA set our homes on fire! I carry my device of "Persuasion", it will talk anyone into anything, the great equalizer!!

It seems it traps the air pressure around the body, thus not allowing all of it to escape, I can't prove this, it is only my theory! When we get enough of anecdotal evidence and prove that it is above just normal chance or placebo. It just takes away the pain associated with the low air pressure, would be the commonsense look at it, the short version theory.

This is our barometric pressure currently at 30.05 as high as it can go before falling back down at the time of this writing. Lately my neck muscles will tighten up trying to protect my "C" cervical 2 and 3! Minus now the "Inflammation". 

I have an ultra-sound handheld device to massage the neck muscles and takes whatever discomfort is left, it alleviates it entirely! It does deep tissue messaging and brings up a fresh supply of blood with it by just utilizing sound waves!

I know for certain my neck goes crazy in pain, when the barometric pressure starts to fall, this happened constantly in the last twenty years of my life. I have to baby my neck on those days, until the pain subsides. 

Now I just pay no attention to it because its doesn't bother me anymore, at least as long as I have the GVII on me. I received my GVII on 3 Nov. 2020.

Don't be too quick to dismiss such a tool! It doesn't have blinking lights or infrared lighting, it's dark looking, not that attractive and it comes with a cheap strap to wear it around your neck. It's barely no weight felt. It's a bit expensive! Never judge a book by its cover!

I felt the air pressure dropping and my neck muscles loosening up and I was in arthritic pain, days before I received this vortex pendant! I received my vortex pendant around two thirty today on a Tuesday on 3 Nov 2020. I looked at it and I said to my wife, there is no way this could put a vortex around the body just by looking at the simplicity of the pendant!

I examined it closely and it is a feather weight, made of some kind of  polycarbonate facet cut and all black and this holds those 3 magnets spaced a certain way that cause rifts in time and space. My dear companion and wife started to snicker and smile and walked off to do something!

The Barometric Pressure with the pendant on at 4:30pm CST still at 30.05. We generally feel much better, when it goes from here to 30.30 maximum. Right now, until I rule out any placebo checks, my neck is better right now! I want to show you all what the pendant did to a cup of water overnight into the freezer!

The above glass of water, I just took 3 pictures of it, trying to get a closure picture. The pendant I placed leaning on its side against the glass! Does anyone notice the shape looks like the "spinner" from the movie "Inception"!

Bottom line folks is this: It will take a bit of work on your part to train your subconscious minds and using the GV-II will get you there fast. I want you to think real hard, did you know that once your subconscious mind is programmed, let's say for "lucid" dreaming. Make sure what you're doing is what you really want or need, there is no turning back once the subconscious mind is throughly programmed!

Again I will follow the Barometric fall and rise time as it falls or climbs during the 24 hours! UPDATE: Our barometric pressures at 1:10 CST is 29.83. Generally my neck would be aching right now. It is feeling great!! My feet are feeling great! This is way beyond "placebo" effects!

In summary of the above lengthy article, you need to start a plan for whatever issues you may have, no matter the issue. Over 80% of our bodies are sick or in disorder from the bad programming of our minds all our lives. 

And from old sustained injuries and that too is in the subconscious minds and it will manifest somewhere either in your physical body or mentally (Stress) induced.

We need to think about ways of inserting new programming! I would say without hesitation, that the Paraliminals are a great starter for those seeking to change their lives, one step at a time! 

There are many other good programs out there, you just have to do your research!!! This is what I use, I am not telling you to go out and purchase. You make up your own minds as I lay down the breadcrumbs along the way!

One thing is certain, no one can consciously control the subconscious mind! In order to access the subconscious, first the conscious controls have to be relinquished in a body asleep and mind awake. Maybe there are a few, a very few who probably operate in all brain states, while consciously awake. This rules me out that's one person!

The Subconscious mind is in a world of it's own and doesn't distinguish where it resides and the reality of this world! To "it", it's all the same thing, not in the past or in the future, just in the "Now" or the present! Some hypnotists really do take this in consideration when creating their self-hypnosis wording structuring.

When dealing beyond the conscious Frey, keep the linear time out of it! It, time, only resides in Beta waves, the physical universe, not the unconscious world that lies beneath our waking consciousness! These uncharted frequencies have still yet to be tamed by mankind.

Some considered, these areas as dreams only, but they are much more than dreams! It is a communication channel to the invisible real you. The subconscious mind is a master communicator just for you! Your subconscious mind stores all your memories and experiences in the form of images and symbols. 

Somethings we can teach ourselves will enter into the subconscious minds and after a short while, you can let go of the reigns and it will put your new programming on "Auto-Pilot"! More complexed issues will need a more technical hands on approach through self-hypnosis training.

That's why during dreams (which are nothing but thoughts of the subconscious mind) all we see are pictures and symbols. Yet this is the language of itself, who talks to you in your dreams showing signs and wonders, we need to know how to respond in kind, to get the best use of such a bio-computer frequency of 7.8Hz.

Try this experimentation, program your subconscious mind to get yourself up at 6:00 am everyday or whatever hour you deem important like going to work! Do this until you don't need an alarm clock, it works pretty amazingly!

My wife years ago was able to do this very thing! That was when she was 26 and now she is 45 and americanized! She can't no longer do it, she would have a harder time training her subconscious mind today.

Even though my wife didn't have the technical knowledge and know how where she lived, she was still successful what she wanted her mind to do. Her subconscious mind picked it up after a few weeks or so and for over a year I believe she told me, she could wake herself up exactly at 6:00am from REM sleep or deep Theta.

When she, my wife was still living in CEBU Philippines, she didn't have an alarm clock, so she depended on her mind to wake her up at 6:00 am every day! She has trained her subconscious mind to wake her up everyday at 6:00am. 

There are times when desperately we need from our bodies and minds to do for us, that force of will and emotions is what triggers the subconscious mind to pickup on the new programming while under mental duress for example!

After a few weeks or days, you automatically arise at 6:00 in the AM. But you don't need to, it's your weekend! Sorry, your subconscious mind is programmed by some kind of "emotional guidance system" and it will not stop, unless you reprogram it to stop! It's like placing iTunes song in a loop!

When you program the subconscious to do a certain thing and once it takes its for keeps! Be care what you wish for you might just get it! Growing up, we were not taught about such things! These routes are foreign to us like Russia is too English.

Nature was much smarter than mankind, knowing we would screw things up, it made mankind to mature first and foremost, only then would mankind actually began to understand about the three conscious levels. Eventually we we're allowed to tap into them and light the spark of a new evolved mankind. Good or Bad?

Once you successfully program your subconscious mind to do specific tasks, it will run in the background giving space to our Beta minds during the awaken moments of ones life. Like a loop playing over and over again is how the subconscious mind interrupt our conscious behavior. 

It, our subconscious minds, will run without your conscious awareness! It won't stop until you turn around and train it the same way to end this programming.This is why you must be sure what it is you desire and keep in the forefront of your minds. 

In order to counter program this internal programming again, you will have to use Self Hypnosis to stop it! How long will it take, it could take as long as the first one did around eight or so weeks or maybe longer, no one knows for sure because of our uniqueness as humans!


1 comment:

  1. heres a link to some old information about stevn gibbs in teh strange magazine



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