Saturday, May 2, 2020


Electro-Magnets are much more powerful than a standard non powered magnet...With an electromagnet the power is pulsed at certain cycles per second. This depends on who built it and why and for what reasons!

I started my Super HDR from Steven Gibbs for the first time in a year. I actually had to go back to the written instructions for smaller specifics I've completely forgot about. Now I made the simple changes required for a successful jump! Last night on 19th of April 2020. I finally got talk with HDRkid and he told me how to use the flat mag with my t-bar electromagnet.

It was a bit bulky holding both the T-Bar electromagnet against the bigger flat magnet that cost me extra from Gibbs. The 6x4x2 rectangle shape magnet, I place the south polar field against my stomach and the north polar field against the North Polar field of the flat magnet. Which is wrong! The South polar field faces the T-bar magnet with the North polar side faces the stomach!

I balance both magnets over my stomach area...I believe Steven Gibbs was correct about the stomach chakra being effected. I have to use this head coil supplied by Gibbs over the third eye chakra to see how it effects the physical relationships such as; the Pineal gland functioning. I have used it on and off with the HDR every time it was in operation! I don't have memory lapse yet! 

Since changing the magnet position of the flat magnet, I can feel eddy's currents and waves being produced from the North polarized field bucking up against the South polarized field of the static  rectangular magnet! The Northside of the flat magnet is facing my stomach and the South side of the magnet facing the T-Bar magnet which causes a small bucking movement when holding it still.

Keep in mind this one Anecdotal experiment that the scientist has done was totally unexpected by the scientist in polar magnetics. Walter Rawls perform a simple pineal magnetic stimulator device to see if there were any facts about magnets effecting the Pineal Gland.

There was a scientist named Walters  Rawls, he was using a regular cylindrical magnet to place it close to this third eye area, placing it there for 30' a day for a month. Walters is a scientist studying the effects of magnetic polarities. He wore a cylindrical magnet over his third eye chakra. He jerry rigged a headset to hold this cylindrical magnet with the North Pole facing his middle brow.

The Scientist wanted to find out, what all the hoop and holler was about with this third eye chakra business. To my knowledge, I haven't found anyone else on the net, who had tried a similar experiment. There was a nine year old message board with people who tried similar experiment and they too were successful. This gives the HDR's electro-magnet some credibility over the solar plexus's.

We all know this gentleman had results, he was not prepared to accept or deal with! He stop the experiment after the thirty days was up. He definitely was not expecting much too happen, I don't know if this was a favor to some people he knew who were interested to see or hear about using the Northside of a magnet over ones third eye chakra. Of course we may truly never know for sure.

If you use your left side of your brain where everything must have a reason to why it works or doesn't work. Now add into the mix a black radionic box with two silver knobs and an electromagnet with claims of time travel can be done with it~! It would be hard to process such information!

I want to briefly catch all of you up with my last article, about this private experiment with north polar magnet and it's quick shut down. Which leaves many to wonder if there truly is something physical that can actually affect something spiritual! The HDR would be a great way to begin such an experiment.

This is important to realize! There are so many mechanical devices, claiming you can open your chakra's with frequencies! The markets tout spiritual tones or music would or could open parts of your physical brain. I have no doubts that some of these do work for some. Others can be less sensitive and would have to discover what works for them!

Pinky and the Brain! We all know Pinky is right brained 100% and the Brain is Left Brain 100%. What we seek is middle ground, a balance between the two. Genetics plays a huge part in what we can't control.

I had a really hard time believing anything physical was capable of affecting something that doesn't seat itself in the physical realm. Again that was my own personal belief, not so much a fact! When I purchased the SuperHDR it was out of pure curiosity and I was able to think outside the box for a moment to entertain such an idea that Steven Gibbs communicated with emotion!

When one comes across a product like the Gibbs Time Machine, there will be two types of people, the one type who is logical minded and can't think outside the box, these types of people would reject this notion almost immediately. 

Maybe I gave this HDR the time of day because I was open to such imaginative whims of fancy, that Steven Gibbs spoken about. Only because I had experienced OBE's few and far between in my lifetime, this had helped me to be more open to his ideas about time traveling.  

If you are not prone to experience such things as "OBE's" and you were always using the left side of your brain, where logic and reason reside, then what Steven Gibbs tells a person, what his HDR can accomplish would probably mean very little to you, unless your curiosity gets the final best of you. 

Allowing him to be lifted out of his body and he was sent astrally to different time lines, it would be hard to process this information for the right brain type of individuals, having no experience, who never tapped into their right side of the brain.

Astral Traveling, OBE's, became common place within the month of November around 2004 when I met Steven Gibbs. He would call me everyday to find out if I did physical time traveling. 

Not to say, there would be no way to accept a story like Gibbs about his Time Travel experience. Many have and that was about equal with those who didn't. Everyone has dreams of going back in their past or future for all kinds of reasons. Even I did, when I first purchased the HDR. I guess it was the bite of a romanticism of leaving this current world to travel anywhere, anytime.

Within a month or so, I finally had my first OBE time travel. There is a distinct difference between an OBE verses AstralTraveling. During "astral" traveling, you are not in the real world anymore! You are in the dimension or dream like state of mind. The OBE is different, when time traveling. In the OBE Time Traveling, we are dealing with a different set of factors. OBE's to an untrained person would seem like you are dead in the real world! 

I always thought OBE's and Astral Traveling were sophisticated dreams. How wrong I was to entertain such lack of knowledge about such things. When I began to actually do this training it was then I learned these were real functions with real consequences and real impacts it can place upon the traveler(s).

Fear can sweep over you, when sleep paralysis shuts down your physical bodies. Because your body lies there completely motionless. Depending on your "fear" factor that's part of you and all us, this will determine how long and how far you can go in the OBE realm. 

Fear can stop the entire process! You see until you awakened to the fact of OBE's and Astral Projection were a real event, all this was done while you slept most of your life! I call this the "Secret Sleep" and only your subconscious knows what is going on! It keeps a good secret going until you awaken to its true realities!

One having just a OBE (Out of Body Experience), will find themselves lift from their physical bodies and stand or float upright after perhaps listening to the electrical sounds that accompany such excursions or whirled wind sounds, again everyone have different experiences!

There are certain things that may look out place and that's a given. Because our reality and the frequencies they are made of, shares a common core by different frequencies, which is why some things pop in and out in the physical world, when it is shared with your OBE!

Chakra's are spiritual but follow them to the Meridian lines and you will find what physical counterparts they work with. After using the HDR, I lifted from my bed and I heard extreme crackling and lightening sounds! My heart felt like it was going to explode! It wasn't my physical heart but the heart chakra!

Time Travel OBE's are the next best thing of feeling a realty one is not use to; while living in the world you are now occupying. All  your senses are heighten on a level much more than your current realities while you are awake in "Beta"! 

I haven't experienced all there is to experience, when it comes to OBE's, Astral Projection and Remote Viewing. Reaching these exotic frequencies is a very delicate balancing act! Because we have to consider our inadequacies and our potential gifts we do have and have used a few times in our lifetimes. These people are primed for HDR use!

The reason for this is, when one is having an OBE, all their chakra's are humming or buzzing or electrical sparking and my body for example, prior to escaping this body temple, sounds like many Tesla Coils going off all at the same time. But that doesn't mean yours will sound or be like mine! We are all different and when using the HDR whatever happens it was meant for you!

Chakra's are spiritual in nature and resided below our waking frequencies! They are essentially hidden until they are summoned when you or I fall asleep! The little buggers become active and not all of them at once if you are untrained! Only when you become an interference consciously do you become aware of them!      

This could be because of my chakra's not all being open or all being open at the same time! I guess it depends on what external tool one is using to reach these higher levels. Where ones mind is contemplating at that moment in time. Just be open for anything unusual you experience and embrace it instead of fearing it! This might take a few times but it's not a race, work at your own pace!

I discovered this about myself, when I was floating near the ceiling and I kept hearing electrical sounds, electrical distortions! At first I was scared, but it became commonplace for me when in the separation process. As of lately, when I come out it's just a humming vibration, not so much the electricity sounds. If I use other tools to come out the results are generally different.

Are these chakra's for real? Absolutely! In the past prior to getting my HDR, I've read what you read about chakra's, so how do I really know for sure? When I did my HDR protocols, Steven Gibbs explained to me that the electromagnet creates strong gauss a time bubble and my reactions to this would be different than Steven's this is due to experience and control and abilities to let go!

It would not be a surprise knowing I learned about the HDR on C2C radio talk show at midnight! There would be no other way of even knowing about Steven Gibbs HDR as far as myself goes. I certainly didn't get no flyers in the mail, I didn't see any ads on the front page newspaper! You would have to be looking for something like this!

Steve told me, when you are running the HDR treatment on yourselves, the electromagnet is effecting all specific bodily organs and this gauss 13,800 is forming a 27 foot radius around both you and anyone next to you! Even my wife had OBE's and she never used the HDR! Yet, she was exposed to this electromagnet in the creation of this huge time bubble!

Coast to Coast with George Nory. I was invited on the show with Patricia Ress and Steven Gibbs.

Each chakra has a physical organ it represents! It is very difficult to prove! I had to take what I learned, place it aside, while I was using the HDR some fifteen years ago. At the time, I didn't even no anything about radionics until I purchased the radionic HDR machine! I used it to send healing to the builder of the Hieronymus Machine in Washington State, his Name was William. He was healed from his back issues.

I've listen to C2C (coast to coast) talk show radio, that comes on around midnight in my neck of the woods, where I live. I remember both HdrKid and Steven Gibbs were being interviewed late Saturday night by George Nory the host! Art Bell who hosted the  Coast To Coast talk radio, when he was alive, Art would interview Steven Gibbs several times a year! He was the brother of the late Dr. Fred Bell.

George Nory, talked with Steven Gibbs for almost two hours! I was shaking my head and saying no way! I was hooked! Glad I stuck it out during the whole month of November 2004. It worked, in fact, sometimes too good!

That first night I was listening to Steven Gibbs tell his stories of his physical and astral time travel.  It was something different for sure and in remote cases quite fascinating with refreshed possibilities! Hey, I've been around for many years and I hear people all the time on C2C, telling everyone about their unique products or books or courses etc. Now I am hearing a man who travels to the past and future timelines and other dimensional trips!

When I caught Steven Gibbs on the midnight talk show at C2C, I listened to his time travel stories and the man actually had true convictions on what he discovered! It wasn't enough just listening to both HDRkid and Steve tell us what timelines they travel etc. I need to personally talk with them. The first person I had the pleasure talking too was "Carl Novella" and he was in Miami, Florida at the time.

One day we got talking on the phone for the first time after a long chat on the emails. He gave me his home phone number and I anxiously waited unto the day we both agreed upon! He, Carl Novella is very nice gentleman. I want you to know it was in the year around 2004, since the last time I talked with him. He explained to me, how he was transported in the past, physically not astrally! 

Carl Novella was thrust into another timeline but in the same state where he was from. It caught him completely off guard. He used the HDR and shut everything down and went about his mundane day! One second he walking down the sidewalk and the next he is thrown into a barred hut used as a local jail.

He, Carl, was still in Florida but the people of this land had a King who ruled over this peninsula called Florida. Carl was transported from his house in the past or a physical timeline that ran parallel to our own. He was wearing shorts and a slip over shirt during this surprise trip. The Constable grabbed Carl by the arm and said, "You are under arrest"! Carl asked why! 

The Constable said, You are mocking the King by what you wear, and those strange shoes and upper and lower clothing with colors! Carl said, this is the way we dress in Florida because it gets extremely hot and uncomfortable. He was thrown in to hut of some sort and on the floor there was hay. Carl was nervous and scared, not knowing for sure if he would be stuck on this physical timeline forever!

So, Carl made due of the current situation. Finally after several hours, the Constable told Carl, you are free to go. Carl asked the Officer if it would be OK to walk around the village. The Constable told Carl, "That of itself is fine! Just find some proper clothing before you end up here again". Carl shook the guys hand and went looking and walking around inside the perimeter of this small village. People were happy and all doing their thing! Soon, a flash of white light appeared and I reappeared back in my timeline.

Carl and I know what was happening! Florida by the very start on the East Coast side, begins the first corner of the Devil's Triangle! The state I use to live in for 12 years before moving up North. I didn't know Florida was full of Vortexes! It makes sense now but back then I never heard of Steven Gibbs.

Carl told me he was just in awe what he was seeing! He told me, it was like in the colonial era because of the way the people talk and walked and did everyday things not seen in Carls physical timeline. As he wanted to see a particular market across from where is was, very quickly and suddenly Carl was starting to see a bright white light! It grew stronger by the second!

When the "White Light" ascended around Carl, he walked through it and on the other side was his home from which, he left around eight hours ago! He was in shock to say the very least! He said to me, I thought I would have to pinch myself if everything I saw and every place I visited was real or not! But yet here I am talking to you about this trip. Many of my friends have kept their distances from me because I let the whole world know I physically time traveled.

Carl explained to me at other times he sees the white light and other times he sees a misty green dense type of fog or smoke appear and he would be physically yanked back into his timeline. Another story he shared with me was, he used his HDR in the early afternoon and then shut it down! He needed to go to the store for some perishable foods!

Carl Novella long time user of the HDR and good friends with Steven Gibbs, told me quite a few physical time traveling adventures. Steven Gibbs told me, I would never do what Carl is doing, it was a risky thing and Steve said, no way, I won't go no more than two years in the past or future.

Carl was nice enough to tell me about one of his time travel experiences. He told me while, he was driving in Miami, he had his HDR either on or just finished prior to driving with his car and his car drove into an opening vortex. So some may wonder how to use this device in the car. Just purchase an "Inverter" and plug it into the cigarette lighter and there you have it!

Carl sent me a picture of driving through a vortex downtown and I am so mad at myself, I lost the picture over the years. Another issue Carl Novella had was, wherever he goes out every so often, he is scooped to another timeline in broad daylight "physically" not "Astrally"! It is scary if something happened like that to me and having no control over the HDR after effects.

Carl's parents, I believe one of them is a doctor or a lawyer in Miami Florida and was a little privy to many things you and I didn't have in our lifetimes. The costs of the HDR probably and I guessing here, was no problem for him to purchase on a fly. Again, I am only assuming because I don't have direct knowledge of his life in general. 

Carl Novella uses his HDR hundreds of times. Both his Physical and Energetic bodies are fully charged! He became over the years literary a Physical/Energetic Homing Signal to the invisible energies of a natural vortexes around him, either walking or driving or going on a bus in Miami. I know the kind, I was caught up into another dimension while driving around 9:30pm.

Don't look at the HDR as a simple radionic box, it is beyond simple! Most know me by now and I am not prone to write fairy tales! But I am solid on the HDR experiences along with other devices I wrote about in the past articles...

I discovered the HDR (Gibbs), device opens vortexes in your home! When a vortex is open, the're were entity/entities that come through as well. It took me about one to two months to realize this HDR was doing more than I actually knew! It not only can send you through times and space, it can open portals inside your home for not so nice visitations.

With all this going on, Carl was being harassed by a local deputy of the Miami police department.  Carl one day was seen by some people, someone saw him carrying this instrument and thought it was a bomb and called the police. 

Long story short, they took it all apart and were satisfied it wasn't a bomb. He got it back in pieces! He asked them to put it back together and they all laughed at him. He had to purchased another one down the road. After 9/11 people get shaken when someone carries strange boxes outside.

Carl, took a Polaroid picture of the entrance of the vortex he was driving through and it looked like a circle of waves and the further into these rings of waves, the whole scenery in front of his windshield was going out of focus. He sent me the picture around 20 years ago, unfortunately my old computer crashed taking the picture with it.

On the first couple of time trips (physical) you would more than likely have Information Overload! Sometimes the trips are in minutes and sometimes in hours and sometimes in weeks or months! Carl experienced everyone of these markers in time!

Yet, something else happened to Carl, as we were talking on the phone. Carl went into the future on a parallel timeline of the present month, date and year, it flashed a white light and Carl was in a town he didn't quite recognize. Some things that were in this parallel time line, was also in Carl's current reality and others weren't. 

It was a bit of a mix! He found a Radio Shack and walked into the store. Nobody treated him any different. He purchased an electronic part he needed to bring it back as proof of his time travel. Again a flash of light took place and he was back in his own timeline. He had a clinch fist with the part he purchased. He slowly opened his hand and it was still there!

He brought the electronic item to Radio Shack and asked if they carry this brand, the sales associate said, we have two similar parts that can do the job, but we never seen one part to do it all, where did you get it? Carl told them, from another store far away from here! It's my understanding he sent the part to Steven Gibbs.

I could sit down with Carl and just listen to many of his physical time travel adventures, notice I didn't say "Stories"! It was nice to have someone to relate to when doing this type of operation with so much of the anxiety you built up for yourself, dreaming to be time travel successful...

Carl, went many times in the future thousands of years! Steven Gibbs told Carl Novella, he was nuts! Steven Gibbs the builder and designer in this timeline, couldn't trust his device to propel oneself into thousands of years either in the past, present and future. Steven Gibbs could only hope the machine would bring him (Carl) back to the correct timeline he left earlier. I talked with Steve about Carl and his adventures. Steven Gibbs explained to me, that Carl was a risk taker! Steven wasn't belittling Carl, he was afraid for him and they were good friends.

Carl Novella told me another story that was unbelievable and hard to understand when using the Gibbs HDR. He was home doing his some work around the house, when the doorbell rang. He answered the door and when he opened the door, he couldn't shake off what he was looking at! Imagine for a brief moment you open your door and see "you"!

Neither of them could speak for those couple of seconds as their eyes was engaged trying to figure out what the visitor or himself were going to say to one another. I'm not sure about you all, I would find this very creepy, my doppelgänger knocking on my door to give me a package I never ordered. I looked at it for a brief moment and place it near my ears making sure it wasn't some sort of explosive device!

I thought Carl's doppelgänger was way out there on Pluto but I listened anyways as he spoke. Years after our conversation, I too met my doppelgänger after using the HDR! I went into a dimension that shared the same room in my house, the dinning area. Then I saw "Me" come out of nowhere!

I asked Carl, what did you think you saw? He told me, "myself", I saw another "me" from another timeline telling me, that Steven Gibbs told the other "me" to deliver you a package! He handed it to me and  I said, wait before you go, where did you come from? He said, Steven Gibbs sent me with this HDR to give to you, for you to test device and get back with him.

The Doppelgänger said, besides all that, I have to go back home and let Steven Gibbs know I had delivered this machine to you as instructed. Carl observed himself walking away and he said to himself, geez, I look different seeing myself as a whole, way different than seeing myself in a mirror. I kept watching the direction he would soon make. He took a few steps eastward and simply vanished into thin air!

It was a quick visitation in broad day light said Carl! Later on, my Doppelgänger came out of thin air, it had a small keg stomach and at the time of this experience, I had no stomach just a six pack. He said, I am going to send you to a place where they will never find you! Then he walked by both my wife and I that was currently taking place in the OBE realm and simply disappeared. After this experience I realized my wife was still at work!

This was a surprise, listening to Carl Novella telling us that he met his doppelgänger at his front door! For some unknown reason or reasons, Carl's double was activated to come to Florida to give Carl the New HDR. I had not experienced myself giving something to me from another "Self".

The "other" self was walking down towards the road and sidewalk, then a white flash and he was gone! I couldn't believe what had happened just now. 

Carl stated, I wasn't sure if I wanted to call Steve Gibbs or not about this visit from my "Other Self". I opened the package that was given to me and it was an HDR from the doppelgänger of Steven Gibbs! 

It looked pretty much like the HDR's in this dimension with the exception of having 4 tuning knobs or potentiometers. We don't know for sure what was inside this HDR. Carl was afraid of opening it up! If I was given a chance to get an HDR from another dimension of this earth plane, I would have wanted to open it up to see what ticked in this.

At one time, I too seen a 4 dial replica of the Gibbs HDR when everyone was building one for selling. I know for certain the extra dials will serve as an additional tuning pots, for better directional guidance. But fortunately, Steven Gibbs made it know to his inner circle HDR users, that he never sanctioned anyone to build his machine.

The Gibbs HDR was the same color but this one had a cosmetic differences to it, it had 4 knobs instead of two. I overcame my nervousness and finally opened it up and the wiring and what was used were totally different. I called Steve about it and asked him maybe you can make module to use with the HDR for tuning! But Steve directly said, "No"!

There was the T-bar magnet that was part of the package. Everything overall seemed the same. I, Carl Novella called Steve Gibbs and asked him,  "What do you think will happened to me if I were to use this HDR from you to go on another timeline"? This question should be asked of the HDR user!

Steven told me, "Don't use that HDR"! It came from another dimension end of story! The HDR below was made in Canada! Gibbs didn't create this one. I believe Francious had built this unit, I believe was his name. He was honestly trying to enhance Steven's device. He used Steven's HDR and he realized his travels were more Astral in nature and I don't think he liked these types of trips!

Steven Gibbs continued, If you were to use this, four tuning knobs, you would more than likely not be able to come back to your own timeline. You could only end up in the timeline where the HDR was  originally designed and built! You remember all the HDR's being manufacture at least ten or so years ago, everyone of them stated that their HDR was approved by Gibbs! This was far from the truth. I know this to be certain!

That timeline where the other Steven Gibbs resided, he made the machine indigenous to that frequency return only mode. Francious, built the above for astral time traveling only! I don't think using the HDR, he never physically time traveled with the HDR unit but I do believe he astral time traveled and he didn't like it.

This situation was many years ago, I don't know or have any information if this guy that Carl told me about would ever returned from whatever dimension he went to with this HDR created by Steven Gibbs from another dimension! Steven told Carl, don't use it! You may not be able to come back!

After our amazing phone conversation, Carl put the HDR he received from his other "self", away until he can figure out what to do with it. There would be no way that I could just put it away and not at least unscrewing the box to hand print a schematic of what was made in another dimension! This is where Carl and I are different.

Sometime later his neighbor down the street came to visit and Carl was explaining to him about certain facts in time traveling etc. His neighbor asked if he could borrow Carl's HDR and Carl told him I can't give mine up at the moment, I am using it.

Wait, I do have another HDR that came in the mail, I will loan it to you and you can bring it back next week. So, Carl showed him how to use the HDR and how to set the North polarized field of the electromagnet. Finally his neighbor left, carrying this strange four dial HDR. A couple of days came and went and Carl was wondering how his neighbor was doing with the HDR.

What I wrote here and what you read here at first glance it would seem unethical for Carl to dump this experimental box to someone with no expectation of any danger to himself. So, Carl's curiosity stretched further out and employed a test subject!

He walked down the street and came to the door and he knocked and his friends mother said, "Hi Carl", He greeted her and asked where is (I will use another name, Bob) Bob? I would like to know what was going through Carl's mind at the time he was walking to his neighborhood.

His mother said, well the last time I've seen him was about late in the evening a few days back, did he tell you where is was going? Carl told her no, he didn't mention anything to me about taking off to any special place in town. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction!

I can't tell you what was on Carl's mind at this moment as he walked back to his house! Neither can I judge him for his actions, because it may have not worked after all and something else happened to Bob that Carl, didn't know about at the time! We are only left to assume!

When you hear stories like this, it is best to meditate what one would do if a similar situation would have happened or will happen to you! Personally, I would have kept the box and opened it up to find out how it was built from the other timeline!

Weeks went by and Carl had not heard from his neighbor Bob and Bob still hasn't returned home until this day! Carl called, Steven Gibbs and asked him, what do you think happened to Bob when he used that 4 knob HDR from my other self? Did you ever think, that you would be reading such a story! This story is really stranger than if it were fiction wrote.

Carl had a fairly good idea of Bob's disappearance. Steven Gibbs told him, didn't I tell you what could have happened to you if you used it! It gives me no pleasure to even write within this article that someone just disappeared using the HDR. I have to remember that the HDR was not designed or built in this timeline but on another timeline.

Steven continued, "You know what I think happened was, when Bob activated the HDR over a grid point by chance and then instead of coming back here, he went where your double lives in the other dimension. 

Florida has so many vortexes and grid Ley-Lines! When a Floridian purchases the HDR they experience almost instantly doing their time traveling. Same sort of thing in Devils Triangle off the coast of Miami Florida to Bahama's.

Carl asked, "Do you think Bob will ever come back?" Steve said, I don't think he will! When HDR's are built in other dimensions, parallel dimensions, the "homing signal" is only built for the place it was created for, in this case another parallel dimension. Steven Gibbs out of concern, pleaded with Carl not to use this HDR for time traveling, even though his double in a near dimension ok'd it. 

Here is one thing that will save you headaches, when witnessing HDR travel predictions that had happened already on the parallel dimension. "Don't" publish it online. Keep your notes in "Word" doc. only and refer to them only after they came to pass. 

The cd's below from left to right,  the first looks like those old laser disc's when movies were being recorded on them and you would pay for it at your local video stores. 

At that time, a person would just rent or purchase VHS and big laser disk to watch picture sharp movies in its days gone by. The last one those miniature discs is what Carl had seen from his HDR trip and if memory serves around 2001 or 2001! 

In the present technological age we now live in and work in, we have smaller hard drives for our records that are currently available thus phasing out Cd's for storage once the "cloud" was deployed. 

In todays society, many people claim they know the future! Psychics, HDR users, Remote Viewers, etc. I guess as for myself if once again I am grabbed from my realm into some "Future" realm close to our timeline, I would just write it down or bring it back with me.

The cloud and external snap stick hard drives became our physical storage or uploading of your records directly into what is called, the "Cloud" today. These physical hard drives are about the size of a half of pencil in length and are made of plastic! 

I was at the time, in awe with Carls predictions that actually happened on the timeline he had visited years before the manifestation had taken place in  our world timeline. He had misses because we are talking about parallel timelines that are insulated from our direct timelines! 

So there would be no overlap or overtaking future events! The past really serves no purpose in that is quantum technological age. It would be fun to visit earths past only on a parallel timeline. There is no chance to change one's past!

I will give it to Carl Novella, this guy had a death wish when it came to time traveling sharing of future information. There were years gone by that Carl became very depressed of the Internet Trolls hounding him day and night because of his predictions and physical time traveling claims. 

Carl through out the years of his time traveling would share his private information to those, who were interested in doing the same things. He was telling the time travel forums, what he seen and heard back in 2003 of the near future. His trips were so plenteous at times, he started to purchase a hundred dollars making sure it had the same date of the year in his wallet.

I, (this author), went to the and read what "H" wrote since about 2003 and a good many of those future predictions have came to pass! He was hitting around a 75-85% hit rate on his future predictions. In reality, they were not predictions because in that reality he visited where current!

One can't get a 100% correct predicting any future event by collecting information ahead of time from another parallel time line because these lines never touch each other, ever! Maybe those future events that never manifested, could be future markers of people, places and things yet to come in the HDR "users" lifetimes?

He also predicted in 2004 gold would be in the thousands of dollars an ounce in the far future, when gold twenty plus years ago was in the $417.25 per ounce range around Carl's time frame during that prediction year. Carl had a red target on his back so to speak, those who read his sites predictions, ridiculed him and named him every name in the book. 

These represent a host of naysayers trying everyone how smart they are and everyone outside of themselves are ignorant and petty and stupid. Only ignorant people believe in Time Travel and the HDR!

In talking about time traveling is not quite so difficult as it was in my days! More people are looking for ways to take advantage of todays turmoils and hopelessness by escaping their current realities and fantasizing to be somewhere else! Hopefully it is more than just those individuals.

Maybe Carl was hitting soft spots and these Internet Trolls didn't want Carl to take wind out of their sails. They portrayed as the experts in Time Traveling from their easy sofa and why it's impossible to time travel period, after taking another slug of beer or another does of "I think I'm charge and an expert in the theories of time travel", so it must be true!"

Another explanation would be, time traveling for some right hemisphere brain users wouldn't work because they would need to be in control in their lives and with HDR, they lose that control. The feasibility of time travel, would go against their logics and somehow, they would lose control for the first time in their lives.

Then he finally came to his senses and decided to stay incognito with different stage names. I don't blame him and he even stopped publishing anything about physical time traveling, which I thought was a shame, what these people did to him and tried to do. If you talk about time travel and claim you experienced it, you to will become a target of both "Left and Right" political groups of people.

It's funny, Steven Gibbs still sells his machines for the same price he sold them for in the early 80's! Many can afford these devices but on every time travel forum, there is always one or two people saying they couldn't afford it. Yet drink Lattes everyday for a month, I wonder how much that large Latte costs them?

Back in the 80's and 90's coming up with $360.00 for an HDR was expensive because we had suffered a bad economic downturn for 30 years. Kind of like the Great Depression on steroids. But I managed all my life to procure what it was I really wanted and eventually it would manifest to me in many ways and forms. Now I have two of them and I'm thinking of purchasing his newer version that doesn't use an electro-magnet, just copper plates!

I personally read in 2003, the Internet time travel forums and reading what trolls we're doing to Carl and to his reputation in general. Not only him but Steven Gibbs also. Both Carl and Steven warned me about the MIB's. It's not the cute movies you see coming out of Hollywood such as ET's and MIB with Will Smith. These guys are real and they play for keeps!

This didn't keep Carl or myself from posting each of our new visits in time traveling and what we seen and heard being there. So, Carl opened his own blog for people to read without the stench dogma  of being called crazy or a loon. The other forums would do to guys like us and do nothing short of criticisms and point out how impossible it was too time travel with HDR !

Reading what I remembered about Carl, it was surreal in a lot of ways! All this sounds exciting and a few hurry to purchase the Gibbs HDR to experience meeting their doppelgänger. or to go back in time to change their path. 

Getting back to Carl's doppelgänger's, Carl said to Steven Gibbs, I am not sure what to do, you don't do anything Carl, replied Steven. Steven thought Carl's doppelgänger from a parallel world was not there to help Carl out! It was to bring him back through the parallel timeline because Steven wanted him to come see him in person, once he used that 4 knob HDR.

For myself I would have never believed this until it happened to me! My doppelgänger came from out of nowhere but the "other" me was plump, at the time of this HDR experience, I had a 30 inch waistline. Now years later I got the Keg, instead of a six pack. I really was concerned why my own parallel universe "Me" would tell me such a threat!

I told Carl, this was a fascinating story! I hope I have something like that happen to me! Carl told me, it will happen if you use the HDR all the time. 

But the real question is, would you have taken the chance using a foreign HDR from another dimension from yourself and take the chance of never seeing your home world ever again! Well I told Carl, you know at least this gives me something to think about down the road. That day most certainly came when my experience manifested in minutes after the HDR application.

Good to know my HDR unit still works! I am using the SuperHDR Steven Gibbs just built using copper foil throughout the inside of the unit. Normally he places a 7.8 mm copper coil and wraps it in concentric circles creating a caseous coil and this is taped under the rubbing plate of the device.

On the morning of 23rd of April 2020, I was transported (Astral Time Travel) to Florida once more after using the HDR the evening before. The ocean was much more beautiful than in the waken reality. Here's the thing, nothing can happen to you in these heighten states of awareness.

This HDR has a knack of sending me too Florida for some odd reasons. Something there is strong and powerful and the HDR picks this up! I ended up in a place I was about one year ago! De ja vu! Just a few nights ago! My wife and I went on a week trip to the Gulf of Mexico Hotel on the white sandy shores!

But here is the thing, when you are transported in an astral time travel vehicle that is, your astral body or OBE body, you are seeing a perfect 360 degrees with no sensory issues. So this is why everything looked so beautiful. If you were to physically teleport to the past, present or future, remember you have no physical protections in place! Your on your own!

When those individuals have Astral Projected either naturally or in training, they will quickly come to realize they can see 360 degrees in all directions. This doesn't happen to just a few, but to everyone who experiences OBE's and AP's!  Operator Signatures are embedded within the HDR after awhile.

Our physical eyes are incapable of seeing 360 degrees and our weak eyes have not the ability to see down to the translucent fiber! I 90% of the time when dreaming, I don't dream in color. This past week I dreamed in color twice in the same week. This is going to take me some time to tune up my individual chakra's that have been closed due to inactivity!

The night on the 22nd of April 2020, I went to bed too late, I aborted Day #2 of using the HDR. Anything else in the brain that is responsible for psychic time travel, seemed to be all charged the night before! To those who used the HDR on and off throughout the last twenty or so years, say the same things, that the HDR somehow charges both physical/spiritual bodies.

My body, both physical and energetic does have memory about the HDR. It remembers those past trips into the other dimensions. Tho Steven Gibbs never said this, I think the HDR retains the operators energy signatures after long uses. Besides it is a hybrid radionic machine. To those who studied using radionics for manifestations, know when using the HDR, there is hardly no difference.

When I first ordered my HDR, I didn't know Steven Gibbs and when he asked for a money order, I was afraid that he would of taken the money and ran! When it came in the mail, I couldn't believe that I actually owned what was talked about on C2C the Hyper-Dimensional-Resonator.

Personally, I have not used the HDR since a year ago, this is what happens when our better halves put things away out of my line of sight. 

For not to see it (HDR), is to forget it! Tonight will be my second evening to charge myself with the EMF for 10 minutes maximum exposure. 

When I bought my first HDR from Gibbs in the month of November about 20 years ago, it had in the middle of the rectifiers a poly resin pyramid mine was an experimental device. When I was learning how to use radionics at the time, the HDR sat inside my cabinet, eventually end up selling it, I am not sure the reason other than I was doing and interested in other types of radionics.

One of the biggest issues with people using the HDR is being able to get a "stick" reaction! If you are not familiar with Radionic Devices, this can be challenging! Even myself, if I don't call on Jesus to show me the rates, I can be rubbing that plate for an eternity and not get a "Stick". Steven built this in his device to work like that.

I used the HDR for 30 straight days in around 2004, I had two  physical time trips, several OBE's, that had nothing to do with the time traveling and other weird dimensional traveling and Lucid Dreaming and constant entity visitations. 

This was all done in the thirty day window. Oh! The HDR has a habit of opening natural vortex inside inside his living area! These entities, clang my pots and pan in the middle of the night. They even call out my name!

These are the 6 rectifiers connected to his other electronic parts on this bread board!

The things we know and come to understand, what we do in life takes time to accomplish, no overnight miracles here. Yet we discipline ourselves as HDR users, using the device everyday of each month, not knowing what is going on with our energy body and with the physical bodies until something happens that wasn't expected!

We also, tweak and twist what we are doing during each session. Because everyone are different with different tolerances and gifts etc, this will all come naturally to you! What I am trying to convey to you is, you can't personally teach anyone how to use the HDR other than explaining basic functioning only! The "stick" reaction and tuning has to come through you from your subconscious minds.

Around 5th May through the 10th of May, we start and continue and end the Full Moon phases...Steven Gibbs and Carl Novella and Hdrkid and many others like them, who own HDR's, claim (anecdotally) that physical time travel is enhanced along with Astral and OBE time traveling!

What I also discovered with my first HDR was, I had to be consisted with my use of the device. Sometimes I can use the HDR for 30 days and including the "full Moon" runs inside those months I might get one or two time travel events each month. Carl Novella was in the same predicament. This is why Carl, experimented with the HDR far beyond some of us!

I am looking forward two weeks from now to observe what happens when using the HDR for five days; before and after the full moon in May 2020! I own two of these machines, just in case if any thing happened to short out. Or just in case, Steve leaves us to go on to the next world beyond!

Steven Gibbs and Carl Novella say, during the full moon, a few days before and after, works well for physical time traveling. After twenty years I am finally going to experiment by running the HDR during the full moon. Why now! Because I was heavily into Radionic instruments because of the HDR! It was too interesting to divide my time with the HDR and Radionics.

You know there are instruments that can do marvelous things as long as the original builder/designer is still in business. If something happens and they no longer build such devices, there is no one else they can turn to, either requiring a new instrument or having one fixed.

I have two HDR's as back up and once Steven Gibbs goes into another timeline or passes on, there will be no one who would build these devices the way Steve does it! This is what makes my 1995 and 2015 HDR so special to me. Steven Gibbs hasn't sold all that many in the past twenty or so a years. I can see the value of these machines will go up just from a collectors point of view, after the designer and builder moves on.

My 1995 HDR, whom I purchased from Tracy my good friend, has the guitar tuning dials and my 2015 HDR has only two silver knobs with no numbers! In the real world these numbers mean nothing using the HDR for time travel. Because the HDR isn't time spot accurate! The person using the HDR has to feel for the "stick" reaction of their subconscious minds, finding the correct frequencies. 

What we go by to find a date or area or time etc, is the "Stick" reaction, we receive this reaction from our subconscious minds. Some call it dowsing and for the sake of brevity and clarity, I will stick to calling it a "Stick Plate"! You don't need numbers, your subconscious mind knows where to lead your stick reaction. But if your new to this, you might have to practice over periods of time until you get use to radionics.

Carl told me, when he first bought his HDR, because he had a medical issue and Steven Gibbs told him this could heal it! Because it was a Radionic Machine! So, Carl used it everyday, sometimes twice a day! 

I wrote about my time traveling trips or OBE or Physical trips and many other strange phenomena's over the many years since owning such a device. My good friend Tracy, he, who sold me the 1995 vintage model said, he would go on many trips using the machine. But like so many other people I ran into over the years, those who use this machine for a few months eventually get board with it! Happened to me as well.

Like so many us out their, we get bored and gyrate to something a bit more unusual and exciting, when something new hits the psychic markets. Carl Novella, I first heard of him listening to George Nori on C2C radio talk show at midnight. Carl told me many stories that I forgotten and I am sure the past memories will bubble up so I can place it in my blog.

Carl was briefly on the C2C (coast to coast) radio talk show, when it was on my AM station on Saturday night at midnight. I use to be an armed bank guard, many  years ago! I sat out in the parking lot in vehicle, listen to both Carl and Steven Gibbs talk about the fascinated time travel trips, they individually had using the HDR. 

Carl and Steven Gibbs kept in contact with each other for over twenty plus years! Steven and myself minimal twenty years! Wow! Who could have predicated that I would still be in contact with the Gibbs after all these years. The HDR was the strong link!

These guys never time traveled together in twenty years they new each other and it was understandable because Carl lived in Miami and Steven Gibbs lived in Lyndon, KS. The reason Carl purchased the HDR, it wasn't for time traveling but to heal his medical issues at the time! I can only imagine what went through Carl's mind when he was teleported physically!

Carl and Steven Gibbs were invited on Coast to Coast and in a few minutes we lost Carl on his phone, it was bleeping in and out. Then George Nori lost Carl on the third return phone call, leaving only Steven Gibbs echoing his past and current time travels with either an OBE or Vortex entries into many worlds and beyond. 

I would like to touch this conversation on one's Doppelgänger.  Steven Gibbs seen his double, his Doppelgänger going into a McDonalds and Steve said, I didn't want to reveal myself to my my double! He said, he stayed away from his double because once before he had run into himself and there was a force that hit Steven so bad he nearly passed out.

How does people run into things like the HDR time travel machine and its electromagnets? I am sure they didn't find a paper ad or magazine ad leading them to Steven Gibbs in the early 80's. Steven in the real world was like any us, not publicly known as time travelers or wannabe time travelers. Simple farmer in Kansas. Well Steven were not in Kansas anymore!

After listening to Steven Gibbs I gave him a call and he gave me Carl's number to call him after we finished up. I phoned Carl back around 2003 and we talked many hours about his OBE and Physical time trips. 

You got to go to his site and purchase is memoirs of his crazy and wild trips. Patricia Ress is the writer of Carl's stories! I believe Angelfire has an online document you can read. Black background with bright white lettering! ooh.

Carl intentionally purchased the HDR for a medical issue and he ended up time traveling! Remember Florida has so many dimensional windows available to using the HDR. Yet I never ran into anyone during those years who ever spoke of Steven Gibbs about any time machine! It took me years later to come across the HDR.

I lived in Florida for 12 years total. Three years on Hubert Field AFB near Eglin AFB and 9 years in Homestead AFB in the Miami area, until I retired. But I never heard of Coast to Coast or Steven Gibbs, nor about the HDR. I was around 45 years old when I first heard of the HDR around twenty some years later!

Sometimes things were met to be at that moment, maybe if I had the device at that time, I could have been teleported on any given day after using the HDR the evening before. I could have been teleported like Carl to Russia or Canada or Africa, take your pick! Being I lived in Florida, it was highly possible, if so, I wouldn't in all probability be here writing about this today!

Patricia Ress was interesting listening to her on Coast to Coast with George Nory! She said, when Steven started up the HDR and then finished and shut it down all kinds of weird things were happening! Things were disappearing and reappearing in places like

Patricia Ress was another book writer/researcher and she invited Gibbs to her place! They both went into the dinning room and Steve started up his HDR. The chandelier over the table began to blink off and on. Patricia said, there was a T.V. show she faithfully watch every single month. To her surprise, they were not same actors and the ending was completely different!

Patricia looked with amazement and within that week after the visit, she was finding her car keys in the freezer. T.V. shows were coming on, that she would watch regularly and found they were different characters in the movie! What seems to be happening here is, she was phase shifting between dimensions. Each one trying to overlap the other for prominence. 

Steven, while visiting Patricia Ress seen their was a car show of  the older model cars in mint condition, showing and he asked her to come with him to down town and Patricia said, we will just go up the hill and we can see the whole thing while we walk! Little did Patricia or Steven knew what they were getting themselves into! When using the HDR I just become open to anything out of the ordinary.

This time jump to the past was an unplanned event for both Steven Gibbs and Patricia Ress. When going to the old car show, both Patricia and Steve were not at a nostalgic car show  in the year 2000, what they were experiencing was a new car show in the 1970's.

As Patricia and Steven walked up a hillside and from top both were able to see the car show around fifty yards or so away. Both ended up at the car show downtown. I guess Steven Gibbs has a fetish for this sort of thing. If I didn't own the HDR, I would of mused myself reading his story! But I know how true this could be! Going into a physical vortex and not even realizing it.

Everything seem culture at the moment, as the both of them walked around the cars for about an hour. There was a small book store and both went to visit to see if there was some books for each of the personal interests. Up to this point and time, everything seem normal, nothing cued Steven, that he was transported with Patricia to this 1970 timeline.

Patricia found a book that she liked and Steve found a book on I-Ching, as he paged through the book, he noticed the pages were brand-new! He also notice that the way he does I-Ching was completely different from this book! Steve wrote a personal check and dated it, 1995, which was the correct year up and to the car show.

I don't know about all of you, I never experienced what happened to Patricia Ress and Steven Gibbs until I owned an HDR. Everything I experience with the HDR is all anecdotal evidence of what I remembered being or doing in that parallel timeline.

The lady said, "Sir, you made a mistake on your check" and Steven said, I wrote out the correct amount didn't I? She said, yes, you did but you messed up on your "year"! Steven looked at it and said, this  is correct 1995! Now you can imagine what was going on in Steven's head, now there are two things that were really odd!

With a little more patience talking with Steven she said, as she took a portable calendar from underneath her register and she pointed out the year 1970! Steve knew what happened and Patricia was a bit in shock! Patricia acted like a deer in a spot light, kind of frozen at that moment eyes wide open, to take in what was just said to Steven Gibbs.

Steven said to the cashier here is another check and look at the date 1970. Both left the store and Patricia looked at Steven with a confused look on her face. She said, Steven, did we hear that right coming from the cashier in that book store? Sometimes, when using the HDR it can catch one off guard each and every time ! It doesn't matter how many times you have experienced the HDR.

Steven acknowledge it was strange that the cashier made him change the "year" on his check. In a flash there was a flash of white light, Steven said, we were coming out a time bubble-1970's, that apparently surrounded the both of us, after we used the HDR in your living room and followed us all the way to the old model car show.

Patricia Ress and Steven Gibbs together using and discussing the HDR because Patricia was enthralled with the whacky instances occurring after its use.  

Steven knew he was in a different parallel timeline. Funny neither Steven or Patricia felt or seen anything that would suggest they were time traveling. 

There seems to be no separations when it comes to dimensions, just whatever frequencies you tap into will allow you decode the vortex doorway! They are all around but they are in there own separate spaces by frequency identification.

Steven Gibbs told Patricia to go ahead and fill out her "Year" section for the year 1970. With all that has been going on, it comes to no surprise to either Patricia or Steven Gibbs overtime. Even after Steven Gibbs left to go back home. 

Even when we get to go through time using the HDR, we carry with us our social laws and our physical limitations. Thus when involved in such things, we don't realize that parallel timelines have a different set of laws, here, your instincts would fail you.

Patricia still was experiencing the side effects from the one time use of the HDR! This can only happen if the HDR really did cut through the fabric of time and space on a very small level of access. Granted I never had stuff like that happen with lights or t.v. but had noisy entities banging our pots and pan in the kitchen in the early morning hours.

After leaving the store, Steven explained to Patricia the best he could about the phenomena that effected them both at the same time. Patricia asked, Steven why didn't you catch this at first? Steven replied, "I am human" also and somethings can and will surprise all of us at one time or another. 

Steve, what if this check bounces"? Here we have two people caught up in the 1970's in the past, not even knowing when and how they got their! It would stand to reason one would be in awe of such an event! One can't ask questions about timeline visitation and trying to compare what you saw to our physical plain!

We have a lot of mysteries to yet be solved and unless someone else like Steven Gibbs can explain to us what was going on in the dimensions that are dialed into using the HDR. And what is really responsible for such phenomena's I guess we will have to be satisfied the HDR is a mystery!

Steven Gibbs said jokingly, they won't find us, or our bank accounts because we don't live in that parallel timeline. But it would be different situation if we were to go back on that same timeline. I can't say this would never happen to me but stranger thing than this have happened to me!

Even though Patricia Ress never used the HDR, save only Steven Gibbs in her dining room, the HDR puts around a person an EMF bubble of 27 feet diameter and anything in that field could and would be subjected to end up in odd places or into different dimensions etc. The Caduceus coil is responsible for these spooky poltergeist issues in ones homes.

When the machine and your bodies energies come to a certain frequency, this will unlock the space/time continuum for the both of you!" My wife alway worried about this! She would be worried if on my way to pick her up from work, she feared a rogue vortex like before would overtake me and I would never come back!

With the HDR, we would never know when and where this device will take you! You could be walking down the street one minute and finding yourself somewhere entirely different the next minute. 

The both made it home in the late afternoon, to discuss the day's time travel trip. When they turned around to see those old cars from the hillside and without notice there was a "Flash of White Light. Patricia said, "I don't believe this"! "What just happened? They looked down to the car show and it was gone!

Steven Gibbs told her, we must have entered into 1970's with no green midst or anything unusual. We looked at our new books and in the copy-write it was brand-new on the shelves and it showed that both of them had inside their books the year 1970! The same year the cashier told Steven Gibbs.

Steven Gibbs told me, he could be driving to go somewhere to get food or drink and by the time he arrives, he and his car are in a different place! The inner circle HDR users, have witnessed teleportation only after they have used the HDR for long periods of time. I watch what I say and it's what you say that can get you into a lot of trouble. The HDR doesn't care what you think! Just what you say when tuning the device.

Paradox rules out of changing ones past to the present! If you are going to purchase such a device to change your "Past", save your monies and find a nice hobby! But if you are into virtual reality on steroids, then this machine is what you are looking for!

The book Steven and Patricia paid for were in pristine condition! It seems to me, one can't control the HDR like all of u would like. I learned to let the HDR take me wherever it decides I should be at. It is not sophisticated enough like the Philadelphia experiment. The fantasy of changing your present by going on in the past, would actually cause a "Paradox" if it could be accomplished! 

The reason time traveling in one's own past isn't feasible because to change one's own path, it simply can't be done without harming those around yourself, it would go against their free will, this apocalyptic action would cause dire consequences. Do I know for sure? No! I don't. This is my understanding as to why something like one's timeline "past" should not be tampered with. 

Let's use an example of what I'm trying to say here. I cranked up the HDR ran it for a three minute warm up and then ran it for 15 minutes to charge my body and mind connections. I took everything off and shut the HDR down. I wanted to go to my requested target to 1948 to kill my grandfather! I succeeded and when I popped back into this reality, I was translucent and I could see through my hands. 

It's a time paradox that keeps us from going directly in one's own past! If you change something minor in the past on a parallel timeline, it will become bigger into the future via good or bad! It seems the universe has specific laws and these can't be broken.

In the real world with the above scenario, I wasn't seen or heard of, because I didn't exist because of my grandfather I had killed when time traveling to the past. I never got marry, my mother never gave birth to me! 

Do you see where this kind of thing would go, if you could actually change your direct past timeline, that change no matter how little or much on your past timeline. This action can be multiplied many times over in your current timeline! It's probable Time Quakes of sorts and eddy time currents phasing in and out could ultimately destroy you.

The Paradox was myself, I didn't exist because the two grand parents never conceived me because he died before meeting her! It might be even a bigger paradox than this simple example. The HDR is a great tool for OBE's, you can visit realtime planetary systems and stand on the moon or go to mars to look at the lunar  vehicle that was deposited on Mars by NASA in complete safety. 

The HDR was tweaked, so no one could go in their direct line of path to the past. The best anyone can do is to travel the less traveled road on a parallel time line, which may look alike in many respects but does have differences, if you look for them.

You can go anywhere in the seven upper levels of dimensions and   in those dimensions within other dimensions, to be true, there is no telling what and where you may end up. There are no road signs or GPS signals to guide you into the vast array of geographies, persons, places and things. Again with empathy for those who want to change their past, I am sorry, no such thing can get you there. 

The HDR, Gibbs explained to me, why you can't go to your targeted past when you were at a crossroads. He did it once and it scared him to death of what he could have done if he altered his past and everything around him! When he was able to return to his timeline, he took his HDR apart and he was trying to figure out on how to take this particular transistor or diode out in his earlier model prototype in the early 70's.

I believe this to be 1995 model

Because of Steven changing his circuit board (unknown) out of the HDR to keep oneself from tampering with the a direct timeline into ones past, He had to rework the electronic portion and figure out how to allow the operator to bypass "direct timelines". Steven told me, he finally figured it out and had tested and with HDRkid. 

A person can now go into time either to the past or current or future events and be safe if anyone tries to change their past. So, I asked Steven Gibbs, then what past, present or future, are were being taken too, when using the HDR? Steven said, again it would be a parallel timeline that has the looks and feels of the place you came from!

Parallel timelines are informative of what the past could have looked like or the present in another dimension or the distant future. One can bring home much information such as; blueprints of yet future devices or knowledge that would be user specific.

Steve explained to me, the timelines you are now visiting as "you" did most recently (He is referring to my latest time jumps in the month of November 2004) at the time. Steve explained to me these timelines are "parallel" only. And there were things in these parallel timelines that did show up in the current timeline you came from. These are not major issues, just tweaks and squeaks so to speak!

One can change whatever you want, big or small and small insignificant changes do happen in your current timeline upon returning but not enough to cause a paradox. There is nothing big enough that can alter your current timeline. But the thing you got to remember is, when using the HDR, there is a chance you can be teleported across the world, with no passport or no monies.

With parallel timelines, It's like watching two trains go by, one North bound and the other South bound rails, the never the twine shall meet, far short of a derailment, not much! How much do you think a time machine would cost? An actual machine with unique qualities to send someone to their direct timelines! Cost of a Naval Vessel such as the USS Philadelphia?

The HDR does have some thing interesting every now and then, you can predict the future, when in a parallel future timelines. But there seems to be a 9% error being in that future that doesn't appear in our current timeline. There would be things on that timeline that would never manifest in ours! Why? Because you're not on your direct timeline, you're on a parallel timeline.

6x4x1 Ceramic Magnet
for $15.00 per magnet

I am certainly no quantum scientist here, I just have the stomach for the unusual and bizarre. I had to learn when these phenomena's manifest itself after using the HDR. I have to write it down and ponder the meaning of such as what was shown to me. It got to a point I just let the HDR do what it can do best, that is, throw me and see which year I would stick too! I have not talked with Steve since is mild stroke.

There is one magnet (6x4x2) size, that Gibbs doesn't talk much about and that is the large rectangle magnet, that we use in conjunction with the HDR Electromagnet! I want to get an additional 6x4x2 inch rectangular magnet to fix it to the first one I have. Hopefully to double the magnetic influence around myself.

I read of few articles on Paranormal website and a lot of the HDR owners don't have or heard of the big flat magnet that Steve could sell to them. I know $110.00 extra is a lot of money especially right now. There is one thing for certain when both magnets are used, it becomes a powerhouse of gauss field strength! I need to ask Steve, which side of the big flat magnet must go on the stomach area when adhering two of these flat magnets together.

I know the T-bar magnet must project a "North Polarity" current but Steve doesn't say, which side of this big magnet is used on the stomach area during application, should it be placed with the N facing the stomach or the S facing the stomach? I received my answer to this question and when using one ceramic magnet, the South is pointing to the T-bar electromagnet and the North side is on the inside of the stomach. Thanks HDRKID!

In the above picture look at Gibbs T-bar electromagnet, on the bottom is the flat ceramic magnet that costs $110.00 if you purchase it from Steven Gibbs! If you read the above articles you know you can get a 6x4x1 for $15.00, they are same magnets!

Currently, I place the north side of my ceramic magnet on my stomach and the south side towards the T-bar magnet resting on the flat magnet with the Southside facing out and I run this for fifteen minutes tops because the electromagnet gets quite hot. The T-Bar magnet is producing a North polarity field and the South on the flat magnet is repelling the North Polarity of the T-bar magnet.

I couldn't hardly believe my eyes when I saw the Neodymium Rare Earth magnet for $600.00 ! It's a powerhouse to be sure of, yet I don't know if having this will make any noticeable differences in using the HDR. If you have money to spend and you can afford to do so, then this might be the purchase for you.

The above flat magnet is the most powerful in the world it is a rare-earth magnet. $600.00 around 14,000+ gauss! There is a cheaper one, the one very similar to what Steven Gibbs sells, ceramic version for $110.00 extra. But I found almost the exact same magnet for $6.25! Here is the link:

You can see this ceramic magnet isn't all that different than what Steven Gibbs uses with his HDR. I saw on Hdrkid site that he had a picture of these larger ceramic magnets, as I looked closely I realize he had two of them put together. I have used one for years but I am going to try to pick up the ceramic magnet with a 45lb. pull force! It's about 13850 gauss x2! 


I don't have all the know how's on the principles of repelling magnets. I can see those that repel causes rapid push and pounding action like a bucking magnet. Maybe this is what Steven Gibbs was trying to create, using repelling polar fields to vibrate around 60 cycles per second. 

This creates a pulsing effect causing this electromagnetic 27 foot bubble or time bubble as Steven likes to call it. Can I prove this? If I had a TRI-FIELD meter, I could detect the outer perimeter of this EMF bubble. I use my rods at the present time. They found me silver going out in the field, I am sure it can detect a magnetic bubble!

The conclusions I have picked up at least for myself is, when I use the HDR, I get this pulsing effect when running it on myself on my stomach area. After awhile, I got use to this over a long time using the machine. What I found interesting was wherever I went, strange things began to happen both physical and spiritual.

The body would pulse with the same frequencies of the HDR. If one is using these pulsed magnetic waves continuously, we become a beacon for the natural vortexes to be drawn to us! You won't see them coming most of the time. It's quick almost as fast as a blink of ones eyes! The only reason I can say this because it happened to me and my car on the way of picking up my wife from work.

Carl Novella use to talk with me on the phone over twenty years or so ago, telling me how he used the HDR at a bus stop and waited for the vortex to show up. It didn't, only when he entered into the bus he would look where he was sitting and sees a bright flash happening in less than a second! He missed being picked up, which was only a matter of a single flash of a second and it vanished just as it appeared.

When using your iPhone or whatever, if you're walking over a field and the bars disappear, Steven Gibbs stated, you would be over a gridline.

When I got caught up in such a vortex, blink your eye's for a moment, what happened? Some say nothing and others tell a very fast flash of light. In any event, that is how fast these vortexes activate. I heard from Carl and Steven Gibbs on how to locate live vortexes using things like "TRI-FIELD Meter. My opinion, know one knows for sure what a vortex even looks like or works like, all theory centered.

Or using one's cell phone or L-Rods and you would follow the signal, while walking in the area, if your reception bars fall off altogether, you are standing on a magnetic key line. Or you map out natural gridlines with a TRI-FIELD meter this instrument avoids manmade electrical and magnetic signals. Shows natural signals! I never owned one so I can't say yea or nay at the moment.

I was always fascinated with the experiment Carl Novella had done using a simple desktop Tesla Coil that produced 50,000 DC volts! It took me awhile to figure out how he actually tuned it to the HDR and now it makes sense to me. Carl told me about the Tesla Coil opens up a Zero point Energy Vortex. Artificial ones! Could be dangerous to some!

There is another way of traveling using vortexes, Carl told me many years ago, he would setup a 50,000 DC Volt Tesla Coil that he purchased from a science store online. If I can remember, he told me when the Tesla was turned on, he would adjust the spark gap on the Tesla for fast and slow responses using the HDR rub plate. He would slowly turn the spark gap, while rubbing the coil plate on the HDR.

When he, (Carl) got a "stick" reaction, he would be done turning the gap on the Tesla and then Carl would start up his HDR from his car using a simple power inverter and plugging the HDR into the inverter. it is pretty simple basics. Plug into cigarette lighter and plug your HDR into the the Inverter. When I was thinking of getting one a decade ago, they were expensive!

He was able to physically time travel to around 1925. I believe is goal was between 1920-1940ti! Carl and HDRkid are aware the HDR is not so tunable. The Tesla Coils have an unknown risk factor we are still trying to understand. The best place to start with your own understanding of such things, is to, go at it with several small steps before jumping in the hot water all at once!

One can do their own artificial vortex's. Just get a certain size copper pipe and cut it into equal lengths. Purchase copper end caps and solder the cap on whichever side you use. Fill with crushed crystals. Solder the last end cap. wrap magnetic copper wire around the piping using a helix wound formation.

Carl told me, he was off by one or two years of his target jump date. Yet, he said, there is an in-heritant risk, using a Tesla Coil that produces zero point energy, where the ribbons collide in the center when activated. We call this, an artificial zero point vortex. This risk is, you could possibly end up in space! The artificial vortex runs by its own set of rules!

Some also refer to these collided particles as Scalar Energy. No matter what we call it, it's pretty much we know that Scalar energy is involved with zero point energies, pyramid energies, orgone accumulator energies, the list is quite extensive. I had a little taste of all these different scalar tools, yet they all act the same at the end, it creates scalar energy. The million dollar question is, "How can we control and guide such energies?

Pretty hard cutting away of the layers or just scratching of the surface, you will see scalar energies handy work. We mentioned above anyone can pretty much create their own artificial vortex and wrap the pipes with magnetic copper wiring. Helix wrap, by adding external power will cause each pipe to produce scalar waves. Because of the wires crossing over each other the electricity flow will cancel each others out!

One can use Tesla Coils without going broke and its possible to use a Tesla globe but I am not sure how one would hook up directly to the HDR. There are cheaper Tesla Coils but keep in mind that the cheaper you go, the less DC voltage you will have available for your artificial vortex!

Carl never as far as I am aware, used or talked about using two four foot high Tesla Coils, that produce around 250,000 DC Voltage x 2. The ribbons go out about 8-12 inch stringers. The cost for some would be unreachable. Yet there are people like myself who would find away to purchase a pair of these. These are sometimes loud! I would use it in the summer in my garage with the door closed.

Each one would be $600.00 for a fully assembled unit. The Model: BTC 30.  I can't tell you yea or nay as far as using it with the HDR. I yet to get two of these in the near future and to adjust each spark gap while rubbing the HDR rub plate. Once I get a stick reaction I would stop adjusting gap and go to the next one, while the machine is running and spewing out an electrical ribbons !

The easiest way if you don't have the cash, is to use it as is! The HDR doesn't need all these fancy props, unless perhaps you are a seasoned HDR veteran and you want a little more to power up your gains to take you close to where you desire to go! Again, all in theory, I didn't try it! Carl did and succeeded using a small table top Tesla coil, Carl only one Tesla Coil and he was able to go to the past using this device!

Until you have had a few trips under your belt, it will make better sense to you! I had no one to teach me prior to the HDR. Only after I learned how to use the HDR was I able to get into radionics work and that led to my downfall of using the HDR because I was more interested in Radionic manipulations.

I've talked about various ways to enhance the HDR usage; using Tesla Coils or multiple magnets or both and instruments you can use to find vortex magnetic anomaly's. This I will tell you, even if your phone loses signal in a blanked out area because of trees and power poles etc. doesn't mean you found a vortex. Most vortexes are six inches in diameter.

It's hard to imagine one could find a vortex doing such things! When I used the HDR regularly, as I was driving on a dark country side road with lot's of farming fields on both sides of the road. It was an atypical type of evening drive. There wasn't the remotest thought of thinking of finding a live vortex that evening. It just found me!

Apparently, I didn't need to hunt down a vortex, it hunted me down! Over the years of using the HDR from Gibbs, vortices seemed to be open all around me and in each room or maybe my whole house! Even Carl told me the same thing happened to him on a regular basis. The vortex opened up and swallowed him and I whole!

This is only my theory, nothing scientific. It's only my theory that seems to fit what happened to me. I read enough theories online by real scientists and one picks up certain things, so later on if something like this happened to me, it could possibly be explained!

Better yet, I believe when using the HDR in a consistent manner, our bodies both physical and energetic merge together! So, for me, my bodies of energies are heighten because of doing the magnetic treatments for around 15 minutes a day. And the use of 7.8 cm caduceus coil, which produces scalar waves when household power is applied to it.

We also discussed parallel timeline traveling, either physical time traveling or OBE time traveling or Astral time traveling! Then there is dimensional breaching using the HDR when it effects in our waken reality. Those two Officers following me home one night go caught up in the same vortex that I did, going to pickup my wife from work.

We discussed doppelgänger manifestations and also, teleportations that occur with some HDR users! Being it's a radionic machine of sorts, you can do a variety of things with it! Some would call such things as a "Bi-Location". Being in two places at the same time. I yet to experience this one! My wife keeps the pressure on when I start to use the HDR. She doesn't want me to get lost! Most wives probably wouldn't agree with my wife.

I can pop in and out of different dimensions when I get enough HDR time in! The only thing that got me really worried was, when I was driving and the vortex overcame me and my car and another car with two of my co-workers! I was thrusted in a dimension I couldn't explain on paper. It was very fluid and smooth! Yet all sense of directions were all gone!

When you invest into $4-5 thousand dollars into a radionic device, it's probably that you understand The Who, What and How's of such devices. What Radionics taught to me was, to learn patience and be as brief as I could be with my desired statements! Knowing and waiting for any type of manifestations.

I want to touch about the HDR control box. This is not a magical box! It is in fact, a Radionic Black Box! It contains in some of Steve's old HDR models that have a 7.8 cm caduceus coil under the rub plate and when power is added the caduceus coil creates scalar standing waves. We don't know how big of a scalar wave we are dealing with. 

Steven Gibbs said, this is what creates a scalar field that makes time travel either physically or astrally or having just OBE trips etc. it all hinges on this copper hand wound caduceus coil. I am not certain if he designed this coil to run and overlap itself like in a helix wind, thus canceling each line of power out, causing a small scalar vortex!

The potentiometers are not accurate! With what is built it stands to reason, this is not the Philadelphia Experiment! Not for $350.00! What I like about it is, if you are a persistent user of the HDR you can get a taste what time travel is really like. You can get to feel how much you are not in control after, dialing in the day, week, month and year and how many hours you want to be gone!

The most you can see in a radionic box are a few potentiometers along with wires being connected to the specimen chamber and back to the rub plate and a few added circuits for external modules and these are the expensive ones! I can just see KRT selling their radionic agricultural machine for $350.00! LOL.

THE WORKSTATION Agricultural Radionic 
Analyzer. This is over $3000.00!

What I wanted to know, does the HDR really work and for who! Some say, it doesn't work for them and there are others like myself and Sylvia and Carl Novella and Steven Gibbs say it does work for us. What I've seen online over the time travel forums in all the many years visiting them and learning what others did. You will always have a certain disparity of people who can't use Radionic Machines!

For everyone, who couldn't have a OBE or Lucid Dream or a time travel dreams or OBE and Astral time travel, by using the HDR they were able to experience a variety of things! This HDR box is a simple radionic black box on the outside as I like to refer to it as! Its the weird configuration and it uses an electromagnet off House current! It's the only one of its kind out there!

But this simple black box was built with a simple basic electronic parts from RadioShack with the use of "rectifiers" a certain number of them and other parts that run the Electromagnet and the head coils. Personally I had several Radionic Machines and I never ran across anything like this HDR.

Now the HDR is old school when it comes to radionics. If you're interested in something like the HDR, then I would advise you to find out how radionics work! Because, when you know how to do radionics using a cheap machine, you will be able to know how to use an HDR Time Machine!

Maybe, Carl, Steven Gibbs, Patricia Ress, myself and a good friend, Sylvia from Germany experienced many time travel trips! As far as I am aware in our close circle, just Carl, Steve, and myself physically time traveled, all three of us traveled with our cars. A good many new HDR owners don't understand anything about radionics! This skill is critical to be able to succeed in whatever trip you want to arrive at.

I am sure people like Lapini and others, who use to post, they traveled physically as well, from what I heard. As for myself I am happy to continue to use the HDR for OBE's and Astral time traveling or just plain astral traveling. I don't know if, when you are young one takes the HDR and goes carefree! I had that happen to me once, when caught up in vortex with my car!

What about this radionic box? Well pretty simple to use! As you slowly turned the first upper dial, you ask the question such as; What are the rates or IDF's that will transport my astral body and all its components to May 5th 1816 in Virginia for one hour. You do the same fore the other dial! All along, you would be rubbing the rub plate as you are tuning in the dials until each dial sticks in a certain position!

Please don't panic if you don't get a "stick" or sudden stop with your fingers glued to the plate! You have to remind yourselves this is a "hit and miss" tuning! You will find this out when you go on your first trip! The point being, don't be so depressed because you can't change your past! Just go with what the HDR sends you too! I've been to places and other worlds, I would have never found out on my own and no other instrument I know of could have got me there!

1 comment:

  1. hey den great blog had a good read of it and in it you described a vcortex as like a circiular wave strange you should say that as i saw a round vortex appear in the air not long ago near where a tree sticks up behind the fence in my back courtyard and the description you gave was just like it to a circular wave it showed for a short time before vanishing



  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...