Sunday, August 4, 2024


There are a lot of things going on up to the day I finished my article. If you want to cut your risks and store up some food for the tougher days ahead. One of the scariest things being tested on low income people is the "UBI" (Universal Basic Income)!  Several of these tests are being done in several unknown states!

Well it's official, the traders guilt driven, fearful, greedy cold dead fingers are part of the bigger plan! Uncle Central Banks are ready to pull the rug from under your feet in a big way! The one and only Central Bank Coin will be the open door to an all digital monetary system also known as a "stable coin". 

We are not telling you it will be the end of the world, that won't come to later on, but what I am telling you, the UBI program will be given to those that want it. 

The central banks from all over the world are hoarding and stock piling gold bars at alarming rates and they need to, the fiat "I owe you" the PetroDollar, will be worthless to be sure, when the dollar falls prices at the stores go up costing as much 3x's! 

The UBI and probably some already know and participate in the pilot programs around the USA for people who make $28,000.00 per year, I think it's a payment of $600+ a month! (free money)! I wouldn't bet on it! Strings are attached!

Why this? Because by using this free government handouts, you have to agree and know that Uncle Sam will track every one of these digital coins. They have one month to use all those dollars or it will be taken by the same government, who gave it to you for only that month! 

This UBI program will probably get started quickly if Kamala Mamba gets elected! If a Republican gets elected, these support crypto currencies and adoption of "staking" in the USA. Right now SEC (Gary Gensler) and Senator Pochohauntis say they want to squash crypto and keep others from buying the "XRP". 

Gensler stated, it should have never been allowed these are bankers coins. The Left wants to keep the average hurting American in the poor house while they become richer and richer! Of course you already know all this! It's over all the news being repeated dozens of times, "[Project Mocking Bird]" CIA tools that set the narrative for all news anchors!

Oh! I forgot, if the government's UBI under this pilot program gets adopted, you don't have to get it at first, if you don't want it! There will be no more money under the table cash offers once you take their (governments) offer, you give up your freedom of speech and freedom of privacy! 

And you and I know when something is volunteer only, it often becomes law later on! Or banks will refuse your cash transactions, whether on paper or the dollar bills over the counter and where not even talking about McDonalds etc. and there is only one way to stay away from it is, investing in "XRP" or whatever you like. 

When your coins make you 100x your monies and more, in the multiples of hundreds of percents, you can use that to pay for goods and services. This is why the "Left" are against you and I from become self-efficient. They want you to be dependent at all cost with Uncle Sam! Better to control the over 300 million people living in the USA. He who controls the monies rules the world! The hand that rocks the cradle.

Carbon Tax is coming to a theater near you! The Left wants this tax to send to our enemies around the world. Conspiracies not anymore the deep state is showing what they are capable of doing to us! We are on the brink of WW3! 

Not to worry so, this won't happen for a few years. Cashless society is coming where banks will no longer accept US dollars. Only the UBI backed by the CBDC (Central Banks)! It isn't some kind of Orson Well's story it's already here! Watch the elections and watch those backers of Crypto.

You can pay for your carbon tax that is being hashed out in Congress and Senate! It's coming! Count on it! Those on UBI will not be able to take car trips on vacation because you didn't pay your "expensive carbon footprints" to our beloved government. They want 15 minute cities to keep them city dwellers, from fleeing any high tax states like that of California or New York City. It's coming! Truth is stranger than fiction!!!!!

This is a start of the cashless society where your digital coins will be tracked to your whereabouts, who, what, where, when and how! If you bought your neighbors gun it must be in digital coins; as cash will not be honored by the banks at large. These large banks will only be clearing houses to get rid of the cash and to store and loan the new CBDC coin from the Central Banks.

You get the gun and the person selling it to you will be taxed or thrown in jail! Do you see where this is heading? If they don't like your politics, payment will be blocked to the stores etc. If they don't like what you bought again account freeze. UBI for the poor will be compelled to these government gnomes. This is why my wife and I and my good rich friend in crypto are doing!

There will be huge "Pros and Cons" accepting the UBI! You give up your right to privacy. They will know what you buy and where you buy it and why you bought it! The Chinese system does the same things with their UBI's, but bumps it up a notch. If they don't like what you are purchasing with the digital "Yuan", they will stop payment and if you owe for you purchase, too bad, you lose! China has a total control of the masses with these coins! 

There are some external issues going on all over the world coming in every second of everyday! You "volatility" and "Momentum" of the day price fluctuations in both stocks and commodities, gold and silver and crypto prices, are needed in small bite size pieces too much of a good thing can pack a lot of heat!

The USA is following a close second! It is already in progress in the USA...Our major banks and BlackRock which is one of the riches businesses in the world, they are stockpiling "XRP" called the "Bankers Coin"! The predecessor is "XLM" the "Retailers" coin! These are trading around 10 cents per utility coin "XLM" and for 60 cents per coin the "XRP". Investing in "Blockchain" technologies.

There is a strong coiling on "XRP" ready to bust out to $1-3 dollars per coin! Everything is waiting on the Ripple case with SEC and judge Torres! When this is over then big banks will be comfortable to purchase the "XRP" that has legal clarity! No other utility token as of yet has any legal clarity for now! Congress is working on several bills for crypto trading! 

BlackRock wants to make "XRP" accredited meaning, their rules for accreditation is, you must have $100,000.00 dollars in your trade account before you can purchase the "XRP" or other utility coins they store! This keeps out the low income people and your 9-5 average citizens. This forces the commodities to rise or fall as needed in a stable market environment. 

I traded naked puts and calls on different commodities in the earl 80's you at that time had to have a minimum of $5000.00 or you couldn't trade! Now it's measured by 9 different situations which will determine how much you must have in your margin accounts. 

If you never traded commodities and want to; you have to pass a written test and having no less than $25,000.00 in your brokerage accounts. This keeps "XRP" and other commodities from those volatile swings and makes it more stable. Penny stocks act similar and the brokerage for them you have to buy big blocks of it in order to make any money.

If these coins are cheap, then those poor people and everyday blue collar workers will cause the volatile swings both up and down! Just two days ago, "XRP" was listed on "COMEX" exchange or Commodities Exchange in the "currency" category. When the price rises trading futures contracts on this coin, so will ours! About 3 years ago, they were de-listed from all exchanges! Due to SEC Lawsuit. Ripple won!

Seems quite unfair! This coin [XRP] was never meant to go public but because of a lack of legal clarity by the courts or by Congress and Senate, they couldn't stop the sales to the secondary markets from purchasing these future bank coins that only get traded by the banks to cross boarder countries around the world. 

Out of the USA population is at least a 1/2 percent, who own these two coins that or the Bankers coin and the Retailers coin. The banks are right now stockpiling gold bars and gathering up as much crypto as they allowed to get! They will then set the prices. IMF (International Monetary Funds), already agree to a possible 5 digit price of XRP and XLM utility coins.

But this will all change rapidly in the near future. This whole mess is an organized control demolition event of our countries finances! Like that of a building coming down, when carefully placing charges at the base of its foundation. Set it off and if done right, the building drops to its knees in one smooth motion!

Those, who have own "XRP" and "XLM" presently, will not be affected by the new strict rules of both BlackRock and other USA exchanges! They are adopting this policy in order to stabilize the high volatility in these coins. Out of the world's population around 8 billion or so, only 1% own the "XRP and XLM". The banks want to keep it that way! They will try to shake you out of the market when you have them.

Only the super rich and well off will be able to purchase these coins, which is why the banks never meant for this to happen! What about those alt-coins? Others still have those utility coins this will also be controlled by the banks and rest such as meme's etc. will be dropped worthless and those holding the bag will lose their monies. Which is why, we focus on the top ten coins with over 20,000,000 trading volume per day.

Below this is a huge deal! The IMF who control the movement and draws the bills on trading crypto were at a secret meeting in Europe close door session about 5 years ago, hammering out prices for the "XRP" and "XLM"! 

It has been said, the price fix is in, now IMF is waiting for the on/off ramps for taking overseas border payments into someone's banks including the towns bank, regional banks and state banks and federal banks! 

The IMF (International Money Funds) who control the movement and draws the bills on trading such crypto, already agreed to a substantial price per coin. This was four years ago! Some speculate its value from around $589 and up! Crypto is going to be the 22nd century turn of events, it will eventually replace all those I.O.U's!

All this kept moot until all the mechanisms are in place. These mechanisms, are on and off ramps from all the world's exchanges. One such is, you bought your first crypto let's say 1000 coins at 60 cents per coin! This is only an example! OK! Next, let's say you made a ton of money but only want to take out a small percentage. Where would you sell or buy it?

For the past eight years Ripple (Brad Garlinghouse), had promoted and helped many countries all over the world and this includes Africa! For eight years they built a "BlockChain" that runs millions of payments in a split second! 

If you are using US dollars and your buying or selling to North Korea the blockchain will take the US dollar and automatically turn it into their currencies and settles the payment in a few seconds. This is what we are invested into is the Utility coin that represents this "blockchain"!

One of the "OFF" ramps would be to sell at the exchange which is a very bad idea! But that is one of them where you buy and sell your coins for cash withdraws. The second "OFF", would be places like "Coin Base"! Here you can sell your coins, but you are paying some cases many dollars for this transaction to happen! The PRO's of coin-base you have $25,000,000 millions of dollars trading in a 24 hour period.

There are some people crypto traders that their coins are worth $8,000,000.00 dollars! Oh! No! Your trading volume in a 24 hour trading period is only spending or selling your coin or coins and you noticed your 24 hour volume about 2000 strong is not enough equity being spent in "buying and selling" these coins to cash out your coins!  The same thing happens when trading stocks!

One can't trade up or to downside unless there is sufficient volume! If not, it's because 
no one is there! To avoid these pit falls all one has to do is first look at the "Dollar Volume", it should not be less than 25 million dollars actively trading  in a 24 hour period to make "XRP" liquid for buying or selling! "XRP" is way over these money trading volumes! 

There are so many different type of trading software out there! There is something for everyone who is a trader! I am a "Swing Trader". There are 5 minute bar chart traders (Day Trading) and/or Weekly trading (monthly trading) and EOD (End of Day Trader) all known as a LongTerm Trader.

See how easy this was and if you're not sure or need a little more clarification, just type your question to ChatGPT! The Con is, any new trade let's say for .00056 or a hundred thousand of a percent of one penny. If in "XRP" you look at the trading volume you will probably see "High" volume and it makes sense because, the coin was in the market place for eight years or more. 

All you can do from this point on is read about the company and what they are offering/developing and speed of transfers using "XRP" and "XLM" thus making your decision more educated, cutting down the odds of this coin going up or nowhere! Educated guess are common place in trading from the mega companies and anything else they bring to the markets.

We can narrow the "Buy's and Sell's" even further by placing on your chart a 9-Day EMA along with a 21-day EMA when they crossover each other it will pop up bullish run or breakthrough to the downside. It is extremely good! I would love to see what the MetaStock Forecaster showing 7-day projection and 14-day projection up to 6 months projections.

This is what they call "Swing" trading! One would or could be in a trade on the daily chart signals for up to 3-4 weeks before taking your profits. It could be two other situations when going long on both EMA's crossover each other maybe this trade didn't pan out to the rules because something in the New's caused panic and the prices start to go down!

For the really good program to make money trading stocks or crypto's it will cost you! Because these programs are seeking big money traders to bring the odds of winning closer than ever! The GONOGO software comes from a second party app that is analyzing the particular instrument you are investing in. 

The price is $1500.00! Keep in mind, you can't trade of the MetaStock, you use the signals and the expertise and then use Trading View or some other kind of charting service like "Interactive Brokers". It may work in Metastock and this software for trading is "Microsoft" only.

The markets are volatile especially, in this election year! It's historically would go up during a presidential cycle. What about using "Stops"? We in the real world, who use "stops" are usually long term traders but in a volatile market industry, it would go too fast up or down for it to be meaningful. 

Watching your "Daily "chart once each day after work, is all that is needed! To make an informed decision whether to get in or get out of your market positions. "Trading View" reasonable is priced and you have a lot of tools at your disposal but their "Scanner" is not robust like that of MetaStocks! MetaStock been around for 30+ years on the market!

I used it trading commodities and it made me a ton of money! I use third party apps on it as well. Such as, "GONOGO" (Go No Go) $1500.00! And Steven Bigalow's candlestick trading around $400.00 and MetaStock would be my default, the one I will lean to having no other option. It's just a matter of what you think is good for you! It's only my opinion.

There is a good program to pick your stocks or crypto's and buying signals and selling signals, using the "ALGO Sniper" only for TradingView adaptation. I know what type of trader I am and always will be! If I can do them all the more the better. MetaStock link is listed below!

Again, you can pick whatever software that helps you to "win" only you know what you would feel comfortable with. I've been doing tech trading for 20 years! In the commodities I made many thousands of dollars for people by them investing what my apps would say to me and I did this for free! 

Third party creators such as Bigalow's Candlestick Trading"! You can scan a whole market in a minute or under for profitable patterns using MetaStock version 18! This would be a second party add-on! I found over the last 6 months it shows 8 out of 10 trades winners! The losing trades wherever you placed you stop loss. My losses were 1-2% at the highest.

If you don't buy it outright, it will cost you for US data along with using their platform about $69.00 per month. MetaStock is $400.00 not including the data! In the long run for 12 months the only price you are paying is just the "Data"! I hate incomplete information when it comes to the families or the wife and husband only, with inflation no holds bar, people are going to need money!

I want to pick a prime example of the "MetaStock Forecaster" it forecast stocks and crypto's starting at 30 days - 60 days - 90 days forecast. It works like the Elliot Wave it uses the price heat signatures of white-blue and red. Red is 90% likely to reach those predetermined levels. 

It usually is at the beginning of the trade where it is starting and this happens only when you pick the best trade from your inputs into their scanner! You can set it only to find trades that meet your specific criteria. Also on the forecast tool it allows you to draw lines by using your mouse draw a simple pattern and picking a minimum volume of a million traders.

The easiest way to learn is, if you have a small amount of cash at the current price of $.60 cents per coin and for 10 coins = $6.00 and (60 per hundred coins) and ($600.00 per thousand) etc. We have 5000 coins but we purchased these at .27 cents per coin about 3 years ago! 

What my game plan is, which is simple, buy low and wait for prices to rise! As the market rises it for sure drops on pull backs from people selling and buying! I take advantage of this weakness but I don't sell short any markets! 

The market makers watch for this all the time with bots and they will drag the prices down or push them up to get you out of the market and then the market will continue either its downward or upward trend without you! 

Did you ever put in a trade to go long and in the first or so hour you find your stop losses were tripped getting you out of the market! The way I trade I don't use "stops" only mentally I know where I am getting out! I stay undercover from the book makers.

It doesn't have to go up much to make us many thousands of dollars. Later this year we are going to purchase on pull backs when the market runs out of steam drops for a few days and once it levels out to go back up we will purchase a few hundred more as we can afford to do so.

Here is the math:

The more coins you buy the more money you will make! Very simple! This applies only to the ISO-Compliant 20022 "Utility" coins only not "MEME"s. When all the crypto is finally regulated all those junk tokens will drop off the face of the earth. Many thousands if not hundreds of thousand dollars depending how many coins were purchase per person!

ChatGPT: Can help you define what type of coins you are looking for, that matches the above criteria. At first, I wasn't to thrilled about Chat GPT, I am still warming up to it! Saved me a lot of time in my blog articles to find facts and theories of what I will either agree with or not! As of  30 July 2024 at 7:15 CST. Here is a copy of "XRP"!

XRP is in a bullish triangular pattern. This is the one hour chart. Gives one time to consider getting in or getting out or standing ones ground. Look at the coil in this congregation ready to explode. A trader who trades these cryptos would wait until positive identification of a breakout to the upside before the first hour goes by the next day. If it opens high that following morning set your stop loss below your entry and purchase your coins accordingly.

Well, what do you know about that! Prices broken in the early morning hours to the upside both the 9-Day and 21-Day EMA are following under the prices (Bullish). What we are looking for is a retrace to the T-Line 9-Day EMA, if it holds, we stay in the position but if both the red and the white lines do a death crossover when prices are peaking out in the overbought area of the stochastic oscillator to the downside, this is where you take your profits!

[That 5000 coins I have, just made me $3,240.00]!

There is a wealth of information where this market maybe heading! Today when Bitcoin fell a thousand or so dollars, "XRP" was rising standing hard on its ground! It jumped up a couple of days back up to $2.00+ per coin! But it was quickly corrected. That would have made us around $10,000.00! Right now it's only worth $3100.00.

We have a coiled patter with heavy volume! What most traders do is wait for a breakout  of prices to do (3) things! First, once it is at the end of the triangles apex where the two red lines meet each other it could pop out to go higher making new support near the higher prices. 

Secondly, it could just go beyond the apex and trap itself into a price channel and lastly, it could pop out to the downside to reach the last lows before the rise! Truly, you and I can take advantage of a sideways channel or falling prices at this moment, the farther it falls the cheaper to buy more coins! We are holders, when prices rise, means nothing to me at this stage of the game.

But during the of this chart above, we had a drop in prices for 3 hours, which gave us plenty of time to purchase the coins a bit cheaper! From that pull back of  the 3 red candlesticks it began to rise once more! Prices are being pushed up and down with the smaller candlesticks this pattern is tight!

On the chart I am using both the 9-Day EMA and 21-Day EMA! when both moving averages cross over one another to the upside we are now bullish for the next several days if at the top both averages crossover to the downside we are now in bearish trend taking place. I personally wait for the down turn to watch where it completes before rising then I will purchase more coins for a cheaper price.

At the bottom of the chart, you can see that bullish crossover to the upside with heavy volume it is at this pinch point we can also find pinch points using the Bollinger Band. Prices get squeezed in a narrow sideways channel once out it can pop up and out or down and fall.

Technical analysis will come for you in time! I and my wife talked it over for me to give you the information you need to make an informed decision (s) whether you want to make a ton of cash or just go with the sheep to the butcher shop!

The above last chart, broke out to the upside for a quick one or two penny move! I am watching both of my EMA-9-Day and 21 Day EMA if these two lines intersect over each other time to take your profits or stay in cash not buying anything if you don't short trade! 

The only time you sell them is; when the prices close under the T-Line and the 21-day EMA! If the prices the next day jump up above the 9-Day EMA (T-Line) and the 21-Day EMA we can get back in to finish our profits.

Actually it only takes a few minutes to look at two EMA's draw some resistant and support lines around the prices etc. Chart patterns are powerful if you know what you are looking for. These patterns are created by the greed, excitement or fear of where prices are going especially against one's position.

Everything I am writing about here, we've been through it all the last four years! We made our share of mistakes but the point is, we learned. We got a credit card from Coin-Base the only data in the card is our crypto! Credit has nothing to do with getting the card, the card is just considered and "Off " ramp of many to cash in your profits.

It is now 31 July 24 and I just got the news that "XRP" has now been listed on the CME exchanges! It's considered a commodity! Whatever people have been saying about "XRP" do the opposite from naysayers! I have been following this particular coin for 3 years going on! Chicago Marketing Exchange is huge, you better get some now before it gets really expensive.

I had three years to learn everything I could about Europe regulations on crypto and how the USA is working with Ripple who sells the "XRP" and "XLM". The volume is unusually high but it is not buying or selling retail investors, it is huge banks and power brokers worldwide stock piling "XRP" everyday! Until SEC steps back and they are dropping a lot of cases against crypto.

This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a position trade, buy the coins and hold them in your metal wallets offline. Never leave them on the exchanges you purchased them at! Coin Base is a good place to purchase your coins, or if you are like me we have a broker deal with it at Caleb and Brown brokerage house. There was an event that prices went up in 4 exchanges and there was a rush to cash out their profits.

Because of the volume of traders it crashed 4 exchanges and they were down for 4 days! In those 4 days, the market was falling and didn't stop! After it was fixed, those sell orders were filled but at much lower prices! Some people wanted their monies back! Hey! This was the chances trading with crypto exchanges of something going wrong!

Risks are a normal thing in life! When you go to work or school or do anything else for that matter, there is a chance you may not come back home no matter the situation at hand. When we allot monies in to our 401K's, you are even at a greater risk of losing to a bearish market and you will not have custody of your funds! 

Only the complete stranger makes all your financial decisions for themselves and you pay them to do such things! Not us! I make those investing moves when I feel like it. When I see the trend turnaround I exit the market and cash out until I can scan all 20,000+ securities! I compared those tradable stocks to the DJIA and if this is showing weakness, then I stay out of any stock until the main indexes become bullish.

Caleb and Brown customers did not have those same issues, includes myself and my wife! They were able to "sell" with no problem for profit, while those who kept their coins on the exchange suffered loss some big and some small amounts. But the facts state when you are trading directly on these exchanges, you're at risk from hackers and deviants alike to steal your hard earned investments.

We all know there are risks trading stocks/commodities/coins/ etc. If you can't handle the ups and downs in an emotionally charged investments, then this information will do you no good to learn. I wrote this as a thank you to the readers who taken the time to drop by and read some of my articles. I thought now is the time to give back to my visitors.

I never wanted to mention anything about trading on this site, because I focus on etheric tools of the trade. But this became such a blessing to us making over 100% in the last 3 years. $2,400.00 investment and turned it into $14,000.00 dollars. This will not seem like a lot to most of you all out there but tell me where can you put your monies to work and get these types of investment profits? 

Not only the XRP but we own 11 other utility coins that are ISO-20022 compliant with IMF. This is important to be compliant because once all these new regulations kick in, it will get rid of 98% of all the Alt-Coins out there on the market. Do your research I am not licensed to tell you all what to get whatsoever, I am just telling you the facts I came across and it truly protected us while we were still learning. 

XRP was declared by the Supreme Courts that it is not a "security"! This coin is the only one in the entire world that has legal clarity for the first time in this crypto market. Plus it's ISO-compliant! Now we are waiting for the Judges ruling on this coin. Ripple won their case and it cost them two billion dollars plus four years in waiting.

MEME's are hugely popular and you can get them for a song in prices, but these non-service utility coins will be the first to disappear once regulations are adhered too! The Bankers Coin, the "XRP" and the Retailers coin "XLM" this was not suppose to happen! Black Rock stated, once regulations are enforced, they will take the millions of "XRP" and sell them to their customers but not to us!

They said with no reservations, you must have $1000,000.00 in your brokerage accounts in order to trade "XRP" and the price of "XRP" when this happens, your looking at around $3-400.00 per coin! Many big handlers are looking at $3-$4000.00 per coin!

Had they and Gary Gensler had an open eye what was going on, they were too busy suing crypto right and left that the "XRP" was placed on the retail markets for us or anyone who wanted a level playing field. BlackRock one of the richest brokers filed a lawsuit 3 years ago+ Ripple won the case and they are waiting for the Judges decision how much XRP was sold to institutions in general.

Pandora's box has been opened and exposed! Gary ahead of SEC, are dropping all the lawsuits against these exchanges altogether. This was all a rehearsal! All and everything about crypto being bad were tactics used to keep the vast population from buying these coins. Crypto overseas is being used as fiat currency between Japan, Russia, China, South Korea and North Korea etc. Gensler will be fired for this.

With any good news there trails behind it bad news and both are here to stay. As long as you use commonsense and not trade by your emotions or become too greedy and this last one (greedy) makes a trader blind to what they have and bias takes over and when you should be getting out you stay in and lose everything! Never fall in love with your coin or with your stocks.

Doing the above if the USA sanctions these countries for whatever, they can't do it with Crypto. Because crypto is not centralized, meaning USA can't sanction anyone person or country using it. Centralization is just SEC wanting control of the snakes head! Cut off the head of the chicken the body dies. Not in this monetary system, it can't single out one owner or regulator to employ such sanctions like they use to!

That's here nor there! Not our problem! Just wanted to leave this news and you are more than capable of looking it up yourselves. These are some exciting times and the biggest to happen is turning over into CBDC stable coins and this economy mirrors China to the tittle! We are living in a Orson Wells book to movie to real life!

The good news is "XRP" was listed today on the CME! Not for all if you don't have $25000.00 in your account in the commodities, you can't buy or sale "XRP"! In fact, if you don't match their questions to answers you will be rejected! This happened about 20+ years ago, when the courts allowed the people to sue the brokers for lying to them and losing all their monies!

That's not good news being able to shut your bank account down with no warrants if they don't like your politics like what happened in Canada with the truckers that were on strike because of all the laws to make their businesses disappear so the head honcho shut down their bank accounts one by one! Our goal is to cut dependence from the banks and we can only do this if you are wealthy!

You are "responsible" for your own security! The exchanges have no way of breaking your password and codes! One young guy wrote his code on a piece of paper on his desk and he forgot about it! Then one day he gathered all his papers and threw them away! Not realizing he threw away $8,000,000.00 worth of bitcoin!

The simplicity of what I do, is even simpler if you're not a trader but if you want to buy some crypto, go ahead and do so! Just get one of the many metal wallets available online to place your crypto into! Make sure the coins you are purchasing can go into the metal wallet you bought. Some people, have more than one!

This is cold storage offline a private storage! You need to have a password phrases, alphanumerics and text and numbers. Did you hear the horror stories of people when taking over their own custody. 

Which I am still for, they misplaced or threw away their numbers and once that happens unless you have a photographic memory, your crypto is gone forever! Not even any of the exchanges can retrieve your private keys and what nots! I wouldn't trust anyone to handle my crypto! 

The broker we have an account with will charge us for what we buy and sell and they are always helpful. Once your coins are purchased, then you take it out of the brokerage house and send it into your metal wallets. 

We can keep it there but my wife would rather just put in money what she wants to buy and bring everything into her metal wallet and if she needs cash she will transfer "X" amount of coins on to her Coinbase credit type card.

There is so much going on! We can't believe anyone! Damn if you do and damn if you don't! God help us when the marxists and god knows only what lurking around in our public eye! They want your taxes! Not the rich but from you who have 5 or more in your family! 

Check gas prices lately and need I say more shopping for food! This proves if you have an open window of opportunity and you don't take it, there is only one to blame for the missed opportunity is the person who takes a serious look at what this is all about and decides it's craziness! The blame then becomes the necklace of the decision maker.

My wife hand verified and printed on paper the coded passwords and sealed them in a sandwich bag and secured it in the safe! It's very long string hand written alphanumeric plus phrasing sentences. Protect from fire mishaps and water and placed it on an external hard drive for quick access if needed. You can't have enough security especially when the value goes up!

Thanks for dropping by and I hope this was somewhat helpful before introducing yourselves to the first and last level playing field in this century and beyond. Where one can make millions with so little investment! Come on, where can you find penny stock prices in coins! Soon, the door will be closed once prices are up to $20.00-$100.00 a coin.

Stay away from MEME's they will make you nothing even if they are cheap! The SHIBA INU, stay far away from this coin! It was on the market for 4 years since I got in and nothing still!

The volume of trading per day is maybe one hundred dollars! We want minimum of 25 million dollar trading days. If you don't know what you looking for, just type in GPT "What is the trading volume of "XX" coin! And you will get it right away! Or you can type what type of alt coin is out there with a minimum daily trade of 20+ million trading days!

And you want all the main utility ISO-Compliant 20022 alt coins! Keep narrowing your questions down to complete specifics. You will get use to it, I didn't have this technology 4 years ago! 


I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purch...