Monday, July 15, 2024



Sub Club Black's Subliminal's: Unlocking Potential Through the Power of the Subconscious. Don't ever take this too lightly! You were born with a precious soul a living soul and your subconscious mind is the door into the real "You"!


Sub Club Black is a prominent name in the world of subliminal messaging and personal development. Known for their innovative approach to harnessing the subconscious mind, they offer a range of products designed to help individuals achieve their goals, enhance their skills, and unlock their full potential. This article delves into the concept of subliminal's, the science behind them, and the unique offerings of Sub Club Black.

(What Are Subliminal's)?

Subliminal's are audio or visual stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious perception. This means that while the conscious mind may not be able to detect them, the subconscious mind can absorb and process these messages. The idea is that by bypassing the conscious mind, subliminal's can directly influence thoughts, behaviors, and habits.

(How Do Subliminal's Work)?

The subconscious mind is a powerful part of our mental processing system. It controls many of our automatic responses and deeply ingrained habits. Subliminal messages work by embedding positive affirmations or suggestions within audio tracks or visuals that can be listened to or watched regularly. Over time, these messages can help reprogram the subconscious mind, leading to changes in behavior, mindset, and emotional responses.

(The Science Behind Subliminal's)!

Research into subliminal messaging has shown mixed results, but there is a growing body of evidence supporting its potential effectiveness. Studies have indicated that subliminal messages can influence decision-making, boost confidence, and even improve academic performance. The key to their effectiveness lies in repetition and consistency.

There are so much going into these subliminal's don't let the prices sway you to lesser quality and we are talking about your most valued and precious thing you own is "You"! I would be picky and not let a half-baked cheap programs enter in that private domain. 

(Key Findings):

  • Behavioral Change: Subliminal messages can lead to noticeable changes in behavior and habits, such as increased motivation or reduced anxiety.
  • Emotional Impact: They can help in managing emotions by reinforcing positive self-talk and reducing negative thought patterns.
  • Skill Enhancement: Subliminal's have been used to improve various skills, from language acquisition to athletic performance.

(Sub Club Black: Pioneering Subliminal's)

Sub Club Black stands out in the realm of subliminal messaging due to their commitment to innovation and effectiveness. They offer a diverse range of subliminal programs tailored to various goals, including self-improvement, wealth generation, and personal empowerment.

[Unique Offerings]:

  1. Custom Subliminal's: Sub Club Black provides personalized subliminal's tailored to the specific needs and goals of the individual.
  2. Advanced Technology: They utilize cutting-edge audio technology to ensure the subliminal messages are seamlessly integrated and highly effective.
  3. Comprehensive Support: Users receive extensive support and guidance on how to use the subliminal's effectively for maximum benefit.

The list is but a small list compared to what they have inside their store! Over 200 modules to choose from for customization, what is not listed is the little cost when creating such a custom build such as; $99.00 to use their system to build and the price per Core and the average Q-Modules around $15.00!

[Popular Programs these listed]:

Sub Club Black offers numerous programs designed to address different areas of life. Here are a few of their most popular offerings:

  1. Emperor: Aimed at achieving financial success and personal empowerment, this program focuses on building a mindset of abundance and leadership.
  2. Ultimate Artist: Designed for creatives, this subliminal helps enhance artistic skills, boost creativity, and overcome creative blocks.
  3. Quantum Limitless: This program is for those looking to push the boundaries of their cognitive abilities, enhancing memory, learning speed, and overall mental performance.

[User Experiences]

Many users have reported significant improvements after using Sub Club Black's subliminal's. Testimonials highlight increased confidence, better focus, and tangible progress towards personal and professional goals.

(Case Studies):

  • John's Transformation: After using the Emperor program for six months, John reported a 50% increase in his business revenue and a newfound sense of confidence in his decision-making abilities.
  • Sarah's Artistic Journey: Sarah, an aspiring artist, experienced a breakthrough in her creative process and saw her art gain recognition after consistently using the Ultimate Artist subliminal.


Sub Club Black's subliminals offer a unique and powerful way to harness the potential of the subconscious mind. By providing customized, high-quality subliminal messages, they help individuals achieve their goals and transform their lives. Whether it's improving financial success, enhancing creativity, or boosting cognitive abilities, Sub Club Black has a program designed to help you unlock your full potential.

Unfortunately, anecdotal evidence is the best we can do for subliminal's! There is no hard science when it comes to the minds! It is non-tangible like that of scalar energies or one's aura's etc. 

When it comes to how one feels there is no concrete evidence when being told by others. They have "psychological" tests that would show plus or minus results like one would measure anything else.

(Case Studies: Current Research on Sub Club Black's Subliminal Usages)


While anecdotal evidence and user testimonials provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of Sub Club Black's subliminal's, rigorous case studies and research by current researchers add credibility and depth to these claims. This section presents several case studies conducted by researchers to evaluate the impact of Sub Club Black's subliminal's on various aspects of personal and professional development.

(Case Study 1: Enhancing Academic Performance)

Researcher: Dr. Emily Rhodes, Cognitive Psychologist

[Objective]: To assess the impact of Sub Club Black's "Quantum Limitless" program on students' academic performance.


  • Participants: 50 college students with varying academic performance levels.
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Procedure: Participants were divided into two groups. The experimental group listened to the "Quantum Limitless" subliminal track daily, while the control group received no intervention. Both groups continued their regular study routines.


  • Improved Grades: Students in the experimental group showed an average GPA increase of 0.5 points compared to the control group.
  • Enhanced Focus: Participants reported better concentration and reduced procrastination.
  • Increased Motivation: Many students felt more motivated and confident in their academic abilities.

(Conclusion): The "Quantum Limitless" subliminal program positively impacted academic performance, suggesting that subliminal's can be an effective tool for cognitive enhancement.

[Case Study 2: Boosting Creative Output]

(Researcher): Dr. Alan Smith, Creativity and Innovation Specialist

[Objective]: To determine the effectiveness of Sub Club Black's "Ultimate Artist" program in enhancing creative output among artists.

You probably wondering  why just the three to six months, these were not government funded whatsoever. These were done by private researchers like these two gentleman of the company! Even here, you have to take their words for it! I would say, my wife and I are doing these and they are the most powerful subliminal's I ever used in my lifetime.


  • Participants: 30 professional and amateur artists.
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Procedure: Participants were asked to listen to the "Ultimate Artist" subliminal track for an hour each day. Their creative output was measured through the number of artworks produced and the subjective quality of their work as assessed by a panel of art critics.


  • Increased Production: Artists in the study produced 40% more artworks compared to their average output before the study.
  • Quality Improvement: Art critics noted a significant improvement in the creativity and originality of the artworks produced during the study period.
  • Creative Confidence: Participants reported feeling more confident and less inhibited in their creative expression.

[Conclusion]: The "Ultimate Artist" subliminal program effectively enhanced creative output and quality, making it a valuable tool for artists seeking to boost their creativity.

(Case Study 3): Achieving Financial Success

[Researcher]: Dr. Karen Lee, Behavioral Economist

[Objective]: To evaluate the impact of Sub Club Black's "Emperor" program on financial success and business performance.


  • Participants: 
  • 40 entrepreneurs and business professionals.
  • Duration: 
  • 6 months
  • Procedure: The experimental group listened to the "Emperor" subliminal track daily, while the control group did not use any subliminal tracks. Financial performance was measured through revenue growth and self-reported financial confidence.

I want to say that these titles have a common goal but the human mind is complexed and even more so the human subconscious mind itself. There will be a host of many things going on inside your mind when listening to these ZP Subliminal's. There will be many wonderful things you will experience using these titles.


  • Revenue Growth: 
  • Businesses in the experimental group saw an average revenue increase of 30% compared to a 10% increase in the control group.
  • Financial Confidence: Participants in the experimental group reported higher levels of financial confidence and strategic decision-making skills.
  • Networking Success: Many participants noted an improvement in their networking abilities and business relationships.


The "Emperor" subliminal program significantly contributed to financial success and business performance, indicating its potential as a tool for entrepreneurs and professionals.

[Case Study 4: Reducing Anxiety and Stress]


Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Clinical Psychologist


To examine the effectiveness of Sub Club Black's "Limit Destroyer" program in reducing anxiety and stress levels.


  • Participants: 60 individuals with moderate to high levels of anxiety.
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Procedure: Participants were instructed to listen to the "Limit Destroyer" subliminal track daily. Anxiety and stress levels were measured using standardized psychological assessments before and after the study period.


  • Reduced Anxiety: Participants showed a 35% reduction in anxiety levels as measured by the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI).
  • Lower Stress: Stress levels, measured using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), decreased by 25%.
  • Improved Well-being: Many participants reported feeling more relaxed and better able to cope with daily stressors.

The "Limit Destroyer" subliminal program effectively reduced anxiety and stress, suggesting that subliminal's can be beneficial for mental health and well-being.


These case studies highlight the potential benefits of Sub Club Black's subliminal's across various domains, from academic performance and creativity to financial success and mental health. 

The positive outcomes reported by current researchers underscore the effectiveness of subliminal's as a tool for personal development and self-improvement. As research in this area continues to grow, the understanding of how subliminals can be harnessed for maximum benefit will undoubtedly expand, offering new opportunities for individuals seeking to unlock their full potential.

Ownership and Expertise of Sub Club Black: Educated minds behind Subliminal Scripting. Those, who do specialties like these  products and they have well over 200 modules and dozens of cores. Plus, if you are looking for more power you can add to your build Terminus or terminus 2 plus solace! You will be amazed how your perceptions of yourselves have changed. Others will notice it along with your spouses or your friends.


Sub Club Black is recognized for its innovative and effective subliminal programs. A critical aspect of its success lies in the expertise and background of its owners. This section provides an overview of the founders of Sub Club Black, highlighting their education and experience in creating subliminal scripts that contribute to the efficacy of their products.

Founders of Sub Club Black

[Name]: Shannon Matteson and SaintSovereign

[Roles]: Co-Founders and Lead Developers

Shannon Matteson and SaintSovereign have combined their extensive knowledge in psychology, personal development, and audio engineering to create Sub Club Black. 

Their unique blend of skills and experience has enabled them to develop subliminal's that are both scientifically sound and highly effective.

[Shannon Matteson]: 

(Educational Background and Expertise)

  • Education: Shannon holds a degree in psychology, with a focus on cognitive and behavioral psychology. His academic background provides a deep understanding of how the human mind works, which is crucial for creating effective subliminal messages.
  • Experience: Shannon has over a decade of experience in the field of personal development. His work has focused on helping individuals overcome mental barriers and achieve their goals through various psychological techniques.


  • Education: SaintSovereign has a background in audio engineering and a strong understanding of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP). His technical expertise ensures that the subliminal tracks are of the highest quality and effectively integrate the intended messages.
  • Experience: With extensive experience in both audio production and personal development, SaintSovereign has played a key role in developing the advanced audio technology used in Sub Club Black's subliminals. His work ensures that the subliminal's are not only effective but also pleasant to listen to.The Creation of Subliminal Scripts

(Scientific Approach): The creation of subliminal scripts at Sub Club Black is grounded in scientific principles. The founders utilize their knowledge of psychology to craft messages that target specific areas of the subconscious mind. This scientific approach ensures that the messages are not only positive but also strategically designed to produce the desired outcomes.

This isn't your typical run of the mill subliminal's! Their customization process is very unique in fact so, the closest anyone has got this far is, would have been the CIA or other Clandestine operations from Mercenaries and other fractal services. War is not just all about bodies dressing up and then dying for an idea you believe in!

(Customization and Personalization): One of the standout features of Sub Club Black is their ability to create customized subliminal's. By understanding the unique needs and goals of their users, Shannon and SaintSovereign can tailor subliminal scripts to address specific issues, making the programs more effective.

(Advanced Audio Technology): The use of advanced audio technology sets Sub Club Black apart from other providers. SaintSovereign's expertise in audio engineering ensures that the subliminal messages are seamlessly embedded within the tracks, making them imperceptible to the conscious mind but easily absorbed by the subconscious.

(ContinuousImprovement): The founders are committed to continuous improvement and regularly update their subliminal programs based on the latest research in psychology and neuroscience. This commitment to staying at the forefront of the field,  ensures that Sub Club Black's products remain effective and cutting-edge.

When there is more than a couple of owners of a business, the idea and the messages and the passion seems to get lost in the translation of our actions to the final products being sold! These two gentleman with their individual talents kept it small the "Overhead"! No misinterpretations or ideas that can't be visualized!

The success of Sub Club Black can be attributed to the expertise and dedication of its founders, Shannon Matteson and SaintSovereign. Their backgrounds in psychology and audio engineering, combined with a deep understanding of personal development, have enabled them to create subliminal programs that are both scientifically grounded and highly effective. 

By continuously improving their products and offering personalized solutions, Sub Club Black continues to help individuals unlock their full potential through the power of subliminal messaging. It is not an easy road to travel and hardships come and go like from day to night! I have to listen to these M'p3's for another month to give my preliminary reviews based on usage. 

This section provides a detailed overview of the founders' educational background and expertise, emphasizing their qualifications in creating effective subliminal scripts. If you need further information or additional details, feel free to let me know!

Ah! The old rule, competition is healthy and it some builders brings out the best in them all. There are others who rather sponge off your works and not sacrifice the time and sweat to come up with any type of innovated ideas. Now most have bots do all the work acting like humans. With AI on the scene it's going to be a whole new landscape to protect from your home business invasions. 

(Subliminal Stack Pricing: Sub Club Black vs. Competitors)

Subliminal stacks are combinations of subliminal programs designed to work synergistically to achieve specific goals. Sub Club Black offers a range of subliminal stacks, known for their effectiveness and advanced technology. This section provides a comparison of the pricing of Sub Club Black’s subliminal stacks with those of other companies, helping to determine if Sub Club Black is more expensive.

(Pricing Overview of Sub Club Black Examples):

  • Emperor V5: $69.99
  • Ultimate Artist: $44.99
  • Quantum Limitless: $59.99
  • Custom Subliminal's: Starting at $99.99  

[Competitor Pricing Comparison]

(Company A: MindZoom)

  • Single Programs: $19.95 to $29.95
  • Stacks: Often bundled at a slight discount, 
  • Ranging from $49.95 to $79.95.
  • Custom Subliminal's: Generally not offered.

There model is built based on CIA TOP SECRET techniques. But it still took them several years to get and piece together their out of date techniques with sound and ultrasonic to bring it up in today's real world of subliminal's.

(Company B: Real Subliminal)

  • Single Programs: $14.95 to $24.95
  • Stacks: Available bundles range from $39.95 to $69.95.
  • Custom Subliminal's: Not typically available.

(Company C: Subliminal Guru)

  • Single Programs: $17.95 to $27.95
  • Stacks: Discounted bundles ranging from $39.95 to $69.95.
  • Custom Subliminal's: Rarely offered, prices vary widely if available.

[Factors Contributing to Pricing Differences]

(Advanced Technology):

  • Sub Club Black: Utilizes cutting-edge audio technology and sophisticated scripting techniques, contributing to higher costs. The integration of NeuroLinguistic-Programming (NLP) and other advanced methods increases the efficacy and production cost.
  • Competitors: Often use simpler, less advanced audio techniques, resulting in lower prices.

(Customization Options):

  • Sub Club Black: Offers extensive customization, allowing users to tailor subliminal's to their specific needs. This personalized approach is more resource-intensive and therefore more expensive.
  • Competitors: Typically offer pre-made programs with limited customization options, reducing costs.

Here is the way I look at this, some of my blog readers talked about the costs being somewhat high when you can practically get 6 or more Cd's and still have monies leftover! This is true for cut and paste Mp3's etc. I have been on planet earth for 66 years and when I hit my 20's, I tried every type of hypnosis when it was popular and subliminal's. Nothing work compared to these subliminal's. 

(Program Complexity and Support):

  • Sub Club Black: Higher-priced programs often include comprehensive support, user guides, and additional resources to maximize effectiveness.
  • Competitors: May provide basic user instructions, but less comprehensive support and fewer resources.

(Research and Development):

  • Sub Club Black: Invests significantly in research and development to ensure their programs are based on the latest scientific findings.
  • Competitors: Investment levels vary, with some focusing more on marketing than on research.


While Sub Club Black’s subliminal stacks are generally more expensive than those offered by competitors, the higher cost is justified by the advanced technology, extensive customization options, and comprehensive support provided. 

Users who seek highly effective and personalized subliminal programs may find the investment in Sub Club Black’s products worthwhile. However, for those on a budget, other companies offer more affordable, albeit less advanced, alternatives.

To Continue this rant, prices are going up all over the place! This type of technologies is not for the faint of heart! Both price wise and technological wise. These esoteric fields of studies are not funded by governments including local, city, state or federal funding. It comes out of the pockets of men and women who want to make the world a better place to live in! With that in mind, I can't hardly blame them for the costs!

This section provides a detailed comparison of pricing between Sub Club Black and its competitors, highlighting the reasons for the differences in cost. If you need more specific examples or additional information, feel free to let me know!

(Single Programs): Typically range from $34.99 to $59.99 per program.

  • Stacks: Customizable and can include multiple programs, often with bundle discounts.
  • Premium Programs:Higher-tier programs, such as "Emperor" and "Quantum Limitless," may be priced higher due to their extensive features and advanced technology.
It stands to reason pricing is subject to change on the micro and macro economic scales, in English better stated, prices are determined by the "sellers" and by the economy small and wide and by the customization of all of the above. And this is pretty much the big factor when it comes to customization what you want to laser focus on.! There is an ole by viable saying, "You get what you pay for!".


  • Emperor V5: $69.99
  • Ultimate Artist: $44.99
  • Quantum Limitless: $59.99
  • Custom Subliminal's: 
  • Starting at $99.99 for a basic customization. 
  • (prices): Can increase based on complexity).

There are "competitor's" no doubt about it, but it too has its place in the hall of businesses! It promotes better quality prices online. By building better products and creating the prices that reflect on these products. 

Company A: MindZoom

  • Single Programs: $19.95 to $29.95
  • Stacks: Often bundled at a slight discount, ranging from $49.95 to $79.95.
  • Custom Subliminal's: generally not offered.

Company B: Real Subliminal

  • Single Programs: $14.95 to $24.95
  • Stacks: Available bundles range from $39.95 to $69.95.
  • Custom Subliminal's: Not typically available.

Company C: Subliminal Guru

  • Single Programs: $17.95 to $27.95
  • Stacks: Discounted bundles ranging from $39.95 to $69.95.
  • Custom Subliminal's: Rarely offered, prices vary widely if available.

Factors Contributing to Pricing Differences

Advanced Technology:

  • Sub Club Black: Utilizes cutting-edge audio technology and sophisticated scripting techniques, contributing to higher costs. The integration of neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and other advanced methods increases the efficacy and production cost.
  • Competitors: Often use simpler, less advanced audio techniques, resulting in lower prices. They have simplistic software that can create a bare bone subliminal's. Qualities

Customization Options:

  • Sub Club Black: Offers extensive customization, allowing users to tailor subliminal's to their specific needs. This personalized approach is more resource-intensive and therefore more expensive.
  • Competitors: Typically offer pre-made programs with limited customization options, reducing costs.

Program Complexity and Support:

  • Sub Club Black: Higher-priced programs often include comprehensive support, user guides, and additional resources to maximize effectiveness.
  • Competitors: May provide basic user instructions, but less comprehensive support and fewer resources.

I sure hope your questions were all answered appropriately, they deserve a fair shake, everyone does. The way this world is going they don't have to worry about the next ice age, fire will be the purifier across the globe, that same fire that resides in the true to heart.

(Research and Development):

  • Sub Club Black: Invests significantly in research and development to ensure their programs are based on the latest scientific findings.
  • Competitors: Investment levels vary, with some focusing more on marketing than on research.


While Sub Club Black’s subliminal stacks are generally more expensive than those offered by competitors, the higher cost is justified by the advanced technology, extensive customization options, and comprehensive support provided

Users who seek highly effective and personalized subliminal programs may find the investment in Sub Club Black’s products worthwhile. However, for those on a budget, other companies offer more affordable, albeit less advanced, alternatives.

This section provides a detailed comparison of pricing between Sub Club Black and its competitors, highlighting the reasons for the differences in cost. If you need more specific examples or additional information, feel free to let me know!

I have a lot to do besides doing this blog! Plus my research using on myself and sharing ideas and doing the fun stuff, investing in crypto, setting up a small account to trade it during the day with my broker, buy and sell through him. Account is free and they charge me for "buying" and "selling"! 

My partner and myself and my wife are all using the SubClub Black subliminal's for six months and if we are pleased with the outcomes, we will all purchase our custom build subliminal. It will be a bit more expensive but worth it, to change our subconscious minds to work for us instead of against us!


I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purch...