Sunday, October 6, 2024


I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purchased the scalar generators this year. Just this alone comes close to $7000.00!

Some people love to handle crystals and yet others like to create and use ORGONE Energies. As for myself, crystals don't do all that much to me! I am not saying they don't work and I am sure it does but for one reason or another it just didn't work for me.

I've used ORGONE energy and that seems to work! One model out there is called the, "AO4OOO, top of the line orgone device. My friend and fellow researcher purchased the lower model and he had to place it outside.

Because, he had it on his nightstand and sometime between awake and being lulled to sleep, he began to fall asleep and found himself falling from a great height and he had no control over what was happening. He landed on his butt in a well lit environment (Outside).    

I also own the Spooky2 Scalar generators one a transmitter and the other the receiver generator. I actually talked pictures of the one glass in the freezer that was not treated and one glass that was treated on the other side.


Some people who use these devices, may not like the way you might be feeling. And you won't know until you purchase them yourselves.But those who take the chance would be rewarded like that of the Wheat which means his dad will get more money from this crop!

A person walking through a tunnel

He didn't feel comfortable with this, so he placed it outside on his porch for a month...Then suddenly without warning, his dad from the other side of town called , his dad said, "Son, I need to show you something". He told his dad I'll be there in an hour or so. 

He arrived at the Diary Farm in Nebraska, he was talking with his mother while she was gardening. His dad spotted him and motioned for him to come to the back of the barn. My friend looked at the adjacent field and he told his dad, what is going on here!

His dad said, "Look for yourself and you tell me"! The wheat they planted was already 7 feet tall! Never has this happened unless something was changed genetically! This was ruled out first and foremost. Whatever is left has to be the answer!

When my friend experienced that he no longer was in controlled, it bother him significantly. He fell in a dark tunnel and landed outside in a place he didn't recognize. He took it out of his nightstand and placed it on the back porch for about 3-4 weeks.

My friend, while shaking his head stated, "Dad I just don't know for sure". Let me think about it all he was still bewildered and questioning inside his mind what happened here! After his visit he went home. While driving heading home he just couldn't imagine what had occurred.

He told me he pulled into the back yard and decided to go to the porch and lay down to collect his energies. As he was settling down he had a prompt the sun reflected off the AO3000. He gazed at it and said within himself, it couldn't be, did this device he placed on the back porch the miracle worker for our wheat!

He went back online to learn a little more about this orgone instrument. Here is what I found:

The AO 4000 Orgone Energy device is based on the theories of Wilhelm Reich, who proposed the existence of “orgone energy,” a universal life force similar to concepts like chi or Prana. This energy was thought to be present in all living things and could be manipulated for various purposes. 

Things like this AO4000 Orgone Broadcaster, once you are familiar with the overall basics, use your imagination to experiment with this device. These are all for "experimental" uses only. It is not scientifically approve only anecdotal evidences best fits here!


Reich believed that orgone energy accumulators could absorb this energy from the environment and radiate it to individuals or spaces, promoting physical and mental health, as well as balancing energy fields.

The AO 4000 is a modern device said to generate and amplify orgone energy. Here’s an overview of its purported functions:

      1.    Energy Balancing: The AO 4000 is designed to balance bio-energetic fields (also known as the aura or human energy field), helping to restore harmony within the body.

2. Healing: Some users believe it aids in physical healing, particularly by supporting the body’s immune system and accelerating recovery from illness or injury. It’s claimed to promote overall vitality and well-being.

3. Mental and Emotional Wellness: Proponents say the AO 4000 can improve mental clarity, reduce stress, and help release emotional blockages. It may also be used for emotional balancing, aiding meditation, and relaxation.

4. Space Clearing: The device is sometimes used to clear negative energy from a space, making it more conducive to health and relaxation.

5. Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Protection: Some people believe that orgone devices, including the AO 4000, can protect against harmful electromagnetic fields emitted by electronics, Wi-Fi, and cell phones.

The device typically combines metals, crystals, and organic materials, which are believed to work together to absorb and radiate orgone energy. Another thing to keep in mind is, the negative DOR acts like a cancerous cell. We can counter it with a more sophisticated ORGONE too.

Below is just a small work you can accomplish with this radio broadcaster. It uses "unused" frequencies bands. Later on I will break all this down and what each of those knobs are for.

However, it’s important to note that the scientific community has not validated orgone energy theories, and its use is considered pseudoscientific. People who use these devices do so based on personal experience and alternative health beliefs.

Anecdotally, customer reviews and testimonials about the AO 4000 Orgone device typically fall into a few categories based on their personal experiences. Here’s a summary of what some users report:

Positive Experiences:

  Energy Boost: 

   Many customers claim that they feel an increase in physical energy and mental clarity after using the AO 4000. They say it helps them stay more alert and productive throughout the day.

  Stress Reduction and Relaxation: 

    Some users report feeling calmer and more centered when the device is used regularly. They say it helps with stress management, anxiety, and improves sleep quality.

  Physical Healing and Pain Relief

   A number of people claim the device has contributed to healing from chronic pain or faster recovery from injuries. These claims often mention relief from ailments like headaches, joint pain, or muscle tension.

  Emotional Balance

   Users often mention emotional stability, saying that the device helps release negative emotions, which leads to a better mood, improved relationships, or increased self-confidence.

  Spiritual Growth

  Many spiritually inclined users suggest that the AO 4000 enhances their meditation practices, making them feel more connected to their inner self, higher consciousness, or even the universe.

  Environmental Impact: 

  Some customers say they notice a shift in the atmosphere in their home or workspace. They believe the AO 4000 clears negative energy from rooms and contributes to a more harmonious living or working environment.

      Subtle or No Effects: 

 Some users acknowledge that while the device feels nice to have around, the effects are subtle, and they aren’t sure if it’s really making a measurable difference in their energy or health. These users tend to use the AO 4000 more for relaxation or mental peace than for profound physical changes.

       Placebo Effect: 

There are customers who are open to the idea that their results might be due to a placebo effect. They feel better but question whether it’s the device or just their belief in it that’s working.

      Price vs. Results: 

A few reviews mention the device’s cost, suggesting that for the price, they expected more dramatic results or quicker changes. They might still appreciate the device but think it could be overpriced for what it offers.

    Negative Experiences:

   No Observable Results: This is a big one, this is why I want the BIO_WELL and the ORGONE Life Meter! It has strong anecdotal evidence to the contrary of the scientific evidence at hand.

   Some users state that they did not experience any noticeable changes in their energy, health, or environment. These people tend to feel skeptical of the claims around orgone energy in general.

   Overhyped Claims: 

A minority of users feel that the device is marketed with exaggerated claims and that the benefits didn’t live up to their expectations. Some of these reviews are from individuals who expected tangible, measurable outcomes and were disappointed when none were evident.

In conclusion, while many people seem to have positive experiences with the AO 4000, feeling improvements in energy, emotional well-being, and health, there are also skeptics who don’t see strong results and wonder if the benefits are psychological. 

Personal belief in orgone energy and openness to alternative therapies likely play a large role in how customers perceive its effectiveness.

ORGONE is a niche market! As of the other instruments I own or will own in the future. No guarantees here or anywhere else for that matter. Researchers know what they will be facing purchasing these devices.

Reading through this blog every instrument is not proven by science. When things start to happen it is anecdotal.  I don't hide anything on this blog, all the instruments I come across, some are double or triple the cost for such devices.

The motivation to build the AO 4000 Orgone device, particularly by someone who initially didn’t believe in orgone energy, is rooted in a journey of exploration, skepticism, and ultimately, personal discovery. Here’s a look at the general story behind such a shift:

Skeptical Beginning: 

The person who built the AO 4000, or was involved in its development, likely started from a place of disbelief or scientific skepticism.

They may have been curious about the claims surrounding orgone energy, which was introduced by Wilhelm Reich, but didn’t fully accept the theory due to its lack of mainstream scientific validation.

  Everything here is for "Experimental" only! There are no guarantees it will even work for you! Yet, some are gamblers and are willing to pay a high price for something that is not proven by science. 

    Exploring Alternative Health Concepts

   Despite initial doubts, the builder probably became intrigued by anecdotal evidence and personal testimonies about the benefits of orgone energy devices. 

 This could include hearing reports of improved health, emotional well-being, and environmental benefits. Their skepticism may have prompted them to investigate further, whether by experimenting with existing devices or reading about the theories behind orgone energy.

     Personal or Observational Results: 

   At some point, through either direct experience or observing the effects on others, the builder may have noticed subtle or unexpected positive outcomes. 

   These could include better sleep, increased energy, emotional balance, or even relief from physical symptoms like headaches or stress. These personal experiences could have gradually shifted their perspective from doubt to curiosity.

   There are builders and designers who love to do these kinds of work. They take their time and do their homework as to not to discredit the original inventor of years gone by. Of course others out there try to cash in these devices not knowing what it is they are creating.

  Desire to Refine and Improve Existing Devices

  Once the builder accepted the possibility that orgone energy devices could have a real impact, they may have been motivated to create a more efficient or powerful version. 

   Their goal was likely to enhance the energy-accumulating and radiating properties of the device based on Reich’s original principles, while incorporating modern materials, technologies, or improvements.

       Contributing to Alternative Health Solutions

  As  the builder’s belief in the potential benefits of orgone energy grew, their motivation likely evolved into a desire to contribute to alternative health solutions. 

   They may have seen a niche in the market for an orgone device that was more effective or user-friendly than what was available at the time. 

  I questioned the information here, asking myself is it worth spending $1200.00 for ORGONE technologies? My friend says it surprised him with the Wheat fields and his out of body experiences.

   The AO 4000 might have been conceived as a device that could help people improve their health, manage stress, and balance energy, based on their evolving understanding of orgone theory. 

    Interest in Innovation: 

The motive for building the AO 4000 likely stemmed from a combination of curiosity, skepticism,  ultimately the observation of positive effects. I guess leave. It to one's own imagination. It was confirmed he taken a picture of his Wheat field and it looked like a jungle.

Even if you get an analyzer that can read these issues from start to finish still is not physically proven for real world for use. It too gets a healthy shot of criticism by the scientific communities.

The builder’s transformation from disbelief to engagement with orgone energy reflects a common journey in the alternative health space, where personal experience often plays a significant role in changing attitudes.

Another thing if you own the BIO-WELL that one can purchased in the USA here, ($2000.00) it is an energetic analyzer that measures your energy bodies such as chakra's etc. People who want to lose weight so they first and foremost buy the best weight scale available

You can test yourselves as many times as you want, I would prefer on the first try get my current data of my energy systems. Next I would use my SE-51000 and the new Spooky2 Scalar generator and run these for 3 days! 

Then after the first 3 days check all 9 category measurements and each one category it will have a graphic display from the before and after! If I see improvement I would continue using these devices to keep pushing my energy body to its max.

Below I have a lot going on and times is ticking aways very quickly. I am not researching as much as I use to for new and improve devices, it will have to be a knee dropper for me to consider such in this day of recession.

I need to get the "Bio-Well" and my Live Blood DarkField Microscope 2800x. Also, I have to procure the Helignosis Orgone handheld instrument. $500.00. I need the AO4000 Orgone Broadcaster ($1200.00) to get a tailored made device it will cost you an extra $200.00 on top of that.

Close to about $4000.00 needed for my  

I could see my Crypto's  up to $11,000.00 almost a 800% gain in those three years. Our gold and silver, we have the coins with us, doubled since 3 years ago! I will have to wait until 2025 to see if my "XRP" and other utility coins gained any additional profits.

There are other instruments out there that are expensive investments and people are just getting the taste of what is to come. My wife and will not get the CBDC to soon be issued from the Central Banks are minting at this moment.

There is so much happening to us, my wife and I and our neighbors and fear mongering, I just stay home most of the time. It's a matter of time that our town will be a dumping ground like all these other cities.

I am sorry I have to kept up with my site as of lately, because we just came from overseas vacation, visiting Taiwan and HongKong and CEBU, Philippines. Let me say one thing it was hot! My brother in law God bless his soul want's to make a two bedroom home with an outdoor swimming pool.

Because I am getting older he feels it would be best to live out there, the cost of living is very cheap and it is 50-1 trade over to the USA. One USA dollar you will get 50 pesos in return. My rich baby brother! My wife's youngest brother! Philippine's culture it is what they do for their elders!

I have to say, I was very blessed with a family of my wife all fifteen of them! Lot's of other families are not so lucky and many struggle all their lives from the cradle to the grave! We all have problems even the rich! 

Just hang in there! Don't lie down and let them run you over! Either by politics or by our local law enforcement or your own neighbors. Ground yourselves, you will get hit with lightening every so often and that's ok! It will make you stronger in the long run. 



I am glad I purchased both HDR's two each from Steven Gibbs and the Super Beacon from EJ. Gold along with my SE-51000 and lastly I purch...