Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Just for information during my downtimes, which comes around the late evening before bedtime, I listen to one of "SpeedZen's" mp3's in particular called "Lucid Dreaming". 

For the past two weeks, I've been using the "SpeedZen's" "Psychic" program...what I like about it is not just the sound effects that weave in the audible subliminal sounds throughout its landscape but it uses part of the "Lucid Dreaming" background music that I am familiar with. It's been almost two weeks and I have experienced little to nothing with this particular title series.

The first priority in listen to something for one hour is to, like what you are listening too and looking for some kind of results after about two or so weeks of listening! Familiarization and good background music, with good technology to audibly weave the subliminal's within the landscape music that bypasses the conscious mind and is listened to by the subconscious mind. The message is not hidden or soundless! Just not consciously heard by the conscious mind because its weaved in the landscape music.

The "subliminal's" are not be hidden as others out there!  They are being disguised vocally within the music landscape. Lastly, they use NLP techniques to allow your subconscious minds to absorb the language commands the way the subconscious mind understands. Your brain is lulled using its all natural FFR or Frequency Following Response; which includes binaural beats. You never are directed mentally deeper than the sound of the landscape music for the first 30 or so minutes. Even though it may seem you are perceptually asleep after; the second half of the next 30 minutes!

SpeedZen highly suggests to listen for one hour because the first 30 minutes contains all the "subliminal" NLP structured programming and the last 30 minutes blends all this in landscape music anchoring what was told to you while in hypnosis of the first 30 minutes.

I just wanted to bring that up in front. They are not best of the best of the best! They work for me that is all that is important. UPDATE: I like the Lucid Dream mp3 after two weeks of using this mp3 from SpeedZen, my dreams become more complexed and once I am off vacation and back home, it will probably expand my psychic senses like before. The "Psychic" Speedzen was ok and I liked the musical landscape but it did nothing for me in tangible results.

This was my first mp3, I purchased the cd for backup in case I lose anyone of my files. It's an unusual cd. Lulls you quietly and quickly down into Theta. One hour listening time!

I've been listening to "psychic" Speedzen for the past two weeks and nothing notably to discuss at this time; as I mentioned above in the "update". The "listener" must tarry consistently when new to this type of programming for no less than one hour. I decided I liked the "Lucid Dreaming" mp3. I discontinued the "Psychic" one for now.

SpeedZen strongly suggest for one hour listening because the first thirty minutes contained the bulk of the "subliminal" programming  and using the NLP framework around it; they also added the binuarl beats into the heart of the program to help the listener reach the subconscious level and the last thirty minutes is the "anchoring"of those taught subliminal's for later retrieval.

There are a lot of people out there that would place their last dollar to maintain health power in their individual lives there are no exceptions! They are not in the market to give it up to anyone else! Hypnosis seems to be the tool that can produce change of behavior and then results!

Neo Ascension Technology
The mp3's are all with NLP structuring and of Hypnosis/subliminal command in the presence language that the subconscious mind understands. When a patient goes to a psychologist/hypnotist and they to implement NLP patterns on a normal basis. During the visits to "psychologists's/hpnotherapists, it lasts about one hour with only 30 minutes of hypnosis. The other 30 minutes is usually talking with the patient to get to feel what's going on in them before performing the hypnosis.

Even when you visit the hypnotist, it's suggested you come back for at least 8-10 visits to make the "suggestion" anchored into one's subconscious mind thus changing the internal behavioral system to a specific goal. There it is once more, "listening for 7-8 weeks" is where the magic begins when using hypnotic type of devices or even static meditation devices! It seems, the 7-8 weeks is natures rules of law for progression that can't be broken by man! Every living thing and non-living for that matter has natures rule that it must adhere too!

Where was this written before, for your reading enjoyment? Ah! When we talked about using the "IDL-3, 12 (no longer made), 44, 88, 144 etc. You don't want to know the prices for the NEO-144! Instead if you are in to spending that much, just purchase a low mileage used Toyota car then sit in it and meditate on how your going to make your payments each month. That would have been the better deal than purchasing a IDL-144 :o). Just having some fun! Personally, the IDL-22 would be all the higher I would take it; as for longer term power.

When using the IDL-Series, remember you have the time to be concise and brief on what you want to happen to you for the one hour everyday; that you are putting into your training. When I did it, I just let my mind wander each time, b-i-g m-i-s-t-a-k-e! Nearly cost me my life!

I own the IDL-22 (22-Layers of metals and DNA) etc. I honestly didn't put the time into this model like the IDL-12. I have great reasons and the first and foremost, my wife isn't super thrilled for me to start up my practice with it. She personally has first hand experience with something she never used or inteneded to use when I purchased this device.
This is the cube I own...

I placed 40-45 hours of, one hour a day training with the IDL-12 Gateway cube. It intertwined both our psychic experiences and normal psyche in day to day interactions, sometimes in a very disoriented way! The cube doesn't know the difference of what you need or what you want or what you dream about. It's all the same thing to this Torsion Generator's outcome. The Subconscious Mind is a child and you will have to humble yourselves to use it correctly!

So how does one supersede this issue when using such a device like this? As you might have imagined, if I came up with the answer, then my wife wouldn't be so worried like she is right now when she sees it when cleaning up her office area. The best anyone of us could do is, keep a clear and concise thoughts as best as you can. When using it for one hour, be conscised with what it is your requesting, you have the time!

I must re-emphasize this, the IDL's require minimum of 30-45 one hour meditation time into it. Make sure your vitamins and minerals are standing tall within your systems. This cube will absorb as much energy that's needed from your energy bodies/physical bodies, even if you are depleted or running low!

Either of us during the 35-45 hours of training with the IDL-12 Cube didn't know what was "psychic" going on and what was "sychronocities" and where "life's" regular laws began and ended. The only way I can describe it is, "try it yourselves" and then you judge for yourselves the right and the wrongs you experienced. This confusion existed  because even our subconscious information that we don't know of consciously was processed all at the same time.

This is the evening formula we take (liquid Minerals)

The above is something you want to pay attention to when you all do meditation, no matter what you "use" keep in mind, your body must be in good conditioning lacking no vitamins and minerals. I was using the meditation mp3 and something flashed in my intuition and showed me during one of my one hour meditations with it, that I was deficient in all vitamins and minerals!  I of course relayed this to my wife and she told me, "I told you so"!

I had a small but irritating rash on my toe and on my left frontal calf for over a year. Coming to grips with the flash intuition, it doesn't come as a surprise to us, that we all could do much better than what we consume in (Junk Food) and (Fast Foods) from a box. Most families live out of the box because it seems no one has time to cook anymore. I was lucky, my wife loves to cook over going out to eat in restaurants all the time.

Getting back to that annoyance, I used many prescription creams to arrest this stubborn itchy, rash and nothing I mean nothing worked! I talked with my wife about the flash of insight I received, while listening to my meditation SpeedZen. We quickly looked on the web and found something that caught our attention called, "Mary Ruths" Liquid Vitamins and Nightly Liquid Minerals. Both come in a gel solution about two cups worth in a plastic bottle. You only need about 30ml's. It comes with a small plastic cup for measuring.

After one week + on both bottles everyday, once in the morning for the vitamins and once in the evening for the minerals, that annoying rash healed up completely. I really never connected the two during the first two weeks ! I certainly didn't know it was because of my lack of vitamins and minerals. 

The taste is, well, I can down it. We did this for one week and I didn't expect anything too miraculous to happen. I knew the fast foods we were eating wasn't the premier of health and wealth! After about the week on both bottles, which by the way for two people last only two weeks, during that week; I forgot to put cream on that irritant on my leg and big toe. I took off my sock and I was floored!

Vitamin B3 Deficiency  and this is just one of the many we lack from our meal intakes.

That small but irritating rash that always itched and was red and soar, was gone! After two weeks! No way! I showed my wife and she was elated! I quickly looked at my left leg on the front side of my calf that broke out with an itchy patch, was all gone! Just a shadow of once was! All these may of months I tried to heal this crazy thing, only took a little over just one week of taking vitamins when I got up and taking the minerals before going to bed! Who knew!

My face is cleared and my ability to think has no fog, as such call it. I still have the PTS issues that go on but with that, it's better than having to also put up with annoying body rashes and breakouts! I knew a few years ago the doctor who took my blood said, I was "D" deficient. Many people he told me, are deficient in Vitamin D, who work in buildings all day long. Two ways of getting it, by the Sun or by a "Supplement D"!

You can't cheat nature! Tho many Federal Farming Associations try...It's all about the money! Keep planting, keep tilling, keep harvesting! Until one day the ground yields "0%" vitamins and minerals. You know our physical bodies are made from the earths elements! What happens to our food grown?

I know for sure I was just as bad with vitamins and minerals being in deficiency, we can't get them from our veggies because of the bad soil that is depleted of such minerals that are the foundation of our soils composition. Maybe there should be a "Mineral" farmer who sells "mineralized dirt" to planting farmers abroad before planting season. But can the farmer wait 7 years until the soil replenishes itself.

In the Old Testament, the farmers use to let their land set by command of the Great One, for one sabbath or 7 years before tilling and planting on a certain patch of acres, this helped those farmers keep all the nutrients in their dirt and it helped develop addition nutrients along the way, before planting. Well, in todays thinking it is only science fiction; it would never happen this way! The demand for food and the drought in the midwest has caused a "shortage" in the worlds supply breadbasket of America.

The food grown was extremely healthy for their people thousands of years ago in the ancient biblical lands, when the land was utilized, after the seven years of development, the minerals in the soil are at a sustainable level for life. That was nature healing their lands and now it's "history" and now is the "present", we can only subsidize our bad health for the lack of nutritious foods by either; spending more money for the organics or just starve ourselves by eating fast foods and junk foods.

I purchased so called-organic veggies and fruits etc. but I still had skin issues! Nothing worked! When I previewed and purchased Mary Ruth's product within two weeks my skin condition healed! Explain! Why the organic version of meat and vegetables couldn't do it!

I can't give you "any" recommendations because there are many good and bad companies out there when it comes to vitamins and minerals! I got lucky and found Mary Ruth's products and what she has to offer and it's been over two weeks and we finished between the both of us, a full bottle of liquid vitamins and a full bottle of  liquid minerals and around my toe and frontal calve is totally healed and we are just finishing two weeks worth! 

My wife feels better and is more active during and after work and I hadn't seen anything like that in the four months, since she started working there! These two products will become part of our grociery budget for sure! Our diets suck, most Americans diets blow dirt! Spending more money on organic foods isn't the answer, most of those organic veggies are introduced via chemical pesticides to protect the veggies (Do we know for sure any other way). How does one keep bug plaques off organic grown foods?

If this can be done at that level surely our Federal Farming Nations can reproduce the same thing at a much larger level or national level! It stands to reason; if they give you more healthy food you will be much more productive and less sick time used! The fact is, these organic based little farms, which by the way are subsidized by our Federal Government on one way or another, isn't all that natural that it pretends to be. Sure small farms could be and county farms might be but Federal farms can't be! They can't keep up with world demands.

We can't keep cheating nature for our basic nutrients and minerals but we also are faced with something no other generation before us had to face in their life times and that is WIFI, Dirty Electricity and 5G Microwaves. This also weakens our immune systems to fight off radiations.

I thought I mention this, not only for the meditation benefits but also for your physical and mental benefits as well. I was taught by the late Dr. Fred Bell years ago that, when meditating or using his unusual medallions such as the one's he designed to wear around the neck, this metal necklace  such as the pure "Silver" or "Gold" that people purchased, found out it was being absorb directly into their "skin". Their silver and gold in the back of the medallion was being eaten away and the reason behind it is, the body is lacking those particular metals, not to overlook the vitamins as well. The body will eat at any metal it is lacking!

The body will feed on itself if deficient and will even go outside itself, to absorb through the skin the needed minerals and precious metals that it is made of! We are earthen vessels created from the soil of the earth and we need what the earth has to give us; these many thousands of years!

If you lack "Silver" the body will eat from the raw metals around your neck or fingers to satisfy its deficits! Did you know this? Well, it does! It also takes into the porous skin not only the needed metals but the germs it contains from same metal being exposed to all the filth you pick up during a normal days work. No telling the damages that are being done to the body as I write this down. 

Lastly, we been hearing lots about the 5G coming our way! It will be installed into every area of your lives, count on it! We can cry all day and all night long and nothing is going to stop it from happening! Lobbyists are working overtime for this to happen. It is what it is! So, what am I and my wife going to do about it? The only thing we can do is purchase a few "Dirty Electric Filters" from GreenWave company.

Everyone is responsible for their families health and welfare and if they are fine living in high pollutant electrical areas, where headaches and insomnia are common place, then more power to them! Everyone has that right! But to those who are sensitive to stuff like this, here is some tidbits of information...

Out of all other companies, who sell such items, (GreenWave's) explanations were the most or closely aligned with my wife and I's understandings/needs. I will not recommend them personally but I will let you know how we keep pace with the these types of items. Once we purchase it after our vacation. Update: Vacation in Florida on Okaloosa Island on the beautiful white sands of the Gulf Coast. Made it home safe, but the flights suck! We had one changeover and was held in a flight pattern for an hour due to Atlanta storms coming through couldn't land.

This is the "GreenWave's" "Electrical Grounding Filter" that absorbs the "Dirty escaping Electricity"from our meters, wall sockets, and WIFI appliances etc. It cost around $30.00 I only need 4-5 to cover the bad areas in my home! I purchased their mV meter to make that determination.

The products offered is suppose to protect us from leaky dirty electricity from electrical outlet and from wiring within all the walls, along with cellphone towers and WIFI's signals etc. When push comes to shove, I am responsible for my wife's overall safety and well being, as some maybe surprised, "It's not all about me"!

This all started this year when I used a cheap gauss meter one day about two weeks ago; scanning where and what I sat on in the living room and where I slept. In the living room the meter pegged past the "10" scale in the "red" zone on the meter and my wife's recliner is reading the same things. 

I give this information freely and I don't recommend this to anyone in particular because there are other great companies out there to meet your needs. This information is given because I liked this company from Canada. No other particular reasoning behind it.

GreenWave has a meter for around $130.00. When you plug it into a wall socket, it will show what dirty electricity is escaping from the wall plug itself currently. It will show you the "before and "after" readings, when you plug in one of the electrical filters. One uses these meters to check all plug-ins including your strips. To let the informed know, if the areas you occupy are high in dirty electrical emissions from the wiring throughout your homes.

EMF Detector that locates and shows how much dirty electricity the floor strip sockets or wall sockets are spewing out in your living area. This meter is $130.00 and can be used later to ensure the wall protectors are still working, maybe every three months using this device for maintenance checks!

Seems a waste to use the meter once when all is corrected! Another reason to have it around and I call it; "Maintenance Metering"! It would be brought out once every three months, to check where the filters that were plugged into the strip or wall socket, to make sure the electrical filters are still operational. To ensure you are still reducing the dirty electricity optimally.

Otherwise, there is no other way of testing the leaking's and the filters you purchased to ensure they are still operational. The "electrical" filters that interrupt and ground the leakage are around $30+ dollars. Some rooms may need two and others one. Again this depends upon what you do in each area. Or how healthy you want to be overall, (To each, their own). 

Overall we touched just the basics in survival needs, probably enough to save you and your families some future medical bills. But still the bills are of no grave concern, when one is truly sick and can't recover. Even the poor will cling unto the last breath of their lives, no matter the cost. But why wait so long!

We covered "vitamins and minerals", also the WIFI's and evils of  "electrical" filth that we are submissive to each and everyday of our sleeping and waking lives. Remember the brain and the central nervous system is the primary recipient of these lack of vitamins and minerals and WIFI's and Electric Leakages! Some people are hyper-sensitive and have migraines 24/7 and are weakened daily! There is one other thing most of us when young overlook!

Issh! What can I say to this! Over 80% of Americans can fall into this category of bad or restricted bowel movements. This will be re-absorbed into your bloodstream, all the poison's the body tried to get rid of, will eventually kill you if not paid attention too!

Just the above tweaking one's lives, can put you in the high 90%'s of Pro Health Maintenance. What else could one do to further the percentages above? How about your "colon" health? Surprised! When I was young that was the last thing I had to worry about but now when I hit in my 40's my colon said, "Its my Turn!" Help I am stuck and I can't come out!

Little did I realize in what role "Constipation" would take, a real turn inward or an awareness I never had to worry about before. For example: I read where John Wayne, the icon for western movies, before some of us were born, when he was autopsied in California, they took out his colon and found 78 pounds of undigested meats and very tough fecal matter stuck on the colon walls.

It's no surprise I use Colonix! I used this for twenty years and it is probably the best in the world as far as I am concerned. I use their Kleri-Tea and the Colonix powder for three months for cleansing and I stop the Colonix and begin the daily UniFiber to keep things going all year long. 

It doesn't surprise me when the results were, he, John Wayne, died of "Colon" cancer! There are lot's of cancers to be sure, but when we pay attention to what we can prevent, this may keep a bay other disease from taking a foot hold elsewhere inside the body. I too heard several times in my lifetime, "You are only as healthy as the Colon you keep clean"! Lot's of filth and grime process here and this is where bad cholesterol is stored and distributed throughout the body.

This cost $35.00 per one month supply! I and my wife and some friends locally have been using the above for over 18+ years! You only need to buy this for a 3 month cleanse once per year!

Keeping the colon clean is not cheap, it takes about three months using a colon cleanser with certain orbital roots that can eat away hard fecal matter within the intestines and colon. For post maintenance, there is available a good daily fiber substance Colonix supplies and the price is tolerable. Everything that has a label of "Health" stamped on it, is going to be expensive. If you have to pay be smart and get the best!

If you have to pay big bucks, you have to ask yourselves this single most important question, "What is your "health" and the ability to live, worth"? What price can you place on your life"? Yes, you can go cheap and eventually cut off your lives way too early and break hearts within your close family and friends ties, not having you around anymore. You're not only killing yourselves early but you are cutting all ties with the ones you love and that love you, early as well.

The Colonix has different plant life within the powder, roots like marshmallow root, these plants eat away the hard dry fecal matter. Normal fiber you can purchase over the shelves doesn't or is not designed for such cleansing. Most in the stores is for maintenance cleansing not colon cleansing where it reaches deep inside the colon walls and small tree limb like structures.

You heard the saying; "You are what you eat"! This goes without saying! What you place into your gas tank, is what you are going to burn. For a car, if you use bad fuel it will leave behind corrosion and black gunk all through your engine and the engine will eventually breakdown and seize at its weakest point. Your body is no different than a basic working vehicle. It too will break down eventually if not supplied the proper nutrients such as; vitamins and minerals and the ability to evacuate the residuals.

This is what we use once a week, it cleanses the blood and makes things very slippery when wet! Whatever is in you, no matter how many days, it will go out quickly. No, it doesn't cause stomach cramps or any symptoms that any correctol or stool softeners create. It's really mild and it takes about 8 hours!

We found this product twenty years ago and it's called, "Colonix" and yes it's expensive per container which is, why you only use it for three months, along with their Kleri-Tea product. I had for a lack of better description, alien like feces drop out on my first month! There was a leathery type long pouch that came out one day, I thought I lost some organ along the way! It wasn't until I went to the testimonial sites of Colonix, did I know this was the normal part of the cleanse.

I don't use their "Paranel" that suppose to replace your natural flora one loses on a bad diet or who rely on medications to get by. The meds will not only cause constipation but will in essence kill your good bacteria in your gut! We purchase a liquid from Mary Ruth's where we get the liquid vitamins and minerals from, to replace our good bacteria and it truly works!

During your first of three months on Colonix and Kleri-Tea, you will dislodge indescribable cancer causing objects of a truly unknown origin. The description of such a dislodgment would be unknown in technical terminology in the Health arena. 

What came out of me the first month, it didn't have a name to describe this and I am sure there was no other name to describe this species of fecal matter in the scientific circles of health. The Colonix isn't bad tasting, one just has to get use to the Gell texture drinking it down fast, because it quickly sucks up the water in the glass if you leave it sit for any length of time. 

What goes in your gut (Colonix Powder) doesn't all come out during your first evacuation using the products. So what does it do all this time sitting in your gut? This colonix powder has plant roots that actually eat at the old dried fecal matter stuck onto the intestine walls and elsewhere. When drinking fresh water not pop or any other liquids other than H2O, it will allow the powder to Gell all around the dried fecal matter lining in your gut in the (large and small intestines).

We drink the tea as prescribe, this tea has a two fold purpose. It will make everything in our gut "slippery". The second benefit, the ingredients clean the blood as it is circulated. Any worms or hook warms that use hook like claws to hold on to the bowel walls will lose their ability to clench during your cleanse. If you don't use the tea at least the minimum recommendation the use of the powder will be hard to evacuate along with the old fecal matter.

That stored up colonix powder in your system is still eating away the old fecal matter and it won't be able to hang on the intestinal walls and will give way and the surprises just keep falling out! I never experienced such things in my entire life. If you have worms (tape) for example, they will drop out because they can't hold on to the walls either bowel or intestines with their hooks because the Kleri-Tea makes everything slippery when wet! 

When you take care of the colon, you get a lot of rewards that is left behind! Better health, Smaller Waists, Excellent Cholesterol  readings and losing 10-15 pounds in that 90 days! This alone should peak ones interest in such things.

Those of you and and many more of you, who have to take medications constantly will become dehydrated and won't be able to evacuate your digested matter! I found using "UNIFIBER" from the same company Colonix and a maintenance dosage of the Kleri-Tea; I lose about one pound in about 3 days! On a 3 month cleanse I lost 15 pounds of fecal matter with no diet whatsoever!

Imagine the above sitting in one's colon for the past twenty or so years! If they live that long! Human feces can be disgusting, but they’re also teeming with life. Around 50 percent of their mass is made up of bacteria, representing some of the 1,000-plus species of microbes that live in your gut. In a piece of poop lives a whole wondrous ecosystem. 

The Unifiber is far cheaper along with the Kleri-Tea, I  steep 2-3 tea bags worth once every three days, it will let loose, poop be gone! During the 3 months cleanse using Colonix and Kleri-Tea, my wife and I lost between one another around 15 pounds each! Losing 8-10 inches around the stomach area alone! It was worth the expense just for those results. Later I found out that my bad cholesterol was in the safe zone and the good skyrocketed!

The hardest part of this program is, remembering how many glasses of water did you drink? You have to drink a minimum of 8 cups of water daily because the Colonix powder needs to swell and absorb dried and forgotten fecal remains. The powder that turns into an absorbing gel; will stay for days in the colon to break down the hard fecal substances stuck to the walls of the intestines. Your stomach may blow up somewhat or feel bigger until you evacuate.

Ultimately, we want to be able to be in good health both physically and mentally. If you're sick and weak nothing else seems to matter much, not even the dollar bill that some strive all their lives to make! Once your health is stable then we need to use our minds or one day it will be not there, when you need it the most! Alzheimer's is far too plentiful in todays medical world.

The Kleri-Tea helps a great deal, but the water is important in the same respect and if you drink mineral water from Culligan or another bottle company, it's also good for your mineral intake as well. "Hey, Culligan Man"! We drink only from this company, they're spring water only. We drank the RO water and didn't realize  that RO produces acidic drinking water. Even my sweats around my eyes were so acidic and would burn around my eyelids, they would burn when rubbing my eyes when I got tired! After drinking the "spring" water for a week, no more burning around my eye's where I was sweaty and oily. Body became alkaline instead of acidic.

The "Hey Culligan Man" use to be the old commercial ran in the 70's and 80's. To remember to take your Colon powder a few times a day, place the container of the Colonix or whatever you like, where you can see it everyday or you will forget it or be tempted not to take it for a day or two! From Mary Ruth's Vitamins and Minerals (liquid) form, we purchased the "Flora" product, it had only the taste of water. We each took 4 eye-droppers with one squeeze of the rubber stopper. It replaces your dead Flora caused by taking medications or any type cillian products.

My wife thought it was well worth the price of losing 15 pounds and many inches from her stomach area and gaining a secondary benefit of keeping the colon and blood cleaned once every six months or once a year as some prefer to do it. I never expected this to bring down our cholosterol levels, the bad reading 0%! the super bonus was both our cholesterol levels were at ultimate healthy areas!

Just do what you can afford to do! Doing nothing will be far worse! Here is the main nuts and bolts of it all, if the body is sick, nothing else will matter to you. Another benefit to consider using Colonix powder for 90 days is, our cholesterols both bad/good where right on, Nurse sent a note with a letter stating congratulations on your readings, never seen anything like this before".

The "meditation" that could make one super psychic is the last thing that should be on your minds, if the body is physically sick! Take care of "you" first and everything else will take its place in the known universe we call, "Reality"! There is a hidden order in chaos just because we can't see it or feel it, doesn't mean it's not there. Look at our solar system perfect mathematics! Yet we see so little of it these days to appreciate the complexity of its builder.

I hope the above; forces a bit of that "reality" on each of us to make sure we have our priorities properly set and to see to it that our motives are going the right direction and we're keeping track of our budget and what we can possibly afford to gain over the long run. Remember if your "health" fails, what else really matters?

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  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...