Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I honestly didn't think that a simple radionic machine could allow one to time travel...Not just using one Radionic machine but using the SE-5 spectral analyzer as part of the experiment backing the broadcast 24/7...

Part I...

Wow! Maybe I should just write a book. I want to add my small testimony, I don't know if what was experienced was (AstralTime Travel), (OBE Time Travel), (Physical Time Travel). I had experienced the OBE Time Travel using the Gibbs Super HDR. 

I also used the HDR prior to being caught up in a rogue time vortex. Here's the thing, if you can experience anyone of these trips using either the Gibbs HDR or some other kind of Radionic Device be happy with it! Don't push for changing any of your's or others timelines. It won't happen! Because it is permanent in the "history" files of this timeline. You can visit and that's about it.

I have an Gibbs HDR, in fact, I have two of them. The first is a 1995 model and it works like I just purchased it and the 2018 model, when Steven stopped making the caduceus coil and used copper foil around the inside of his unit. They both work about the same, I don't see or feel any difference when using them.

This long stretch of road to my wife's workplace was as boring and as predictable as can be, until one night ago...

I've used both HDR's alternately, whatever I felt like doing at the time. I had a real "Dimensional" travel using my vehicle one evening and it just wasn't me! I was going to pickup my wife at work that evening. I read where others used their HDR's inside their cars as did Carl Novella in the early 80's and have experienced driving through a vortex.

It was about 35 miles one way on a country route that I drove hundreds of times, that I used prior to going to pick up my wife as usual, I used the 1995 HDR, this one particular evening. I used it for 10-15 minutes. There was nothing strange to consider it was completely a normal situation.

I shut everything down and I lied down and must have fallen into a quick trance state. I found myself at the Dining Table with my wife talking about my experiences using the HDR. Yet I know she wasn't physically there because she was at work at the time. But I took it all in, thinking there was a purpose for all this to happen to me.

Steven Gibbs was correct, when using the HDR on a continuous basis, sooner or later you will run into yourself as you are jumping into other time dimensions. 

Remember when I was using the HDR and experiencing this trance enviornment, my wife was 35 miles away working at the time of this vision. As I was talking to her at the dinning table in this trance state, someone and to be exact another "me" came out of thin air! I looked at him or my other self and patted him on his stomach and said, your getting quite plump. 

At the time I had a 32 inch waist but now it's 42 inches. He, look at me and said, "I am going to send you somewhere and no one will ever find your again!" I thought that to be strange and he walked past us both of us and disappeared, like he appeared earlier in thin air.

The alarm woke me up and it took several minutes to reach for quasi-normal thinking. I looked at the time and I had 45 minutes to pickup my wife. It was normal and I did whatever I had to do before taking off from the house. Oh! Prior to waking up I was in an OBE state of being walking around the inside of my house.

I couldn't decipher the oddities that was a chain reaction of entering a rogue vortex. Because I never experienced such an event until this time!

I jumped into the car and headed East on a country road that goes straight to the interstate that I needed to take, to go to her place of work. This was not going to be an ordinary trip as I will soon be finding out this particular evening! I left town and the stars were out in the night sky and I was listening to my Kool 108 FM radio station.

I was around 15 miles into my trip and my radio was getting static sounding. I looked down to see if I could change the channel and I quickly looked up to make sure nothing was heading my way. What I saw put a huge lump in my throat! Everything change so much, I didn't know what was actually occurring at the time. I was in a state of disbelief.

I was looking around and I didn't recognize where I was at! I said, "What is going on here, where am I? Did you ever experience as child being lost than you can sympathize with me how hopeless I felt. I never asked for this to happen! But happen it did just the same. My hands were wet on the steering wheel and a pulse was beating in my neck area. Stress would be the cause.

I'm not sure why I couldn't enjoy the experience; I was always studying time travel and what I was going to do when it happened! But what happened to me that evening can't be classified as "time" travel. I never anticipated this kind of traveling when driving my car.

The more I drove into this, the more I was disoriented as to where my position was on this country road. I looked at my clock and the time was reading at 25 minutes left to get to her job. Now what! Is my clock off, nothing seems to be working whatsoever. The radio was still static and there was no green midst that people talk about when time traveling.

My mind was racing back and forth, more worried if I was late picking up my wife to go home. Like I stated, I never aimed for or even thought of physical dimensional traveling. I don't call this a "time" travel event , yet I can describe it as a "Dimensional" split of time and space.

I glanced off the road for a second or so and usually on the right of this highway are pastures and rolled hay. Not tonight! There were weird type of Geographical shapes and sizes! Twilight Zone? I quickly look ahead on the road but couldn't see through the dense fog that showed all the sudden. 

My priorities were not amazement being in this nightmare, but to be on time to pick up my wife from work! It became amazing after I had time to relax and think about all that happened...

I slowed down and time was racing and I know how upset my wife becomes when I am late picking her up. Isn't that something, here I am experiencing something that most people strive for and yet my mind was focused on my wife! Well, she is a Filipino and they can have a temper. She only yells at me in English so I clearly understand her frustrations.

Now I only had ten minutes and I was still, according to my trip odometer, 20 miles away from the Interstate. Panic began to sink in and my heart was beating in my chest. Thoughts were racing fast and do you know I never thought for a moment I entered into a dimensional rift! 

This didn't come to mind until I picked up my wife later. In the mean while, I got to a point I was praying to find a way out of this. hopelessness is eery all by itself, in situations like this! I didn't think I was able to come back and be lost forever in another dimension or space type rift.

I noticed each time I took my eyes off the road indirectly to tune the radio or look at the time, something in a flash would change and it was so seamless. 

I look down at the radio and the station came back and I looked up, no fog, no geographical shapes and odd things. The haystacks reappeared to my right. It was hard to take all of what I experienced in perspective. It seem like there was an overlay of sorts and it just peeled away back to the reality I was familiar with.

Yet the weird thing happened, I looked at the clock in my car and it showed I had only ten minutes to go but I was according to where I was at the time, about twenty miles away from the interstate. I drove this road for four years back and forth, I know every inch of this country road.

How was I going to tell my wife. I looked down for a moment at my speed and looked back up and there was the interstate! Try to register this in a split second or two, I had to pull over the car and bring my window down to breath some fresh air while trying to take in this phenomena that jut happened to me!

This was the craziest experience of my life! I knew using the HDR crazy things happen to people, I guess I really wasn't expecting this to happen to me!

No way!! When I came out of that craziness I was approximately 20+ miles away from the interstate because I recognized where I was finally. I knew my goose was cooked and I no longer worried how late I was going to be. I was still reeling from that rogue vortex that all encompassed me. You have to ask yourselves when using a Radionic Device like the HDR, how does it have the ability to do such a thing?

Yet, taking my eyes off the road for a split second and looking back up I was where I was suppose to be in an instant! Twenty miles in a instant! Nah! There's got to be some kind of explanation. I was on medications or drunk. One thing for certain, when you enter into these key Ley lines it is instantaneous travel.

But I was happy to be five minutes early to pick up my wife, but it doesn't end there. I picked up my wife and I began to tell the story after using the Gibbs HDR. She was amazed and she told me you are lucky you were early! LOL. 

When I picked up my wife from work, we had no idea that vortex would still be lingering in the area we had to drive through! I was busy discussing what had happened to me, trying to make sense out of it, until we were passed up my two fellow Officers!

We drove back on the Interstate and took an exit , that rural road that I travel on that goes straight to our town. We entered into a low level fog once more a mile or so into driving, so I had to slow down to 50 mph. I seen some headlight in back of us coming up fast and furious.

A car came up behind us and they passed us beeping, they were two of my Co-Officers I worked with and they were clean out of sight within a few seconds passing us up. I was only going 50 mph because gas was nearly $4.00 per gallon at the time and having driving through this low level fog earlier I figured better slow down! 

This got me nervous because of what happened when I drove through a fog on my way to pickup my wife. I didn't want her to start worrying or facing the fear of helplessness like I did. I just began a simple conversation while my wife was sharing the work event of that night!

I thought that night driving was the cream of the crop, it wasn't until I arrived at my workplace when two Officers approached me and began to tell me their hallowed tell!

I think were were 20 miles plus away from home and another crazy car passed us up at a very fast speed. We finally arrived home and settled down to figure out what happened. The next day I went to work and the two Officers pulled me off to the side in private. 

The one Officer had an ashen white look and the other was looking all around keeping anyone away while the other Officer was talking to me. His voice quivered a bit but in his eyes I can see the "fear" in his eyes, his eyes told it all before we spoken a single word.

One of them said, "Are you still messing around with that crazy time machine we been hearing about all week"? I told him I use it once or twice a day. He said, " Quit playing around with fire"! He stated, do you see what you are doing not only to yourself but to us who get in the way of things.

When I came to work the next day, I would have never dreamed anyone else would have experienced what I did using the HDR...But it indeed can affect innocent by-standards if they are in harms way!

"Do you remember we beeped at you when we passed you up around 60mph at the beginning of the trip?" I said, yeah, I waved to you as you passed. "When we passed you the first time, we were about 6-10 miles away from you!" I felt puzzled, what do you mean when you passed me the first time? He told me, I am getting to that, just listen to what I have to say.

The Officer continued: "As we were talking to each other we came up to a car driving slowly and we passed them up and my partner pointed and said, look who's there! We were passing you up the second time and there was no way you could have passed us as you and I were the only ones on the road and you never changed your speed!

So please said the Officer, stop playing with our lives and get rid of that damn machine"! They both walked away! The story never came up in any conversation since then. I told my wife what I think happened and I am sure Steven Gibbs would have agreed with me. 

This was the very same rogue vortex tuned into my energetic body that was primed using the Super HDR...We still don't know everything about this machine the HDR from Gibbs. 

When the Officers passed me up again, I told my wife they probably pulled over because of the fog and were jaw jacking back and forth. Everything we experienced on our way home was pretty much normal. 

Going home and them following us, both my wife and I and the other car was caught up in that same low level fog that transported my vehicle without us knowing in a split second or in a blink of the eye, gaining 10-15 miles over the car that put us back that far at the beginning. 

As far as we were concerned we kept our current speed and trajectory to home. We never felt any different or seen on our way home any dimensional shifts. We kept up our personal conversation as I looked around us, wondering and hoping nothing else was going to go wrong.

What had happened to all of us, Steven Gibbs told me it happens frequently to him and Carl Novella. For this to happen one has to be using the HDR regularly, everyday of the week! Even if nothing happens all week long, just keep on using the device. Eventually your timeline and others will bleed in and out all day long.

When using something like the HDR, you have no fine tuning to adjust, it's a basic radionic machine with an Electromagnet to create a time bubble around you. To keep you locked into your current reality.

Believe me when I tell you this, you all are excited to time travel using your HDR and rightly so! You vested monies to do so. I was happy with the Astral Time Traveling and spontaneous OBE's a couple times a month. I thought about physical time traveling and what the ramifications would be if my wife were to be abandoned by me for several weeks.

But don't think for a minute if this phenomena happens to you and don't think for a moment that you are prepared for it, you will not be prepared for it!! These rogue vortexes come and go like a rogue tornado in Oklahoma! How can anyone prepare if one is walking down a sidewalk in broad daylight and someone jumps and attacks you from your blindspot.

No! This type of trip is a throw of the dice! Nothing can be prepared ahead of time when using a device like the SuperHDR or something similar. I never, ever known where I was going to end up at when using the HDR. I was always aware of my locality and my wife though she didn't speak it all the time, she was afraid I would one day vanish and not come back.

This software of the SE-5 is not a radionic software that are advertised on web. This software is the doorway into the SE-5's CPU. The SE-5 is the unit that does the actual broadcasting not the software.

In the coming years ahead of the experience and I had many of them, some not as dramatical but fun and interesting just the same. The one that interested me the most was when I purchased the SE-51000 from Don Paris...Telling me his device was a purposeful design spectral analyzer when it was created by Dr. Willard Frank.

DarkField Microscope

I kid you not, it was not cheap! With my DarkField Microscope Live Blood and the SE-5 Remote Broadcaster and the SE-5 itself was around $7000.00. There are not too many individuals that would put themselves in a corner with such a device unless they have one or two targets, the first they love the research and are totally dedicated. 

Secondly, they want to try to get their funding back by offering holographic chips to the public. Both ideas are fine! Just be careful who you purchase from. They should show you by private or open video sources the exact way they create these hologram chips and what programs they provide. Not all programs are "probable", yet all programs are "Possible"!

Probabilities and Possibilities are two entirely different species! All things are "possible" but not all things are "probable"! Your selling something on Ebay and you write a program to make it sell faster (probability). You want a million dollars (possibility) but not (probable).

I just wanted you all to know before you venture to purchase such a device. The SE-5 and The SE-5 Remote Broadcaster is $5200.00! The Microscope which proves my elixirs are real and are making physical changes in the liquids by sending "Information" into it; costs $1007.00 by itself. 

I have a programmed laser that I use to shine on the fruit. What is happening the IDF's programmed into laser is now being broadcast by the photon beam focusing on the fruit for one hour everyday and being water.

This is just trivial information...But what I want tell you, I created a SE-5 written "Worded" tuning program to broadcast to myself 24/7. The tuning consisted of Time Traveling to Area 51. It worked! But it took 24/7 for two to three weeks!

Certain conditions must be met and agreed upon to turn a possibility into a probability. It's not impossible to do so, only at the early development of your honing in skills using something like the HDR or SE-5.

But I had several conditions that had to be met before doing so. I want you all to know this was an experiment, which included my 1995 SuperHDR from Steven Gibbs.  I had no conceivable thoughts this would have worked the way it did for me!

I had to type the tuning with (+)'s and (-)'s near the command requests and upon completion I set the SE-5 tuning dial to the 50% to broadcast. The Negative "wording" had a minus beside it in the software program and anything with the Plus in front of it was what I wished to happen! 

This is extremely important! I didn't want to meet MIB's or any type of Security Personnel or CIA or SS or any other type of Security! I did want to visit the big hangar in Area 51 and to see some of the captured down UFO crafts as well.

When your running such a program 24/7 one tends to forget about it after a few days into the broadcasting. I only used the HDR for 10 minutes each evening before going to bed. 

Once I created the structural link using the SE-5 to myself making sure to let the SE-5 know how long to run such a program and it showed me how many hours it would need to be ran for manifestation, it was 100 hours! What other device would or could do such a think?

KRT WORKSTATION would be my second choice if I couldn't get the SE-51000. The costs would have been the same!

All I know from day to day of this broadcasting, it took around two weeks or so using the HDR for ten minutes every night and running the SE-5 with the program that has given the specifics of who and what to see and of what not to experience, this the HDR has no control of only the SE-5 24/7. I am not sure whether I was in the body our out of the body, when I arrived to Area 51. 

I found myself on the tarmac facing a huge hangar in broad daylight with the words Area 51 printed on the semi-open hangar door. I looked around wondering where everyone was, especially the security. At the time, it never occurred to me that I wanted to be here. I just accepted that I was where I was at the moment. 

The problem with dimensional shifting verse time shifting is, with dimension shifting everything seems normal and not so out of place when experiencing it. There is nothing to give away what timeline you are on or what the date is, your just there!

I walked into the hangar and it was like  any other  plane hangar, with no planes but what I saw ahead of myself was an elevator. I walked toward the elevator still wondering where everyone was at, I pushed the button and it opened and I stepped in. It all felt natural, I think because I was in the Air Force as a Security Policeman and had to stake out certain plane hangars every so often.

I pushed the "LL" button, I guess Lower Level floor and the doors closed and it wasn't more than 6-8 seconds the elevator stopped and the doors opened and I walked out. I looked around and seen hanging electrical wiring from the ceilings. I looked over to my left and saw a work bench with portable lights hanging from the bench shelves overlooking where the people sit down and do their thing.

It looked like there was small construction being done but now it seemed like when I appeared in the are everyone dropped what they were doing and left. I seen the step ladder and a hot cup of coffee sitting on the top of the ladder still smoking out of the cup but no one around. Some of the wires were causing jettison sparks off and on. 

When I was where I wanted to go, I had no conscious awareness at that moment that my HDR and SE-5 is what brought me here in the first place. 

I came up to a work bench and seen some electronic tools I recognized and some that I never seen before and again it looked like whoever was working at the bench they just dropped everything they were doing and walked off somewhere. There were oscilloscopes and electronic testers and strange type hieroglyphics on a piece of a long metal bar.

Something caught my eyes, it was a square block which looked like aluminum and inside that block was a cut out of a hand that had only three fingers and each finger was about one or two inches in width! The block was light like feather and it had a cold touch like any other metal would feel when you pick it up.

Then I looked at this big thing under a heavy tarp two feet from the bench it was like canvass material, very difficult to move around. It had a rope or cable that attached to a loop on top the canvas and it ran all the way to the high beam and down the other side and was tied on a hook. I lifted the canvas where I could and to be sure; it was a disk but not sure if it was human made or alien made. 

It was easy to prove the SE-5 had a big part in this travel,  all I had to do to prove it was, look at the tuning program I created in the first place. 

I eventually awakened, if I was asleep in the first place. Later that afternoon I went into the SE-5 software and opened my TT protocol I designed and went through the list of the pluses what I wanted to see and experiences and the minus what I didn't want to see or experience. I was a bit dumb founded to me it had to be too perfect for this to happen but it happened just the same.

As I went through each command line, I could hardly believe my eyes! It was prĂ©cised  and the SE-5 made sure every word I wrote would come to pass! I am not sure if I included the "who, what, where, when, why and the how". Don did tell me it was of great importance to do so. I will have to keep this in mind when polishing up the TT protocol for next use.

Everything I saw was and had a (+) near it. No one was around because I didn't want any security being around and that was one of my (-)'s. Any person who would have been there would announce I was there, therefore they would be part of the security apparatus. It was like walking into a ghost town except everything was new and current, not dusty and deserted.

The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines etc. brought all their high tech equipment together for a rescue operation in the first Gulf War, when activated everything went berserk, nothing worked! Tom Bearden told them if they used the original Maxwell's theory, they could have prevented all this jamming of their equipment.

I was beside myself never really thinking it would happen in general and now it happened with all the specifics I had written down in my protocol. Now I am working on "Hologram" programming. We don't know what the limit is on placing a large program on one of these hologram chips. The jamming of the equipment was do to scalar energies interfering with their radars and communication equipments.

Imagine running my Time Travel protocol all on to a single holographic chip and attaching that chip directly to my body and probably right over my third eye while I sleep. Not only do we have the HDR involved along with the SE-5 and the Remote Broadcaster all three broadcasting a particular programs all at once, we can only guess what the results would end up like.

So far the preliminary work is encouraging but needs more research. I can free up the SE-5 because I purchased the SE-5 Remote Broadcasting Unit, it will do all the hard work freeing my SE-5 for other types of programming or similar such as expansion of the current running program. Even with a targeted TT program, there are always something that was missing and would have made the difference in succeeding and failure.

Thanks for Reading this!

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  I still use my "Super HDR" which consists of  radionics box working it with the electromagnet influences! With the sad passing o...