Saturday, April 13, 2019


There is one other device that works powerfully and it's called the "GB4000" it's cost is around $4000.00+accessories. In my opinion, this machine is great for someone who understands frequency research and do most of the research on their own!

This device called the "GB4000 has the power as a frequency generator, I will be the first to agree with the company of the touted innumerable frequencies one can experiment with and the price is where I expected it to be at $4000! If you understand "frequencies" and how to experiment with them, then this Rife (clone) machine is tailored just for you! 

I was even considering it myself but there were the "Cons" in which I had to deal with, in purchasing of such a device such as, if you purchase this device you're going to have questions about Rife frequencies for your issues on how to create those frequencies with the correct pulse etc. They throw at you a general Rife frequency book you can download for free!

You look at this manual and you wring out your hands wondering should I use this standard frequency because it states it is for "Lyme's" disease or how would I find the right combination of frequencies? You're only using basic frequencies that been around for over 50+ years! Generations change and so do people's issues.

GB4000 is a great experimental tool for using frequencies for lot's of different reasons. But it was never designed to run like a Rife Machine or like the Original developed by Royal Rife himself. I talked with a guy who purchased it and he didn't know where to start or have anyone to talk to.

The company can't help you with how to setup and run a rate for Tic infections etc., it will be up to you to locate and find someone who knows about RIFE technologies and you will have to find someone, who uses a combination of Rife frequencies with multiple successes. Good luck with that! Now you can understand why I chose TrueRife over others EM devices. 

Honestly, I don't believe for a moment these donuts work like is touted. I had many so-called ORGONIUTE as pyramids etc. Didn't effect the home or myself it was waste of money

Believe me if my health is at risk, I want to know this person's qualifications on the machine they built and if they can't help, who can! I want to know what the machine is incapable of. Some companies will have free online PDF of their equipment they are selling, this is very valuable to the shopper in order to make an inform decision. 

Again, this GB4000 machine is setup for the "Researcher" at heart,  he or she knows already what they are doing with research of unknown frequencies. Most who purchase a Rife Machine does it to help relieve them of their symptoms etc. But it's more than just pushing a button and running frequency a whole lot more involved.

The advantages of TrueRife is their network of users consisting of both professional and household uses. The company has tons of learning material for sale as well. I purchased one of there Desktop References it was fantastic and still is!

I like when I can have access to a private forum, who all use the same device and are willing to share their research work with the average person out there to all us blue collar workers, not just to those who wear the lab coats or the three piece suites and have big funding. These people are like you and I, only searching for the truth to set them free from what ails them.

If that's not enough, this company truerife, can refer you to someone if possible, in your state to talk with on the phone or email if you have additional issues in your protocols. Another thing I like about the device is, it's simple! No complicated setups! There is a company who does nothing but create TrueRife specialty programs and they are not that expensive! He has pre-recorded programs close to 200 of them.

He has over one hundred different techniques for different issues that people may have and if you can't find one, he will develop one for you! I did years of research all over the web and no company out there can come close to the helpfulness and the power of the TrueRife instrument using Electro-Magnetic Energies! The company who can create a program for you isn't part of TrueRife business. He is a private programmer!

The above Rife Device has no software program like the TrueRife company has with its F-117 Frequency generator. You just get a copy of generic frequencies you can try but no specific created programs for you to try. That's up to you!

I don't have to try to figure out combinations of frequencies that were anecdotally proven time and time again of those practitioners who use the TrueRife F-117 Frequency Generator big plus. I will have access within its software tens of thousands of Rife frequencies and hundreds of combinations for certain maladies and one can experiment with doing their own combination using cut and paste functions and a very simple layout using TrueRife language to create and run your own programs. 

You can go to your program folder on "lyme" disease and go to another folder that has a similar frequencies combination; then copy this program from this second folder and we copy it and paste it within your primary folder your currently going to use; thus running two different programs all at the same time and all at the same folder!

At the bottom of this stack above is the F-117 Frequency Generator that operates through all Rife frequencies using EM Waves. The top module is the GRS Scanner to scan your body for rogue frequencies and unknown type frequencies and it automatically creates a program to counter what it has recorded from the person!

Just remember the more programs you use, the more time you will have to sit there in front of the machine running those frequencies. You will figure it out, truerife made hundreds of folders with related frequencies, all the guess work has been eliminated for the normal lay person out there like myself included. I don't have the time nor do I want to spend it on figuring out which frequencies or combinational frequencies I can use or shouldn't use on myself. The truerife's customer base forum are very helpful in this area of interest.

Since you have a well constructed Rife filing system at your finger tips it's as simple ABC steps. If you want to design your own frequency combinations, truerife gives you the basic format and takes out the mystery coding your own program. A lot of people on the truerife program forum create their own programs with great success, I am not saying all of them and I am sure many have created these sets with no success. But it only takes 2-3% of that 2000 network base to come up with a brand-new frequency set for many issues and are generally successful when it does happen.

When a person invests a quarter of their life savings into a machine for general or specific means, the first thing we don't want to happen is say, "Now What"! "What am I suppose to do?" now! Don't be surprise, it still happens today! The "Ad" makes it like we will do it all for you! The GB4000 is one of those such devices that carries those quotes.

You read it right, there are over 2000+ truerife owners/users who are in constant communication with each other on this private forum. Can't say that I blame them for keeping it private, I've been at "open" forums and it's so annoying having other "sellers" and "fake" reporting to try to sell their own machines and for someone like myself, who is trying to get the true information, we are blocked by what some call "Agitators", who constantly come in and out of "non-private" forums, making all kinds of noise and bluster and I, the "information seeker", just gives up and moves on somewhere else. 

Take a look at "truerife" on YouTube and you will get a huge amount of information. I purchased their "DeskTop" Reference Guide around $75.00...It was the best purchase I have made since then. This guide gave me personal testimonies and grotesque pictures of "before and after" using the frequency protocols in the TrueRife folders. It's loaded with information on all the accessories or bells and whistles you can add-on if you feel the need to do so.

My favorite add-on is the truerife is a modified polygraph device which is around 85% accurate or a little more, reading the CNS or central nervous system. When you place the two of the electrodes on your body the machine will begin the scanning process, when it detects an abnormality frequency feedback signal that differs from its programmed baseline. 

It will sound off an alarm and the operator will rebalance the device to continue the scan. It takes around 30-45 minutes for the scan to complete. But all the alarms are automatically recorded and another program is automatically completed to counter bad issues. But remember the results of the frequencies it runs into isn't necessarily what the problem is! Sure there is a problem, so just run the program it built around your scan!

One of the most unique thing about the truerife machine is the add-on module called the "GSR Scanner"! It's the only device in the world that cost around $600+ and the only module in the world that actually scans the body for realtime results-No radionic here! Uses real scanning frequencies and listens to the bodies echo on the modified polygraph device.

Once completed, you go to the F-117 software program and there will be a folder with your scan results and it will also have a counter program to run on yourself at anytime you want. For each bad frequency that alarms out the scanning program in the background is creating an anti-program to correct the possible maladies. 

The top machine in this stack is the "Scanner" in fact the only one in the entire world that seemingly works with the True Rife F117 and their newer model.

With the scanned results also, it will give you a recorded list of the bad frequencies it discovered and generally let you know what it maybe but not necessarily though that you have such a thing. In any event, once the scan is completed just run the counter program on yourself.

You can run this anytime for however long you want...You can take your next scan in about 3-4 weeks and check the list to see if the same bad frequencies are still showing up or not. For example: The generated list may show "lyme" disease and as you scan the report "Lyme's" shows up three or four times on different lines. 

This could indicate you have lyme disease or something close (Unknown) frequency not yet discovered before! In any event, you would do the same thing, just run the program on yourself. From whom I talked with and emailed, they told me the scanner is 80-90% accurate!

The owner and businessman of truerife instruments, he talks to describe the GSRII Scanner!

The other 20% of mis-diagnosed scanned frequencies would consist of, "user" errors and the frequencies that were not programmed into the base program, thus would be an "unknown" frequency...nothing to compare it with...This device costs an extra $500.00 on top of what you already paid for. 

This is a real bargain, you can't find a Rife Scanner anywhere online and there is an overseas type scanner that cost $3000.00+ and it was taken apart by an electronic repair man and everything was catalog and he gave no glimmer of hope that it worked as the manufacturer has described it to work. I believe it was called, F-Scan. He gave a detailed report!

The F-117 Frequency Generator is an Atlier Robins model that was modified by truerife engineers to work as a EM device! The double bubble bulb puts out around 1800 volts!

So, it would cost me with the scanner plus the F-117 frequency generator around $$3700.00 which includes my state tax! This machine was geared toward higher income people and semi and professional work. But it's easy enough to operate just from home like many do. 

It's a Atlier Robin frequency generator the best there is out there for the money. It too was specially modified generator from TR engineers who did the modification for this instrument. The other add on I definitely have to get first and foremost is the "Foot Bath" the F-117 sends the frequencies from the generator into the foot bath modular unit through the water into the feet.

The TrueRife Foot Bath Using the Thermal Matrix heater that keep the water around 90 degrees continuously.

The program (s) will send the frequency into the water into your feet and through your whole circulatory system and then draws out those impurities creating neg and pos ions, as they will show up as "gook" and "nasties" inside the water when drawn out of the body through the feet. 

I think this "Foot Bath" used in TrueRife was genius! Yeah, he makes money on all accessories, but his accessories are very expensive to procure to sell and they work really well.

Once you are cleaned inside after a couple uses, the water coming out of your body with the before toxins, instead of black and murky will be a light Carmel color suggesting your as clean as you can get on the inside from toxic poisons and metals etc. 

This may take several or more sessions for this to happen and it depends how bad your body currently has buildups from toxins from a poor diet up to just about anything, when the body itself is considered. 

This is the double bubble truerife which connects directly to the F-117 frequency generator!

Breaking in down the TrueRife:

True Rife: F-117 Frequency Generator:$2935.00
Grounding Pillow, this is a must have:$85.00
Double Bubble including the stand:$525.00
Thermal Matrix Heater: $205.00
Scanning Patches: $125.00 
Foot-bath Module: $120.00
GSR-3 Rife Scanner Unit: $615.00 (sits on top of generator)
Spiral handheld bulb: $265.00
Color Wand Ground: $50.00

The above is basics minus if you don't want the Rife Scanning Unit, the total = $4925.00+ $384.00 Tax = $5309.00 (The whole body scanner, modified polygraph unit is not included ($500.00)...Most of the meat and potatoes of the system is the software version 6 that is built into the generator and everything you command the generator to accomplish is done through its software program. 

I spent years talking with truerife users and I can call them uninvited right now and asked them if their units are doing what its suppose to do and always, they say, "Yes" and much more! This is not like some of the toys out there on the markets. This EM device has software that will knock off your socks! Watch Mike on youtube and get a real lesson on using a Real Rife!

When an author of any articles, that a person should be familiar with the subject being discussed. He or She should have enough research over the years to satisfy most general information about such devices. Being able to explain why certain factors of the subject happen they way they do.

All the information presented to you is from memory and recent updates I receive from truerife every single month from their newsletters! These newsletters are filled with testimonies and pictures of their issues and successes with such a device. You also get automatic updates on your frequencies or sets of frequencies each and every month for free! 

This GSR II is a whole body scanner using a built in baseline and if there are any questionable issues the machine will sound off and it will be internally recorded. Once the scanning is complete, which can take up to one to two hours, click on it's folder and you will see a list of questionable frequency feedback. The scanner then automatically creates from the bodies bio-feed back, a detailed new program to run to correct the deficiencies or questionable anti-frequencies.

The information and updates on the frequency sets, helped many people. when otherwise would have took the user a much longer time to come up with the result and it was used with success and it was give to half a dozen others who suffer the same fate and it became successful, Before sending the information out to the user's it's looked at by truerife engineers and lastly it's published for you to copy by clicking on "update" button in your software program!

Lastly, food for thought! There is one drawdown! Yes, even with a good device like the here is my issue, I am not a doctor or specialist or herbalist or naturalist, I don't know if I have anything wrong with me whether serious or minor and all I have is the scanner to give me a reflective view on what's going on inside my body...would you 100% trust a modify polygraph machine to tell you, you may have cancer and in reality you don't! Imagine the fear one would have to go through just worrying about this!

Any Rife machine that is worth its salt is a machine that corrects disorders if and here's the catch, if you know definitely what your medical malady is! So, if you go to the doctors and you're told you have cancer of the spleen, now you know and you could run some frequencies or programmed sets to help you in the process of healing! 

What if you don't have insurance and you can't afford the out of pocket expense for tests? Now you have a $3000+ machine in your possession and where does one go to find out how to diagnosis what you may or may not have before you can even use your Rife in the first place?

Stayed tuned into this blog about another device invented at the beginning of WWII. How Tesla was a big help in getting the unit up and running and neither engineer knew what they had until tests at major hospitals were done worldwide. They knew the theory but now they know the facts!

Next weeks article may solve the above issue and it may surprise you that the device I will share with you was used in hospitals all over Europe plus in the USA in the 1940's and cancer was being cured along with other maladies both known and unknown. It's even easier to use than any Rife machine on the market! It was created by a Frenchman with the help of Nikola Tesla. When the adjustments were made this device worked what seemed like miracles!

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